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Oligofructose supplementation (10%) during pregnancy and lactation does not change the inflammatory effect of concurrent trans fatty acid ingestion on 21-day-old offspring

Texto completo
Losinskas Hachul, Ana Claudia [1] ; Mennitti, Lais Vales [2] ; de Oliveira, Juliana Lopes [1] ; Moreno, Mayara Franzoi [1] ; Okuda, Marcos Hiromu [1] ; dos Santos, Bruno [1] ; Oyama, Lila Missae [1] ; Ribeiro, Eliane Beraldi [1] ; Oller do Nascimento, Claudia Maria [1] ; Pisani, Luciana Pellegrini [2]
Número total de Autores: 10
Afiliação do(s) autor(es):
[1] Univ Fed Sao Paulo, Escola Paulista Med, Disciplina Fisiol Nutr, Dept Fis, Sao Paulo - Brazil
[2] Univ Fed Sao Paulo, Inst Saude & Sociedade, Dept Biociencias, Santos, SP - Brazil
Número total de Afiliações: 2
Tipo de documento: Artigo Científico
Citações Web of Science: 7

Background: Previously, we demonstrated that trans fatty acid ingestion during pregnancy and lactation caused a pro-inflammatory effect on the newborn. The opposite effect was described for gestational prebiotic intake. In the present study, we examined whether supplementation of the diet of the dams with 10% of oligofructose with or without hydrogenated vegetable fat during pregnancy and lactation affected the pro-inflammatory status on the pups at age 21 days. Methods: On the first day of pregnancy, rats were divided into four groups, each of which received one of four diets: a control diet (C group), a control diet supplemented with 10% oligofructose (CF group), a diet enriched with hydrogenated vegetable fat containing trans fatty acids (T group) or a diet enriched with hydrogenated vegetable fat containing trans fatty acids supplemented with 10% oligofructose (TF group). The pups were weighed at birth and at 7, 14 and 21 days of life and were euthanized on post-natal day 21. The serum glucose, insulin and adiponectin concentrations were analyzed. The IL-6, IL-10 and TNF-alpha contents of the retroperitoneal white adipose tissue, liver, soleus and extensor digital longus muscles were analyzed by ELISA. The results are presented as the means +/- standard error of the mean. Statistical significance was assessed using two-way ANOVA, followed by Tukey's test and considered significant at p < 0.05 Results: The body weights of the 21-day old pups in the CF and TF groups were significant lower than those of the C (27% and 21%) and T (25% and 19%, respectively) groups. The serum levels of adiponectin in the CF, T and TF groups were lower than in the C group (41%; 34% and 31%, respectively). In the retroperitoneal adipose tissue, the IL-6 content was increased in TF group relative to the C and CF groups (74% for both), and the TNF-alpha content was higher in the T and TF groups than in the C group (62% and 98%, respectively). In the liver, the TNF-alpha (56% and 104%) and IL-10 (52% and 73%) contents were increased in the CF group relative to the C and TF groups. Conclusions: Supplementation of the diet of the dams with 10% of oligofructose during pregnancy and lactation, independent of supplementation with hydrogenated vegetable fat, adversely affected the development of the offspring and contributed to development of a pro-inflammatory status in the pups on postnatal day 21. (AU)

Processo FAPESP: 11/19426-2 - Efeito da ingestão de dieta enriquecida com prebióticos nos mecanismo intracelulares envolvidos com o desenvolvimento de resistência à insulina, na prole, com 21 e 90 dias de vida, de mães tratadas com ácidos graxos trans, durante a gestação e lactação
Beneficiário:Luciana Pellegrini Pisani
Modalidade de apoio: Auxílio à Pesquisa - Regular