Protective effects of lemongrass (Cymbopogon citra... - BV FAPESP
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Protective effects of lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus STAPF) essential oil on DNA damage and carcinogenesis in female Balb/C mice

Texto completo
Bidinotto, Lucas T. [1] ; Costa, Celso A. R. A. [2] ; Salvadori, Daisy M. F. [1] ; Costa, Mirtes [2] ; Rodrigues, Maria A. M. [1] ; Barbisan, Luis F. [3, 1]
Número total de Autores: 6
Afiliação do(s) autor(es):
[1] Univ Estadual Paulista, UNESP, Fac Med, Dept Patol, BR-18618970 Botucatu, SP - Brazil
[2] Univ Estadual Paulista, UNESP, Inst Biociencias, Dept Farmacol, BR-18618970 Botucatu, SP - Brazil
[3] Univ Estadual Paulista, UNESP, Sao Paulo State Univ, Dept Morphol, Inst Biosci, BR-18618970 Botucatu, SP - Brazil
Número total de Afiliações: 3
Tipo de documento: Artigo Científico
Fonte: JOURNAL OF APPLIED TOXICOLOGY; v. 31, n. 6, p. 536-544, AUG 2011.
Citações Web of Science: 17

This study investigated the protective effect of oral treatment with lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus STAPF) essential oil (LGEO) on leukocyte DNA damage induced by N-methyl-N-nitrosurea (MNU). Also, the anticarcinogenic activity of LGEO was investigated in a multi-organ carcinogenesis bioassay induced by 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)antracene, 1,2-dimethylhydrazine and N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxibuthyl)nitrosamine in Balb/C female Balb/c mice (DDB-initiated mice). In the short-term study, the animals were allocated into three groups: vehicle group (negative control), MNU group (positive control) and LGEO 500 mg kg(-1) (five times per week for 5 weeks) plus MNU group (test group). Blood samples were collected to analyze leukocyte DNA damage by comet assay 4 h after each MNU application at the end of weeks 3 and 5. The LGEO 500 mg kg(-1) treated group showed significantly lower (P < 0.01) leukocyte DNA damage than its respective positive group exposed to MNU alone at week 3. In the medium-term study, DDB-initiated mice were allocated into three groups: vehicle group (positive control) and LGEO 125 or 500 mg kg(-1) (five times per week for 6 weeks; test groups). At week 20, all animals were euthanized and mammary glands, colon and urinary bladder were processed for histopathological analyses for detection of preneoplastic and neoplastic lesions. A slight non-significant effect of treatment with LGEO 500 mg kg(-1) in reducing development of alveolar and ductal mammary hyperplasia was found (P = 0.075). Our findings indicate that lemongrass essential oil provided protective action against MNU-induced DNA damage and a potential anticarcinogenic activity against mammary carcinogenesis in DDB-initiated female Balb/C mice. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley \& Sons, Ltd. (AU)

Processo FAPESP: 06/07195-8 - Estudo farmacológico e neuroquímico dos óleos essenciais de Cymbopogon citratus (DC) Stapf e Citrus aurantium L.
Beneficiário:Celso Acácio Rodrigues de Almeida Costa
Modalidade de apoio: Bolsas no Brasil - Doutorado
Processo FAPESP: 06/58174-0 - Efeitos do oleo essencial de cymbopogon citratus stapf (capim-limao) sobre o processo de carcinogenese quimica em femeas balb/c.
Beneficiário:Lucas Tadeu Bidinotto
Modalidade de apoio: Bolsas no Brasil - Mestrado