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Effects of industrial sorbitan monolaurate on the crystallization and consistency of zero trans-fat from soybeans

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Ming, Chiu Chih ; Goncalves, Lireny Ap. G.
Número total de Autores: 2
Tipo de documento: Artigo Científico
Fonte: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF LIPID SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY; v. 117, n. 11, p. 8-pg., 2015-11-01.

Soybean-based zero trans-fats have been widely used in the production of fat products as an alternative to hydrogenated fats. Recent studies have shown the use of emulsifiers to modify fat crystallization and texture. The main aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the addition of industrial sorbitan monolaurate (SMLa; from different suppliers) to soybean-based interesterified fat (SIF). The samples were classified as follows: SIF without the addition of SMLa (control) and SIF with 0.5% SMLaA, 0.5% SMLaB, and 0.5% SMLa C. All samples were evaluated based on the following parameters: solid-fat content, isothermal crystallization, thermal behavior, and consistency. The results showed that the addition of SML a influenced the fat crystallization mechanism and texture. In addition, the effects of emulsifiers from different suppliers varied in their intensity. The SMLa B fat was consistent at 15 degrees C. The differences in the results for the analyzed parameters depending on the source may be related to a deviation in the sorbitan ester composition, which may be caused by differences in the chain lengths of the esterified fatty acids and the relative amounts of sorbitan mono-, di-, and tri-esters in the sorbitan molecule. Practical applications: Additives can have a significant effect on the crystallization of fat. It is shown that the effects of industrial emulsifiers from different suppliers vary. (AU)

Processo FAPESP: 09/53006-0 - Modificação, controle e estabilização do comportamento de cristalização e polimorfismo em gorduras, com ênfase na manteiga de cacau e no óleo de palma
Beneficiário:Theo Guenter Kieckbusch
Modalidade de apoio: Auxílio à Pesquisa - Temático
Processo FAPESP: 11/17459-0 - Alterações das propriedades cristalinas e polimórficas do óleo de palma e da gordura interesterificada base soja/soja através do uso de ésteres de sorbitana.
Beneficiário:Chiu Chih Ming
Modalidade de apoio: Bolsas no Brasil - Pós-Doutorado