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Diagnostic reference level quantities for adult chest and abdomen-pelvis CT examinations: correlation with organ doses

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Costa, Paulo Roberto ; Tomal, Alessandra ; de Oliveira Castro, Jullianna Cristina ; Nunes, Isabella Paziam Fernandes ; Nersissian, Denise Yanikian ; Sawamura, Marcio Valente Yamada ; Leao Filho, Hilton ; Lee, Choonsik
Número total de Autores: 8
Tipo de documento: Artigo Científico
Fonte: INSIGHTS INTO IMAGING; v. 14, n. 1, p. 13-pg., 2023-04-07.

ObjectivesTo evaluate correlations between DRL quantities (DRLq) stratified into patient size groups for non-contrast chest and abdomen-pelvis CT examinations in adult patients and the corresponding organ doses.MethodsThis study presents correlations between DRLq (CTDIvol, DLP and SSDE) stratified into patient size ranges and corresponding organ doses shared in four groups: inside, peripheral, distributed and outside. The demographic, technical and dosimetric parameters were used to identify the influence of these quantities in organ doses. A robust statistical method was implemented in order to establish these correlations and its statistical significance.ResultsMedian values of the grouped organ doses are presented according to the effective diameter ranges. Organ doses in the regions inside the imaged area are higher than the organ doses in peripheral, distributed and outside regions, excepted to the peripheral doses associated with chest examinations. Different levels of statistical significance between organ doses and the DRLq were presented.ConclusionsCorrelations between DRLq and target-organ doses associated with clinical practice can support guidance's to the establishment of optimization criteria. SSDE demonstrated to be significant in the evaluation of organ doses is also highlighted. The proposed model allows the design of optimization actions with specific risk-reduction results. (AU)

Processo FAPESP: 18/05982-0 - P&D&I em metrologia das radiações na área da saúde
Beneficiário:Linda Viola Ehlin Caldas
Modalidade de apoio: Auxílio à Pesquisa - Temático
Processo FAPESP: 21/08923-7 - Redes neurais aplicadas à geração de modelos de mama para dosimetria em modalidades de imagens por raios X
Beneficiário:Alessandra Tomal
Modalidade de apoio: Auxílio à Pesquisa - Regular