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Structure and Chemical Composition of ca. 10-Million-Year-Old (Late Miocene of Western Amazon) and Present-Day Teeth of Related Species

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Pessoa-Lima, Caroline ; Tostes-Figueiredo, Jonas ; Macedo-Ribeiro, Natalia ; Hsiou, Annie Schmaltz ; Muniz, Fellipe Pereira ; Maulin, Jose Augusto ; Franceschini-Santos, Vinicius H. ; de Sousa, Frederico Barbosa ; Barbosa Jr, Fernando ; Peres Line, Sergio Roberto ; Gerlach, Raquel Fernanda ; Langer, Max Cardoso
Número total de Autores: 12
Tipo de documento: Artigo Científico
Fonte: BIOLOGY-BASEL; v. 11, n. 11, p. 22-pg., 2022-11-01.

Simple Summary The dental enamel is the most mineralized tissue of vertebrates, and its preservation in fossil records is important to better understand the ancient life and environment on Earth. However, the association of morphological features with the mineral and organic information of this tissue is still poorly understood. This study aims to compare morphological features and chemical composition of dental enamel of extinct and extant species of alligators and rodents. Organic, mineral, and water content were obtained on ground sections of four teeth, resulting in a higher organic volume than previously expected (up to 49%). It is observed that both modern and fossil enamel exhibit the same major constituents: 36.7% calcium, 17.2% phosphorus, and 41% oxygen, characteristic of hydroxyapatite, the biomineral of vertebrates. Twenty-seven microelements were measured from superficial enamel. Zinc was the most abundant microelement, followed by lead, iron, magnesium, and aluminium. Semiprismatic enamel was observed in the alligator fossil. The fossilized enamel was in an excellent state for microscopic analyses. Results show that all major dental enamel's physical, chemical, and morphological features are present both in extant and extinct fossil tooth enamel (>8.5 Ma) in both taxa. Molecular information has been gathered from fossilized dental enamel, the best-preserved tissue of vertebrates. However, the association of morphological features with the possible mineral and organic information of this tissue is still poorly understood in the context of the emerging area of paleoproteomics. This study aims to compare the morphological features and chemical composition of dental enamel of extinct and extant terrestrial vertebrates of Crocodylia: Purussaurus sp. (extinct) and Melanosuchus niger (extant), and Rodentia: Neoepiblema sp. (extinct) and Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris (extant). To obtain structural and chemical data, superficial and internal enamel were analyzed by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (SEM-EDS). Organic, mineral, and water content were obtained using polarizing microscopy and microradiography on ground sections of four teeth, resulting in a higher organic volume than previously expected (up to 49%). It is observed that both modern and fossil tooth enamel exhibit the same major constituents: 36.7% Ca, 17.2% P, and 41% O, characteristic of hydroxyapatite. Additionally, 27 other elements were measured from superficial enamel by inductively coupled mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Zinc was the most abundant microelement detected, followed by Pb, Fe, Mg, and Al. Morphological features observed include enamel rods in the rodent teeth, while incremental lines and semiprismatic enamel were observed in the alligator species. The fossil enamel was in an excellent state for microscopic analyses. Results show that all major dental enamel's physical, chemical, and morphological features are present both in extant and extinct fossil tooth enamel (>8.5 Ma) in both taxa. (AU)

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Modalidade de apoio: Auxílio à Pesquisa - Programa Equipamentos Multiusuários
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Modalidade de apoio: Auxílio à Pesquisa - Temático