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Short-term effect of non-surgical periodontal treatment on local and systemic cytokine levels: Role of hyperglycemia

Texto completo
Rabelo, Mariana de Sousa [1, 2] ; Gomes, Giovane Hisse [1] ; Foz, Adriana Moura [1] ; Stadler, Amanda Finger [3] ; Cutler, Christopher W. [2] ; Susin, Cristiano [3] ; Romito, Giuseppe Alexandre [1]
Número total de Autores: 7
Afiliação do(s) autor(es):
[1] Univ Sao Paulo, Sch Dent, Div Periodont, Dept Stomatol, Sao Paulo - Brazil
[2] Augusta Univ, Dent Coll Georgia, Dept Periodont, Augusta, GA - USA
[3] Univ N Carolina, Adams Sch Dent, Div Comprehens Oral Hlth, Periodontol, Chapel Hill, NC 27515 - USA
Número total de Afiliações: 3
Tipo de documento: Artigo Científico
Fonte: CYTOKINE; v. 138, FEB 2021.
Citações Web of Science: 0

Background: The effect of non-surgical periodontal treatment on oral and systemic inflammatory mediators in subjects with periodontitis and hyperglycemia remains largely unknown. Therefore, the aim of this clinical study was to compare the short-term effect of non-surgical periodontal treatment on serum, saliva and GCF inflammatory markers levels in GP subjects with or without hyperglycemia. Methods: Sixty subjects divided into four groups of equal size were selected to participate: type 2 diabetics with generalized periodontitis (T2DM + GP), pre-diabetics with GP (PD + GP), normoglycemic subjects with GP (NG + GP), and healthy controls. GCF, serum, and saliva samples were obtained at baseline and 30 days after scaling and root planning (SRP) and the levels of interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta), IL-8, IL-6, IL-2, IL-5, IL-4, IL-10, Interferon gamma (IFN-gamma), Granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) and Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) were determined by ultrasensitive multiplex assay. Clinical periodontal measurements were recorded. Results: SRP yielded significant improvement of all periodontal parameters for all GP groups (p < 0.01). A significant reduction in GCF levels of several cytokines were observed; however, only IL-1B and IFN-gamma were consistently reduced post-treatment across all GP groups. Salivary levels of IL-1 beta were significantly reduced in all GP groups following treatment. No significant differences were observed for serum levels after SRP. Conclusions: Periodontal treatment reduced local inflammatory markers, specifically IL-1B and IFN-gamma, irrespective of the diabetes status. Periodontal treatment had no significant effect on serum levels of the inflammatory markers evaluated in this study. (AU)

Processo FAPESP: 11/06982-4 - Tratamento periodontal e controle metabólico de pacientes com Diabetes tipo 2
Beneficiário:Giuseppe Alexandre Romito
Modalidade de apoio: Auxílio à Pesquisa - Regular