Cocaine-induced behavioral sensitization is greate... - BV FAPESP
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Cocaine-induced behavioral sensitization is greater in adolescent than in adult mice and heightens cocaine-induced conditioned place preference in adolescents

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Camarini, Rosana [1] ; Hoffmann, Lucas Barbosa [1] ; Suarez, Andrea [2] ; Rae, Mariana [1] ; Marcourakis, Tania [3] ; Pautassi, Ricardo Marcos [2]
Número total de Autores: 6
Afiliação do(s) autor(es):
[1] Univ Sao Paulo, Inst Ciencias Biomed, Dept Farmacol, Av Prof Lineu Prestes 1524, BR-05508900 Sao Paulo - Brazil
[2] Univ Nacl Cordoba, CONICET, INIMEC, Inst Invest Med Mercedes & Martin Ferreyra, Friuli 2434, RA-5000 Cordoba, Pcia De Cordoba - Argentina
[3] Univ Sao Paulo, Fac Ciencias Farmaceut, Dept Anal Clin & Toxicol, Av Prof Lineu Prestes, 580 B1 13B, BR-05508900 Sao Paulo - Brazil
Número total de Afiliações: 3
Tipo de documento: Artigo Científico
Fonte: Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior; v. 181, p. 60-68, JUN 2019.
Citações Web of Science: 0

Adolescents are more sensitive than adults to the neural and behavioral effects of psychostimulants, and exhibit greater vulnerability to drug abuse, dependence or relapse into these conditions. We have reported that cocaine pretreatment during adolescence promotes the expression of behavioral sensitization to a greater extent than when the pretreatment occurs at adulthood. Behavioral sensitization has been associated to the transition from drug use to addiction and is postulated to indicate heightened sensitivity to the appetitive motivational effects of drugs. The relationship between behavioral sensitization and conventional measures of drug reward, such as conditioned place preference (CPP), has yet to be thoroughly investigated, and little is known about age-related differences in this phenomenon. The present study tested cocaine-induced CPP in adolescent and adult mice exposed to cocaine (or vehicle) pretreatment, either in an intermittent or ``binge{''} (i.e., heavy cocaine use on a single occasion, which increases the likelihood of experiencing cocaine-related problems) fashion. Cocaine administration induced behavioral sensitization to a greater extent in adolescent than in adult mice. Cocaine induced CPP was fairly similar in vehicle pretreated adolescent and adult mice, yet greater in adolescent vs. adults after cocaine-induced sensitization. The results confirmed the higher sensitivity of adolescent mice to cocaine-induced behavioral sensitization and suggest its association with greater sensitivity to cocaine's rewarding effects. (AU)

Processo FAPESP: 17/11987-1 - Herança epigenética transgeracional e enriquecimento ambiental em camundongos machos: investigação de comportamentos dependentes do hipocampo na prole e o envolvimento de epididimossomos
Beneficiário:Lucas Barbosa Hoffmann
Modalidade de apoio: Bolsas no Brasil - Mestrado
Processo FAPESP: 12/10260-7 - Análise das vias de ativação do CREB em camungondos adolescentes e adultos tratados com cocaína.
Beneficiário:Rosana Camarini
Modalidade de apoio: Auxílio à Pesquisa - Regular