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The biodiversity cost of carbon sequestration in tropical savanna

Texto completo
Abreu, Rodolfo C. R. [1] ; Hoffmann, William A. [1] ; Vasconcelos, Heraldo L. [2] ; Pilon, Natashi A. [3, 4] ; Rossatto, Davi R. [5] ; Durigan, Giselda [3]
Número total de Autores: 6
Afiliação do(s) autor(es):
[1] North Carolina State Univ, Dept Plant & Microbial Biol, Raleigh, NC 27695 - USA
[2] Univ Fed Uberlandia, Inst Biol, Ave Para 1720, BR-38405320 Uberlandia, MG - Brazil
[3] Inst Florestal, Floresta Estadual Assis, Lab Ecol & Hidrol Florestal, BR-19802970 Sao Paulo - Brazil
[4] Univ Estadual Campinas UNICAMP, Inst Biol, Caixa Postal 6109, BR-13083865 Sao Paulo - Brazil
[5] Univ Estadual Paulista UNESP, Dept Biol, Campus Jaboticabal, BR-14884900 Sao Paulo - Brazil
Número total de Afiliações: 5
Tipo de documento: Artigo Científico
Fonte: SCIENCE ADVANCES; v. 3, n. 8 AUG 2017.
Citações Web of Science: 41

Tropical savannas have been increasingly viewed as an opportunity for carbon sequestration through fire suppression and afforestation, but insufficient attention has been given to the consequences for biodiversity. To evaluate the biodiversity costs of increasing carbon sequestration, we quantified changes in ecosystemcarbon stocks and the associated changes in communities of plants and ants resulting from fire suppression in savannas of the Brazilian Cerrado, a global biodiversity hotspot. Fire suppression resulted in increased carbon stocks of 1.2 Mg ha(-1) year(-1) since 1986 but was associated with acute species loss. In sites fully encroached by forest, plant species richness declined by 27%, and ant richness declined by 35%. Richness of savanna specialists, the species most at risk of local extinction due to forest encroachment, declined by 67% for plants and 86% for ants. This loss highlights the important role of fire in maintaining biodiversity in tropical savannas, a role that is not reflected in current policies of fire suppression throughout the Brazilian Cerrado. In tropical grasslands and savannas throughout the tropics, carbon mitigation programs that promote forest cover cannot be assumed to provide net benefits for conservation. (AU)

Processo FAPESP: 16/17888-2 - Efeito da queima prescrita e da geada sobre a diversidade e estrutura do estrato herbáceo-arbustivo do Cerrado
Beneficiário:Natashi Aparecida Lima Pilon
Modalidade de apoio: Bolsas no Brasil - Doutorado