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Biomineralized diamond-like carbon films with incorporated titanium dioxide nanoparticles improved bioactivity properties and reduced biofilm formation

Texto completo
Lopes, F. S. ; Oliveira, J. R. ; Milani, J. ; Oliveira, L. D. ; Machado, J. P. B. ; Trava-Airoldi, V. J. ; Lobo, A. O. ; Marciano, F. R.
Número total de Autores: 8
Tipo de documento: Artigo Científico
Fonte: Materials Science & Engineering C-Materials for Biological Applications; v. 81, p. 373-379, DEC 1 2017.
Citações Web of Science: 6

Recently, the development of coatings to protect biomedical alloys from oxidation, passivation and to reduce the ability for a bacterial biofilm to form after implantation has emerged. Diamond-like carbon films are commonly used for implanted medical due to their physical and chemical characteristics, showing good interactions with the biological environment. However, these properties can be significantly improved when titanium dioxide nanoparticles are included, especially to enhance the bactericidal properties of the films. So far, the deposition of hydroxyapatite on the film surface has been studied in order to improve biocompatibility and bioactive behavior. Herein, we developed a new route to obtain a homogeneous and crystalline apatite coating on diamond-like carbon films grown on 304 biomedical stainless steel and evaluated its antibacterial effect. For this purpose, films containing two different concentrations of titanium dioxide (0.1 and 0.3 g/L) were obtained by chemical vapor deposition. To obtain the apatite layer, the samples were soaked in simulated body fluid solution for up to 21 days. The antibacterial activity of the films was evaluated by bacterial eradication tests using Staphylococcus aureus biofilm. Scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, Raman scattering spectroscopy, and goniometry showed that homogeneous, crystalline, and hydrophilic apatite films were formed independently of the titanium dioxide concentration. Interestingly, the diamond-like films containing titanium dioxide and hydroxyapatite reduced the biofilm formation compared to controls. A synergism between hydroxyapatite and titanium dioxide that provided an antimicrobial effect against opportunistic pathogens was clearly observed. (AU)

Processo FAPESP: 12/15857-1 - Estudos científicos e aplicações inovadoras em diamante-CVD, Diamond-Like Carbon (DLC) e carbono nanoestruturado, obtidos por deposição química na fase vapor
Beneficiário:Vladimir Jesus Trava-Airoldi
Modalidade de apoio: Auxílio à Pesquisa - Temático
Processo FAPESP: 11/17877-7 - Desenvolvimento de novos scaffolds poliméricos por eletrofiação com incorporação de nanotubos alinhados e nanohidroxiapatita para regeneração óssea
Beneficiário:Anderson de Oliveira Lobo
Modalidade de apoio: Auxílio à Pesquisa - Jovens Pesquisadores
Processo FAPESP: 11/20345-7 - Estudo de filmes de carbono-tipo diamante contendo nanopartículas incorporadas para aplicações biomédicas
Beneficiário:Fernanda Roberta Marciano
Modalidade de apoio: Auxílio à Pesquisa - Jovens Pesquisadores
Processo FAPESP: 14/11491-8 - Estudo da biomineralização de filmes de carbono-tipo diamante contendo nanopartículas de dióxido de titânio incorporadas
Beneficiário:Juliana Milani
Modalidade de apoio: Bolsas no Brasil - Iniciação Científica
Processo FAPESP: 15/09697-0 - Eletrofiação de novos nanobiomateriais funcionais à base de peptídeos e polímeros bottlebrush para engenharia tecidual
Beneficiário:Anderson de Oliveira Lobo
Modalidade de apoio: Bolsas no Exterior - Pesquisa
Processo FAPESP: 16/00575-1 - Biomembranas funcionais a base de peptídeos e polímeros bottlebrush aplicados a engenharia de tecidos
Beneficiário:Fernanda Roberta Marciano
Modalidade de apoio: Bolsas no Exterior - Pesquisa