Luciana Lima Domingues de Souza - BV FAPESP
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Luciana Lima Domingues de Souza

CV Lattes ResearcherID ORCID

Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas Ambientais (NEPAM)  (Instituição Sede da última proposta de pesquisa)
País de origem: Brasil

FAPESP Fellow and PhD Student NEPAM/UNICAMP. Full dedication to the international research "The sociopolitical face of the climate crisis and extreme events: a study with the ecovillages of São Paulo and Bavaria". Master in Sustainability from PUC Campinas. Graduated in Law from PUC Campinas and in Industriekauffrau from AHK/IKK - Germany. Legal Consultant specialized in the Third Sector, Communities, Land and Environmental Regularization in Brazil and abroad for over 17 years. Member of the Advisory Committee on Ecological Change and Environmental Justice [CAMEJA], a body of the Executive Board of Human Rights at the State University of Campinas [UNICAMP]. Member of Jornal da UNICAMP. Member of LABGEC [Global Environmental Laboratory of the Southern Hemisphere], at UNICAMP. Member of Coletivo Emergência Climática, at UNICAMP. Member of the Global Ecovillage Network GEN EUROPE. Member of the Circle of Research and Studies on Ecovillages and Sustainable Communities of the Council for Sustainable Settlements - CASA BRASIL and the Círculo Derechos de Tierra Madre of the Council for Sustainable Settlements - CASA LATINA. The Global Ecovillage Network [GEN] is a non-economic entity, which holds consultative status at UN-ECOSOC. (Fonte: Currículo Lattes)

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