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Jaime Amaya Farfan

CV Lattes

Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Faculdade de Engenharia de Alimentos (FEA)  (Instituição Sede da última proposta de pesquisa)
País de origem: Brasil

Full professor since 2003 and Senior Professor (retired) since 2011 at the School of Food Engineering (FEA), University of Campinas, Campinas, SP, Brazil. Bachelor's degree in General Sciences from Brandeis University, USA, Masters' degree in Biochemistry and Biophysics from the University of Rhode Island, USA, and Ph.D. in Food Chemistry and Nutrition from the University of Rhode Island, USA. Held a Post-doctoral position in food chemistry at the Georgia Experiment Station, University of Georgia. Was Chairman of the Department of Food and Nutrition at the School of Food Engineering, was elected 3rd and 1st Vice President of the Brazilian Society of Food Science and Technology (SBCTA; 1999-2000-2002), was Coordinator of the Center for Food Security Studies of the University of Campinas for two consecutive biennes (NEPA, 2005-2008). Fellow of the International Academy of Food Science and Technology (IAFoST) since 2012. Area of expertise: Nutrition and Food Processing, with an emphasis on the nutritional and molecular effects of foods on the human body, particularly in the area of proteins, peptides and amino acids. Has kept a strong interest in functional foods, protein hydrolyzates, food bioactive peptides, and the impact of foods on the intestinal microbiota and the consumer's health. [Guide for search in databanks: Amaya-Farfan J; Amayafarfan J; Farfan JA; Amaya-FJ; Amayaf J; Amaya J] (Fonte: Currículo Lattes)

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