William Cenens - Biblioteca Virtual da FAPESP
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William Cenens

CV Lattes

Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Instituto de Química (IQ)  (Instituição Sede da última proposta de pesquisa)
País de origem: Bélgica

Received a bachelor degree in Bioscience Engineering (2008) and a master degree in Bioscience Engineering with a major in Biomolecular Engineering and a minor in Bio-informatics (2010) at the University of Leuven (KU Leuven; Belgium). He obtained his PhD at the KU Leuven in 2014 in the department of Microbial and Molecular Systems at the laboratory of Food Microbiology. His PhD work focused on the genetic elucidation of the influence of bacteriophages on the behavior of the food pathogen Salmonella Typhimurium. He acquired expertise in both classical as state-of-the-art bacterial genetics together with biomolecular approaches in protein-protein interactions, protein identification, protein purification and some expertise in X-ray crystallography. Furthermore, he combined the study of bacterial genetics with fluorescence time-lapse microscopy. As a post-doctoral fellow he continued to study the infection dynamics of bacteriophage P22 on Salmonella Typhimurium at the single-cell and single-phage level together with the specific expression of phage encoded genes during the different stages of infection. The latter subject provided new insights in phage-host co-existence and how phages evolved into a more stable association with their host. All together, his general interests are located in the study of bacterial genetics at the single-cell level and how bacteria react to and interact with the environment and each other on both a molecular as an evolutionary scale. (Fonte: Currículo Lattes)

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