Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas (IAG) (Instituição Sede da última proposta de pesquisa) País de origem: Brasil
She has PhD and Master degrees in Astronomy from University of São Paulo. Post-doctorates at the University of Harvard (with the prestigious scholarship granted by BID to 20 researchers of the University of Sao Paulo), and University of Berkeley (USA). She was also awarded a position as Associate-Researcher at International Center for Theoretical Physics in Trieste (ICTP), Italy, 1994-2001. Visiting professor at the University of Princeton, University of Wisconsin (USA), Universidad Autónoma de Mexico, University of Pisa (Italy), University of Jerusalem, Observatory of Nice, Obs. Paris-Meudon (France), Obs. of Arcetri and Obs. of Bologna (Italy). She is Full Professor at IAG, University of São Paulo (IAG/USP). One of Brazilian PIs of CTA (Cherenkov Telescope Array) Project. Brazilian PI of ASTRI Mini-Array - CTA Precursor Project. Member of the Stearing Committee of Astroparticle Physics of the International Union of Pure & Applied Physics (IUPAP, 2014-2018). Coordinator of 3 Thematic Projects FAPESP (2004; 2009; and currently). Coordinator of FAPESP Multiuser Project that acquired SUPER CLUSTER Alpha-Crucis for the Laboratory of Astro-informatics (LAi, IAG / USP, 2009-2011)l. She was President of the Post-Graduation Program of IAG-USP (2008-2009); Coordinator of the Post-Graduate Program of the Department of Astronomy, IAG-USP (2005-2010), Stearing Committee Member of Interstellar Matter Division of International Astronomical Union (IAU, 2006-2012). Reviewer of Italian Super-Computing Resource Allocation (ISCRA). Member of evaluation board of CAPES (2009). PI of FAPESP Project USP-Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Magnetic Field Effects and Particle Acceleration in Gamma-Ray Bursts); PI of Project USP-Princeton University (Unveiling the Universe with Galaxy Surveys and Magnetohydrodynamical Studies). Participated in PLANCK SATELLITE CONSORTIUM (for Cosmological studies of cosmic magnetic fields). Executive and Advisory Committee member of LLAMA Project (Long Latin American Millimeter Array) Brazil-Argentina. Member of GEMINI / NICI extrasolar planet finding campaign (2008-2013). She organized or co-organized several international conferences. She has experience on High Energy and Plasma Astrophysics, with emphasis in High-Performance Computation Magnetohydrodynamics, with applications on interstellar medium, stellar and extragalactic astrophysics and cosmology, with more than 129 papers in the most important journals of Astrophysics and related fields. She holds the Jabuti Award for Scientific Book. She was awarded the Claudia Prize of Woman in Science (2017). Supervised doctoral thesis with Honors-Award CAPES, and three Best Thesis in Astronomy of IAG - University of São Paulo. É bolsista do CNPq de produtividade (level 1A) and Full Member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences since 2020. She has become a Member of the World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) 2023. (Fonte: Currículo Lattes)
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Publicado em 07 de junho de 2017 - Agência FAPESP. Elisabete Dal Pino, coordenadora da São Paulo School of Advanced Science on High Energy and Plasma Astrophysics e professora do IAG-USP, fala do encontro que reuniu mais de 100 estudantes e professores de grandes universidades ao redor do mundo para capacitar e habilitar novos profissionais que tenham interesse em atuar no Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA), que entrará em operação em 2021 e irá operar com mais de 100 telescópios localizados em dois sítios: Chile e Espanha.