Correlações de poucos corpos e seu papel na física de muitos corpos
Sistemas de poucos corpos, suas correlações e aplicações na física de muitos corpos
Processo: | 11/51276-0 |
Modalidade de apoio: | Bolsas no Brasil - Pós-Doutorado |
Vigência (Início): | 01 de abril de 2012 |
Vigência (Término): | 11 de fevereiro de 2015 |
Área do conhecimento: | Ciências Exatas e da Terra - Física - Física das Partículas Elementares e Campos |
Pesquisador responsável: | Fernando Silveira Navarra |
Beneficiário: | Alberto Martinez Torres |
Instituição Sede: | Instituto de Física (IF). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brasil |
Vinculado ao auxílio: | 12/50984-4 - Física de hádrons, AP.TEM |
Assunto(s): | Fenomenologia (física de partículas) Cromodinâmica quântica Grande Colisor de Hádrons |
Palavra(s)-Chave do Pesquisador: | Fatorizacao Em Qcd | Fenomenologia Qcd | Fisica De Lhc E Ilc | Saturacao De Partons |
Resumo The purpose of the present project is to study the properties of some hadronic states whose structure seems to be more complex than that of three quarks for a baryon or-a quark-anti quark for a meson and where three hadron components, like, for example, two-meson and one baryon, three mesons, etc, seems to play a crucial role in the understanding of their properties. Investigations of three-hadron systems made of mesons and baryons is relatively novel subject which has attracted a lot of attention in recent times. These studies nave shown that several excited baryons and mesons can be generated in, and hence classified as, three-body resonances which consequently has contributed in reproducing and interpreting some of the recent experimental data. Current interest in three-hadron systems, our successful studies and hints of existence of several resonances possessing large branching ratio to three hadrons encourages us to continue exploring such systems. The formalism will involve using unitary chiral dynamics to determine the interaction between the different hadrons and the solving the Faddeev equations in coupled channel approach to determine the amplitudes for the three-body systems. (AU) | |
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