Auxílio à pesquisa 17/50220-8 - Políticas públicas, Habitat - BV FAPESP
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Coastal biodiversity and public policies: methodologies and actions to integrate stakeholders


This proposal addresses interdisciplinary questions to integrate researchers, decision makers and local communities to develop a program for Innovative Public Policies with social relevance for coastal biodiversity conservation. Our main goal is to develop knowledge and skills and support the production of participative public policies built on the visions of a range of different stakeholders. We will use the coastal biodiversity of mangroves, rocky shores and sandy beaches from the Santos and Guarujá region as a model system. The coastal region is an important model area for innovative social public policies in conservation, due its socio-economic and cultural importance within a mosaic of human impacts. We will develop a diagnostic approach to evaluate coastal biodiversity and relevant public policies together with socio-ecological-environmental assessments to evaluate the environmental perception of stakeholders. Based on this, we will develop a citizen science program for coastal biodiversity monitoring to strength stakeholders links to the environment. Finally, to achieve our main goal, we will integrate such actions and knowledge with decision makers to develop an integrative program among stakeholders for productions of new public policies with social and ecological importance. Using an active methodology, we aim to stimulate stakeholders to share their knowledge and identify advances and challenges in the transfer of knowledge and expectations. We also aim to develop their skills and competencies in leadership, planning and ability to work in groups to stimulate the establishment of an innovative social program of public policies that can be expanded for other regions and issues to allow a medium to long term return. This is an opportunity for interdisciplinary capacity development that will benefit human well-being for the next generations, providing best solutions and practices for management and conservation of marine biodiversity and ecosystem services. (AU)

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Publicações científicas
(Referências obtidas automaticamente do Web of Science e do SciELO, por meio da informação sobre o financiamento pela FAPESP e o número do processo correspondente, incluída na publicação pelos autores)
FAJARDO, PAOLA; BEAUCHESNE, DAVID; CARBAJAL-LOPEZ, ALBERTO; DAIGLE, REMI M.; DENISSE FIERRO-ARCOS, L.; GOLDSMIT, JESICA; ZAJDERMAN, SABINE; VALDEZ-HERNANDEZ, I, JUAN; MAIGUA, MARIA YOLANDA TERAN; CHRISTOFOLETTI, RONALDO A.. Aichi Target 18 beyond 2020: mainstreaming Traditional Biodiversity Knowledge in the conservation and sustainable use of marine and coastal ecosystems. PeerJ, v. 9, . (17/50220-8)
KASTEN, PAULA; JENKINS, STUART R.; CHRISTOFOLETTI, RONALDO A.. Participatory Monitoring-A Citizen Science Approach for Coastal Environments. FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE, v. 8, . (17/50220-8)
MASTERSON-ALGAR, PATRICIA; JENKINS, STUART R.; WINDLE, GILL; MORRIS-WEBB, ELISABETH; TAKAHASHI, CAMILA K.; BURKE, TRYS; ROSA, ISABEL; MARTINEZ, ALINE S.; TORRES-MATTOS, EMANUELA B.; TADDEI, RENZO; et al. When One Health Meets the United Nations Ocean Decade: Global Agendas as a Pathway to Promote Collaborative Interdisciplinary Research on Human-Nature Relationships. FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY, v. 13, p. 7-pg., . (15/50687-8, 17/50220-8, 16/11947-7, 14/50848-9)

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