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Engineering co-resistant catalysts for hydrogen gas clean-up. (fapesp-mit)

Processo: 15/50375-6
Modalidade de apoio:Auxílio à Pesquisa - Regular
Vigência: 01 de março de 2016 - 31 de março de 2018
Área do conhecimento:Ciências Exatas e da Terra - Química - Química Inorgânica
Convênio/Acordo: MIT
Pesquisador responsável:Daniela Zanchet
Beneficiário:Daniela Zanchet
Pesq. responsável no exterior: Yury Roman
Instituição no exterior: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Estados Unidos
Instituição Sede: Instituto de Química (IQ). Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Campinas , SP, Brasil
Palavra(s)-Chave do Pesquisador:Energy | Heterogeneous Catalysis | Manoparticles | Metal Carbides | Water Gas Shift Reaction | Xafs


The objective of this joint project, in the scope of the MIT/FAPESP 2015 Call for Proposals, is to investigate a new set of poison-resistant catalysts for hydrogen gas clean-up via the WGS reaction by employing novel materials synthesized at MIT (Chemical Engineering) based on early transition metal carbides and unique reactor and characterization fools developed in Brazil. More specifically, the project will support a two-way collaboration between the group of Prof. Yuriy Roman from MITs Chemical Engineering Department and Prof. Daniela Zanchet from the Institute of Chemistry of UNICAMP. Prof. Roman is a world-leading scientist working combining heterogeneous catalysis and materials design, addressing relevant problems associated with alternative energy and renewable chemicals, with several patentes and high impact publications (see Roman'CV). Roman and Zanchet have worked together in the past to characterize materials, thereby setting a strong precedent for a fruitful collaboration [5]. Prof. Roman will host Prof. Zanchet and her students at MIT to share essential synthetic tools to, engineer new classes of materials based on early transition metal carbides, while Prof. Zanchet has agreed to host MIT students to help them test and characterize materials. Two strong interconnected aims will be targeted: Aim 1: Synthesis of heterometallic early transition metal carbides. Roman has developed a new method to synthesize early transition metal Carbide nanoparticles with strict control over composition, crystal phase, and purity, These hitherto unattainable materials have shown remarkable resistance to CO poisoning during CO electro-oxidation reactions performed in the Roman lab. While the materials exhibit unique catalytic performance, Roman lacks the tools to test and characterize the materials under reactions conditions using XAS to gain insight into the true nature of the active sites and is interested in learning how to implement these tools. Aim 2: In situ testing and characterization of WGS catalysts. Zanchet is currently working in a collaborative project aimed at implementing proton-exchange fuel cells (PEFCs) powered by hydrogen originated from ethanol reforming. Carbon monoxide poisoning is an important challenge that requires new catalyst development for reformate gas clean-up. Her group has experience to probe materials under WGS reaction conditions and is interested in testing the materials developed by Roman. (AU)

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Publicações científicas
(Referências obtidas automaticamente do Web of Science e do SciELO, por meio da informação sobre o financiamento pela FAPESP e o número do processo correspondente, incluída na publicação pelos autores)
GARG, AARON; GONCALVES, DANIELLE S.; LIU, YUSU; WANG, ZHENSHU; WANG, LINXI; YOO, JONG SUK; KOLPAK, ALEXIE; RIOUX, ROBERT M.; ZANCHET, DANIELA; ROMAN-LESHKOV, YURIY. Impact of Transition Metal Carbide and Nitride Supports on the Electronic Structure of Thin Platinum Overlayers. ACS CATALYSIS, v. 9, n. 8, p. 7090-7098, . (15/50375-6, 15/23900-2)
GARG, AARON; MILINA, MARIA; BALL, MADELYN; ZANCHET, DANIELA; HUNT, SEAN T.; DUMESIC, JAMES A.; ROMAN-LESHKOV, YURIY. Transition-Metal Nitride Core@Noble-Metal Shell Nanoparticles as Highly CO Tolerant Catalysts. ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION, v. 56, n. 30, p. 8828-8833, . (15/23900-2, 15/50375-6)

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