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Desenvolvimento de dispositivos supercapacitores a partir de grafenos, nanotubos de carbono e diamantes

Processo: 14/02163-7
Modalidade de apoio:Auxílio à Pesquisa - Jovens Pesquisadores
Vigência: 01 de novembro de 2014 - 31 de outubro de 2019
Área do conhecimento:Engenharias - Engenharia Elétrica - Materiais Elétricos
Pesquisador responsável:Hudson Giovani Zanin
Beneficiário:Hudson Giovani Zanin
Instituição Sede: Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de Computação (FEEC). Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Campinas , SP, Brasil
Pesquisadores associados:Alfredo Carlos Peterlevitz ; Anderson de Oliveira Lobo ; Fernanda Roberta Marciano ; Helder Jose Ceragioli
Auxílios(s) vinculado(s):15/50093-0 - Brazil and UK collaboration for energy storage and supply, AP.R SPRINT
Bolsa(s) vinculada(s):18/20756-6 - Desenvolvimento de pseudocapacitores a partir de compósitos de óxidos metálicos e carvão ativado, BP.DR
16/21941-6 - Desenvolvimento de sensoriamento remoto da umidade do solo por veículo aéreo não tripulado na agricultura irrigada, BP.DR
17/19222-4 - Desenvolvimento de dispositivo armazenador e fornecedor de energia elétrica e metodologia de análise dinâmica em modo de operação, BP.DD
+ mais bolsas vinculadas 17/03371-0 - Pulseira elástica para armazenamento e fornecimento de energia na tecnologia wearables, BP.MS
17/03640-1 - Desenvolvimento de protótipo de potente armazenador e fornecedor de energia, BP.MS
17/02634-8 - Desenvolvimento de protótipo de bicicleta elétrica, BP.MS
16/25082-8 - Desenvolvimento de protótipo armazenador e fornecedor de energia, BP.MS
15/17764-9 - Síntese e caracterização de grafeno por deposição química, BP.IC
15/17829-3 - Desenvolvimento e construção de um reator HFCVD, BP.IC
14/21587-2 - Desenvolvimento de dispositivos supercapacitores a partir de grafenos, nanotubos de carbono e diamantes, BP.JP - menos bolsas vinculadas
Assunto(s):Energia elétrica  Grafenos  Nanotubos de carbono  Eletrodos 
Palavra(s)-Chave do Pesquisador:diamantes | eletrodos porosos | Energia Elétrica | Grafenos | nanotubos de carbono | supercapacitores | Engenharia Elétrica / Materiais Elétricos


Este projeto tem como objetivo principal a criação de um grupo de pesquisa focado no armazenamento e fornecimento de energia elétrica através do desenvolvimento e aplicação de dispositivos supercapacitores. O interesse neste estudo deve-se ao fato de que tais dispositivos podem ser carregados em segundos com energia na ordem de kWh/kg, fornecendo, se solicitado, potência elétrica na magnitude de kW/kg. Esta inovação é considerada estratégica por países desenvolvidos, pois suas vantagens são importantes para diversos equipamentos como os hospitalares, veículos elétricos, telefones e computadores portáteis. Considerando este cenário, este projeto focará no desenvolvimento de supercapacitores nacionais, porém utilizando grafenos, nanotubos de carbono e diamantes porosos, já que pesquisas de vanguarda os destacam como vantajosos para esta aplicação devido suas propriedades. No que se refere a metodologia, é sabido que tais materiais podem ser preparados em reatores de deposição química a partir da fase vapor, por isso, inicialmente este trabalho propõe a construção de um reator, com o qual serão desenvolvidos tais materiais desejáveis para aplicação alvo. A avaliação dos supercapacitores, por sua vez, analisará a capacidade de armazenamento e fornecimento de energia elétrica através de processos eletroquímicos envolvendo intercalação de íons de lítio. Finalmente, a meta será desenvolver um protótipo nacional de supercapacitor eletroquímico de alto desempenho. Muitos resultados, anteriores deste pesquisador proponente e de sua rede de colaboração abriram as portas para este pleito, que se concedido, possibilitará a formação de um novo grupo brasileiro de pesquisa nesta área. (AU)

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Publicações científicas (70)
(Referências obtidas automaticamente do Web of Science e do SciELO, por meio da informação sobre o financiamento pela FAPESP e o número do processo correspondente, incluída na publicação pelos autores)
NUNES, WILLIAN G.; VICENTINI, RAFAEL; FREITAS, BRUNO G. A.; OLIVEIRA, FRANCISCA E. R.; PASCON MARQUE, ALINE M.; MACIEL FILHO, RUBENS; DOUBEK, GUSTAVO; DA SILVA, LEONARDO M.; ZANIN, HUDSON. Pseudo-capacitive behavior of multi-walled carbon nanotubes decorated with nickel and manganese (hydr)oxides nanoparticles. JOURNAL OF ENERGY STORAGE, v. 31, . (16/25082-8, 14/02163-7, 17/11958-1, 18/20756-6)
DA SILVA, LEONARDO M.; CESAR, REINALDO; MOREIRA, CASSIO M. R.; SANTOS, JEFERSON H. M.; DE SOUZA, LINDOMAR G.; PIRES, BRUNO MORANDI; VICENTINI, RAFAEL; NUNES, WILLIAN; ZANIN, HUDSON. Reviewing the fundamentals of supercapacitors and the difficulties involving the analysis of the electrochemical findings obtained for porous electrode materials. ENERGY STORAGE MATERIALS, v. 27, p. 555-590, . (17/11958-1, 14/02163-7)
VICENTINI, RAFAEL; DA SILVA, LEONARDO MORAIS; CECILIO JUNIOR, EDSON PEDRO; ALVES, THAYANE ALMEIDA; NUNES, WILLIAN GONCALVES; ZANIN, HUDSON. How to Measure and Calculate Equivalent Series Resistance of Electric Double-Layer Capacitors. Molecules, v. 24, n. 8, . (14/02163-7)
PIRES, BRUNO MORANDI; NUNES, WILLIAN GONCALVES; FREITAS, BRUNO GUILHERME; OLIVEIRA, FRANCISCA ELENICE RODRIGUES; KATIC, VERA; RODELLA, CRISTIANE BARBIERI; DA SILVA, LEONARDO MORAIS; ZANIN, HUDSON. Characterization of porous cobalt hexacyanoferrate and activated carbon electrodes under dynamic polarization conditions in a sodium-ion pseudocapacitor. JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY, v. 54, p. 53-62, . (17/11958-1, 14/02163-7, 18/20756-6)
VENANCIO, RAISSA; VICENTINI, RAFAEL; COSTA, LENON H.; TEOFILO, REINALDO; DA SILVA, LEONARDO M.; ZANIN, HUDSON. In-situ electrochemical and operando Raman techniques to investigate the effect of porosity in different carbon electrodes in organic electrolyte supercapacitors. JOURNAL OF ENERGY STORAGE, v. 50, p. 12-pg., . (14/02163-7, 20/14968-0, 17/11958-1, 18/20756-6)
FREITAS, BRUNO; NUNES, WILLIAN G.; SOARES, DAVI MARCELO; RUFINO, FERNANDO C.; MOREIRA, CASSIO MURILO; DA SILVA, LEONARDO MORAIS; ZANIN, HUDSON. Robust, flexible, freestanding and high surface area activated carbon and multi-walled carbon nanotubes composite material with outstanding electrode properties for aqueous-based supercapacitors. MATERIALS ADVANCES, v. 2, n. 13, p. 13-pg., . (17/11958-1, 14/02163-7, 18/20756-6)
FARIAS, JULIANNA SANTOS; ZANIN, HUDSON; CALDAS, ADRIANA SILVA; DOS SANTOS, CLENILTON COSTA; DAMOS, FLAVIO SANTOS; SILVA LUZ, RITA DE CASSIA. Functionalized Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Electrochemical Sensor for Determination of Anticancer Drug Flutamide. JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, v. 46, n. 10, p. 5619-5628, . (14/02163-7)
CESAR, R.; BRAVO-CASTILLERO, J.; RAMOS, R. R.; PEREIRA, C. A. M.; ZANIN, H.; ROLLO, J. M. D. A.. Relating mechanical properties of vertebral trabecular bones to osteoporosis. COMPUTER METHODS IN BIOMECHANICS AND BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, v. 23, n. 2, . (14/02163-7, 10/51698-0)
SPINDOLA, ROLFF FERREIRA; ZANIN, HUDSON; MACENA, CLEIDIVAN SILVA; CONTIN, ANDRE; SILVA LUZ, RITA DE CASSIA; DAMOS, FLAVIO SANTOS. Evaluation of a novel composite based on functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotube and iron phthalocyanine for electroanalytical determination of isoniazid. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, v. 21, n. 4, p. 1089-1099, . (14/02163-7)
VICENTINI, RAFAEL; COSTA, LENON HENRIQUE; NUNES, WILLIAN; BOAS, OTAVIO VILAS; SOARES, DAVI MARCELO; ALVES, THAYANE ALMEIDA; REAL, CARLA; BUENO, CAROLINE; PETERLEVITZ, ALFREDO CARLOS; ZANIN, HUDSON. Direct growth of mesoporous Carbon on aluminum foil for supercapacitors devices. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS, v. 29, n. 12, p. 10573-10582, . (17/11958-1, 17/03371-0, 14/02163-7, 16/25082-8, 17/03640-1, 17/02634-8, 16/21941-6)
PETERLEVITZ, A. C.; MAY, P. W.; HARNIMAN, R. L.; JONES, J. A.; CERAGIOLI, H. J.; ZANIN, H.. Fast electron transfer kinetics on novel interconnected nanospheres of graphene layers electrodes. Thin Solid Films, v. 616, p. 698-702, . (14/02163-7)
ZANIN, H.; CERAGIOLI, H. J.; PETERLEVITZ, A. C.; BARANAUSKAS, VITOR; MARCIANO, F. R.; LOBO, A. O.. Field emission properties of the graphenated carbon nanotube electrode. Applied Surface Science, v. 324, p. 174-178, . (11/20345-7, 14/02163-7, 11/17877-7)
VICENTINI, RAFAEL; NUNES, WILLIAN GONCALVES; COSTA, LENON HENRIQUE; PASCON, ALINE; DA SILVA, LEONARDO MORAIS; BALDAN, MAURICIO; ZANIN, HUDSON. Environmentally Friendly Functionalization of Porous Carbon Electrodes for Aqueous-Based Electrochemical Capacitors. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NANOTECHNOLOGY, v. 18, p. 73-82, . (17/19222-4, 14/02163-7, 16/25082-8)
OLIVEIRA, C. A. G. S.; STEIN, M. F.; SAITO, E.; ZANIN, H.; VIEIRA, L. S.; RANIERO, L.; TRAVA-AIROLDI, V. J.; LOBO, A. O.; MARCIANO, F. R.. Effect of gold oxide incorporation on electrochemical corrosion resistance of diamond-like carbon. DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS, v. 53, p. 40-44, . (11/20345-7, 14/02163-7, 11/17877-7)
TELES, JOSE J. S.; FARIA, EMANUEL R.; SANTOS, JEFERSON H. M.; DE SOUSA, LINDOMAR G.; FRANCO, DEBORA V.; NUNES, WILLIAN G.; ZANIN, HUDSON; DA SILVA, LEONARDO M.. Supercapacitive properties, anomalous diffusion, and porous behavior of nanostructured mixed metal oxides containing Sn, Ru, and Ir. Electrochimica Acta, v. 295, p. 302-315, . (17/11958-1, 14/02163-7)
SANTOS, ERICK A.; FERNANDES, RODOLFO C.; VICENTINI, RAFAEL; AGUIAR, JOAO PEDRO; DA SILVA, LEONARDO M.; ZANIN, HUDSON. On the electrochemical properties of lithium-sulfur batteries. JOURNAL OF ENERGY STORAGE, v. 71, p. 14-pg., . (18/02713-8, 22/02222-0, 20/04281-8, 14/02163-7, 16/25082-8, 18/20756-6)
PAULISTA NETO, ANTENOR J.; DA SILVA, DEBORA A. C.; GONCALVES, VANESSA A.; ZANIN, HUDSON; FREITAS, RENATO G.; FILETI, EUDES E.. An evaluation of the capacitive behavior of supercapacitors as a function of the radius of cations using simulations with a constant potential method. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, v. 24, n. 5, p. 3280-3288, . (17/11631-2, 14/02163-7, 17/11958-1)
NUNES, WILLIAN G.; PIRES, BRUNO M.; THAINES, ERICSON H. N. S.; PEREIRA, GABRIEL M. A.; DA SILVA, LEONARDO M.; FREITAS, RENATO G.; ZANIN, HUDSON. Operando Raman spectroelectrochemical study of polyaniline degradation: A joint experimental and theoretical analysis. JOURNAL OF ENERGY STORAGE, v. 55, p. 12-pg., . (17/11958-1, 14/02163-7, 18/20756-6)
VICENTINI, RAFAEL; DA SILVA, LEONARDO M.; FRANCO, DEBORA V.; NUNES, WILLIAN G.; FIATES, JULIANE; DOUBEK, GUSTAVO; FRANCO, LUIS F. M.; FREITAS, RENATO G.; FANTINI, CRISTIANO; ZANIN, HUDSON. Raman probing carbon & aqueous electrolytes interfaces and molecular dynamics simulations towards understanding electrochemical properties under polarization conditions in supercapacitors. JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY, v. 60, p. 279-292, . (17/11958-1, 18/02713-8, 16/25082-8, 14/02163-7, 18/20756-6)
VICENTINI, RAFAEL; BERALDO, RENATO; AGUIAR, JOAO PEDRO; OLIVEIRA, FRANCISCA ELENICE; RUFINO, FERNANDO CESAR; GONZALEZ LARRUDE, DUNIESKYS ROBERTO; DA SILVA, LEONARDO MORAIS; ZANIN, HUDSON. Niobium pentoxide nanoparticles decorated graphene as electrode material in aqueous-based supercapacitors: Accurate determination of the working voltage window and the analysis of the distributed capacitance in the time domain. JOURNAL OF ENERGY STORAGE, v. 44, n. B, . (17/11958-1, 14/02163-7)
REAL, CARLA G.; VICENTINI, RAFAEL; NUNES, WILLIAN G.; PASCON, ALINE M.; CAMPOS, FEIK AMIL; DA SILVA, LEONARDO M.; FREITAS, RENATO GARCIA; ZANIN, HUDSON. Analyses of dispersive effects and the distributed capacitance in the time and frequency domains of activated carbon nanofiber electrodes as symmetric supercapacitors. Electrochimica Acta, v. 402, . (14/02163-7, 17/11958-1)
C. DA SILVA, DEBORA A.; PINZON C., MANUEL J.; MESSIAS, ANDRESA; FILETI, EUDES E.; PASCON, ALINE; FRANCO, DEBORA V.; DA SILVA, LEONARDO MORAIS; ZANIN, HUDSON G.. Effect of conductivity, viscosity, and density of water-in-salt electrolytes on the electrochemical behavior of supercapacitors: molecular dynamics simulations and in situ characterization studies. MATERIALS ADVANCES, . (14/02163-7, 17/11958-1)
DOS SANTOS, JOAO PEDRO AGUIAR; PAGAN, CESAR J. B.; VICENTINI, RAFAEL; TEOFILO, REINALDO F.; BERALDO, RENATO; DA SILVA, LEONARDO M.; ZANIN, HUDSON. Ion dynamics into different pore size distributions in supercapacitors under compression. JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY, v. 80, p. 10-pg., . (17/11958-1, 18/20756-6, 14/02163-7)
AMARAL, MURILO M.; PINZON, MANUEL J. C.; PETERLEVITZ, ALFREDO C.; RUFINO JUNIOR, CARLOS A.; DA SILVA, LEONARDO M.; ZANIN, HUDSON. Robust, freestanding, and bendable multi-walled carbon nanotube buckypapers as electrode materials for quasi-solid-state potassium-ion supercapacitors. DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS, v. 115, . (17/11958-1, 14/02163-7)
RUFINO JUNIOR, CARLOS ANTONIO; SANSEVERINO, ELEONORA RIVA; GALLO, PIERLUIGI; KOCH, DANIEL; KOTAK, YASH; SCHWEIGER, HANS -GEORG; ZANIN, HUDSON. Towards a business model for second-life batteries-barriers, opportunities, uncertainties, and technologies. JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY, v. 78, p. 19-pg., . (17/11958-1, 18/20756-6, 14/02163-7)
SILVA MOREIRA, JOAO VITOR; CORAT, EVALDO JOSE; MAY, PAUL WILLIAM; RIBEIRO CARDOSO, LAYS DIAS; LELIS, PEDRO ALMEIDA; ZANIN, HUDSON. Freestanding Aligned Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes for Supercapacitor Devices. JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, v. 45, n. 11, p. 8-pg., . (14/02163-7, 15/17829-3, 14/21587-2, 15/17764-9, 15/50093-0)
DA SILVA, LEONARDO M.; DE SOUSA, LINDOMAR G.; VICENTINI, RAFAEL; AGUIAR, JOAO PEDRO; DOUBEK, GUSTAVO; ZANIN, HUDSON. Proposal of a novel methodology for the electrochemical characterization of well-behaved redox-active materials used in supercapacitors. Electrochimica Acta, v. 457, p. 15-pg., . (17/11958-1, 18/20756-6, 14/02163-7)
SILVA, LEONARDO MORAIS DA; DOS SANTOS, JOAO PEDRO AGUIAR; VICENTINI, RAFAEL; DE OLIVEIRA, JOAO PEDRO JENSON; DOUBEK, GUSTAVO; ZANIN, HUDSON. Dissipative effects in nonideal supercapacitors and batteries. JOURNAL OF ENERGY STORAGE, v. 69, p. 11-pg., . (17/11958-1, 16/08645-9, 14/02163-7)
DOS SANTOS NETO, ANTNIO GOMES; DE SOUSA, CAMILA SILVA; FREIRES, ANDRE DA SILVA; SILVA, SAIMON MORAES; ZANIN, HUDSON; DAMOS, FLAVIO SANTOS; SILVA LUZ, RITA DE CASSIA. Electrochemical sensor for detection of imipramine antidepressant at low potential based on oxidized carbon nanotubes, ferrocenecarboxylic acid, and cyclodextrin: application in psychotropic drugs and urine samples. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, v. 22, n. 5, p. 10-pg., . (14/02163-7)
SILVA MOREIRA, JOAO VITOR; CORAT, EVALDO JOSE; MAY, PAUL WILLIAM; RIBEIRO CARDOSO, LAYS DIAS; LELIS, PEDRO ALMEIDA; ZANIN, HUDSON. Freestanding Aligned Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes for Supercapacitor Devices. Journal of Electronic Materials, v. 45, n. 11, p. 5781-5788, . (14/02163-7, 14/21587-2, 15/17764-9, 15/50093-0, 15/17829-3)
SILVA MOREIRA, JOAO VITOR; MAY, PAUL WILLIAM; CORAT, EVALDO JOSE; PETERLEVITZ, ALFREDO CARLOS; PINHEIRO, ROMARIO ARAUJO; ZANIN, HUDSON. Diamond and Carbon Nanotube Composites for Supercapacitor Devices. Journal of Electronic Materials, v. 46, n. 2, p. 929-935, . (14/02163-7)
FREITAS, BRUNO; NUNES, WILLIAN G.; SOARES, DAVI MARCELO; RUFINO, FERNANDO C.; MOREIRA, CASSIO MURILO; DA SILVA, LEONARDO MORAIS; ZANIN, HUDSON. Robust, flexible, freestanding and high surface area activated carbon and multi-walled carbon nanotubes composite material with outstanding electrode properties for aqueous-based supercapacitors. MATERIALS ADVANCES, . (18/20756-6, 17/11958-1, 14/02163-7)
DOS SANTOS NETO, ANTNIO GOMES; DE SOUSA, CAMILA SILVA; FREIRES, ANDRE DA SILVA; SILVA, SAIMON MORAES; ZANIN, HUDSON; DAMOS, FLAVIO SANTOS; SILVA LUZ, RITA DE CASSIA. Electrochemical sensor for detection of imipramine antidepressant at low potential based on oxidized carbon nanotubes, ferrocenecarboxylic acid, and cyclodextrin: application in psychotropic drugs and urine samples. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, v. 22, n. 5, SI, p. 1385-1394, . (14/02163-7)
VICENTINI, RAFAEL; VENANCIO, RAISSA; NUNES, WILLIAN; DA SILVA, LEONARDO MORAIS; ZANIN, HUDSON. ew Insights on the Sodium Water-in-Salt Electrolyte and Carbon Electrode Interface from Electrochemistry and Operando Raman Studie. ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, v. 13, n. 51, . (14/02163-7, 17/11958-1, 18/20756-6)
SILVA SOARES, LUIS EDUARDO; NAHORNY, SIDNEI; BRAGA, VIVIAN DE FARIA; MARCIANO, FERNANDA ROBERTA; BHATTACHARJEE, TANMOY T.; LOBO, ANDERSON OLIVEIRA. Raman spectroscopy-multivariate analysis related to morphological surface features on nanomaterials applied for dentin coverage. SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART A-MOLECULAR AND BIOMOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY, v. 228, . (11/20345-7, 11/17877-7, 16/00575-1, 13/11192-8, 14/21587-2, 15/09697-0, 14/02163-7, 01/14384-8)
NUNES, WILLIAN G.; FREITAS, BRUNO G. A.; BERALDO, RENATO M.; MACIEL FILHO, RUBENS; DA SILVA, LEONARDO M.; ZANIN, HUDSON. A rational experimental approach to identify correctly the working voltage window of aqueous-based supercapacitors. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 10, n. 1, . (18/20756-6, 17/11958-1, 14/02163-7)
NUNES, WILLIAN G.; PIRES, BRUNO M.; DE OLIVEIRA, FRANCISCA E. R.; DE MARQUE, ALINE M. P.; CREMASCO, LETICIA F.; VICENTINI, RAFAEL; DOUBEK, GUSTAVO; DA SILVA, LEONARDO M.; ZANIN, HUDSON. Study of the aging process of nanostructured porous carbon-based electrodes in electrochemical capacitors filled with aqueous or organic electrolytes. JOURNAL OF ENERGY STORAGE, v. 28, . (18/20756-6, 14/02163-7, 17/11958-1)
VICENTINI, RAFAEL; AGUIAR, JOAO PEDRO; BERALDO, RENATO; VENANCIO, RAISSA; RUFINO, FERNANDO; DA SILVA, LEONARDO M.; ZANIN, HUDSON. Ragone Plots for Electrochemical Double-Layer Capacitors. BATTERIES & SUPERCAPS, v. 4, n. 8, p. 1291-1303, . (17/11958-1, 14/02163-7)
VICENTINI, RAFAEL; SOARES, DAVI MARCELO; NUNES, WILLIAN; FREITAS, BRUNO; COSTA, LENON; DA SILVA, LEONARDO M.; ZANIN, HUDSON. Core-niobium pentoxide carbon-shell nanoparticles decorating multiwalled carbon nanotubes as electrode for electrochemical capacitors. Journal of Power Sources, v. 434, . (17/11958-1, 14/02163-7)
VICENTINI, RAFAEL; NUNES, WILLIAN G.; COSTA, LENON H.; DA SILVA, LEONARDO M.; PASCON, ALINE; JACKSON, PALOMA; DOUBEK, GUSTAVO; ZANIN, HUDSON. Highly stable nickel-aluminum alloy current collectors and highly defective multi-walled carbon nanotubes active material for neutral aqueous-based electrochemical capacitors. JOURNAL OF ENERGY STORAGE, v. 23, p. 116-127, . (16/25082-8, 14/02163-7, 17/11958-1, 17/19222-4)
SILVA, TIAGO ALMEIDA; ZANIN, HUDSON; CORAT, EVALDO JOSE; FATIBELLO-FILHO, ORLANDO. Simultaneous Voltammetric Determination of Paracetamol, Codeine and Caffeine on Diamond-like Carbon Porous Electrodes. Electroanalysis, v. 29, n. 3, p. 907-916, . (14/02163-7, 15/50093-0)
NUNES, WILLIAN G.; VICENTINI, RAFAEL; DA SILVA, LEONARDO M.; COSTA, LENON H.; TADEU, THAIS; ZANIN, HUDSON. Surface and Electrochemical Properties of Radially Oriented Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes Grown on Stainless Steel Mesh. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, v. 165, n. 16, p. A3684-A3696, . (16/25082-8, 14/02163-7, 17/19222-4)
NAHORNY, SIDNEI; ZANIN, HUDSON; CHRISTINO, VINIE ABREU; MARCIANO, FERNANDA ROBERTA; OLIVEIRA LOBO, ANDERSON; SILVA SOARES, LUIS EDUARDO. Multi-walled carbon nanotubes/graphene oxide hybrid and nanohydroxyapatite composite: A novel coating to prevent dentin erosion. Materials Science & Engineering C-Materials for Biological Applications, v. 79, p. 199-208, . (14/21587-2, 01/14384-8, 11/17877-7, 11/20345-7, 15/50093-0, 13/20825-4, 14/02163-7, 15/09697-0, 13/11192-8, 16/00575-1)
NUNES, WILLIAN G.; DA SILVA, LEONARDO M.; VICENTINI, RAFAEL; FREITAS, BRUNO G. A.; COSTA, LENON H.; PASCON, ALINE M.; ZANIN, HUDSON. Nickel oxide nanoparticles supported onto oriented multi-walled carbon nanotube as electrodes for electrochemical capacitors. Electrochimica Acta, v. 298, p. 468-483, . (17/19222-4, 14/02163-7, 16/25082-8)
ZANIN, H.; MAY, P. W.; HARNIMAN, R. L.; RISBRIDGER, T.; CORAT, E. J.; FERMIN, D. J.. High surface area diamond-like carbon electrodes grown on vertically aligned carbon nanotubes. Carbon, v. 82, p. 288-296, . (14/02163-7)
ZANIN, HUDSON; MANZOLLI RODRIGUES, BRUNO VINICIUS; RIBEIRO NETO, WILSON ALVES; SUMAN BRETAS, ROSARIO ELIDA; DA-SILVA, NEWTON SOARES; MARCIANO, FERNANDA ROBERTA; LOBO, ANDERSON OLIVEIRA. High loading of graphene oxide/multi-walled carbon nanotubes into PDLLA: A route towards the design of osteoconductive, bactericidal and non-immunogenic 3D porous scaffolds. Materials Chemistry and Physics, v. 177, p. 56-66, . (11/17877-7, 11/20345-7, 15/01259-3, 13/20054-8, 14/02163-7, 15/08523-8)
SIQUEIRA, IDALIA A. W. B.; OLIVEIRA, CILIANA A. G. S.; ZANIN, HUDSON; GRINET, MARCO A. V. M.; GRANATO, ALESSANDRO E. C.; PORCIONATTO, MARIMELIA A.; MARCIANO, FERNANDA R.; LOBO, ANDERSON O.. Bioactivity behaviour of nano-hydroxyapatite/freestanding aligned carbon nanotube oxide composite. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN MEDICINE, v. 26, n. 2, . (11/20345-7, 14/02163-7, 13/07696-0, 11/17877-7)
ZANIN, H.; ROSA, C. M. R.; ELIAZ, N.; MAY, P. W.; MARCIANO, F. R.; LOBO, A. O.. Assisted deposition of nano-hydroxyapatite onto exfoliated carbon nanotube oxide scaffolds. NANOSCALE, v. 7, n. 22, p. 10218-10232, . (11/20345-7, 14/02163-7, 11/17877-7)
SILVA, TIAGO ALMEIDA; ZANIN, HUDSON; VICENTINI, FERNANDO CAMPANHA; CORAT, EVALDO JOSE; FATIBELLO-FILHO, ORLANDO. Electrochemical determination of rosuvastatin calcium in pharmaceutical and human body fluid samples using a composite of vertically aligned carbon nanotubes and graphene oxide as the electrode material. SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL, v. 218, p. 51-59, . (14/02163-7, 14/21587-2, 13/16770-0)
VICENTINI, RAFAEL; NUNES, WILLIAN G.; DA COSTA, LENON H.; DA SILVA, LEONARDO M.; FREITAS, BRUNO; PASCON, ALINE M.; VILAS-BOAS, OTAVIO; ZANIN, HUDSON. Multi-walled carbon nanotubes and activated carbon composite material as electrodes for electrochemical capacitors. JOURNAL OF ENERGY STORAGE, v. 33, . (16/25082-8, 14/02163-7, 17/11958-1, 17/03640-1)
VICENTINI, RAFAEL; NUNES, WILLIAN; FREITAS, BRUNO G. A.; DA SILVA, LEONARDO M.; SOARES, DAVI MARCELO; CESAR, REINALDO; RODELLA, CRISTIANE B.; ZANIN, HUDSON. Niobium pentoxide nanoparticles @ multi-walled carbon nanotubes and activated carbon composite material as electrodes for electrochemical capacitors. ENERGY STORAGE MATERIALS, v. 22, p. 311-322, . (17/11958-1, 14/02163-7)
ZAMBIANCO, NAIARA ALANA; SILVA, TIAGO ALMEIDA; ZANIN, HUDSON; FATIBELLO-FILHO, ORLANDO; JANEGITZ, BRUNO CAMPOS. Novel electrochemical sensor based on nanodiamonds and manioc starch for detection of diquat in environmental samples. DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS, v. 98, . (17/21898-6, 17/11958-1, 17/21097-3, 14/02163-7)
AMARAL, MURILO M.; YUKUHIRO, VICTOR Y.; VICENTINI, RAFAEL; PETERLEVITZ, ALFREDO C.; DA SILVA, LEONARDO M.; FERNANDEZ, PABLO; ZANIN, HUDSON. Direct observation of the CO2 formation and C-H consumption of carbon electrode in an aqueous neutral electrolyte supercapacitor by in-situ FTIR and Raman. JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY, v. 71, p. 9-pg., . (16/25082-8, 17/11958-1, 18/20756-6, 20/04431-0, 17/11986-5, 14/02163-7, 18/02713-8, 20/04281-8)
COSTA, LENON H.; VICENTINI, RAFAEL; SILVA, TIAGO ALMEIDA; DA SILVA, LEONARDO MORAIS; ZANIN, HUDSON. Identification and quantification of the distributed capacitance and ionic resistance in carbon-based supercapacitors using electrochemical techniques and the analysis of the charge-storage dynamics. JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, v. 929, p. 15-pg., . (17/19222-4, 14/02163-7)
SOARES, DAVI M.; VICENTINI, RAFAEL; PETERLEVITZ, ALFREDO C.; RODELLA, CRISTIANE B.; DA SILVA, LEONARDO M.; ZANIN, HUDSON. Tungsten oxide and carbide composite synthesized by hot filament chemical deposition as electrodes in aqueous-based electrochemical capacitors. JOURNAL OF ENERGY STORAGE, v. 26, . (17/11958-1, 17/19222-4, 16/25082-8, 14/02163-7, 17/03640-1)
FREITAS, BRUNO; NUNES, WILLIAN G.; REAL, CARLA G.; RODELLA, CRISTIANE B.; DOUBEK, GUSTAVO; DA SILVA, LEONARDO M.; THAINES, ERICSON H. N. S.; POCRIFKA, LEANDRO A.; FREITAS, RENATO G.; ZANIN, HUDSON. Combining in situ electrochemistry, operando XRD & Raman spectroscopy, and density functional theory to investigate the fundamentals of Li2CO3 formation in supercapacitors. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A, v. 11, n. 38, p. 15-pg., . (17/11958-1, 18/20756-6, 14/02163-7)
OLIVEIRA, LORRANE C. C. B.; VENANCIO, RAISSA; DE AZEVEDO, PAULO V. F.; ANCHIETA, CHAYENE G.; NEPEL, THAYANE C. M.; RODELLA, CRISTIANE B.; ZANIN, HUDSON; DOUBEK, GUSTAVO. Reviewing perovskite oxide sites influence on electrocatalytic reactions for high energy density devices. JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY, v. 81, p. 19-pg., . (20/14968-0, 17/11958-1, 14/02163-7)
DOS SANTOS, JOAO PEDRO AGUIAR; RUFINO, FERNANDO CESAR; OTA, JOAO I. YUTAKA; FERNANDES, RODOLFO C.; VICENTINI, RAFAEL; PAGAN, CESAR J. B.; DA SILVA, LEONARDO MORAIS; ZANIN, HUDSON. Best practices for electrochemical characterization of supercapacitors. JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY, v. 80, p. 19-pg., . (17/11958-1, 16/08645-9, 14/02163-7)
AMARAL, MURILO M.; MUJIB, SHAKIR BIN; ZANIN, HUDSON; SINGH, GURPREET. A perspective on silicon-based polymer-derived ceramics materials for beyond lithium-ion batteries. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-MATERIALS, v. 6, n. 2, p. 7-pg., . (17/11958-1, 14/02163-7)
AMARAL, MURILO M.; REAL, CARLA G.; YUKUHIRO, VICTOR Y.; DOUBEK, GUSTAVO; FERNANDEZ, PABLO S.; SINGH, GURPREET; ZANIN, HUDSON. In situ and operando infrared spectroscopy of battery systems: Progress and opportunities. JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY, v. 81, p. 20-pg., . (20/04431-0, 17/11958-1, 14/02163-7)
REAL, CARLA G.; THAINES, ERICSON H. N. S.; POCRIFKA, LEANDRO A.; FREITAS, RENATO G.; SINGH, GURPREET; ZANIN, HUDSON. Freestanding niobium pentoxide-decorated multiwalled carbon nanotube electrode: Charge storage mechanism in sodium-ion pseudocapacitor and battery. JOURNAL OF ENERGY STORAGE, v. 52, p. 16-pg., . (17/11958-1, 14/02163-7)
AMARAL, MURILO M.; VENANCIO, RAISSA; PETERLEVITZ, ALFREDO C.; ZANIN, HUDSON. Recent advances on quasi-solid-state electrolytes for supercapacitors. JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY, v. 67, p. 21-pg., . (17/11958-1, 14/02163-7, 20/14968-0)
NUNES, WILLIAN G.; MIRANDA, ANDRE N.; FREITAS, BRUNO; VICENTINI, RAFAEL; OLIVEIRA, ALINE C.; DOUBEK, GUSTAVO; FREITAS, RENATO G.; DA SILVA, LEONARDO M.; ZANIN, HUDSON. Charge-storage mechanism of highly defective NiO nanostructures on carbon nanofibers in electrochemical supercapacitors. NANOSCALE, v. 13, n. 21, p. 9590-9605, . (17/11958-1, 18/20756-6, 14/02163-7)
SANTOS, JOAO PEDRO A.; PINZON, MANUEL J.; SANTOS, ERICK A.; VICENTINI, RAFAEL; PAGAN, CESAR J. B.; DA SILVA, LEONARDO M.; ZANIN, HUDSON. Boosting energy-storage capability in carbon-based supercapacitors using low-temperature water-in-salt electrolytes. JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY, v. 70, p. 10-pg., . (14/02163-7, 17/11958-1)
NUNES, WILLIAN G.; PASCON, ALINE M.; FREITAS, BRUNO; DE SOUSA, LINDOMAR G.; FRANCO, DEBORA, V; ZANIN, HUDSON; DA SILVA, LEONARDO M.. Electrochemical Behavior of Symmetric Electrical Double-Layer Capacitors and Pseudocapacitors and Identification of Transport Anomalies in the Interconnected Ionic and Electronic Phases Using the Impedance Technique. NANOMATERIALS, v. 12, n. 4, p. 23-pg., . (17/11958-1, 14/02163-7)
ALEXANDRELI, MURILO; BROCCHI, CESAR B.; SOARES, DAVI MARCELO; NUNES, WILLIAN G.; FREITAS, BRUNO G.; DE OLIVEIRA, FRANCISCA E. R.; ARANHA SCHIAVO, LUIZ EDUARDO CAMARGO; PETERLEVITZ, ALFREDO C.; DA SILVA, LEONARDO M.; ZANIN, HUDSON. Pseudocapacitive behaviour of iron oxides supported on carbon nanofibers as a composite electrode material for aqueous-based supercapacitors. JOURNAL OF ENERGY STORAGE, v. 42, . (17/11958-1, 14/02163-7, 18/20756-6)
RUFINO JUNIOR, CARLOS ANTONIO; SANSEVERINO, ELEONORA RIVA; GALLO, PIERLUIGI; KOCH, DANIEL; SCHWEIGER, HANS-GEORG; ZANIN, HUDSON. Blockchain review for battery supply chain monitoring and battery trading. RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS, v. 157, p. 26-pg., . (17/11958-1, 14/02163-7, 18/20756-6)

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