Auxílio à pesquisa 08/58120-3 - Biosfera, Ecossistemas - BV FAPESP
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Carbon tracker and water availability controls of land use and climate changes

Processo: 08/58120-3
Modalidade de apoio:Auxílio à Pesquisa - Programa de Pesquisa sobre Mudanças Climáticas Globais - Temático
Área do conhecimento:Ciências Exatas e da Terra - Geociências - Meteorologia
Acordo de Cooperação: CNPq - Pronex
Pesquisador responsável:Humberto Ribeiro da Rocha
Beneficiário:Humberto Ribeiro da Rocha
Instituição Sede: Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas (IAG). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brasil
Pesquisadores principais:
Luciana Vanni Gatti
Bolsa(s) vinculada(s):12/08369-0 - Serviços ambientais hidrológicos: quantificação dos efeitos da funcionalidade das APPs em bacias de várias escalas, BP.PD
11/04051-3 - Determinação das concentrações de entrada dos gases de efeito estufa na Bacia Amazônica, BP.MS
10/17045-9 - Dendrometric dynamic in a Cerrado denso strictu senso of Glebe Pé-de-gigante, Parque Estadual de Vassununga, Santa Rita do Passa Quatro, SP, BP.TT
+ mais bolsas vinculadas 10/15952-9 - Produção de serapilheira no Cerrado Pé-de-gigante e Mata Atlântica, BP.TT
10/03674-4 - Transportes e balanço de carbono na Amazônia, BP.PD
10/07405-8 - Trocas gasosas em uma Floresta Ombrófila Densa Atlântica, BP.TT
10/01585-4 - Desenvolvimento de um conjunto de dados de superfície para modelagem do sistema terrestre, BP.TT
10/02251-2 - Implementação, manutenção operacional e desenvolvimentos do sistema CarbonTracker no âmbito do centro de previsão de tempo e estudos climáticos, BP.TT
10/00269-1 - Monitoramento dendrométrico em um Cerrado stricto sensu na gleba Pé-de-gigante, BP.TT
09/15632-7 - Produção de serapilheira no Cerrado Pé-de-Gigante e Mata Atlântica, BP.TT - menos bolsas vinculadas
Assunto(s):Biosfera  Ecossistemas  Cerrado  Carbono  Ecossistema amazônico  Mudança climática 
Palavra(s)-Chave do Pesquisador:Amazonia | Biosfera | Carbono | Cerrado | Ecossistema | Modelagem
Publicação FAPESP:


This proposal concerns the Consequences of global climate change in the functioning of ecosystems, with emphasis on the water and carbon cycles, especially the sectors of water resources and agriculture, and the balance of radiation in the atmosphere, aerosols, trace gases and changes in land use. The proposal seeks to estimate and interpret greenhouse gases (GHG) and surface hydrological exchanges at large- and regional scale in Brazil, both due to climate variation and land use changes (LUC), using consistent field measurements and modeling of the land-atmosphere system. We aim to answer: if the Amazon basin operates as a sink or source of GHG, which intrinsically adds much uncertainty in the assessment of long term predictions of regional climate; on what extension the LUC reduces the water availability, and how it might combine future global climate changes; where and how the medium term policies of adaptation to climate change could be tackled in critical areas. By means of a consortium of Brazillian instituions (USP, Embrapa, IPEN, DAEE, IBt) , UK (Univ of Leeds) and american (NOAA), we plan to developing spatio-temporal distributions of carbon fluxes, estimating mean net carbon flux for Amazon basin (sink or source), using a computational & field data assimilation system -- the carbon tracker, that includes LUC and the aerosol effects: emphasizing the strong link between GHG with the hydrological cycle, and calculating changes in water status and ecosystem productivity in the Amazon basin, for a range of climate scenarios: estimating surface water and carbon fluxes across several ecosystems in Amazonia, Cerrado and Atlantic Forest, using observation in flux tower sites; assessing the hydrological effects of land use changes, for a range of climate change scenarios, in meso-scale watersheds in the biomes of Cerrado and Atlantic Forest. (AU)

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Publicações científicas (15)
(Referências obtidas automaticamente do Web of Science e do SciELO, por meio da informação sobre o financiamento pela FAPESP e o número do processo correspondente, incluída na publicação pelos autores)
CABRAL, OSVALDO M. R.; DA ROCHA, HUMBERTO R.; GASH, JOHN H.; FREITAS, HELBER C.; LIGO, MARCOS A. V.. Water and energy fluxes from a woodland savanna (cerrado) in southeast Brazil. JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY-REGIONAL STUDIES, v. 4, n. B, p. 22-40, . (08/58120-3)
SAAD, SANDRA I.; DA ROCHA, HUMBERTO R.; SILVA DIAS, MARIA A. F.; ROSOLEM, RAFAEL. Can the Deforestation Breeze Change the Rainfall in Amazonia? A Case Study for the BR-163 Highway Region. Earth Interactions, v. 14, . (02/09289-9, 05/57829-0, 08/58120-3)
ZHU, LIYE; MARTIN, MARIA VAL; GATTI, LUCIANA V.; KAHN, RALPH; HECOBIAN, ARSINEH; FISCHER, EMILY V.. Development and implementation of a new biomass burning emissions injection height scheme (BBEIH v1.0) for the GEOS-Chem model (v9-01-01). Geoscientific Model Development, v. 11, n. 10, p. 4103-4116, . (08/58120-3)
FONSECA, LETICIA D. M.; DALAGNOL, RICARDO; MALHI, YADVINDER; RIFAI, SAMI W.; COSTA, GABRIEL B.; SILVA, THIAGO S. F.; DA ROCHA, HUMBERTO R.; TAVARES, IANE B.; BORMA, LAURA S.. Phenology and Seasonal Ecosystem Productivity in an Amazonian Floodplain Forest. REMOTE SENSING, v. 11, n. 13, . (08/58120-3, 13/50531-2, 15/22987-7)
ARAGAO, LUIZ E. O. C.; ANDERSON, LIANA O.; FONSECA, MARISA G.; ROSAN, THAIS M.; VEDOVATO, LAURA B.; WAGNER, FABIEN H.; SILVA, CAMILA V. J.; SILVA JUNIOR, CELSO H. L.; ARAI, EGIDIO; AGUIAR, ANA P.; et al. 21st Century drought-related fires counteract the decline of Amazon deforestation carbon emissions. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, v. 9, . (15/50484-0, 11/51841-0, 08/58120-3, 08/57719-9)
PANGALA, SUNITHA R.; ENRICH-PRAST, ALEX; BASSO, LUANA S.; PEIXOTO, ROBERTA BITTENCOURT; BASTVIKEN, DAVID; HORNIBROOK, EDWARD R. C.; GATTI, LUCIANA V.; MAROTTA, HUMBERTO; BRAUCKS CALAZANS, LUANA SILVA; SAKURAGUI, CASSIA MONICA; et al. Large emissions from floodplain trees close the Amazon methane budget. Nature, v. 552, n. 7684, p. 230+, . (11/51841-0, 08/58120-3)
CABRAL, OSVALDO M. R.; ROCHA, HUMBERTO R.; GASH, JOHN H.; LIGO, MARCOS A. V.; TATSCH, JONATAN D.; FREITAS, HELBER C.; BRASILIO, EMILIA. Water use in a sugarcane plantation. Global Change Biology Bioenergy, v. 4, n. 5, p. 555-565, . (08/58120-3)
BASSO, LUANA S.; MARANI, LUCIANO; GATTI, V, LUCIANA; MILLER, JOHN B.; GLOOR, MANUEL; MELACK, JOHN; CASSOL, HENRIQUE L. G.; TEJADA, GRACIELA; DOMINGUES, LUCAS G.; ARAI, EGIDIO; et al. Amazon methane budget derived from multi-year airborne observations highlights regional variations in emissions. COMMUNICATIONS EARTH & ENVIRONMENT, v. 2, n. 1, . (08/58120-3, 20/02656-4, 18/14423-4, 11/51841-0, 19/23654-2, 18/14006-4, 16/02018-2, 19/21789-8, 11/17914-0, 18/18493-7)
CABRAL, OSVALDO M. R.; ROCHA, HUMBERTO R.; GASH, JOHN H.; LIGO, MARCOS A. V.; RAMOS, NILZA PATRICIA; PACKER, ANA PAULA; BATISTA, EUNICE REIS. Fluxes of CO2 above a sugarcane plantation in Brazil. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, v. 182, p. 13-pg., . (08/58120-3)
CABRAL, OSVALDO M. R.; ROCHA, HUMBERTO R.; GASH, JOHN H.; LIGO, MARCOS A. V.; RAMOS, NILZA PATRICIA; PACKER, ANA PAULA; BATISTA, EUNICE REIS. Fluxes of CO2 above a sugarcane plantation in Brazil. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, v. 182, n. SI, p. 54-66, . (08/58120-3)
BASSO, LUANA S.; GATTI, LUCIANA V.; GLOOR, MANUEL; MILLER, JOHN B.; DOMINGUES, LUCAS G.; CORREIA, CAIO S. C.; BORGES, VIVIANE F.. Seasonality and interannual variability of CH4 fluxes from the eastern Amazon Basin inferred from atmospheric mole fraction profiles. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, v. 121, n. 1, p. 168-184, . (08/58120-3)
GATTI, L. V.; GLOOR, M.; MILLER, J. B.; DOUGHTY, C. E.; MALHI, Y.; DOMINGUES, L. G.; BASSO, L. S.; MARTINEWSKI, A.; CORREIA, C. S. C.; BORGES, V. F.; et al. Drought sensitivity of Amazonian carbon balance revealed by atmospheric measurements. Nature, v. 506, n. 7486, p. 76+, . (08/58120-3)
CABRAL, OSVALDO M. R.; GASH, JOHN H. C.; ROCHA, HUMBERTO R.; MARSDEN, CLAIRE; LIGO, MARCOS A. V.; FREITAS, HELBER C.; TATSCH, JONATAN D.; GOMES, EDUARDO. Fluxes of CO2 above a plantation of Eucalyptus in southeast Brazil. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, v. 151, n. 1, p. 49-59, . (08/58120-3)
CABRAL, OSVALDO M. R.; DA ROCHA, HUMBERTO R.; GASH, JOHN H.; FREITAS, HELBER C.; LIGO, MARCOS A. V.. Water and energy fluxes from a woodland savanna (cerrado) in southeast Brazil. JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY-REGIONAL STUDIES, v. 4, p. 19-pg., . (08/58120-3)

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