Auxílio à pesquisa 08/56258-8 - Bioenergia, Biocombustíveis - BV FAPESP
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Phase equilibrium and purification processes in the production of biofuels and biocompounds

Processo: 08/56258-8
Modalidade de apoio:Auxílio à Pesquisa - Programa BIOEN - Temático
Área do conhecimento:Ciências Agrárias - Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos - Engenharia de Alimentos
Acordo de Cooperação: CNPq - Pronex
Pesquisador responsável:Antonio José de Almeida Meirelles
Beneficiário:Antonio José de Almeida Meirelles
Instituição Sede: Faculdade de Engenharia de Alimentos (FEA). Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Campinas , SP, Brasil
Pesquisadores principais:
Pedro de Alcântara Pessôa Filho
Auxílio(s) vinculado(s):12/21765-2 - Visita do Prof. Dr. Christian Stevens à Faculdade de Engenharia de Alimentos/UNICAMP, AV.EXT
12/00868-8 - 34th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, AR.EXT
Bolsa(s) vinculada(s):13/11868-1 - Equilíbrio líquido-líquido em sistemas-modelos formados por óleo vegetal + aldeído + etanol anidro a 25 ºC, BP.MS
13/12428-5 - Refino físico de óleos vegetais: estudo das cinéticas e mecanismos envolvidos no processo, BP.PD
12/13486-6 - Determinação de dados de equilíbrio líquido-líquido e cinética reacional de óleos vegetais na produção de biodiesel etílico, BP.IC
+ mais bolsas vinculadas 12/05138-8 - Influência de acilgliceróis parciais nas propriedades físicas de óleo vegetal e biodiesel: determinação experimental e avaliação de métodos preditivos, BP.IC
12/04792-6 - Equilíbrio líquido-líquido e sólido-líquido de sistemas graxos e alcoólicos, BP.TT
10/12856-9 - Equilíbrio líquido-líquido de sistemas contendo óleo de soja, ácido linoleico, etanol, água, e compostos minoritários (tocoferóis e tocotrienóis), BP.IC
10/02899-2 - Equilíbrio líquido-líquido em sistemas envolvendo biocombustíveis: água + 2,5-dimetilfurano + solvente, BP.MS
10/11150-5 - Equilíbrio líquido-líquido e desodorização de sistemas graxos, BP.TT
10/05689-9 - Equilíbrio sólido líquido misturas binárias de álcoois graxos saturados + ácidos graxos saturados através da calorimetria exploratória diferencial, BP.IC
09/11083-9 - Viscosidades de misturas envolvendo álcoois de cadeia curta e compostos graxos: obtenção de novos parâmetros para o modelo unifac-visco, BP.MS
10/00848-1 - Equilíbrio sólido-líquido e líquido vapor de sistemas graxos e alcoólicos, BP.TT
10/00853-5 - Equilíbrio líquido-líquido e desodorização de sistemas graxos, BP.TT
08/08706-1 - Determinação Experimental de Dados de Equilíbrio Líquido-Vapor de Misturas Binárias de Ésteres Graxos Etílicos e Ácidos Graxos através da Calorimetria Diferencial Exploratória, BP.DR
08/09502-0 - Estudo detalhado do equilíbrio sólido-líquido de misturas de álcoois graxos com ácidos graxos, BP.PD - menos bolsas vinculadas
Assunto(s):Bioenergia  Biocombustíveis  Etanol  Biodiesel  Simulação de processos 
Palavra(s)-Chave do Pesquisador:Biocompounds | Biodiesel | Bioethanol | Distillation | Phase Equilibrium | Process Simulation
Publicação FAPESP:


This project aims to optimize the purification processes used in the production of biofuels and to enhance the added value of byproducts generated during such processes. In the case of bioethanol, the distillation process will be investigated taking into account minor components relevant for product quality, according to standards fixed by the legislation for biofuels and the requirements of the raw materials for the chemical, pharmaceutical, cosmetics and food industries. The configurations of distillation columns currently in use in sugar mills will be investigated by experimental means in the industrial units and by process simulation. A comprehensive investigation of the phase equilibrium of wine will be carried out, taking into account a complete set of minor components. New and innovative configurations for distillation columns will be proposed, aiming at better product quality, equipment flexibility, higher ethanol recovery, lower energy consumption and better byproduct quality. Such configurations will be further tested for concentrating the bioethanol obtained from wine with a high alcohol content and from cellulosic residues. In the case of ethylic biodiesel, a comprehensive investigation of the different types of phase equilibrium occurring throughout the whole production process will be carried out. The use of ethylic alcohol as a solvent for extracting vegetable oils from seeds and grains, and for deacidifying crude oils by liquid-liquid extraction, as well as its use as a reactant in biodiesel production will be studied, with the purpose of integrating biodiesel and bioethanol productions. The optimization of the whole production process, including the oil extraction and deacidification, biodiesel reaction and purification, will be performed by simulation. In the case of biocompounds, strategies for enhancing the value of byproducts generated during the production of biofuels will be investigated. For instance, the fractionation of higher alcohols generated as a sidestream during the distillation of bioethanol, the use of glycerol in the production of surfactants and emulsifiers, the recovery of nutraceuticals from edible oils, and the formulation and fractionation of fatty mixtures based on solid-liquid equilibrium data. (AU)

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Publicações científicas (61)
(Referências obtidas automaticamente do Web of Science e do SciELO, por meio da informação sobre o financiamento pela FAPESP e o número do processo correspondente, incluída na publicação pelos autores)
SILVA, SIMONE M.; SAMPAIO, KLICIA A.; CERIANI, ROBERTA; VERHE, ROLAND; STEVENS, CHRISTIAN; DE GREYT, WIM; MEIRELLES, ANTONIO J. A.. Effect of type of bleaching earth on the final color of refined palm oil. LWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, v. 59, n. 2, 2, SI, p. 1258-1264, . (10/16634-0, 08/56258-8)
HIRATA, GLAUCIA F.; ABREU, CHARLLES R. A.; BESSA, LARISSA C. B. A.; FERREIRA, MARCELA C.; BATISTA, EDUARDO A. C.; MEIRELLES, ANTONIO J. A.. Liquid-liquid equilibrium of fatty systems: A new approach for adjusting UNIFAC interaction parameters. Fluid Phase Equilibria, v. 360, p. 379-391, . (09/54137-1, 08/56258-8)
BESSA, LARISSA C. B. A.; FERREIRA, M. C.; BATISTA, EDUARDO A. C.; MEIRELLES, ANTONIO J. A.. Performance and cost evaluation of a new double-effect integration of multicomponent bioethanol distillation. ENERGY, v. 63, p. 1-9, . (09/54137-1, 08/56258-8)
BELTING, PATRICIA C.; GMEHLING, JURGEN; BOLTS, RAINER; RAREY, JURGEN; CERIANI, ROBERTA; CHIAVONE-FILHO, OSVALDO; MEIRELLES, ANTONIO J. A.. Excess enthalpies for pseudobinary mixtures containing vegetable oils at the temperatures 298.15 K, 353.15 K and 383.15 K. Fluid Phase Equilibria, v. 375, p. 124-133, . (10/16634-0, 09/54137-1, 08/56258-8)
FERREIRA, MARCELA C.; MEIRELLES, ANTONIO J. A.; BATISTA, EDUARDO A. C.. Study of the Fusel Oil Distillation Process. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, v. 52, n. 6, p. 2336-2351, . (08/56258-8)
ANSOLIN, MARINA; BASSO, RODRIGO CORREA; DE ALMEIDA MEIRELLES, ANTONIO JOSE; CALDAS BATISTA, EDUARDO AUGUSTO. Experimental data for liquid-liquid equilibrium of fatty systems with emphasis on the distribution of tocopherols and tocotrienols. Fluid Phase Equilibria, v. 338, p. 78-86, . (08/56258-8)
SHIOZAWA, SIMONE; BESSA, LARISSA C. B. A.; FERREIRA, MARCELA C.; MEIRELLES, ANTONIO J. A.; BATISTA, EDUARDO A. C.. Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium Data for Fatty Systems Containing Monoacylglycerols and Diacylglycerols. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA, v. 60, n. 8, p. 2371-2379, . (08/56258-8)
DE MATOS, FLAVIO CARDOSO; DA COSTA, MARIANA CONCEICAO; DE ALMEIDA MEIRELLES, ANTONIO JOSE; CALDAS BATISTA, EDUARDO AUGUSTO. Binary solid-liquid equilibrium systems containing fatty acids, fatty alcohols and triolein by differential scanning calorimetry. Fluid Phase Equilibria, v. 404, p. 1-8, . (12/05027-1, 08/56258-8)
CUEVAS, MAITE S.; CREVELIN, EDUARDO J.; DE MORAES, LUIZ A. B.; OLIVEIRA, ALESSANDRA L.; RODRIGUES, CHRISTIANNE E. C.; MEIRELLES, ANTONIO J. A.. Solubility of commercial octacosanol in organic solvents and their correlation by thermodynamic models at different temperatures. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THERMODYNAMICS, v. 110, p. 186-192, . (14/21252-0, 14/09446-4, 15/07370-3, 07/06170-4, 08/56258-8)
MAXIMO, GUILHERME J.; SANTOS, RICARDO J. B. N.; BRANDAO, PAULA; ESPERANCA, JOSE M. S. S.; COSTA, MARIANA C.; MEIRELLES, ANTONIO J. A.; FREIRE, MARA G.; COUTINHO, JOAO A. P.. Generating Ionic Liquids from Ionic Solids: An Investigation of the Melting Behavior of Binary Mixtures of Ionic Liquids. Crystal Growth & Design, v. 14, n. 9, p. 4270-4277, . (12/05027-1, 08/56258-8)
BOSCHETTO, DAIANE L.; DALMOLIN, IREDE; DE CESARO, ALANA M.; RIGO, ALINE A.; FERREIRA, SANDRA R. S.; MEIRELES, M. ANGELA A.; BATISTA, EDUARDO A. C.; VLADIMIR OLIVEIRA, J.. Phase behavior and process parameters effect on grape seed extract encapsulation by SEDS technique. INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS, v. 50, p. 352-360, . (08/56258-8)
FREITAS, SAMUEL V. D.; SANTOS, ANGELA; MOITA, MARIA-LUISA C. J.; FOLLEGATTI-ROMERO, LUIS A.; DIAS, TELMA P. V. B.; MEIRELLES, ANTONIO J. A.; DARIDON, JEAN-LUC; LIMA, ALVARO S.; COUTINHO, JOAO A. P.. Measurement and prediction of speeds of sound of fatty acid ethyl esters and ethylic biodiesels. FUEL, v. 108, p. 840-845, . (08/56258-8)
COSTA, MARIANA C.; ROLEMBERG, MARLUS P.; MEIRELLES, ANTONIO J. A.; COUTINHO, JOAO A. P.; KRAEHENBUEHL, M. A.. The solid-liquid phase diagrams of binary mixtures of even saturated fatty acids differing by six carbon atoms. Thermochimica Acta, v. 496, n. 1-2, p. 30-37, . (08/09502-0, 05/53095-2, 08/56258-8)
CARARETO, NATALIA D. D.; DOS SANTOS, ADENILSON O.; ROLEMBERG, MARLUS P.; CARDOSO, LISANDRO P.; COSTA, MARIANA C.; MEIRELLES, ANTONIO J. A.. On the solid-liquid phase diagrams of binary mixtures of even saturated fatty alcohols: Systems exhibiting peritectic reaction. Thermochimica Acta, v. 589, p. 137-147, . (08/09502-0, 07/06162-1, 12/05027-1, 08/56258-8)
RODRIGUES, CHRISTIANNE E. C.; GONCALVES, CINTIA B.; MARCON, ELAINE C.; BATISTA, EDUARDO A. C.; MEIRELLES, ANTONIO J. A.. Deacidification of rice bran oil by liquid-liquid extraction using a renewable solvent. Separation and Purification Technology, v. 132, p. 84-92, . (11/02476-7, 01/13733-9, 12/23203-1, 08/56258-8, 99/12033-1)
DE MATOS, FLAVIO CARDOSO; DA COSTA, MARIANA CONCEICAO; DE ALMEIDA MEIRELLES, ANTONIO JOSE; CALDAS BATISTA, EDUARDO AUGUSTO. Binary solid-liquid equilibrium systems containing fatty acids, fatty alcohols and trilaurin by differential scanning calorimetry. Fluid Phase Equilibria, v. 423, p. 74-83, . (12/05027-1, 08/56258-8)
TODA, TATIANE AKEMI; SAWADA, MIRIAN MEGUMI; RODRIGUES, CHRISTIANNE E. C.. Kinetics of soybean oil extraction using ethanol as solvent: Experimental data and modeling. FOOD AND BIOPRODUCTS PROCESSING, v. 98, p. 1-10, . (10/03058-1, 14/09446-4, 09/17855-3, 11/09543-1, 08/56258-8, 13/25142-2)
DIAS, TELMA P. V. B.; FONSECA, LUCIANA A. A. P.; RUIZ, MAIRA C.; BATISTA, FABIO R. M.; BATISTA, EDUARDO A. C.; MEIRELLES, ANTONIO J. A.. Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium of Mixtures Containing the Following Higher Alcohols: 2-Propanol, 2-Methyl-1-propanol, and 3-Methyl-1-butanol. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA, v. 59, n. 3, p. 659-665, . (09/54137-1, 12/08792-0, 08/56258-8)
BELTING, PATRICIA CASTRO; RAREY, JUERGEN; GMEHLING, JUERGEN; CERIANI, ROBERTA; CHIAVONE-FILHO, OSVALDO; MEIRELLES, ANTONIO J. A.. Activity coefficient at infinite dilution measurements for organic solutes (polar and non-polar) in fatty compounds - Part II: C18 fatty acids. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THERMODYNAMICS, v. 60, p. 142-149, . (10/16634-0, 09/54137-1, 08/56258-8)
TRONI, KELLY L.; SILVA, SIMONE M.; MEIRELLES, ANTONIO J. A.; CERIAN, ROBERTA; PIERUCCI, S; KLEMES, JJ. Study of Fatty Acid and Fatty Alcohol Formation from Hydrolysis of Rice Bran Wax. ICHEAP-11: 11TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CHEMICAL AND PROCESS ENGINEERING, PTS 1-4, v. 32, p. 6-pg., . (10/16634-0, 08/56258-8)
SILVA, SIMONE M.; SAMPAIO, KLICIA A.; CERIANI, ROBERTA; VERHE, ROLAND; STEVENS, CHRISTIAN; DE GREYT, WIM; MEIRELLES, ANTONIO J. A.. Effect of type of bleaching earth on the final color of refined palm oil. LWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, v. 59, n. 2, p. 7-pg., . (10/16634-0, 08/56258-8)
QUISPE JIMENEZ, OTTO ALBERTO; LEMOS, VANESSA VILELA; CALDAS BATISTA, EDUARDO AUGUSTO; ROLEMBERG, MARLUS PINHEIRO; BASSO, RODRIGO CORREA. Hansen solubility parameters and thermodynamic modeling for LLE description during glycerol-settling in ester production from coconut oil. FUEL, v. 241, p. 725-732, . (08/56258-8)
ROBUSTILLO, MARIA DOLORES; BRANCO ALMEIDA BESSA, LARISSA CASTELLO; DE ALMEIDA MEIRELLES, ANTONIO JOSE; PESSOA FILHO, PEDRO DE ALCANTARA. Experimental data and thermodynamic modeling of solid-liquid equilibrium of binary systems containing representative compounds of biodiesel and fossil fuels: Ethyl esters and n-hexadecane. FUEL, v. 220, p. 303-317, . (10/18355-1, 14/21252-0, 08/56258-8)
BESSA, LARISSA C. B. A.; FERREIRA, MARCELA C.; RODRIGUES, CHRISTIANNE E. C.; BATISTA, EDUARDO A. C.; MEIRELLES, ANTONIO J. A.. Simulation and process design of continuous countercurrent ethanolic extraction of rice bran oil. Journal of Food Engineering, v. 202, p. 99-113, . (09/54137-1, 08/56258-8, 14/21252-0, 14/09446-4)
BASSO, RODRIGO CORREA; MIYAKE, FABIO HIDEKI; DE ALMEIDA MEIRELLES, ANTONIO JOSE; CALDAS BATISTA, EDUARDO AUGUSTO. Liquid-liquid equilibrium data and thermodynamic modeling, at T/K=298.2, in the washing step of ethyl biodiesel production from crambe, fodder radish and macauba pulp oils. FUEL, v. 117, n. A, p. 590-597, . (08/56258-8)
SAMPAIO, KLICIA A.; AYALA, JOSE V.; SILVA, SIMONE M.; CERIANI, ROBERTA; VERHE, ROLAND; MEIRELLES, ANTONIO J. A.. Thermal Degradation Kinetics of Carotenoids in Palm Oil. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN OIL CHEMISTS SOCIETY, v. 90, n. 2, p. 191-198, . (10/16634-0, 09/54137-1, 08/56258-8)
DALMOLIN, IREDE; RIGO, ALINE A.; CORAZZA, MARCOS L.; NDIAYE, PAPA M.; MEIRELES, M. ANGELA A.; BATISTA, EDUARDO A. C.; VLADIMIR OLIVEIRA, J.. Phase behaviour and thermodynamic modelling for the system (grape seed oil plus carbon dioxide plus ethanol) at high pressures. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THERMODYNAMICS, v. 68, p. 71-74, . (08/56258-8)
CUEVAS, MAITE S.; DE SOUZA, PATRICIA T.; DA COSTA RODRIGUES, CHRISTIANNE E.; MEIRELLES, ANTONIO J. A.. Quantification and Determination of Composition of Steryl Ferulates in Refined Rice Bran Oils Using an UPLC-MS Method. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN OIL CHEMISTS SOCIETY, v. 94, n. 3, p. 375-385, . (09/54137-1, 15/07370-3, 08/56258-8, 14/09446-4, 14/21252-0)
ROBUSTILLO, MARIA DOLORES; DE ALMEIDA MEIRELLES, ANTONIO JOSE; PESSOA FILHO, PEDRO DE ALCANTARA. Solid-liquid equilibrium of binary and ternary systems formed by ethyl laurate, ethyl palmitate and dodecylcylohexane: Experimental data and thermodynamic modeling. Fluid Phase Equilibria, v. 409, p. 157-170, . (10/18355-1, 14/17585-4, 08/56258-8)
BESSA, LARISSA C. B. A.; FERREIRA, MARCELA C.; ABREU, CHARLLES R. A.; BATISTA, EDUARDO A. C.; MEIRELLES, ANTONIO J. A.. A new UNIFAC parameterization for the prediction of liquid-liquid equilibrium of biodiesel systems. Fluid Phase Equilibria, v. 425, p. 98-107, . (09/54137-1, 08/56258-8)
ROBUSTILLO, MARIA DOLORES; BARBOSA, DEISE FERNANDA; DE ALMEIDA MEIRELLES, ANTONIO JOSE; PESSOA FILHO, PEDRO DE ALCANTARA. Solid-liquid equilibrium in ternary mixtures of ethyl laurate, ethyl palmitate and ethyl myristate. Fluid Phase Equilibria, v. 361, p. 188-199, . (10/18355-1, 08/56258-8)
BELTING, PATRICIA C.; RAREY, JURGEN; GMEHLING, JURGEN; CERIANI, ROBERTA; CHIAVONE-FILHO, OSVALDO; MEIRELLES, ANTONIO J. A.. Measurements of activity coefficients at infinite dilution in vegetable oils and capric acid using the dilutor technique. Fluid Phase Equilibria, v. 361, p. 215-222, . (10/16634-0, 09/54137-1, 08/56258-8)
FERREIRA, MARCELA CRAVO; BESSA, LARISSA C. B. A.; SHIOZAWA, SIMONE; MEIRELLES, ANTONIO J. A.; CALDAS BATISTA, EDUARDO AUGUSTO. Liquid-liquid equilibrium of systems containing triacylglycerols (canola and corn oils), diacylglycerols, monoacylglycerols, fatty acids, ester and ethanol at T/K=303.15 and 318.15. Fluid Phase Equilibria, v. 404, p. 32-41, . (09/54137-1, 08/56258-8)
MAXIMO, GUILHERME J.; COSTA, MARIANA C.; COUTINHO, JOAO A. P.; MEIRELLES, ANTONIO J. A.. Trends and demands in the solid-liquid equilibrium of lipidic mixtures. RSC ADVANCES, v. 4, n. 60, p. 31840-31850, . (12/05027-1, 08/56258-8)
CARARETO, NATALIA D. D.; CASTAGNARO, THAMIRES; COSTA, MARIANA C.; MEIRELLES, ANTONIO J. A.. The binary (solid plus liquid) phase diagrams of (caprylic or capric acid) + (1-octanol or 1-decanol). JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THERMODYNAMICS, v. 78, p. 99-108, . (08/09502-0, 12/05027-1, 08/56258-8)
BESSA, LARISSA C. B. A.; FERREIRA, MARCELA C.; SHIOZAWA, SIMONE; BATISTA, EDUARDO A. C.; MEIRELLES, ANTONIO J. A.. (Liquid plus liquid) equilibrium of systems involved in the stepwise ethanolysis of vegetable oils. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THERMODYNAMICS, v. 89, p. 148-158, . (09/54137-1, 08/56258-8)
CARARETO, NATALIA D. D.; COSTA, MARIANA C.; MEIRELLES, ANTONIO J. A.; PAULY, J.. High pressure solid-liquid equilibrium of fatty acid ethyl esters binary systems. Fluid Phase Equilibria, v. 382, p. 158-163, . (08/09502-0, 12/05027-1, 08/56258-8)
MAXIMO, GUILHERME J.; COSTA, MARIANA C.; MEIRELLES, ANTONIO J. A.. The Crystal-T algorithm: a new approach to calculate the SLE of lipidic mixtures presenting solid solutions. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, v. 16, n. 31, p. 16740-16754, . (12/05027-1, 08/56258-8)
SAWADA, MIRIAN MEGUMI; VENANCIO, LARISSA LOPES; TODA, TATIANE AKEMI; RODRIGUES, CHRISTIANNE E. C.. Effects of different alcoholic extraction conditions on soybean oil yield, fatty acid composition and protein solubility of defatted meal. Food Research International, v. 62, p. 662-670, . (10/03058-1, 09/17855-3, 11/09543-1, 08/56258-8, 11/14246-6)
MAZUTTI, MARCIO A.; VOLL, FERNANDO A. P.; CARDOZO-FILHO, LUCIO; CORAZZA, MARCOS L.; LANZA, MARCELO; PRIAMO, WAGNER L.; VLADIMIR OLIVEIRA, J.. Thermophysical properties of biodiesel and related systems: (Liquid plus liquid) equilibrium data for castor oil biodiesel. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THERMODYNAMICS, v. 62, p. 17-26, . (08/56258-8)
OLIVEIRA, MARIANA B.; FOLLEGATTI-ROMERO, LUIS A.; LANZA, MARCELO; BATISTA, FABIO R. M.; BATISTA, EDUARDO A. C.; MEIRELLES, ANTONIO J. A.. Low pressure vapor-liquid equilibria modeling of biodiesel related systems with the Cubic-Plus-Association (CPA) equation of state. FUEL, v. 133, p. 224-231, . (08/56258-8)
MAXIMO, GUILHERME J.; SANTOS, RICARDO J. B. N.; LOPES-DA-SIVA, JOSE A.; COSTA, MARIANA C.; MEIRELLES, ANTONIO J. A.; COUTINHO, JOAO A. P.. Lipidic Protic Ionic Liquid Crystals. ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING, v. 2, n. 4, p. 672-682, . (12/05027-1, 08/56258-8)
MAXIMO, GUILHERME J.; CARARETO, NATALIA D. D.; COSTA, MARIANA C.; DOS SANTOS, ADENILSON O.; CARDOSO, LISANDRO P.; KRAEHENBAHL, MARIA A.; MEIRELLES, ANTONIO J. A.. On the solid-liquid equilibrium of binary mixtures of fatty alcohols and fatty acids. Fluid Phase Equilibria, v. 366, p. 88-98, . (09/54137-1, 12/05027-1, 08/56258-8)
ROBUSTILLO, MARIA DOLORES; BARBOSA, DEISE FERNANDA; DE ALMEIDA MEIRELLES, ANTONIO JOSE; PESSOA FILHO, PEDRO DE ALCANTARA. Solid-liquid equilibrium of binary and ternary mixtures containing ethyl oleate, ethyl myristate and ethyl stearate. Fluid Phase Equilibria, v. 370, p. 85-94, . (10/18355-1, 08/56258-8)
CUEVAS, MAIT S.; DEBONI, TAIANA M.; MIELKE NETO, PAULO; DAMASCENO, FABIOLLA S.; MOTA, RAFAEL V.; DA SILVA, LUIZA H. M.; RODRIGUES, CHRISTIANNE E. C.; MEIRELLES, ANTONIO J. A.. Using a Strong Anion-Exchange Resin to Deacidify Red Palm Oil. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN OIL CHEMISTS SOCIETY, v. 90, n. 10, p. 1589-1597, . (09/54137-1, 08/56258-8)
DEBONI, TAIANA M.; CUEVAS, MAITE S.; MIELKE NETO, PAULO; MOTA, RAFAEL V.; DAMASCENO, FABIOLLA S.; MELLER DA SILVA, LUIZA HELENA; RODRIGUES, CHRISTIANNE E. C.; MEIRELLES, ANTONIO J. A.. Deacidification of Soybean Oil by Ion Exchange. Food and Bioprocess Technology, v. 6, n. 12, p. 3335-3344, . (09/54137-1, 08/56258-8)
ROBUSTILLO, MARIA DOLORES; BARBOSA, DEISE FERNANDA; DE ALMEIDA MEIRELLES, ANTONIO JOSE; PESSOA FILHO, PEDRO DE ALCANTARA. Solid-liquid equilibrium in ternary mixtures of ethyl laurate, ethyl palmitate and ethyl stearate. Fluid Phase Equilibria, v. 358, p. 272-281, . (10/18355-1, 08/56258-8)
BATISTA, FABIO R. M.; FOLLEGATTI-ROMERO, LUIS A.; MEIRELLES, ANTONIO J. A.. A new distillation plant for neutral alcohol production. Separation and Purification Technology, v. 118, p. 784-793, . (09/54137-1, 12/08792-0, 08/56258-8)
BASSO, RODRIGO C.; MEIRELLES, ANTONIO J. A.; BATISTA, EDUARDO A. C.. Biodiesel Produced by Ethanolysis: Melting Profile, Densities, and Viscosities. ENERGY & FUELS, v. 27, n. 10, p. 5907-5914, . (08/56258-8)
BELTING, PATRICIA C.; GMEHLING, JUERGEN; BOELTS, RAINER; RAREY, JUERGEN; CERIANI, ROBERTA; CHIAVONE-FILHO, OSVALDO; MEIRELLES, ANTONIO J. A.. Measurement, correlation and prediction of isothermal vapor-liquid equilibria of different systems containing vegetable oils. Fluid Phase Equilibria, v. 395, p. 15-25, . (10/16634-0, 09/54137-1, 08/56258-8)
BASSO, RODRIGO CORREA; DE ALMEIDA MEIRELLES, ANTONIO JOSE; CALDAS BATISTA, EDUARDO AUGUSTO. Densities and Viscosities of Fatty Acid Ethyl Esters and Biodiesels Produced by Ethanolysis from Palm, Canola, and Soybean Oils: Experimental Data and Calculation Methodologies. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, v. 52, n. 8, p. 2985-2994, . (08/56258-8)
MAXIMO, G. J.; COSTA, M. C.; MEIRELLES, A. J. A.. Solid-liquid equilibrium of triolein with fatty alcohols. Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, v. 30, n. 1, p. 33-43, . (09/54137-1, 08/56258-8)
SILVA, SIMONE M.; SAMPAIO, KLICIA A.; CERIANI, ROBERTA; VERHE, ROLAND; STEVENS, CHRISTIAN; DE GREYT, WIM; MEIRELLES, ANTONIO J. A.. Adsorption of carotenes and phosphorus from palm oil onto acid activated bleaching earth: Equilibrium, kinetics and thermodynamics. Journal of Food Engineering, v. 118, n. 4, p. 341-349, . (10/16634-0, 08/56258-8)
BASSO, RODRIGO CORREA; SODRE DA SILVA, CESAR AUGUSTO; SOUSA, CAMILA DE OLIVEIRA; DE ALMEIDA MEIRELLES, ANTONIO JOSE; CALDAS BATISTA, EDUARDO AUGUSTO. LLE experimental data, thermodynamic modeling and sensitivity analysis in the ethyl biodiesel from macauba pulp oil settling step. Bioresource Technology, v. 131, p. 468-475, . (08/56258-8)
ROBUSTILLO, MARIA DOLORES; BARBOSA, DEISE FERNANDA; DE ALMEIDA MEIRELLES, ANTONIO JOSE; PESSOA FILHO, PEDRO DE ALCANTARA. Solid-liquid equilibrium in ternary mixtures of ethyl oleate, ethyl laurate and ethyl palmitate. Fluid Phase Equilibria, v. 339, p. 58-66, . (10/18355-1, 08/56258-8)
BOROS‚ L.; BATISTA‚ MLS; VAZ‚ R.V.; FIGUEIREDO‚ BR; FERNANDES‚ VFS; COSTA‚ MC; KRAHENBUHL‚ MA; MEIRELLES‚ AJA; COUTINHO‚ JAP. Crystallization behavior of mixtures of fatty acid ethyl esters with ethyl stearate. ENERGY & FUELS, v. 23, n. 9, p. 4625-4629, . (05/53095-2, 08/56258-8, 08/09502-0)
BASSO, RODRIGO CORREA; MIYAKE, FABIO HIDEKI; DE ALMEIDA MEIRELLES, ANTONIO JOSE; CALDAS BATISTA, EDUARDO AUGUSTO. Liquid-liquid equilibrium data and thermodynamic modeling, at T/K=298.2, in the washing step of ethyl biodiesel production from crambe, fodder radish and macauba pulp oils. FUEL, v. 117, p. 8-pg., . (08/56258-8)

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