Auxílio à pesquisa 13/07296-2 - Meio ambiente, Energia renovável - BV FAPESP
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CDMF - Centro de Desenvolvimento de Materiais Funcionais

Processo: 13/07296-2
Modalidade de apoio:Auxílio à Pesquisa - Centros de Pesquisa, Inovação e Difusão - CEPIDs
Área do conhecimento:Engenharias - Engenharia de Materiais e Metalúrgica
Pesquisador responsável:Elson Longo da Silva
Beneficiário:Elson Longo da Silva
Instituição Sede: Centro de Ciências Exatas e de Tecnologia (CCET). Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCAR). São Carlos , SP, Brasil
Pesquisadores principais:
( Atuais )
Adilson Jesus Aparecido de Oliveira ; Alexandre Zirpoli Simões ; Antônio Carlos Hernandes ; Carlos Eduardo Vergani ; Edson Roberto Leite ; Emerson Rodrigues de Camargo ; Ernesto Chaves Pereira de Souza ; Lucia Helena Mascaro Sales ; Reginaldo Muccillo ; Renato de Figueiredo Jardim ; Valmor Roberto Mastelaro
Pesquisadores principais:
( Anteriores )
Carlos Frederico de Oliveira Graeff ; José Arana Varela ; Maria Aparecida Zaghete Bertochi ; Mario Cilense
Pesquisadores associados:Adenilson José Chiquito ; Alexandre Zirpoli Simões ; Ana Lucia Machado ; André Farias de Moura ; Angel Fidel Vilche Pena ; Antonio José Ramirez Londono ; Beatriz Eleutério Goi Carvalho ; Caio Marcio Paranhos da Silva ; Carlos Alberto Ospina Ramirez ; Carlos de Oliveira Paiva Santos ; Carlos Frederico de Oliveira Graeff ; Celly Mieko Shinohara Izumi ; Celso Xavier Cardoso ; Cláudio Luiz Carvalho ; Edison Zacarias da Silva ; Elcio Marcantonio Junior ; Eliana Navarro dos Santos Muccillo ; Elton Fabiano Sitta ; Emerson Rodrigues de Camargo ; Fabrício Ronil Sensato ; Fauze Ahmad Aouada ; Fenelon Martinho Lima Pontes ; Fernando Vernilli Júnior ; Flavio Leandro de Souza ; Ieda Lucia Viana Rosa ; João Baptista Baldo ; Jose Antonio Malmonge ; Julio Ricardo Sambrano ; Lucia Helena Mascaro Sales ; Luís Fernando da Silva ; Marcelo Ornaghi Orlandi ; Márcia Regina de Moura Aouada ; Marco Aurélio Liutheviciene Cordeiro ; Marcos Fernando de Souza Teixeira ; Margarete Teresa Gottardo de Almeida ; Maria Inês Basso Bernardi ; Miguel Angel San Miguel Barrera ; Paulo Noronha Lisboa Filho ; Ricardo Carneiro Borra ; Ricardo Cotrin Teixeira ; Sandra Andrea Cruz ; Silvio Rainho Teixeira ; Talita Mazon ; Valmor Roberto Mastelaro ; Waldir Avansi Junior ; Walter Katsumi Sakamoto
Auxílio(s) vinculado(s):24/20227-4 - Modelagem quântica aliada a experimentos para desvendar a influência dos defeitos de interface sobre os mecanismos de condução em semicondutores de CeO2 dopado com vanádio, AV.EXT
24/13828-1 - 2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, AR.EXT
21/14833-0 - EMU concedido no processo 2013/07296-2 (acessorios para MPMS3 SQUID-VSM), AP.EMU
+ mais auxílios vinculados 24/04292-0 - Estudo dos Mecanismos de Condução e Defeitos de Interface em matrizes de CeO2 decoradas com oxido de níquel e oxido de tungstênio, AV.EXT
24/02337-7 - Estudo dos mecanismos de interação do hidrogénio em superfícies nanoestruturadas à base de estanho, AP.R SPRINT
23/05782-9 - EMU concedido no processo 2013/07296¬2: cromatografo líquido de alta eficiência HPLC, AP.EMU
23/01415-1 - Influencia do doping de terras raras na estrutura do fotoânodo de BiVO4 para degradação de biomassa e geração de combustíveis, AP.R
23/02420-9 - EMU concedido no processo 2013/072962: difratômetro de raio-x, modelo SmartLab SE-C com acessórios, AP.EMU
22/10503-9 - 2022 MRS Fall Meeting, AR.EXT
22/08048-1 - Estudos teóricos em nanocristais, AV.EXT
22/05286-9 - EMU concedido no processo 2013/07296-2 - partes do microscópio para microanálise - EDS, AP.EMU
22/00218-5 - EMU concedido no processo 2013/07296-2: equipment HIS13 UV Source with Acessories, AP.EMU
21/13719-0 - EMU concedido no processo 2013/07296-2: lasers e acessórios para Raman Confocal, AP.EMU
20/15883-9 - Magnetos Bidimensionais Livres de Terras Raras Para Aplicações em Spintrônica, AV.BR
20/16063-5 - EMU concedido no processo 2013/07296-2: Extrusora dupla-rosca corotante (Thermo Scientific Process 11), AP.EMU
20/01025-0 - EMU concedido no processo 2013/07296-2 - Spectrophotometer in the UV / Vis / NIR region, AP.EMU
19/18082-0 - 2019 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, AR.EXT
18/07130-0 - Formação de nanoligas metálicas por irradiação de elétrons e laser: combinando teoria, simulação e experimentos para o desenho de novos materiais com aplicações tecnológicas, AV.EXT
18/07238-6 - Sensores de gases de óxidos semicondutores não estequiométricos para detecção de atmosferas gasosas distintas em patente com registros INPI Argentina 20150103953/Brasil 10 2016 028383 3, AV.EXT
18/04487-5 - Biosensors 2018 - 28th Anniversary World Congress on Biosensors, AR.EXT
16/50491-9 - Conduction mechanisms in gas detectors based on nanostructured metalic oxide semiconductors, AP.R SPRINT
17/10313-7 - Eurosensors 2017, AR.EXT
17/03497-4 - 15th Conference & Exhibition of the European Ceramic Society, AR.EXT
16/20708-6 - Pesquisa e desenvolvimento de materiais seletivos para separação de dióxido de carbono e para células a combustível, AV.EXT
14/50725-4 - Gas sensor response of thin films: impact of p-n junctions, AP.R
14/22488-8 - EMN Ceramics 2015, AR.EXT
14/12392-3 - Mapeamento magnético de nanopartículas magnéticas em plantas de feijão crescidas em solo, AV.EXT
14/10130-1 - Nanotexnology 2014 - NN14 - 11 International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, AR.EXT
13/25028-5 - Avaliação global e otimização de células sensibilizadas e híbridas, AV.EXT
13/16329-1 - TiO2@Ag2MoO4 multifuncional: propriedades antimicrobianas e fotocatalíticas, AV.EXT - menos auxílios vinculados
Bolsa(s) vinculada(s):24/17753-6 - Sistema Fotoeletroquímico Bifuncional para Tratamento de Efluentes e Redução de CO¿ Utilizando Óxidos de Cobre, BP.IC
24/01887-3 - Aprimoramento de Sensores para Biomarcadores Baseados em ZnO e In2O3 Por Meio de Uma Abordagem Teórica, BP.MS
24/12974-4 - Avaliação dos efeitos tóxicos dos compostos NiMoO4 e ZnMoO4, isolados e em mistura, sobre a microalga Raphidocelis subcapitata, BP.PD
+ mais bolsas vinculadas 24/10185-2 - Desenvolvimento e aplicação de filmes antirreflexivos e autolimpantes para o incremento da eficiência da célula solar., BP.PD
24/01816-9 - Explorando as Propriedades de Transporte AC nas Vizinhanças da Temperatura Crítica Supercondutora TC, BE.PQ
24/07206-8 - Oxidação eletrolítica por plasma em novas tecnologias de remediação ambiental, BP.PD
23/11583-9 - Desenvolvimento de semicondutores a base de Ag2SeO3 para fotodegradação de antibióticos: Uma abordagem inovadora para o aprimoramento das tecnologias de tratamento de efluentes, BP.PD
23/12946-8 - Atividade antimicrobiana e biocompatibilidade de resinas 3D para bases de prótese funcionalizadas com alfa-tungstato de prata., BP.MS
22/16509-9 - Simulações computacionais de heteroestruturas baseadas em dicalcogenetos metálicos de transição, MXenos e novos alótropos do carbono, BP.DR
23/07174-6 - Modificação a plasma em tecidos provenientes da reciclagem de resíduos da indústria têxtil a base de poliamida/elastano, BP.DR
23/08467-7 - Modificação superficial de semicondutores nanoestruturados por irradiação com laser de femtosegundos e com feixe de elétrons visando a fabricação de sensores de gás, BP.IC
23/05326-3 - Nanoplásticos contaminados do ambiente marinho: propriedades físicas e químicas, toxicidade in vivo e separação utilizando um biochar magnético, BP.PD
23/11582-2 - Avaliação da atividade fotocatalítica de semicondutores de iodeto de prata modificados com irradiação por feixe de elétrons, BP.IC
22/14720-4 - Dos Átomos às Cerâmicas: Um Estudo de Microscopia Eletrônica de Transmissão sobre o Desenvolvimento de Materiais Transparentes, BP.PD
23/11548-9 - Geração de energia a partir da oxidação (foto)eletrocatalítica de diferentes contaminantes presentes em biomassas, BP.DR
23/09260-7 - Aplicação de nanoestruturas de ZnO dopado com C e de materiais híbridos de CNF@ZnO para a degradação do antibiótico Tetraciclina, BP.IC
23/07486-8 - Modificação superficial de semicondutores nanoestruturados por irradiação com laser de femtosegundos e com feixe de elétrons visando a fabricação de sensores de gás, BP.PD
23/06854-3 - Desenvolvimento de nanoestruturas de CePO4 visando a detecção do câncer colorretal, BP.IC
23/08044-9 - Fotodegradação do contaminante emergente fluoxetina: mecanismos de degradação e investigação toxicológica usando organismos aquáticos, BP.IC
23/08259-5 - Investigação das Condições de Síntese de Camadas de Óxido de Cobre Anodizado: Propriedades e Aplicações, BP.IC
23/01787-6 - Desenvolvimento de heteroestruturas BiFeO3/Ag3PO4 para aplicação fotocatalítica, BP.IC
22/06210-6 - Efeito antitumoral de diferentes morfologias de semicondutores a base de Ag contra células tumorais de bexiga, BP.PD
23/01402-7 - Produção de NH3 via redução de N2 utilizando cátodo de GDL modificado com MoS2 decorado com nanopartículas de Fe, BP.IC
22/16219-0 - Grafite como sensor de gases orgânicos, BP.IC
22/14626-8 - Estudo e melhora das propriedades elétricas de filmes de melanina para aplicação em bioeletrônica., BP.IC
22/03325-7 - Desenvolvimento de sensores de gases flexíveis a base de tintas condutoras de rGO e rGO/ZnO para detecção de NO2 e NH3, BP.DR
22/10016-0 - Nanocompósitos termossensíveis para transporte e liberação controlada de medicamentos, BP.DD
22/11027-6 - Perfil Citotóxico da hidroxiapatita, curcumina e tungstato de prata exposto a luz de LED branca e azul em células 3T3 de camundongo, BP.IC
21/13583-0 - Efeitos Ecotoxicológicos de Nanopartículas de ZnWO4 e CuWO4 Sobre Uma Cadeia Alimentar Dulcícola: Aferindo Possíveis Impactos Ambientais de Contaminantes Emergentes, BP.PD
21/13607-7 - Impactos ambientais das nanopartículas de CoWO4 e NiWO4 sobre níveis tróficos de uma cadeia alimentar aquática, BP.PD
22/06404-5 - Propriedades sensoras de nanocompósitos à base de rGO-ZnO com diferentes morfologias para detecção de O3, BP.IC
22/10255-5 - Arquiteturas baseadas em fosfetos e nitretos metálicos para conversão foto(eletro)química de CO2 em compostos C2+, BP.PD
21/14693-4 - Produção de NH3 via redução de N2 utilizando fotoânodo de Fe2O3/g-C3N4/Ag.e cátodo de GDL modificado com MoS2, BP.PD
22/09715-1 - Oxidação de sulfetos via compósitos de g-C3N4/NiWO4 suportados em quitosana, BP.IC
22/09717-4 - Fotocatálise de poluentes orgânicos utilizando compósitos de g-C3N4/CoMoO4, BP.IC
22/07880-5 - Avaliação das propriedades sensoras de diferentes nanoestruturas de ZnO para detecção de O3, BP.IC
22/09719-7 - Eliminação de corantes orgânicos de águas residuais utilizando heteronunções de CoWO4/CoMoO4, BP.IC
22/08487-5 - Propriedades antimicrobianas e biocompatibilidade de titânio e zircônia revestidos com ±-Ag2WO4 irradiado com feixe de elétrons, BP.PD
21/09207-3 - Fabricação de transistores eletroquímicos a base de melanina dopada com condutividade iônica e eletrônica melhorada, BP.PD
22/05254-0 - Redução eletroquímica de dióxido de carbono visando a síntese de precursores de materiais poliméricos, BP.DR
22/09711-6 - Desenvolvimento de cristais de vanadato de prata (AgVO3) modificados com irradiação por feixe de elétrons visando a degradação química de poluentes orgânicos, BP.IC
21/12370-3 - Irradiação de semicondutores tubulares em matrizes termoplásticas visando eliminação de patógenos, BP.DR
22/00410-3 - Obtenção e caracterização de transistores eletroquímicos orgânicos baseados em melanina, BP.DD
22/05428-8 - A influência da adição de óxido de ferro em camada de fosfato de cálcio em substratos de titânio dopado com magnésio, BP.IC
22/05748-2 - Avaliação da presença de fosfato de cério (CePO4) na foto-estabilização de matrizes poliméricas, BP.IC
22/04649-0 - Eletrodepósitos de liga Fe-Ni-Mo em Aço 1020 para aplicação na reação de desprendimento de hidrogênio, BP.DR
21/07214-2 - Desenvolvimento de sensores de gás baseados em nanoestruturas de WO3 decoradas com perovskitas de haleto operando a temperaturas próximas da ambiente, BE.PQ
21/10293-1 - Síntese e caracterização de nanocompósitos de CeO2/g-C3N4, BP.PD
22/00349-2 - Performance da adsorção de CO no grafenileno inorgânico à base de SiC dopado com Fe, Co e Mn, BP.MS
21/11630-1 - Desenvolvimento de novos materiais e métodos para dessalinização capacitiva, BP.DR
22/02300-0 - Produção de Peróxido de Hidrogênio Durante a Reação de Oxidação Foto-Eletroquímica da Água, BP.DR
22/01485-7 - Eletrodeposição de fosfetos de Ni e Co sobre substrato de aço para uso como catodos na produção de hidrogênio, BP.IC
21/10672-2 - Correlacionando catálise e auto-regeneração em cerâmicas: investigação da mobilidade atômica de metais sobre filmes finos de ZrO2 em escala atômica por microscopia eletrônica de transmissão in situ, BP.PD
21/11326-0 - Estudo de fotoeletrodos de cobre e óxido de cobre para tratamentos de águas residuais após a pandemia do COVID-19, BP.DR
21/11806-2 - Avaliação da porcentagem de nitretos de carbono contendo single atoms em fotoanodos baseados em TiO2, BP.IC
21/03379-7 - Aplicação de Novos Materiais como Eletrodo em Supercapacitores Flexíveis, BP.DR
21/08614-4 - Eletrodeposição de sulfetos e fosfetos de metais de transição em eletrodos 3D para water splitting, BP.PD
21/04309-2 - Utilização de polipropileno reciclado no desenvolvimento de blendas lamelares com EVOH: uma estratégia para o uso em contato com alimentos, BP.PD
21/09794-6 - Síntese e caracterização de compostos cerâmicos multifuncionais de CuSn (1-x)Ti (x)O3 (0,0dxd1,0) visando aplicações ópticas e elétricas, BP.IC
21/11818-0 - Síntese eletroquímica de Sb2se3 modificado com cobalto e co-catalisadores para water splittig solar, BP.IC
21/08648-6 - Síntese e caracterização de compósitos cerâmicos à base de BaSn (1-x)Ti(x)O3 na forma de pós e bulks visando aplicações ópticas e elétricas, BP.IC
20/15211-0 - Desenvolvimento de fotoânodos g-C3N4/BiVO4 e g-C3N4/CuO aplicados na degradação fotoeletroquímica de efluentes da indústria têxtil, BP.PD
21/06128-5 - Estudo da atividade antiviral contra SARS-CoV-2 de nanopartículas de cobre e óxido de cobre suportadas em kefiran, BP.DR
20/16470-0 - Desenvolvimento de nanocompósitos à base de MXenes e polímeros condutores intrínsecos para aplicações como HTL em células solares de perovskita, BP.PD
20/11232-3 - Síntese, caracterização e avaliação toxicológica de partículas do compósito Ag3VO4\Ag, BP.MS
21/03516-4 - Estudo computacional das interações de moléculas de surfactante com nanoestruturas de ouro, BP.IC
21/03592-2 - Modelagem e simulação de dispositivos eletroquímicos por elementos finitos, BP.PD
19/27029-5 - Carboxilação eletroquímica de moléculas orgânicas para a formação de produtos de alto valor agregado, BP.DD
21/01651-1 - CDMF - Centro de Desenvolvimento de Materiais Funcionais: estudo teórico de materiais multifuncionais com potencial aplicação antiviral, BP.PD
20/04905-1 - Estudo da influência de umidade em perovskitas de cátions mistos aplicadas a dispositivos fotovoltaico, BP.MS
20/01144-0 - Propriedades eletrônicas, estruturais dos compostos ABO4 (A = Ba, Ca, Cd, Sr e Pb e M = Mo e W) e modelagem das transformações morfológicas de suas nanopartículas, BP.MS
20/11756-2 - Síntese, caracterização e aplicação de filmes de fosfetos metálicos para a redução de CO2, BP.DR
19/18656-6 - Desenvolvimento de sistema de irradiação por feixe de elétrons e sua aplicação na modificação de materiais semicondutores, BP.DR
20/05476-7 - Fotocatodo à base de Si contendo camada protetiva de Al2O3 e catalisador de evolução de hidrogênio COP, BP.IC
20/00324-4 - Síntese e caracterização do sistema cerâmico multifuncional Ca1-xCuxSnO3 (0,0dxd1,0) visando aplicações ópticas e elétricas, BP.IC
19/22562-7 - Desenvolvimento de filmes mesoporosos de Nb2O5 visando aplicação em células solares de perovksitas, BP.IC
19/26860-2 - Síntese e modificação de filmes nanoestruturados de CuO/Ga2O4 e Cu2O/Ga2O4 aplicados na produção de H2 pela redução fotoeletroquímica da água, BP.DR
19/07413-5 - Novas tendências visando aplicações de filmes finos de óxidos complexos em memórias correlacionadas por elétrons, BE.PQ
19/22131-6 - Estudo das formas de deposição de Pt sobre filmes finos de Sb2Se3 e seu impacto na resposta fotoeletroquímica do material, BP.IC
19/16295-6 - Otimização de parâmetros utilizados na síntese dos pós de beta-Ag2MoO4:Eu3+ obtidos via método hidrotermal assistido por micro-ondas, BP.IC
19/18481-1 - Investigação das propriedades de filmes finos de PEDOT:PSS e de heteroestruturas poliméricas de PEDOT:PSS, BP.IC
18/18208-0 - Heteroestruturas a-Fe2O3/g-C3N4: Preparação, Caracterização e Aplicação como Sensores Resistivos de Gás, BP.PD
19/15041-0 - Desenvolvimento de filmes finos de Nb2O5 para aplicação como camadas condutores de elétrons em células solares de perovskita, BP.IC
19/03722-3 - Avaliação das Propriedades Teóricas, Estruturais e Morfológicas de Nanomateriais de Selênio e Prata para Aplicação Fotoluminescente e Biológica, BP.PD
19/13473-0 - Estudo do efeito do Cr3+ na resposta multifuncional de cerâmicas à base de CaCu3Ti4O12 na forma de pós e bulks, BP.IC
19/12114-7 - Nanomateriais de titanato de sódio: estrutura, morfologia e propriedades fotocatalítica e sensora, BP.MS
18/26550-0 - Estudo dos mecanismos de condução e defeitos de interface em semicondutores não estequiométricos com diferentes morfologias, BP.DR
19/11095-9 - Desenvolvimento de novos pares redox orgânicos e sua utilização em baterias de fluxo, BP.DD
19/16227-0 - Caracterização de filmes finos de melanina para uso em dispositivos optoeletrônicos, BP.IC
19/12318-1 - Aplicação da fotorreação de TiO2 em células de câncer de bexiga, BP.IC
17/20809-0 - Estudo de dispositivos orgânicos para aplicações em bioeletrônica, BP.PD
19/09431-0 - Materiais hemocompatíveis com superfícies modificadas por moléculas zwitteriônicas, BP.DR
19/08040-8 - Melhoria do Desempenho Termoelétrico para o Material Cerâmico de SnO2 Dopado com Sb com uso de MnO2 como Aditivo de Sinterização, BP.PD
18/09235-4 - Síntese de óxido de grafeno reduzido modificado com derivados de Quinolina para aplicações em células solares., BP.PD
18/20590-0 - Novos nanomateriais híbridos à base de elementos terras-rara renováveis para aplicações multifuncionais energéticas e de sensoriamento ambiental, BP.PD
18/24383-0 - Síntese de novos materiais de eletrodo e de reações redox utilizando ferramentas eletroquímicas acopladas a micro-ondas, BP.DD
18/24465-6 - Estudo do comportamento óptico e elétrico de nanocompósitos cerâmicos avançados de CaCu3Ti4O12/óxido de grafeno reduzido, BP.MS
18/16578-5 - CDMF - Centro de Desenvolvimento de Materiais Funcionais, BP.PD
18/18236-4 - Desenvolvimento de cerâmicas avançadas à base de CaCu3Ti4O12 na forma de pós, bulks e filmes nanoestruturados: um estudo integrado das propriedades multifuncionais, BP.DD
18/09530-6 - Síntese e estudos estruturais, morfológicos e fotoluminescentes dos molibdatos de bismuto puro e dopado com íons Eu3+, BP.IC
18/07212-7 - Magnetohipertermia aplicada a nanopartículas com estrutura tipo Garnet: estudo da funcionalização e encapsulamento em polímeros termorrígidos, BP.IC
18/13620-0 - Estudo de sinterização sem pressão assistida por campo elétrico (sinterização flash) de eletrólitos sólidos cerâmicos com aditivos de formação de fase líquida, BP.PD
17/20032-5 - Identificação e caracterização de nanopartículas metálicas: um estudo da neurotoxicidade em pacientes com esclerose múltipla, BP.PD
18/12871-0 - Modificação do perfil da temperatura de transição de nanocompósitos termossensíveis, BP.DD
18/07517-2 - Compósitos de grafeno e óxidos metálicos: aplicação como sensores de gases tóxicos, BP.PD
18/05159-1 - Auto-organização de nanopartículas inorgânicas utilizando processos estáticos e dinâmicos, BP.PD
18/09954-0 - Efeito dos nanomateriais Ag3PO4 e Ag3PO4:Au na viabilidade de células de câncer urotelial de bexiga, BP.IC
18/07520-3 - Imobilização de bisfosfonatos em superfícies de filmes nanoestruturados de TiO2 e hidroxiapatita, BP.DD
18/01677-8 - Biocompatibilidade dos microcristais ±-Ag2WO4, ²-Ag2MoO4 e ±-AgVO3: avaliação de citocinas pró-inflamatórias e metaloproteinases da matriz, BP.DR
17/24405-0 - Estudo das propriedades fotocatalíticas e fotoluminiscentes para morfologias de TiO2 decoradas com Cerio, BP.IC
18/02186-8 - Uso de MOFs (metal-organic frameworks) automontáveis na prevenção da degradação da matriz dentinária: cápsulas cristalinas para proteases e revestimentos protetores para fibrilas de colágeno, BP.PD
17/19143-7 - Uma abordagem teórico-experimental dos mecanismos de condução e defeitos de interface em heteroestruturas sensoras baseados em semicondutores P-N e N-N a partir de matrizes de CeO2, BP.PD
17/21365-8 - Eletrodeposição e caracterização de filmes finos de Sb2Se3 e MSbxSey (M = Cu, Co, Ni, ou Zn) para aplicações na produção de hidrogênio e redução de CO2., BP.DR
17/15144-9 - Calcogenetos dopados com metais para aplicação em células solares de bandas intermediárias, BP.PD
17/19548-7 - CDMF - Centro de Desenvolvimento de Materiais Funcionais, BP.PD
17/21929-9 - Nanoóxidos na formação de fotocatalítica de álcoois a partir da redução de CO2., BP.PD
17/18331-4 - Desenvolvimento de membranas poliméricas enantiosseletivas utilizando partículas tipo "pirkle" para resolução de compostos quirais, BP.DR
17/07627-0 - Síntese de derivados conjugados de óxido de grafeno reduzido-politiofeno para aplicação como HTM em células solares de perovskita, BP.PD
17/21612-5 - CDMF - Centro de Desenvolvimento de Materiais Funcionais, BP.IC
17/18051-1 - Uso de plataformas microfabricadas por litografia para obtenção de estruturas perovskitas de CH3NH3PbI3, BP.IC
17/08909-9 - Percepções acerca da atividade de divulgação científica dos integrantes do Centro de Desenvolvimento de Materiais Funcionais, BP.PD
17/19285-6 - CDMF - Centro de Desenvolvimento de Materiais Funcionais, BP.IC
17/12794-2 - Preparação, caracterização e aplicação de filmes de MoS2 e WS2 em fotoeletrocatálise para a produção de hidrogênio, BP.DD
17/06775-5 - Desenvolvimento de membranas poliméricas híbridas tunáveis na remediação de hidrocarbonetos policíclicos aromáticos (HPAs) oriundos do petróleo, BP.PD
17/10819-8 - CDMF - Centro de Desenvolvimento de Materiais Funcionais, BP.PD
17/12594-3 - CDMF - Centro de Desenvolvimento de Materiais Funcionais, BP.PD
17/13024-6 - CDMF - Centro de Desenvolvimento de Materiais Funcionais, BP.PD
17/09772-7 - Fabricação e caracterização de cerâmicas piezoelétricas livres de chumbo do sistema (K0,44Na0,52Li0,04)(Nb0,86Ta0,10Sb0,04)O3 com adição de sementes de NaNbO3, BP.IC
17/11072-3 - CDMF - Centro de Desenvolvimento de Materiais Funcionais, BP.PD
16/20808-0 - Transistores de efeito de campo (FET) baseados em nanoestruturas semicondutoras 1D: impacto da modulação do sinal elétrico sobre a performance como sensor de gás, BP.PD
17/08596-0 - Obtenção, caracterização e estudo da nucleação de nanopartículas de Ag em AgX (X= Cl, Br, I), BP.IC
16/22186-7 - Interação de Proteínas em Superfícies de Filmes Finos de TiO2, BP.MS
16/25500-4 - Funcionalização de nanotubos semicondutores via interface e adsorção de gases: uma abordagem computacional, BP.PD
16/20493-0 - Esfoliação em etapa única e funcionalização covalente de nanofolhas de MoS2: desenvolvimento de novos materiais elastoméricos, BP.DD
17/02366-3 - Biocompatibilidade de filmes finos de TiO2 funcionalizados, BP.IC
16/12681-0 - Obtenção e caracterização de filmes finos do semicondutor ternário sulfeto de antimônio e estanho, TAS (T=estanho,A=antimônio e S=enxofre), para aplicação em células fotovoltaicas, BP.DR
15/23000-1 - Transistores orgânicos de efeito de campo baseado em arquitetura vertical utilizando corantes de origem natural como camada ativa, BP.DR
16/17302-8 - Fabricação de memórias ReRAM a base de filmes finos de CuxS e COS, BP.PD
16/16440-8 - Estudo in situ e avançado de sensores de gases de CeO2 puro e dopado com lantânio, BP.IC
16/14493-7 - Funcionalização de dicalcogenetos lamelares (2D) e sua aplicação em nanocompósitos poliméricos com base olefínica, BP.DR
16/13191-7 - Nanocompósitos de adesivos poliméricos com nanopartículas inorgânicas funcionalizadas por capa orgânica, BP.MS
16/14667-5 - Síntese do titanato de lítio pelo método dos complexos oxidantes de peróxido (OPM), BP.IC
16/05269-6 - Biossensores de óxido de grafeno e nanopartículas de ouro para detecção de doenças infectocontagiosas., BP.PD
16/11183-7 - Deposição e funcionalização de superfícies de filmes finos de TiO2 preparados por spin coating, BP.IC
16/02180-4 - Encapsulamento de nanopartículas ferromagnéticas em matriz epoxídica para o tratamento de hepatocarcinoma, BP.IC
16/05363-2 - Eletroquímica em nanoescala: eletrocatálise biomimética e eletrônica molecular utilizando complexos bimetálicos de porfirinas expandidas, BP.DR
16/00481-7 - Estudo sobre o controle de morfologia do BaZrO3 aplicado a catálise e fotoluminescência, BP.IC
15/21033-0 - Comparação da resposta como sensor de gás de dispositivos com nanofita única e com múltiplas nanofitas de óxido de estanho, BP.MS
15/13834-2 - Avaliação da atividade antifúngica e citotoxicidade de microcristais de alfa vanadato de prata (a-AgVO3) sintetizados em diferentes temperaturas, BP.MS
15/16334-0 - Síntese de sistemas heteroestruturados W18O49/Nb2O5 e potencial de utilização na fotossíntese artificial, BP.PD
15/11917-8 - Estudo das Propriedades Fotoluminescentes e Fotocatalíticas do Ag4P2O7, Ag3-2xNixPO4 e Ag3-2xCuxPO4, BP.DR
15/07044-9 - Estudo de Microscopia Eletrônica de Transmissão in-situ de reações em alta temperatura de óxidos mistos nano estruturados., BP.DR
15/12851-0 - Grafeno modificado com nanopartículas de óxidos de rutênio e titânio: síntese, caracterização e aplicação em reações eletroquímicas, BP.DD
15/14282-3 - Deposição e funcionalização de superfícies de filmes finos de TiO2 preparados por sputtering, BP.IC
15/08983-9 - Propriedades estruturais e fotoluminescentes do tungstato de prata dopado com o Pr3+ sintetizados pelo método de coprecipitação, BP.IC
15/10938-1 - Estudo comparativo da sinterização em forno convencional e por microondas nas propriedades não ôhmicas do composto cerâmico CaCu3Ti4O12/CaTiO3 com adição de SNO2, BP.IC
15/03567-7 - Modificação das propriedades físico-químicas das superfícies de titânio para abutments de implantes com diferentes tipos de revestimentos e avaliação do efeito do tratamento no desenvolvimento de um complexo biofilme oral: um estudo preliminar in vitro, BP.PD
15/04511-5 - Avaliação da atividade fotocatalítica e mecanismos de degradação de heteroestruturas de semicondutores dopados e grafeno, BP.PD
14/14171-4 - Investigação da estrutura cristalina e das propriedades fotoluminescentes, fotocatalíticas e antibacterianas dos nanocristais de (Ag2-2xZnX)WO4 com (x = 0; 0,25; 0,50; 0,75 e 1) incorporados na quitosana, BP.PD
15/04954-4 - Influência das nanopartículas sobre a temperatura de transição de nanocompósitos termossensíveis, BP.IC
14/27079-9 - Transistores de contato por eletrólito baseado em filmes finos de WO3: influência da morfologia e estrutura dos filmes na performance dos dispositivos, BP.DR
14/19245-6 - Procura por novos materiais supercondutores, BE.PQ
14/25616-7 - Cerâmicas de titanato de lítio obtidas pelo método dos complexos oxidantes de peróxido, BP.IC
14/07835-3 - Preparação e caracterização de multicamadas multiferróicas baseadas em manganitas crescidas por PLD, BE.PQ
13/27097-4 - Propriedades magnéticas e elétricas de sistemas multiferróicos: monofásicos e compósitos, BP.DD
14/12901-5 - Cerâmicas condutoras de prótons à base de Ba3Ca1.18Nb1.52R0.3O9-d (r = Y, SM, GD): preparação e propriedade, BP.IC
14/20421-3 - Grafite nanométrico produzido por esfoliação mecânica ultrassônica e sua influência em propriedades mecânicas de compósitos a base de epóxi, BP.IC
14/18247-5 - Desenvolvimento de filmes finos heteroestruturados visando a criação de multiferróicos artificiais, BP.IC
14/16993-1 - Obtenção de nanopartículas ferromagnéticas por síntese hidrotérmica assistida por microondas para aplicação em magneto-hipertermia, BP.IC
13/23572-0 - Materiais híbridos nanoestruturados por auto-montagem de nanopartículas induzida por biomoléculas, BP.PD
13/22244-9 - Atividade antimicrobiana de nanopartículas de CeO2 in vitro frente às bactérias Escherichia coli e Staphylococcus aureus, BP.IC
14/12401-2 - Supercondutividade na solução sólida (Nb1-xZrx)B, BP.MS
14/01713-3 - Funcionalização de superfícies e estudo de adsorção em óxidos metálicos, BP.DR
13/18152-1 - A Nanoarte na relação entre Arte e Ciência como Interface de Divulgação Científica, BP.PD
14/05679-4 - Desenvolvimento de materiais mesoporosos baseados em sílica oriunda de biomassa para utilização como sistema remediador de hidrocarbonetos policíclicos aromáticos (HPAs), BP.DR
14/01371-5 - Obtenção de memórias com LaNiO3 e LaNiO3/BaTiO3 utilizando PLD, BP.PD
13/23995-8 - Síntese do Tungstato de Prata dopado com o Eu3+ e estudo das suas propriedades ópticas, fotoluminescentes e fotocatalíticas, BP.DR
13/19713-7 - Estudo computacional do óxido de zinco puro e dopado com metais de transição: bulk, superfícies, interfaces e nanotubos, BP.DR
13/25663-2 - Desenvolvimento de Nanocompósitos Poliméricos Aplicados em Engenharia Tecidual, BP.DR
13/19049-0 - Síntese e caracterização do composto CuAlO2 nanoestruturado: uma investigação sistemática da dependência da sensibilidade a diferentes tipos de gases em função da morfologia, BP.PD
13/09573-3 - Síntese e Caracterização de Heteroestruturas de ZnO/SnO2 obtidas pelo Método Hidrotermal: Aplicação como Sensores de Gás, BP.PD
13/14647-6 - Sensores de gás a base de óxidos semicondutores do tipo-p: estudos avançados in-situ e operando, BP.PD
13/09963-6 - Construção e caracterização de transistores orgânicos de efeito de campo em arquitetura vertical utilizando materiais nanoestruturados como eletrodo intermediário, BP.DD
13/11144-3 - Estudo, Caracterização e Propriedades de Ortofosfatos Multifuncionais, BP.DR - menos bolsas vinculadas
Assunto(s):Meio ambiente  Energia renovável  Nanotecnologia  Materiais nanoestruturados 
Palavra(s)-Chave do Pesquisador:Ciência dos materiais | energia renovável | materiais funcionais | Meio Ambiente | Nanotecnologia | Outra Subárea Engenharia de Materiais e Metalúrgica


Estamos propondo a formação de um centro multidisciplinar denominado Centro para o Desenvolvimento de Materiais Funcionais (CDMF). Este centro é uma evolução do Centro Multidisciplinar para o Desenvolvimento de Materiais Cerâmicos (CMDMC), que recebeu apoio da FAPESP, a partir da primeira versão do programa CEPID. No século 21, as necessidades globais mudaram drasticamente e três questões fundamentais devem ser resolvidas: energia renovável, saúde e meio ambiente. No mesmo período, a comunidade de ciência dos materiais tem se empenhado na pesquisa e desenvolvimento de materiais nano estruturados funcionais. Assim, propomos combinar a pesquisa de materiais funcionais e nano estruturados para encontrar soluções às novas necessidades da sociedade. Com base na experiência anterior, propomos dar um passo à frente na investigação sobre a ciência dos materiais desenvolvendo materiais funcionais. Especificamente, o objetivo do nosso centro reside na capacidade de sintetizar materiais com composição, estrutura e morfologia controladas. Assim, vamos usar estas habilidades para pesquisar e desenvolver materiais funcionais e nano estruturados com propriedades especiais com o objetivo de resolver os problemas relacionados com aplicação em energia, energia renovável, saúde e meio ambiente. No CDMF, a nossa proposta em termos de inovação é a transferência de tecnologia diretamente ligada ao programa de pesquisa básica e atuará nos seguintes segmentos: planta-piloto para as nano partículas funcionais, desenvolvimento de novas aplicações para materiais funcionais e geração de empresas spin-off. Com relação às atividades de educação, formação e difusão o público-alvo preferencial será professores do ensino médio, aos quais serão oferecidos cursos de extensão voltados para o uso das tecnologias da informação e comunicação na educação científica, objetivando melhorar o desempenho dos professores em sala de aula. A técnica de mapeamento conceitual nos permitirá construir e relacionar conceitos, para representar o conhecimento de forma hierárquica, e partilhar este significado entre professores e alunos, facilitando o aprendizado e raciocínio científico. Além disso, está planejado o oferecimento de cursos de especialização em comunicação e difusão da ciência. (AU)

Matéria(s) publicada(s) na Agência FAPESP sobre o auxílio:
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Publicações científicas (1000)
(Referências obtidas automaticamente do Web of Science e do SciELO, por meio da informação sobre o financiamento pela FAPESP e o número do processo correspondente, incluída na publicação pelos autores)
FRANCISCO S. C. L. BATISTA; ITACIARA E. M. S. MELO; LAÍSE N. S. PEREIRA; ALEXIA G. P. LIMA; ALI H. BASHAL; JEAN C. S. COSTA; JANILDO L. MAGALHÃES; FRANCISCO C. A. LIMA; CARLA V. R. MOURA; MARCO A. S. GARCIA; et al. Screening of the Au:Pt Atomic Ratio Supported in SrCO3: Effects on the Performance of the Solvent-Free Oxidation of Benzyl Alcohol. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, v. 31, n. 3, p. 488-497, . (13/07296-2)
DAIANE F. DALLOGLIO; MARCO A. S. GARCIA; JHONATAN L. FIORIO; WIURY C. DE ABREU; LAISE N. S. PEREIRA; ADRIANO BRAGA; EDMILSON M. DE MOURA; ABHISHEK GULDHE; FAIZAL BUX; CARLA V. R. DE MOURA. Reusable Heterogeneous SnO2/ZnO Catalyst for Biodiesel Production from Acidified/Acid Oils. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, v. 32, n. 1, p. 182-193, . (13/07296-2)
NOGUEIRA, M. V.; LUSTOSA, G. M. M. M.; KOBAYAKAWA, Y.; KOGLER, W.; RUIZ, M.; MONTEIRO FILHO, E. S.; ZAGHETE, M. A.; PERAZOLLI, L. A.. Nb-Doped TiO2 Photocatalysts Used to Reduction of CO2 to Methanol. ADVANCES IN MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, . (13/07296-2)
LIANG, ZHUMEI; BERNARDINO, KALIL; HAN, JISHU; ZHOU, YUNLONG; SUN, KAI; DE MOURA, ANDRE F.; KOTOV, NICHOLAS A.. Optical anisotropy and sign reversal in layer-by-layer assembled films from chiral nanoparticles. FARADAY DISCUSSIONS, v. 191, p. 141-157, . (13/07296-2)
DISSELER, S. M.; LYNN, J. W.; JARDIM, R. F.; TORIKACHVILI, M. S.; GRANADO, E.. Spin dynamics and two-dimensional correlations in the fcc antiferromagnetic Sr2YRuO6. Physical Review B, v. 93, n. 14, . (14/19245-6, 13/07296-2, 12/04870-7)
SAN-MIGUEL, MIGUEL A.; DA SILVA, EDISON Z.; ZANNETTI, SONIA M.; CILENSE, MARIO; FABBRO, MARIA T.; GRACIA, LOURDES; ANDRES, JUAN; LONGO, ELSON. In situ growth of Ag nanoparticles on alpha-Ag2WO4 under electron irradiation: probing the physical principles. Nanotechnology, v. 27, n. 22, . (13/07296-2, 12/14468-1, 08/57872-1, 10/16970-0)
CARNEIRO-NETO, EVALDO B.; LOPES, MAURO C.; PEREIRA, ERNESTO C.. Simulation of interfacial pH changes during hydrogen evolution reaction. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, v. 765, p. 92-99, . (13/07296-2)
DA SILVA, MARINA MEDINA; MASCARO, LUCIA HELENA; PEREIRA, ERNESTO CHAVES; ZIMER, ALEXSANDRO MENDES. Near-surface solution pH measurements during the pitting corrosion of AISI 1020 steel using a ring-shaped sensor. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, v. 780, p. 379-385, . (13/13503-0, 13/07296-2, 11/19430-0)
ALVES, SUELLEN APARECIDA; GOULART, LORENA ATHIE; MASCARO, LUCIA HELENA. A novel WO3/MoS2 photocatalyst applied to the decolorization of the textile dye Reactive Blue 198. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, v. 22, n. 5, SI, p. 1449-1458, . (13/07296-2, 15/00231-8, 14/10757-4)
DE ARAUJO, MOISES A.; COELHO, DYOVANI; MASCARO, LUCIA H.; PEREIRA, ERNESTO C.. The iron oxyhydroxide role in the mediation of charge transfer for water splitting using bismuth vanadate photoanodes. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, v. 22, n. 5, SI, p. 1539-1548, . (16/12681-0, 13/07296-2)
BENITEZ, JOSE J.; HEREDIA-GUERRERO, JOSE A.; SAN-MIGUEL, MIGUEL A.; GALLOWAY, HEATHER C.. Packing Defects in Fatty Amine Self-Assembled Monolayers on Mica as Revealed from AFM Techniques. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, v. 122, n. 2, SI, p. 493-499, . (13/07296-2, 15/19709-5)
BIASOTTO, G.; RANIERI, M. G. A.; FOSCHINI, C. R.; SIMOES, A. Z.; LONGO, E.; ZAGHETE, M. A.. Gas sensor applications of zinc oxide thin film grown by the polymeric precursor method. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 40, n. 9, B, p. 14991-14996, . (13/07296-2)
CORREA, ALESSANDRA ALVES; GONCALVES, ROGER; PEREIRA, RODRIGO; PEREIRA, ERNESTO CHAVES. The electropolymerization of several poly(3-methylthiophene) films in the same used solution and its consequence in their properties. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, v. 134, n. 2, . (13/07296-2)
OLEAN-OLIVEIRA, ANDRE; PEREIRA, CAMILA F.; DAVID-PARRA, DIEGO N.; TEIXEIRA, MARCOS F. S.. Electrocatalytic Study of the Thin Metallopolymer Film of [2,2 `-[1,2-Ethanediylbis[Nitrilo(1E)-1-Ethyl-1-Ylidene]]Diphenolate]-Nic kel(II) for Ethanol Electrooxidation. CHEMELECTROCHEM, v. 5, n. 22, p. 3557-3565, . (16/09017-1, 13/07296-2)
PFEIFER, MARCELA; ANDRADE, FLAVIO A. C.; BORTOLETTO-SANTOS, RICARDO; AOUADA, FAUZE A.; RIBEIRO, CAUE. Effect of Different Surface-Charged Lamellar Materials on Swelling Properties of Nanocomposite Hydrogels. JOURNAL OF POLYMERS AND THE ENVIRONMENT, . (13/03643-0, 20/03259-9, 13/07296-2, 16/10636-8, 19/18036-8)
REIS, S. L.; GROSSO, R. L.; MUCCILLO, E. N. S.. Thermal and spectroscopic characterization of sol-gel-synthesized doped lanthanum gallate. JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY, . (13/07296-2)
DE ARAUJO, MOISES A.; GROMBONI, MURILO F.; MARKEN, FRANK; PARKER, STEPHEN C.; PETER, LAURENCE M.; TURNER, JOSH; ASPINALL, HELEN C.; BLACK, KATE; MASCARO, LUCIA H.. Contrasting transient photocurrent characteristics for thin films of vacuum-doped ``grey{''} TiO2 and ``grey{''} Nb2O5. APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL, v. 237, p. 339-352, . (14/50249-8, 16/12681-0, 13/07296-2)
RIBEIRO, LUCAS S.; NOGUEIRA, ANDRE E.; AQUINO, JOSE M.; CAMARGO, EMERSON R.. A new strategy to obtain nano-scale particles of lithium titanate (Li4Ti5O12) by the oxidant peroxo method (OPM). CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 45, n. 18, A, p. 23917-23923, . (16/14667-5, 13/07296-2, 18/12871-0, 14/25616-7, 14/09014-7, 15/13958-3)
FARIA, ALINE M.; PEIXOTO, ELISA B. M. I.; ADAMO, CRISTIANE B.; FLACKER, ALEXANDRE; LONGO, ELSON; MAZON, TALITA. Controlling parameters and characteristics of electrochemical biosensors for enhanced detection of 8-hydroxy-2 `-deoxyguanosine. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 9, . (13/07296-2)
GUEDES, E. B.; ABBATE, M.; ABUD, F.; JARDIM, R. F.; VICENTIN, F. C.; MOSSANEK, R. J. O.. Spectroscopy and electronic structure of Sr2YRuO6 and Sr2YRu0.75Ir0.25O6. Physical Review B, v. 94, n. 4, . (13/07296-2, 14/19245-6, 14/12401-2)
MAYA-JOHNSON, SANTIAGO; GRACIA, LOURDES; LONGO, ELSON; ANDRES, JUAN; LEITE, EDSON R.. Synthesis of Cuboctahedral CeO2 Nanoclusters and Their Assembly into Cuboid Nanoparticles by Oriented Attachment. CHEMNANOMAT, v. 3, n. 4, p. 228-232, . (13/07296-2)
DA TRINDADE, LETICIA G.; PEREIRA, ERNESTO C.. SPEEK/Zeolite/Ionic-Liquid Anhydrous Polymer Membranes for Fuel-Cell Applications. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, n. 17, p. 2369-2376, . (13/07296-2)
FERNANDES, SILVIA LETICIA; SIMAO ALBANO, LUIZ GUSTAVO; AFFONCO, LUCAS JORGE; DIAS DA SILVA, JOSE HUMBERTO; LONGO, ELSON; DE OLIVEIRA GRAEFF, CARLOS FREDERICO. Exploring the Properties of Niobium Oxide Films for Electron Transport Layers in Perovskite Solar Cells. FRONTIERS IN CHEMISTRY, v. 7, . (17/11072-3, 17/18916-2, 13/09963-6, 13/07296-2)
JIMENEZ, K. R. C. P.; ZABOTTO, F. L.; GARCIA, D.; DE OLIVEIRA, A. J. A.. Magnetic anisotropy enhancing by remanent electric polarization in 0.675(Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O-3-0.325PbTiO(2)/CoFe2O4 particulate composites. Ferroelectrics, v. 534, n. 1, SI, p. 152-158, . (17/24995-2, 13/07296-2)
MASTEGHIN, MATEUS G.; SILVA, RANILSON A.; COX, DAVID C.; GODOI, DENIS R. M.; SILVA, S. RAVI P.; ORLANDI, MARCELO O.. The role of surface stoichiometry in NO2 gas sensing using single and multiple nanobelts of tin oxide. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, . (17/26219-0, 15/21033-0, 17/12870-0, 13/07296-2)
GASTALDO, VINICIUS PASCOTTO; KLEIN, YANNICK; BAPTISTE, BENOIT; CABASSI, RICCARDO; GILIOLI, EDMONDO; GAUZZI, ANDREA; DE OLIVEIRA, ADILSON J. A.. Unconventional magnetic ferroelectricity in the quadruple perovskite NaMn7O12. Physical Review B, v. 102, n. 16, . (17/24995-2, 13/27097-4, 12/21171-5, 13/07296-2, 15/21206-1)
DA SILVA, KALINE N.; SITTA, ELTON. Tuning oscillatory time-series evolution by Pt(111)-OHad stabilization. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, v. 24, n. 8, SI, . (16/14758-0, 13/07296-2)
AMORESI, RAFAEL A. C.; FELIX, ANDERSON A.; BOTERO, ERITON R.; DOMINGUES, NELSON L. C.; FALCAO, EVARISTO A.; ZAGHETE, MARIA A.; RINALDI, ANDRELSON W.. Crystallinity, morphology and high dielectric permittivity of NiO nanosheets filling Poly(vinylidene fluoride). CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 41, n. 10, B, p. 14733-14739, . (12/11979-5, 13/14647-6, 13/07296-2)
ANDRADE NETO, N. F.; SILVA, J. M. P.; TRANQUILIN, R. L.; LONGO, E.; BOMIO, M. R. D.; MOTTA, V, F.. Stabilization of the gamma-Ag2WO4 metastable pure phase by coprecipitation method using polyvinylpyrrolidone as surfactant: Photocatalytic property. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 46, n. 10, A, p. 14864-14871, . (13/07296-2)
COELHO, DYOVANI; CUADROS LINARES, OSCAR A.; OLIVEIRA, ALOADIR L. S.; ANDRADE, MARCOS A. S. JR JR; MASCARO, LUCIA H.; BATISTA NETO, JOAO E. S.; BRUNO, ODEMIR M.; PEREIRA, ERNESTO C.. Introducing a low-cost tool for 3D characterization of pitting corrosion in stainless steel. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, v. 24, n. 8, SI, . (13/07296-2)
ALMEIDA, PRISCILA B.; PINATTI, IVO M.; DE OLIVEIRA, REGIANE C.; TEIXEIRA, MAYARA M.; SANTOS, CLAYANE C.; MACHADO, THALES R.; LONGO, ELSON; ROSA, V, IEDA L.. Structural, morphological and photoluminescence properties of beta-Ag2MoO4 doped with Eu3+. CHEMICAL PAPERS, v. 75, n. 5, . (13/07296-2, 13/23995-8, 19/03722-3, 16/05661-3)
GOVEA-ALCAIDE, E.; RODRIGUEZ-MILANES, J.; GUERRERO, F.; MAASCH, C. D.; TORIKACHVILI, M. S.; JARDIM, R. F.. Transport of charge carriers across the normal-superconducting interfaces in Bi1.65Pb0.35Sr2Ca2Cu3O10+delta nanoceramics. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 47, n. 9, p. 13093-13099, . (13/20181-0, 12/08068-0, 13/07296-2, 14/19245-6)
SANTOS, L. F. DOS; MAGALHAES, R. S.; BARRETO, S. S.; SANTOS, G. T. A.; PAIVA, F. F. G. DE; SOUZA, A. E. DE; TEIXEIRA, S. R.. Characterization and reuse of spent foundry sand in the production of concrete for interlocking pavement. JOURNAL OF BUILDING ENGINEERING, v. 36, . (08/04368-4, 13/07296-2)
SUZUKI, V. Y.; AMORIN, L. H. C.; DE PAULA, N. H.; ALBUQUERQUE, A. R.; LI, M. SIU; SAMBRANO, J. R.; LONGO, E.; LA PORTA, F. A.. New insights into the nature of the bandgap of CuGeO3 nanofibers: Synthesis, electronic structure, and optical and photocatalytic properties. MATERIALS TODAY COMMUNICATIONS, v. 26, . (13/07296-2, 19/08928-9)
HERNANDEZ-WOLPEZ, M.; CRUZ-GARCIA, A.; VAZQUEZ-ROBAINA, O.; JARDIM, R. F.; MUNE, P.. Penetration and trapping of the magnetic flux in planar defects of Bi1.65Pb0.35Sr2Ca2+xCu3+xOy superconductors. PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS, v. 525, p. 84-88, . (14/19245-6, 13/07296-2)
PORFIRIO, T. C.; MUCCILLO, E. N. S.. Effects of LiF addition on microstructure and dielectric properties of CaCu3Ti4O12 ceramics. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 42, n. 10, p. 12005-12009, . (13/07296-2)
CARVALHO OLIVEIRA, MARISA; GRACIA, LOURDES; NOGUEIRA, ICAMIRA COSTA; DO CARMO GURGEL, MARIA FERNANDA; RIVAS MERCURY, JOSE MANUEL; LONGO, ELSON; ANDRES, JUAN. Synthesis and morphological transformation of BaWO4 crystals: Experimental and theoretical insights. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 42, n. 9, p. 10913-10921, . (13/07296-2)
PEREZ-ACOSTA, L.; GOVEA-ALCAIDE, E.; NOUDEM, J. G.; MACHADO, I. F.; MASUNAGA, S. H.; JARDIM, R. F.. Highly dense and textured superconducting (Bi,Pb)(2)Sr2Ca2Cu3O10+delta ceramic samples processed by spark-plasma texturing. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 42, n. 11, p. 13248-13255, . (14/19245-6, 13/07296-2)
MAZZO, TATIANA MARTELLI; DO NASCIMENTO LIBANORI, GABRIELA SANTILLI; MOREIRA, MARIO LUCIO; AVANSI, JR., WALDIR; MASTELARO, VALMOR ROBERTO; VARELA, JOSE ARANA; LONGO, ELSON. Influence of titanium precursor on photoluminescent emission of micro-cube-shaped CaTiO3. Journal of Luminescence, v. 165, p. 130-137, . (13/07296-2)
ROCA, R. A.; SCZANCOSKI, J. C.; NOGUEIRA, I. C.; FABBRO, M. T.; ALVES, H. C.; GRACIA, L.; SANTOS, L. P. S.; DE SOUSA, C. P.; ANDRES, J.; LUZ, JR., G. E.; et al. Facet-dependent photocatalytic and antibacterial properties of alpha-Ag2WO4 crystals: combining experimental data and theoretical insights. CATALYSIS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, v. 5, n. 8, p. 4091-4107, . (12/14004-5, 13/07296-2)
ELIANA NAVARRO DOS SANTOS MUCCILLO; ROBSON LOPES GROSSO; SHIRLEY LEITE DOS REIS; REGINALDO MUCCILLO. Influence of additives on phase stabilization of scandia-doped zirconia. MATERIA-RIO DE JANEIRO, v. 22, n. 2, . (13/07296-2, 12/03319-5)
ANANTHARAMAN, SURENDRA B.; YAKUNIN, SERGII; PENG, CHUYAO; GONCALVES VISMARA, MARCUS VINICIUS; GRAEFF, CARLOS F. O.; NUESCH, FRANK A.; JENATSCH, SANDRA; HANY, ROLAND; KOVALENKO, MAKSYM V.; HEIER, JAKOB. Strongly Red-Shifted Photoluminescence Band Induced by Molecular Twisting in Cyanine (Cy3) Dye Films. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 121, n. 17, p. 9587-9593, . (13/07296-2)
DE OLIVEIRA, REGIANE C.; ZANETTI, SONIA M.; ASSIS, MARCELO; PENHA, MAYA; MONDEGO, MAYARA; CILENSE, MARIO; LONGO, ELSON; CAVALCANTE, LAECIO S.. Effect of metallic Ag growth on the electrical resistance of 3D flower-like Ag4V2O7 crystals. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v. 100, n. 6, p. 2358-2362, . (13/26671-9, 13/07296-2)
DA TRINDADE, LETICIA G.; MINERVINO, GABRIELA B.; TRENCH, ALINE B.; CARVALHO, MARIA H.; ASSIS, MARCELO; LI, MAXIMO S.; DE OLIVEIRA, ADILSON J. A.; PEREIRA, ERNESTO C.; MAZZO, TATIANA M.; LONGO, ELSON. Influence of ionic liquid on the photoelectrochemical properties of ZnO particles. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 44, n. 9, p. 10393-10401, . (13/07296-2)
ORREGO, S.; CORTES, J. A.; AMORESI, R. A. C.; SIMOES, A. Z.; RAMIREZ, M. A.. Photoluminescence behavior on Sr2+ modified CaCu3Ti4O12 based ceramics. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 44, n. 9, p. 10781-10789, . (13/07296-2)
FRANCISCO, L. H.; RODRIGUES, J. E.; CORRER, W. R.; HERNANDES, A. C.. Blocking effect in promising proton conductors based on Ba(3)Ca(1.18)Nb1.82-xRxO(9-delta) (R = Y3+, Gd3+, Sm3+, Nd3+) ordered perovskites for PC-SOFCs. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 44, n. 9, p. 10806-10812, . (08/57872-1, 13/07296-2)
RIBEIRO, RENAN A. P.; ANDRES, JUAN; LONGO, ELSON; LAZARO, SERGIO R.. Magnetism and multiferroic properties at MnTiO3 surfaces: A DFT study. Applied Surface Science, v. 452, p. 463-472, . (13/07296-2)
ASSIS, MARCELO; CORDONCILLO, ELOISA; TORRES-MENDIETA, RAFAEL; BELTRAN-MIR, HECTOR; MINGUEZ-VEGA, GLADYS; GOUVEIA, AMANDA FERNANDES; LEITE, EDSON; ANDRES, JUAN; LONGO, ELSON. Laser-induced formation of bismuth nanoparticles. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, v. 20, n. 20, p. 13693-13696, . (13/26671-9, 13/07296-2)
SCHMIDT, SAMARA; KUBASKI, EVALDO T.; VOLANTI, DIOGO P.; SEQUINEL, THIAGO; BEZZON, VINICIUS DANILO N.; BELTRAN, ARMANDO; TEBCHERANI, SERGIO M.; VARELA, JOSE A.. Effect of Pressure-Assisted Heat Treatment on Photoluminescence Emission of alpha-Bi2O3 Needles. Inorganic Chemistry, v. 54, n. 21, p. 10184-10191, . (13/07296-2)
SERGEENKOV, S.; CICHETTO, JR., L.; LONGO, E.; ARAUJO-MOREIRA, F. M.. Evidence for resonant scattering of electrons by spin fluctuations in LaNiO3/LaAlO3 heterostructures grown by pulsed laser deposition. JETP LETTERS, v. 102, n. 6, p. 383-386, . (14/01371-5, 13/07296-2)
SILVA, M. D. P.; GONCALVES, R. F.; NOGUEIRA, I. C.; LONGO, V. M.; MONDONI, L.; MORON, M. G.; SANTANA, Y. V.; LONGO, E.. Microwave-assisted hydrothermal synthesis of Ag-2(W1-xMox)O-4 heterostructures: Nucleation of Ag, morphology, and photoluminescence properties. SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART A-MOLECULAR AND BIOMOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY, v. 153, p. 428-435, . (08/57872-1, 13/07296-2)
SERGEENKOV, S.; CICHETTO, JR., L.; ZAMPIERI, M.; LONGO, E.; ARAUJO-MOREIRA, F. M.. Scaling like behaviour of resistivity observed in LaNiO3 thin films grown on SrTiO3 substrate by pulsed laser deposition. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER, v. 27, n. 48, . (14/01371-5, 13/07296-2)
CARVALHO-, JR., WALDEMIR M.; SOUZA, FLAVIO L.. Thermal enhancement of water affinity on the surface of undoped hematite photoelectrodes. SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS, v. 144, p. 395-404, . (13/05471-1, 12/19926-8, 11/19924-2, 13/07296-2)
THIRUMALAIRAJAN, S.; MASTELARO, VALMOR R.. A novel organic pollutants gas sensing material p-type CuAlO2 microsphere constituted of nanoparticles for environmental remediation. SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL, v. 223, p. 138-148, . (13/19049-0, 13/07296-2)
DOS SANTOS COSTA, MARIA JOSEITA; COSTA, GILSON DOS SANTOS; BRANDAO LIMA, ALINE ESTEFANY; DA LUZ JUNIOR, GERALDO EDUARDO; LONGO, ELSON; CAVALCANTE, LAECIO SANTOS; SANTOS, REGINALDO DA SILVA. Photocurrent Response and Progesterone Degradation by Employing WO3 Films Modified with Platinum and Silver Nanoparticles. CHEMPLUSCHEM, v. 83, n. 12, p. 1153-1161, . (13/07296-2)
MELLE, G. B.; MACHADO, E. G.; MASCARO, L. H.; SITTA, E.. Eff ect of mass transport on the glycerol electro-oxidation. Electrochimica Acta, v. 296, p. 972-979, . (17/21929-9, 13/07296-2)
SCZANCOSKI, JULIO C.; MAYA-JOHSON, SANTIAGO; PEREIRA, WYLLAMANNEY DA SILVA; LONGO, ELSON; LEITE, EDSON R.. Atomic Diffusion Induced by Electron-Beam Irradiation: An in Situ Study of Ag Structures Grown from alpha-Ag2WO4. Crystal Growth & Design, v. 19, n. 1, p. 106-115, . (16/23663-3, 13/07296-2, 15/11917-8, 15/07044-9, 12/14004-5)
DE OLIVEIRA, R. C.; GRACIA, L.; ASSIS, M.; LI, M. SIU; ANDRES, J.; LONGO, E.; CAVALCANTE, L. S.. Disclosing the electronic structure and optical properties of Ag4V2O7 crystals: experimental and theoretical insights. CrystEngComm, v. 18, n. 34, p. 6483-6491, . (13/26671-9, 13/07296-2)
PAULINO RIBEIRO, FRANCISCO WIRLEY; GROMBONI, MURILO FERNANDO; MARKEN, FRANK; MASCARO, LUCIA H.. Photoelectrocatalytic properties of BiVO4 prepared with different alcohol solvents. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, v. 41, n. 39, p. 17380-17389, . (14/06704-2, 08/57872-1, 13/07296-2)
OLIVEIRA, MARISA C.; GRACIA, LOURDES; NOGUEIRA, ICAMIRA C.; GURGEL, MARIA FERNANDA C.; MERCURY, JOSE MANUEL R.; LONGO, ELSON; ANDRES, JUAN. On the morphology of BaMoO4 crystals: A theoretical and experimental approach. Crystal Research and Technology, v. 51, n. 10, p. 634-644, . (12/14468-1, 13/26671-9, 13/07296-2, 14/04350-9)
GOULART, LORENA ATHIE; GONCALVES, ROGER; CORREA, ALESSANDRA ALVES; PEREIRA, ERNESTO CHAVES; MASCARO, LUCIA HELENA. Synergic effect of silver nanoparticles and carbon nanotubes on the simultaneous voltammetric determination of hydroquinone, catechol, bisphenol A and phenol. Microchimica Acta, v. 185, n. 1, . (13/07296-2, 12/20926-2)
CARVALHO-JR, WALDEMIR M.; SOUZA, FLAVIO L.; SANTOS, SYDNEY FERREIRA; BOBET, JEAN-LOUIS. Rapid microwave-assisted synthesis of zirconium aluminide. Materials Chemistry and Physics, v. 211, p. 249-257, . (13/05471-1, 13/07296-2)
PEREIRA, P. F. S.; GOUVEIA, A. F.; ASSIS, M.; DE OLIVEIRA, R. C.; PINATTI, I. M.; PENHA, M.; GONCALVES, R. F.; GRACIA, L.; ANDRES, J.; LONGO, E.. ZnWO4 nanocrystals: synthesis, morphology, photoluminescence and photocatalytic properties. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, v. 20, n. 3, p. 1923-1937, . (17/07240-8, 12/14004-5, 13/23995-8, 17/13008-0, 14/14171-4, 13/26671-9, 13/07296-2)
BORGES DE OLIVEIRA, FERNANDO MODESTO; VARELA, JOSE ARANA; ORLANDI, MARCELO ORNAGHI. Influence of pH in Obtaining Indium Tin Oxide Nanoparticles by Microwave Assisted Sovothermal Method. MATERIALS RESEARCH-IBERO-AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MATERIALS, v. 21, n. 2, . (13/07296-2)
LA PORTA, FELIPE A.; GRACIA, LOURDES; ANDRES, JUAN; SAMBRANO, JULIO R.; VARELA, JOSE A.; LONGO, ELSON. A DFT Study of Structural and Electronic Properties of ZnS Polymorphs and its Pressure-Induced Phase Transitions. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v. 97, n. 12, p. 4011-4018, . (13/19289-0, 13/07296-2)
MOURAO, HENRIQUE A. J. L.; LOPES, OSMANDO F.; RIBEIRO, CAUE; MASTELARO, VALMOR R.. Rapid hydrothermal synthesis and pH-dependent photocatalysis of strontium titanate microspheres. MATERIALS SCIENCE IN SEMICONDUCTOR PROCESSING, v. 30, p. 651-657, . (08/57872-1, 13/07296-2)
OLEAN-OLIVEIRA, ANDRE; OLEAN-OLIVEIRA, TIAGO; MORENO, ANA C. R.; SERAPHIM, PATRICIA M.; TEIXEIRA, MARCOS F. S.. A Chemiresistor Sensor Based on Azo-Polymer and Graphene for Real-Time Monitoring of Mitochondrial Oxygen Consumption. ACS SENSORS, v. 4, n. 1, p. 118-125, . (16/09017-1, 13/07296-2)
FERREIRA SANTOS, JOAO PAULO; CARVALHO, BENJAMIM DE MELO; SUMAN BRETAS, ROSARIO ELIDE. Remarkable change in the broadband electrical behavior of poly(vinylidene fluoride)-multiwalled carbon nanotube nanocomposites with the use of different processing routes. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, v. 136, n. 17, . (13/03118-2, 14/17597-2, 16/03667-4, 15/23329-3, 13/07296-2)
COSTA, BRUNA C.; TOKUHARA, CINTIA K.; ROCHA, LUIS A.; OLIVEIRA, RODRIGO C.; LISBOA-FILHO, PAULO N.; PESSOA, JOAO COSTA. Vanadium ionic species from degradation of Ti-6Al-4V metallic implants: In vitro cytotoxicity and speciation evaluation. Materials Science & Engineering C-Materials for Biological Applications, v. 96, p. 730-739, . (17/24300-4, 13/07296-2)
GOMES, ORISSON P.; AZEVEDO NETO, NILTON F.; BRONZE-UHLE, ERIKA S.; TRINO, LUCIANA D.; DOS SANTOS, CASSIO M.; DA SILVA, JOSE H. D.; LISBOA-FILHO, PAULO N.. 3-Mercaptopropionic acid functionalization of titanium dioxide thin films. Materials Chemistry and Physics, v. 223, p. 32-38, . (16/22186-7, 13/07296-2, 14/20471-0)
ANDRADE NETO, N. F.; LONGO, E.; MATSUI, K. N.; PASKOCIMAS, C. A.; BOMIO, M. R. D.; MOTTA, F. V.. Photocatalytic Properties under Sunlight of Heterostructures AgCl/CuO Obtained by Sonochemical Method. Plasmonics, v. 14, n. 1, p. 79-89, . (13/07296-2)
GORUP, L. F.; BOUQUET, V.; DEPUTIER, S.; DORCET, V.; GUILLOUX-VIRY, M.; SANTOS, I. M. G.; SILVA, A. A.; NOGUEIRA, A. E.; KUBO, A. M.; LONGO, E.; et al. Influence of deposition parameters on the structure and microstructure of Bi12TiO20 films obtained by pulsed laser deposition. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 45, n. 3, p. 3510-3517, . (13/07296-2, 12/07067-0, 08/57872-1)
DA SILVA, LUIS F.; CATTO, ARIADNE C.; AVANSI, JR., WALDIR; CAVALCANTE, LAECIO S.; ANDRES, JUAN; AGUIR, KHALIFA; MASTELARO, VALMOR R.; LONGO, ELSON. A novel ozone gas sensor based on one-dimensional (1D) alpha-Ag2WO4 nanostructures. NANOSCALE, v. 6, n. 8, p. 4058-4062, . (13/07296-2, 13/09573-3)
PINHEIRO, ANTONIO N.; FIRMIANO, EDNEY G. S.; RABELO, ADRIANO C.; DALMASCHIO, CLEOCIR J.; LEITE, EDSON R.. Revisiting SrTiO3 as a photoanode for water splitting: development of thin films with enhanced charge separation under standard solar irradiation. RSC ADVANCES, v. 4, n. 4, p. 2029-2036, . (13/07296-2)
FABBRO, MARIA T.; FOGGI, CAMILA C.; SANTOS, LUIS P. S.; GRACIA, LOURDES; PERRIN, ANDRE; PERRIN, CHRISTIANE; VERGANI, CARLOS E.; MACHADO, ANA L.; ANDRES, JUAN; CORDONCILLO, ELOISA; et al. Synthesis, antifungal evaluation and optical properties of silver molybdate microcrystals in different solvents: a combined experimental and theoretical study. DALTON TRANSACTIONS, v. 45, n. 26, p. 10736-10743, . (13/07296-2)
BATISTA, R. M.; FERREIRA, A. M. D. C.; MUCCILLO, E. N. S.. Sintering and electrical conductivity of gadolinia-doped ceria. IONICS, v. 22, n. 7, p. 1159-1166, . (13/07296-2)
CABELLO, GEMA; DAVOGLIO, ROGERIO A.; PEREIRA, ERNESTO C.. Microwave-assisted synthesis of anatase-TiO2 nanoparticles with catalytic activity in oxygen reduction. JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, v. 794, p. 36-42, . (13/07296-2)
RANIERI, M. G. A.; CILENSE, M.; AGUIAR, E. C.; SIMOES, A. Z.; PONCE, M. A.; LONGO, E.. La0.5Sm0.5FeO3: a new candidate for magneto-electric coupling at room temperature. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS, v. 28, n. 14, p. 10747-10757, . (13/07296-2)
BERNARDINO, K.; PINTO, M. E. F.; BOLZANI, V. S.; DE MOURA, A. F.; BATISTA JUNIOR, J. M.. Pinpointing disulfide connectivities in cysteine-rich proteins. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, v. 53, n. 53, p. 7337-7340, . (15/07089-2, 13/07600-3, 14/25222-9, 14/50304-9, 13/07296-2, 12/15147-4)
SOUZA, E. L. S.; SCZANCOSKI, J. C.; NOGUEIRA, I. C.; ALMEIDA, M. A. P.; ORLANDI, M. O.; LI, M. S.; LUZ, R. A. S.; FILHO, M. G. R.; LONGO, E.; CAVALCANTE, L. S.. Structural evolution, growth mechanism and photoluminescence properties of CuWO4 nanocrystals. ULTRASONICS SONOCHEMISTRY, v. 38, p. 256-270, . (12/14004-5, 13/07296-2)
ZIMER, ALEXSANDRO MENDES; DA SILVA, MARINA MEDINA; MACHADO, EDUARDO G.; VARELA, HAMILTON; MASCARO, LUCIA HELENA; PEREIRA, ERNESTO CHAVES. Development of a versatile rotating ring-disc electrode for in situ pH measurements. Analytica Chimica Acta, v. 897, p. 17-23, . (13/16930-7, 13/13503-0, 12/07313-1, 11/19430-0, 13/07296-2)
SCZANCOSKI, J. C.; AVANSI, W.; COSTA, M. G. S.; LI, M. SIU; MASTELARO, V. R.; SANTOS, R. S.; LONGO, E.; CAVALCANTE, L. S.. Effect of different strontium precursors on the growth process and optical properties of SrWO4 microcrystals. Journal of Materials Science, v. 50, n. 24, p. 8089-8103, . (12/14004-5, 13/07296-2)
NOGUEIRA, ANDRE E.; LIMA, ALAN R. F.; LONGO, ELSON; LEITE, EDSON R.; CAMARGO, EMERSON R.. Effect of lanthanum and lead doping on the microstructure and visible light photocatalysis of bismuth titanate prepared by the oxidant peroxide method (OPM). JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY, v. 312, p. 55-63, . (12/07067-0, 10/20129-0, 13/07296-2)
ANDRE, RAFAELA S.; ZAMPERINI, CAMILA A.; MIMA, EWERTON G.; LONGO, VALERIA M.; ALBUQUERQUE, ANDERSON R.; SAMBRANO, JULIO R.; MACHADO, ANA L.; VERGANI, CARLOS E.; HERNANDES, ANTONIO C.; VARELA, JOSE A.; et al. Antimicrobial activity of TiO2:Ag nanocrystalline heterostructures: Experimental and theoretical insights. Chemical Physics, v. 459, p. 87-95, . (11/06786-0, 11/06900-8, 13/07296-2, 11/24004-0)
DE SANTANA, YURI V. B.; CARDOSO GOMES, JOSE ERNANE; MATOS, LEANDRO; CRUVINEL, GUILHERME HENRIQUE; PERRIN, ANDRE; PERRIN, CHRISTIANE; ANDRES, JUAN; VARELA, JOSE A.; LONGO, ELSON. Silver Molybdate and Silver Tungstate Nanocomposites with Enhanced Photoluminescence. NANOMATERIALS AND NANOTECHNOLOGY, v. 4, . (13/07296-2, 08/57872-1, 12/22823-6)
PADOVINI, D. S. S.; PONTES, D. S. L.; DALMASCHIO, C. J.; PONTES, F. M.; LONGO, E.. Facile synthesis and characterization of ZrO2 nanoparticles prepared by the AOP/hydrothermal route. RSC ADVANCES, v. 4, n. 73, p. 38484-38490, . (13/07296-2, 12/14106-2, 11/20536-7)
ALMEIDA, M. A. P.; LIMA, J. R. O.; MORILA-SANTOS, C.; LISBOA FILHO, P. N.; SIU LI, M.; LONGO, E.; CAVALCANTE, L. S.. Effect of Zn2+ ions on the structure, morphology and optical properties of CaWO4 microcrystals. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, v. 72, n. 3, p. 648-654, . (09/50303-4, 12/18597-0, 13/07296-2)
LA PORTA, F. A.; ANDRES, J.; VISMARA, M. V. G.; GRAEFF, C. F. O.; SAMBRANO, J. R.; LI, M. S.; VARELA, J. A.; LONGO, E.. Correlation between structural and electronic order-disorder effects and optical properties in ZnO nanocrystals. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C, v. 2, n. 47, p. 10164-10174, . (13/19289-0, 13/07296-2)
TEIXEIRA, GUILHERMINA FERREIRA; WRIGHT, THIAGO RAGO; MANFROI, DANIELA CRISTINA; LONGO, ELSON; VARELA, JOSE ARANA; ZAGHETE, MARIA APARECIDA. Photoluminescence in NaNbO3 particles and films. Materials Letters, v. 139, p. 443-446, . (13/07296-2)
DE PAULA, F. R.; SCHIAVO, D.; PEREIRA, E. C.; DE OLIVEIRA, A. J. A.. Polaronic ferromagnetic behavior in ClO4- doped poly(3-hexylthiophene) at room temperature. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, v. 370, p. 110-115, . (13/07296-2)
PEDOTT SANTANA, JHONNE PEDRO; MARCATO, PRISCYLA DANIELY; CHRYSOSTOMO MASSARO, TAIS NADER; GODOY, NAIANE LIMA; ANIBAL, FERNANDA DE FREITAS; BORRA, RICARDO CARNEIRO. Efficacy of instillation of MB49 cells and thermoreversible polymeric gel in urothelial bladder carcinoma immunization. LABORATORY ANIMAL RESEARCH, v. 38, n. 1, p. 12-pg., . (17/24832-6, 18/13465-5, 13/07296-2)
GIOVANNA DE LIMA OLIVEIRA PAIXÃO; ADHEMAR WATANUKI FILHO; KELY SILVEIRA BONFIM; FAUZE AHMAD AOUADA; MARCIA REGINA DE MOURA. Hidrofobização e odorização de madeira para uso na construção civil por imersão em nanoemulsões de óleo essencial de melaleuca e copaíba. MATERIA-RIO DE JANEIRO, v. 27, n. 2, . (13/07296-2, 19/06170-1)
PESSAN, CIBELE CARNEIRO; BERNARDES, JULIANA SILVA; BETTINI, SILVIA H. P.; LEITE, EDSON R.. Oxidized cellulose nanofibers from sugarcane bagasse obtained by microfluidization: Morphology and rheological behavior. Carbohydrate Polymers, v. 304, p. 9-pg., . (13/07296-2)
COSTA, MARIA JOSEITA DOS SANTOS; LIMA, ALINE ESTEFANY BRANDAO; RIBEIRO, ESTER PAMPONET; COSTA, GILSON DOS SANTOS; LONGO, ELSON; DA LUZ, GERALDO EDUARDO; CAVALCANTE, LAECIO SANTOS; SANTOS, REGINALDO DA SILVA. Transition metal tungstates AWO4 (A2+ = Fe, Co, Ni, and Cu) thin films and their photoelectrochemical behavior as photoanode for photocatalytic applications. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, v. 53, n. 7, p. 19-pg., . (13/07296-2)
MACEDO, NADIA G.; GOUVEIA, AMANDA F.; ROCA, ROMAN A.; ASSIS, MARCELO; GRACIA, LOURDES; ANDRES, JUAN; LEITE, EDSON R.; LONGO, ELSON. Surfactant-Mediated Morphology and Photocatalytic Activity of alpha-Ag2WO4 Material. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 122, n. 15, p. 8667-8679, . (17/07240-8, 13/07296-2, 13/26671-9, 12/14004-5)
BARBOSA, M. S.; OLIVEIRA, F. M. B.; MENG, X.; SOAVI, F.; SANTATO, C.; ORLANDI, M. O.. Tungsten oxide ion gel-gated transistors: how structural and electrochemical properties affect the doping mechanism. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C, v. 6, n. 8, p. 1980-1987, . (13/07296-2, 14/27079-9, 15/50526-4, 16/09033-7)
SILVA JUNIOR, E.; ANTONIO, S. G.; LONGO, E.. Synthesis and structural evolution of partially and fully stabilized ZrO2 from a versatile method aided by microwave power. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 44, n. 3, p. 3517-3522, . (13/07296-2)
FERREIRA SANTOS, JOAO PAULO; FRANCA MELO, GUILHERME HENRIQUE; GONCALVES, ANDRE MARINO; EIRAS, JOSE ANTONIO; SUMAN BRETAS, ROSARIO ELIDA. Flexible conductive poly(styrene-butadiene-styrene)/carbon nanotubes nanocomposites: Self-assembly and broadband electrical behavior. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, v. 135, n. 34, . (13/07296-2, 14/17597-2, 16/03667-4, 13/03118-2)
SILVA, C. D.; MORAIS, L. H.; GONCALVES, R.; MATOS, R.; SOUZA, G. L. C.; FREITAS, R. G.; PEREIRA, E. C.. The methanol and CO electro-oxidation onto Pt-pc/Co/Pt metallic multilayer nanostructured electrodes: An experimental and theoretical approach. Electrochimica Acta, v. 280, p. 197-205, . (10/05555-2, 09/16530-3, 13/07296-2)
GONCALVES, R. F.; LONGO, E.; MARQUES, A. P. A.; SILVA, M. D. P.; CAVALCANTE, L. S.; NOGUEIRA, I. C.; PINATTI, I. M.; PEREIRA, P. F. S.; GODINHO, M. J.. Structural investigation and photoluminescent properties of ZnWO4:Dy3+ nanocrystals. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS, v. 28, n. 20, p. 15466-15479, . (13/23995-8, 13/07437-5, 13/07296-2)
COSTA, MAGNO BARCELOS; DE SOUZA LUCAS, FRANCISCO WILLIAN; MASCARO, LUCIA HELENA. Thermal Treatment Effects on Electrodeposited Sb2Se3 Photovoltaic Thin Films. CHEMELECTROCHEM, v. 4, n. 10, p. 2507-2514, . (16/10513-3, 13/07296-2)
LIMA, A. R. F.; SCZANCOSKI, J. C.; LI, M. SIU; LONGO, E.; CAMARGO, E. R.. Structural characterization and photoluminescence behavior of pure and doped potassium strontium niobates ceramics with tetragonal tungsten-bronze structure. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 42, n. 4, p. 4709-4714, . (12/07067-0, 13/07296-2)
MEDEIROS, P. N.; ARAUJO, V. D.; MARQUES, A. P. A.; TRANQUILIN, R. L.; PASKOCIMAS, C. A.; BOMIO, M. R. D.; VARELA, J. A.; LONGO, E.; MOTTA, F. V.. Effect of different starting materials on the synthesis of Ba0.8Ca0.2TiO. JOURNAL OF ADVANCED CERAMICS, v. 4, n. 1, p. 65-70, . (13/07296-2)
CHRISTINELLI, WANIA AP.; GONCALVES, ROGER; PEREIRA, ERNESTO C.. A new generation of electrochemical supercapacitors based on layer-by-layer polymer films. Journal of Power Sources, v. 303, p. 73-80, . (13/07296-2, 11/10897-2)
BOTELHO, GLEICE; ANDRES, JUAN; GRACIA, LOURDES; MATOS, LEANDRO S.; LONGO, ELSON. Photoluminescence and Photocatalytic Properties of Ag3PO4 Microcrystals: An Experimental and Theoretical Investigation. CHEMPLUSCHEM, v. 81, n. 2, p. 202-212, . (08/57872-1, 13/07296-2)
CARVALHO, JR., WALDEMIR M.; SOUZA, FLAVIO L.. Hematite Surface Activation by Chemical Addition of Tin Oxide Layer. ChemPhysChem, v. 17, n. 17, p. 2710-2717, . (13/05471-1, 13/07296-2, 11/19924-2, 14/50516-6)
CABELLO, GEMA; DAVOGLIO, ROGERIO A.; HARTL, FABIAN W.; MARCO, JOSE F.; PEREIRA, ERNESTO C.; BIAGGIO, SONIA R.; VARELA, HAMILTON; CUESTA, ANGEL. Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of Pt-Au Nanoparticles with Enhanced Electrocatalytic Activity for the Oxidation of Formic Acid. Electrochimica Acta, v. 224, p. 56-63, . (13/16930-7, 13/07296-2, 14/08030-9)
RENATA S. MAGALHÃES; WAGNER D. M. JUNIOR; AGDA E. SOUZA; SILVIO R. TEIXEIRA; MÁXIMO S. LI; ELSON LONGO. Síntese de BaTIO3 e SrTIO3 pelo método hidrotermal assistido por micro-ondas utilizando anatase como precursor de titânio. Química Nova, v. 40, n. 2, p. 166-170, . (13/07296-2)
GURGEL, G. M.; LOVISA, L. X.; PEREIRA, L. M.; MOTTA, F. V.; LI, M. S.; LONGO, E.; PASKOCIMAS, C. A.; BOMIO, M. R. D.. Photoluminescence properties of (Eu, Tb, Tm) co-doped PbMoO4 obtained by sonochemical synthesis. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v. 700, p. 130-137, . (08/57872-1, 13/07296-2)
CHRISTINELLI, W. A.; DA TRINDADE, L. G.; TRENCH, A. B.; QUINTANS, C. S.; PARANHOS, C. M.; PEREIRA, E. C.. High-performance energy storage of poly (o-methoxyaniline) film using an ionic liquid as electrolyte. ENERGY, v. 141, p. 1829-1835, . (16/05363-2, 13/07296-2, 11/10897-2)
DA SILVA, KALINE N.; NAGAO, RAPHAEL; SITTA, ELTON. Alkali Cation Effect During the Oscillatory Electroreduction of H2O2 on Pt. CHEMISTRYSELECT, v. 2, n. 35, p. 11713-11716, . (17/00089-2, 16/01817-9, 13/07296-2, 16/14758-0, 16/22262-5, 14/23916-3)
CONTRERAS, M.; TEIXEIRA, S. R.; SANTOS, G. T. A.; GAZQUEZ, M. J.; ROMERO, M.; BOLIVAR, J. P.. Influence of the addition of phosphogypsum on some properties of ceramic tiles. CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, v. 175, p. 588-600, . (13/07296-2)
SANTANA COSTA, JOSE ARNALDO; PARANHOS, CAIO MARCIO. Systematic evaluation of amorphous silica production from rice husk ashes. JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, v. 192, p. 688-697, . (14/05679-4, 13/07296-2)
HERNANDEZ-WOLPEZ, M.; MARTINEZ-GUERRA, E.; JARDIM, R. F.; MUNE, P.. Hidden features in (Bi,Pb)-2223 granular superconductors. REVISTA MEXICANA DE FISICA, v. 62, n. 6, p. 515-525, . (14/19245-6, 13/07296-2)
GOVEA-ALCAIDE, E.; GARCIA-FORNARIS, I.; SUZUKI, P. A.; JARDIM, R. F.. Effect of the Grain-boundary Misorientation Distribution on the Intergranular Voltage Relaxation of Bi1.65Pb0.35Sr2Ca2Cu3 O (10+delta) Ceramic Samples. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, v. 29, n. 11, p. 2783-2791, . (13/07296-2, 14/19245-6)
SOUZA, AGDA E.; SASAKI, GUILHERME S.; CAMACHO, SABRINA A.; TEIXEIRA, SILVIO R.; LI, MAXIMO S.; LONGO, ELSON. Defects or charge transfer: Different possibilities to explain the photoluminescence in crystalline Ba(ZrxTi1-x)O-3. Journal of Luminescence, v. 179, p. 132-138, . (13/07296-2, 08/57872-1)
MORAES, FERNANDO C.; GORUP, LUIZ F.; ROCHA, ROBSON S.; LANZA, MARCOS R. V.; PEREIRA, ERNESTO C.. Photoelectrochemical removal of 17 beta-estradiol using a RuO2-graphene electrode. Chemosphere, v. 162, p. 99-104, . (13/07296-2)
AMORESI, R. A. C.; FELIX, A. A.; LUSTOSA, G. M. M. M.; GASPAROTTO, GISANE; SIMOES, A. Z.; ZAGHETE, M. A.. Role of morphological characteristics on the conductive behavior of LaNiO3 thin films. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 42, n. 14, p. 16242-16247, . (13/07296-2)
CAMILA SOARES XAVIER; CARLOS ALBERTO PASKOCIMAS; FABIANA VILLELA DA MOTTA; VINÍCIUS DANTAS ARAÚJO; MARIA JOSÉ ARAGÓN; JOSÉ LUÍS TIRADO; PEDRO LAVELA; ELSON LONGO; MAURICIO ROBERTO BOMIO DELMONTE. Microwave-assisted hydrothermal synthesis of magnetite nanoparticles with potential use as anode in lithium ion batteries. MATERIALS RESEARCH-IBERO-AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MATERIALS, v. 17, n. 4, p. 1065-1070, . (13/07296-2, 08/57872-1)
GOUVEIA, AMANDA F.; FERRER, MATEUS M.; SAMBRANO, JULIO R.; ANDRES, JUAN; LONGO, ELSON. Modeling the atomic-scale structure, stability, and morphological transformations in the tetragonal phase of LaVO4. Chemical Physics Letters, v. 660, p. 87-92, . (13/07296-2, 13/26671-9)
PEREIRA, WYLLAMANNEY DA SILVA; FERRER, MATEUS MENEGHETTI; BOTELHO, GLEICE; GRACIA, LOURDES; NOGUEIRA, ICAMIRA COSTA; PINATTI, IVO MATEUS; ROSA, IEDA LUCIA VIANA; LA PORTA, FELIPE DE ALMEIDA; ANDRES, JUAN; LONGO, ELSON. Effects of chemical substitution on the structural and optical properties of alpha-Ag2-2xNixWO4 (0 <= x <= 0.08) solid solutions. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, v. 18, n. 31, p. 21966-21975, . (08/57872-1, 13/23995-8, 13/07296-2, 12/14468-1, 15/11917-8, 14/04350-9)
LOVISA, L. X.; ANDRES, J.; GRACIA, L.; LI, M. S.; PASKOCIMAS, C. A.; BOMIO, M. R. D.; ARAUJO, V. D.; LONGO, E.; MOTTA, F. V.. Photoluminescent properties of ZrO2: Tm3+, Tb3+, Eu3+ powdersd-A combined experimental and theoretical study. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v. 695, p. 3094-3103, . (13/07296-2, 08/57872-1)
PAULINO RIBEIRO, FRANCISCO WIRLEY; MORAES, FERNANDO CRUZ; PEREIRA, ERNESTO CHAVES; MARKEN, FRANK; MASCARO, LUCIA HELENA. New application for the BiVO4 photoanode: A photoelectroanalytical sensor for nitrite. Electrochemistry Communications, v. 61, p. 1-4, . (14/06704-2, 08/57872-1, 13/07296-2)
LEMOS, PABLO S.; ALTOMARE, A.; GOUVEIA, A. F.; NOGUEIRA, I. C.; GRACIA, L.; LLUSAR, R.; ANDRES, J.; LONGO, E.; CAVALCANTE, LAECIO S.. Synthesis and characterization of metastable beta-Ag2WO4: an experimental and theoretical approach. DALTON TRANSACTIONS, v. 45, n. 3, p. 1185-1191, . (13/26671-9, 13/07296-2)
FABBRO, MARIA T.; SALIBY, CARLA; RIOS, LARISSA R.; LA PORTA, FELIPE A.; GRACIA, LOURDES; LI, MAXIMO S.; ANDRES, JUAN; SANTOS, LUIS P. S.; LONGO, ELSON. Identifying and rationalizing the morphological, structural, and optical properties of beta-Ag2MoO4 microcrystals, and the formation process of Ag nanoparticles on their surfaces: combining experimental data and first-principles calculations. SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OF ADVANCED MATERIALS, v. 16, n. 6, . (13/07296-2)
ROCA, ROMAN ALVAREZ; LEMOS, PABLO S.; ANDRES, JUAN; LONGO, ELSON. Formation of Ag nanoparticles on metastable beta-Ag2WO4 microcrystals induced by electron irradiation. Chemical Physics Letters, v. 644, p. 68-72, . (12/14004-5, 13/07296-2)
DA SILVA, LUIS F.; LOPES, OSMANDO F.; CATTO, ARIADNE C.; AVANSI, JR., WALDIR; BERNARDI, MARIA I. B.; LI, MAXIMO SIU; RIBEIRO, CAUE; LONGO, ELSON. Hierarchical growth of ZnO nanorods over SnO2 seed layer: insights into electronic properties from photocatalytic activity. RSC ADVANCES, v. 6, n. 3, p. 2112-2118, . (12/15170-6, 13/13888-0, 13/09573-3, 13/07296-2)
GROMBONI, MURILO F.; ARAUJO, MOISES A.; DOWNEY, ELIZABETH; MARKEN, FRANK; MASCARO, LUCIA H.. Photoanodes on titanium substrates: one-step deposited BiVO4 versus two-step nano-V2O5 films impregnated with Bi3+. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, v. 20, n. 1, p. 273-283, . (13/07296-2)
SILVA ORTEGA, PEDRO PAULO; RAMIREZ, MIGUEL ANGEL; FOSCHINI, CESAR RENATO; GARCIA, FILIBERTO GONZALEZ; CILENSE, MARIO; SIMOES, ALEXANDRE ZIRPOLI. Synthesis, structure and magnetic properties of Y3Fe5-xAlxO12 garnets prepared by the soft chemical method. PROCESSING AND APPLICATION OF CERAMICS, v. 8, n. 4, p. 211-218, . (08/57872-1, 13/07296-2)
SALA, RENATA L.; OLIVEIRA XAVIER, TATIELIH P.; VENANCIO, TIAGO; ARANTES, TATIANE MORAES; PARANHOS, CAIO M.; CAMARGO, EMERSON R.. Dynamic and structural correlations in nanocomposites of silica with modified surface and carboxylated nitrile rubber. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, v. 466, p. 247-253, . (12/07067-0, 13/07296-2, 12/05013-0)
LOVISA, L. X.; ARAUJO, V. D.; TRANQUILIN, R. L.; LONGO, E.; LI, M. S.; PASKOCIMAS, C. A.; BOMIO, M. R. D.; MOTTA, F. V.. White photoluminescence emission from ZrO2 co-doped with Eu3+, Tb3+ and Tm3+. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v. 674, p. 245-251, . (08/57872-1, 13/07296-2)
FELIX, A. A.; LONGO, E.; VARELA, J. A.; ORLANDI, M. O.. Gas sensing and conductivity relationship on nanoporous thin films: A CaCu3Ti4O12 case study. Thin Solid Films, v. 604, p. 69-73, . (09/00367-6, 13/14647-6, 13/07296-2)
MARANA, NAIARA L.; CASASSA, SILVIA; LONGO, ELSON; SAMBRANO, JULIO R.. Structural, Electronic, Vibrational, and Topological Analysis of Single-Walled Zinc Oxide Nanotubes. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 120, n. 12, p. 6814-6823, . (13/07296-2, 13/19289-0, 13/19713-7)
MUCCILLO, ELIANA N. S.; CARVALHO, SABRINA G. M.; MUCCILLO, REGINALDO. Electric field-assisted pressureless sintering of zirconia-scandia-ceria solid electrolytes. Journal of Materials Science, v. 53, n. 3, p. 1658-1671, . (13/07296-2)
DE FOGGI, CAMILA C.; DE OLIVEIRA, REGIANE C.; FABBRO, MARIA T.; VERGANI, CARLOS E.; ANDRES, JUAN; LONGO, ELSON; MACHADO, ANA L.. Tuning the Morphological, Optical, and Antimicrobial Properties of alpha-Ag2WO4 Microcrystals Using Different Solvents. Crystal Growth & Design, v. 17, n. 12, p. 6239-6246, . (15/03654-7, 13/07296-2)
CATTO, ARIADNE C.; DA SILVA, LUIS F.; RIBEIRO, CAUE; BERNARDINI, SANDRINE; AGUIR, KHALIFA; LONGO, ELSON; MASTELARO, VALMOR. R.. An easy method of preparing ozone gas sensors based on ZnO nanorods. RSC ADVANCES, v. 5, n. 25, p. 19528-19533, . (12/15170-6, 13/07296-2, 13/09573-3)
LUCAS, FRANCISCO WILLIAN DE S.; LIMA, ALAN R. F.; MASCARO, LUCIA H.. Glycerol as additive in copper indium gallium diselenide electrodeposition: morphological, structural and electronic effects. RSC ADVANCES, v. 5, n. 24, p. 18295-18300, . (08/57872-1, 12/10947-2, 13/07296-2)
JOVANI, MARC; DOMINGO, MARIA; MACHADO, THALES R.; LONGO, ELSON; BELTRAN-MIR, HECTOR; CORDONCILLO, ELOISA. Pigments based on Cr and Sb doped TiO2 prepared by microemulsion-mediated solvothermal synthesis for inkjet printing on ceramics. DYES AND PIGMENTS, v. 116, p. 106-113, . (13/11144-3, 08/57872-1, 13/07296-2)
AGUIAR, E. C.; SIMOES, A. Z.; PASKOCIMAS, C. A.; CILENSE, M.; LONGO, E.; VARELA, J. A.. Photoluminescence of BaZrO3 explained by a order/disorded transformation. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS, v. 26, n. 4, p. 1993-2001, . (08/57872-1, 13/07296-2)
DA SILVA, LUIS F.; MASTELARO, VALMOR R.; CATTO, ARIADNE C.; ESCANHOELA, JR., CARLOS A.; BERNARDINI, SANDRINE; ZILIO, SERGIO C.; LONGO, ELSON; AGUIR, KHALIFA. Ozone and nitrogen dioxide gas sensor based on a nanostructured SrTi0.85Fe0.15O3 thin film. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v. 638, p. 374-379, . (12/15170-6, 13/12473-0, 13/07296-2, 13/09573-3)
COSTA, B. C.; MORILLA-SANTOS, C.; LISBOA-FILHO, P. N.. Effects of time exposure and low power sonochemical treatment on ZnO mesostructures. MATERIALS SCIENCE IN SEMICONDUCTOR PROCESSING, v. 35, p. 81-89, . (13/07296-2)
MASCARENHAS MORANDI LUSTOSA, GLAUCO MEIRELES; DE CAMPOS DA COSTA, JOAO PAULO; PERAZOLLI, LEINIG ANTONIO; STOJANOVIC, BILJANA D.; ZAGHETE, MARIA APARECIDA. Electrophoretic deposition of (Zn, Nb)SnO2-films varistor superficially modified with Cr3+. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, v. 35, n. 7, p. 2083-2089, . (13/07296-2)
DUARTE, THIAGO M.; BUZOLIN, PRESCILA G. C.; SANTOS, IEDA M. G.; LONGO, ELSON; SAMBRANO, JULIO R.. Choice of hybrid functional and basis set optimization to calculate the structural, electronic, mechanical, and vibrational properties of BaSnO3. THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY ACCOUNTS, v. 135, n. 6, . (13/19289-0, 13/07296-2)
RODRIGUES, J. E.; BEZERRA, D. M.; COSTA, R. C.; PIZANI, P. S.; HERNANDES, A. C.. Raman signatures of monoclinic distortion in (Ba1-xSrx)(3)CaNb2O9 complex perovskites. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, v. 48, n. 9, p. 1243-1249, . (08/57872-1, 13/07296-2)
SALA, RENATA L.; KWON, MI Y.; KIM, MINWOOK; GULLBRAND, SARAH E.; HENNING, ELIZABETH A.; MAUCK, ROBERT L.; CAMARGO, EMERSON R.; BURDICK, JASON A.. Thermosensitive Poly(N-vinylcaprolactam) Injectable Hydrogels for Cartilage Tissue Engineering. TISSUE ENGINEERING PART A, v. 23, n. 17-18, p. 935-945, . (15/07185-1, 13/25663-2, 13/07296-2)
RODRIGUES, J. E.; BEZERRA, D. M.; HERNANDES, A. C.. Ordering effect on the electrical properties of stoichiometric Ba3CaNb2O9-based perovskite ceramics. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 43, n. 16, p. 14015-14022, . (08/57872-1, 13/07296-2)
ITO, NATHALIE MINKO; CARVALHO, JR., WALDEMIR MOURA; MUCHE, DERECK NILLS FERREIRA; CASTRO, RICARDO HAUCH RIBEIRO; DALPIAN, GUSTAVO MARTINI; SOUZA, FLAVIO LEANDRO. High temperature activation of hematite nanorods for sunlight driven water oxidation reaction. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, v. 19, n. 36, p. 25025-25032, . (13/05471-1, 11/19924-2, 16/02157-2, 13/07296-2)
PONTES, F. M.; PONTES, D. S. L.; CHIQUITO, A. J.; COLMENARES, Y. N.; MASTELARO, V. R.; LONGO, E.. Electrical transport properties and complex impedance investigation of Fe3+ and La3+ co-doping (Pb,Sr)TiO3 thin films. MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING B-ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL SOLID-STATE MATERIALS, v. 236, p. 179-188, . (11/20536-7, 13/07296-2, 12/14106-2)
PAULIN, JOAO V.; BATAGIN-NETO, AUGUSTO; GRAEFF, CARLOS F. O.. Identification of Common Resonant Lines in the EPR Spectra of Melanins. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, v. 123, n. 6, p. 1248-1255, . (12/03116-7, 15/23000-1, 13/07296-2)
ASSIS, MARCELO; CARVALHO DE OLIVEIRA, MARISA; MACHADO, THALES RAFAEL; MACEDO, NADIA GUERRA; CAMPOS COSTA, JOAO PAULO; GRACIA, LOURDES; ANDRES, JUAN; LONGO, ELSON. In Situ Growth of Bi Nanoparticles on NaBiO3, delta-, and beta-Bi2O3 Surfaces: Electron Irradiation and Theoretical Insights. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 123, n. 8, p. 5023-5030, . (13/26671-9, 13/07296-2)
RODRIGUES, J. E. F. S.; CASTRO, P. J.; PIZANI, P. S.; CORRER, W. R.; HERNANDES, A. C.. Structural ordering and dielectric properties of Ba3CaNb2O9-based microwave ceramics. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 42, n. 16, p. 18087-18093, . (08/57872-1, 13/07296-2)
BATISTA, R. M.; MUCCILLO, E. N. S.. Dilatometry analysis of the sintering process of nanostructured gadolinia-doped ceria. JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY, v. 126, n. 3, p. 1007-1013, . (13/07296-2)
ROSALES-SAIZ, F.; PEREZ-ACOSTA, L.; MACHADO, I. F.; PEREZ-FERNANDEZ, J. E.; JARDIM, R. F.; GOVEA-ALCAIDE, E.. Influence of spark plasma consolidation conditions on the superconducting properties of (Bi,Pb)-Sr-Ca-Cu-O ceramic samples. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 42, n. 15, p. 17482-17488, . (13/07296-2)
DEUS, R. C.; AMORESI, R. A. C.; DESIMONE, P. M.; SCHIPANI, F.; ROCHA, L. S. R.; PONCE, M. A.; SIMOES, A. Z.; LONGO, E.. Electrical behavior of cerium dioxide films exposed to different gases atmospheres. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 42, n. 13, p. 15023-15029, . (08/57872-1, 13/07296-2)
GROMBONI, MURILO F.; COELHO, DYOVANI; MASCARO, LUCIA H.; POCKETT, ADAM; MARKEN, FRANK. Enhancing activity in a nanostructured BiVO4 photoanode with a coating of microporous Al2O3. APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL, v. 200, p. 133-140, . (13/07296-2)
ONOFRE, YINA J.; CATTO, ARIADNE C.; BERNARDINI, SANDRINE; FIORIDO, TOMAS; AGUIR, KHALIFA; LONGO, ELSON; MASTELARO, VALMOR R.; DA SILVA, LUIS F.; DE GODOY, MARCIO P. F.. Highly selective ozone gas sensor based on nanocrystalline Zn0.95Co0.05O thin film obtained via spray pyrolysis technique. Applied Surface Science, v. 478, p. 347-354, . (13/07296-2, 16/10973-4, 17/12437-5)
VARALDA, J.; DARTORA, C. A.; DE CAMARGO, P. C.; DE OLIVEIRA, A. J. A.; MOSCA, D. H.. Oxygen diffusion and vacancy migration thermally-activated govern high-temperature magnetism in ceria. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 9, . (13/07296-2, 17/24995-2)
LEMOS, P. S.; SILVA, G. S.; ROCA, R. A.; ASSIS, M.; TORRES-MENDIETA, R.; BELTRAN-MIR, H.; MINGUEZ-VEGA, G.; CORDONCILLO, E.; ANDRES, J.; LONGO, E.. Laser and electron beam-induced formation of Ag/Cr structures on Ag2CrO4. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, v. 21, n. 11, p. 6101-6111, . (13/26671-9, 13/07296-2)
SCHLEDER, GABRIEL R.; AZEVEDO, GUSTAVO M.; NOGUEIRA, ICAMIRA C.; REBELO, QUEREM H. F.; BETTINI, JEFFERSON; FAZZIO, ADALBERTO; LEITE, EDSON R.. Decreasing Nanocrystal Structural Disorder by Ligand Exchange: An Experimental and Theoretical Analysis. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, v. 10, n. 7, p. 1471-1476, . (17/18139-6, 17/02317-2, 13/07296-2)
MONDEGO, MAYARA; DE OLIVEIRA, REGIANE C.; PENHA, MAYA; LI, MAXIMO SIU; LONGO, ELSON. Blue and red light photoluminescence emission at room temperature from CaTiO3 decorated with alpha-Ag2WO4. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 43, n. 7, p. 5759-5766, . (13/26671-9, 13/07296-2)
PEREZ-ACOSTA, L.; GOVEA-ALCAIDE, E.; ROSALES-SAIZ, F.; NOUDEM, J. G.; MACHADO, I. F.; JARDIM, R. F.. Influence of the spark-plasma texturing conditions on the intragranular features of Bi-2223 ceramic samples. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS, v. 30, n. 7, p. 6984-6992, . (13/07296-2, 13/20181-0, 14/19245-6)
SILVA CHAVES, MARISA DE JESUS; LIMA, GENESIS DE OLIVEIRA; DE ASSIS, MARCELO; SILVA MENDONCA, CARITAS DE JESUS; PINATTI, IVO MATEUS; GOUVEIA, AMANDA FERNANDES; VIANA ROSA, IEDA LUCIA; LONGO, ELSON; PINHEIRO ALMEIDA, MARCIO AURELIO; RODRIGUES DOS SANTOS FRANCO, TERESA CRISTINA. Environmental remediation properties of Bi2WO6 hierarchical nanostructure: A joint experimental and theoretical investigation. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, v. 274, p. 270-279, . (13/07296-2, 13/23995-8)
DA SILVA, JUSSARA SOARES; MACHADO, THALES R.; MARTINS, TIAGO A.; ASSIS, MARCELO; FOGGI, CAMILA C.; MACEDO, NADIA G.; BELTRAN-MIR, HECTOR; CORDONCILLO, ELOISA; ANDRES, JUAN; LONGO, ELSON. alpha-AgVO3 Decorated by Hydroxyapatite (Ca-10(PO4)(6)(OH)(2)): Tuning Its Photoluminescence Emissions and Bactericidal Activity. Inorganic Chemistry, v. 58, n. 9, p. 5900-5913, . (13/07296-2)
SCZANCOSKI, JULIO CESAR; LEITE, EDSON ROBERTO. A versatile approach for the preparation of ceramics with porosity gradient: by using manganese and tin oxides as a model. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, v. 38, n. 4, p. 2027-2034, . (13/07296-2)
DE OLIVEIRA, REGIANE CRISTINA; ASSIS, MARCELO; TEIXEIRA, MAYARA MONDEGO; PENHA DA SILVA, MAYA DAYANA; LI, MAXIMO SIU; ANDRES, JUAN; GRACIA, LOURDES; LONGO, ELSON. An Experimental and Computational Study of beta-AgVO3: Optical Properties and Formation of Ag Nanoparticles. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 120, n. 22, p. 12254-12264, . (13/07296-2)
MUCCILLO, R.; MUCCILLO, E. N. S.. Light emission during electric field-assisted sintering of electroceramics. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, v. 35, n. 5, p. 1653-1656, . (13/07296-2)
GONCALVES, R. F.; CAVALCANTE, L. S.; NOGUEIRA, I. C.; LONGO, E.; GODINHO, M. J.; SCZANCOSKI, J. C.; MASTELARO, V. R.; PINATTI, I. M.; ROSA, I. L. V.; MARQUES, A. P. A.. Rietveld refinement, cluster modelling, growth mechanism and photoluminescence properties of CaWO4:Eu3+ microcrystals. CrystEngComm, v. 17, n. 7, p. 1654-1666, . (13/07296-2)
PEREIRA, WYLLAMANNEY DA SILVA; ANDRES, JUAN; GRACIA, LOURDES; SAN-MIGUEL, MIGUEL A.; DA SILVA, EDISON Z.; LONGO, ELSON; LONGO, VALERIA M.. Elucidating the real-time Ag nanoparticle growth on alpha-Ag2WO4 during electron beam irradiation: experimental evidence and theoretical insights. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, v. 17, n. 7, p. 5352-5359, . (10/16970-0, 13/02032-7, 12/14468-1, 13/07296-2)
SANTOS, L. P. S.; CAVALCANTE, L. S.; FABBRO, M. T.; BELTRAN MIR, H.; CORDONCILLO, E.; ANDRES, J.; LONGO, E.. Structural and optical properties of ZnS/MgNb2O6 heterostructures. SUPERLATTICES AND MICROSTRUCTURES, v. 79, p. 180-192, . (13/07296-2)
BOTELHO, G.; SCZANCOSKI, J. C.; ANDRES, J.; GRACIA, L.; LONGO, E.. Experimental and Theoretical Study on the Structure, Optical Properties, and Growth of Metallic Silver Nanostructures in Ag3PO4. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 119, n. 11, p. 6293-6306, . (12/14004-5, 08/57872-1, 13/07296-2)
SUN, MAOZHONG; XU, LIGUANG; QU, AIHUA; ZHAO, PENG; HAO, TIANTIAN; MA, WEI; HAO, CHANGLONG; WEN, XIAODONG; COLOMBARI, FELIPPE M.; DE MOURA, ANDRE F.; et al. Site-selective photoinduced cleavage and profiling of DNA by chiral semiconductor nanoparticles. NATURE CHEMISTRY, v. 10, n. 8, p. 821-830, . (13/07296-2, 12/15147-4)
MASUNAGA, S. H.; BARBETA, V. B.; JARDIM, R. F.; BECERRA, C. C.; TORIKACHVILI, M. S.; ROSA, P. F. S.; FISK, Z.. Anomalous remnant magnetization in dilute antiferromagnetic Gd1-xYxB4. PHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS, v. 2, n. 8, . (13/07296-2, 13/20181-0, 14/19245-6)
POTTKER, WALMIR E.; ONO, RODRIGO; ANGEL COBOS, MIGUEL; HERNANDO, ANTONIO; ARAUJO, JEFFERSON F. D. F.; BRUNO, ANTONIO C. O.; LOURENCO, SIDNEY A.; LONGO, ELSON; LA PORTA, FELIPE A.. Influence of order-disorder effects on the magnetic and optical properties of NiFe2O4 nanoparticles. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 44, n. 14, p. 17290-17297, . (13/07296-2)
TRENCH, ALINE BARRIOS; MACHADO, THALES RAFAEL; GOUVEIA, AMANDA FERNANDES; ASSIS, MARCELO; DA TRINDADE, LETICIA GUERREIRO; SANTOS, CLAYANE; PERRIN, ANDRE; PERRIN, CHRISTIANE; OLIVA, MONICA; ANDRES, JUAN; et al. Connecting structural, optical, and electronic properties and photocatalytic activity of Ag3PO4:Mo complemented by DFT calculations. APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL, v. 238, p. 198-211, . (13/26671-9, 13/07296-2)
COSTA, B. C.; RODRIGUES, E. A.; TOKUHARA, C. K.; OLIVEIRA, R. C.; LISBOA-FILHO, P. N.; ROCHA, L. A.. ZnO Nanoparticles with Different Sizes and Morphologies for Medical Implant Coatings: Synthesis and Cytotoxicity. BIONANOSCIENCE, v. 8, n. 2, p. 587-595, . (13/07296-2)
BYZYNSKI, GABRIELA; VOLANTI, DIOGO P.; RIBEIRO, CAU; MASTELARO, VALMOR R.; LONGO, ELSON. Direct photo-oxidation and superoxide radical as major responsible for dye photodegradation mechanism promoted by TiO2-rGO heterostructure. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS, v. 29, n. 19, p. 17022-17037, . (17/01267-1, 14/17343-0, 15/04511-5, 13/07296-2, 14/11410-8)
MARANA, N. L.; CASASSA, S.; LONGO, E.; SAMBRANO, J. R.. Computational simulations of ZnO@GaN and GaN@ZnO core@shell nanotubes. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, v. 266, p. 217-225, . (16/07476-9, 13/07296-2, 16/25500-4)
ROCHA, LEANDRO S. R.; SCHIPANI, FEDERICO; ALDAO, CELSO M.; CABRAL, LUIS; SIMOES, ALEXANDRE Z.; MACCHI, CARLOS; MARQUES, GILMAR E.; PONCE, MIGUEL A.; LONGO, ELSON. Experimental and ab Initio Studies of Deep-Bulk Traps in Doped Rare-Earth Oxide Thick Films. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 124, n. 1, p. 997-1007, . (18/20729-9, 13/07296-2, 14/19142-2, 18/20590-0, 16/25500-4, 17/19143-7)
AMORESI, RAFAEL A. C.; OLIVEIRA, REGIANE C.; MARANA, NAIARA L.; DE ALMEIDA, PRISCILA B.; PRATA, PALOMA S.; ZAGHETE, MARIA A.; LONGO, ELSON; SAMBRANO, JULIO R.; SIMOES, ALEXANDRE Z.. CeO2 Nanoparticle Morphologies and Their Corresponding Crystalline Planes for the Photocatalytic Degradation of Organic Pollutants. ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS, v. 2, n. 10, p. 6513-6526, . (19/09296-6, 16/07476-9, 17/19143-7, 13/07296-2, 16/25500-4)
FERREIRA, DIEGO H. O.; VAZ, ISABELA C. F.; RUBINGER, RERO M.; BUONO, CAMILA; ROCHA, LEANDRO S. R.; PONCE, MIGUEL A.; LONGO, ELSON; SIMOES, ALEXANDRE Z.; MOURA, FRANCISCO. Low-temperature impedance spectroscopic analyses of ceramic electrodes based on Mo and Co co-doped SnO2. PROCESSING AND APPLICATION OF CERAMICS, v. 13, n. 4, p. 360-367, . (08/57872-1, 18/07238-6, 13/07296-2, 18/20590-0)
ALVES DA SILVA PIMENTEL, BRUNA NATALIA; DE FOGGI, CAMILA CRISTINA; BARBUGLI, PAULA ABOUD; DE OLIVEIRA, REGIANE CRISTINA; DE AVILA, ERICA DORIGATTI; LONGO, ELSON; VERGANI, CARLOS EDUARDO. Antifungal activity and biocompatibility of alpha-AgVO3 microcrystals: A promising material against oral Candida disease. Materials Science & Engineering C-Materials for Biological Applications, v. 108, . (15/25124-0, 15/13834-2, 13/07296-2, 15/03654-7, 15/03567-7)
BATISTA, FRANCISCO S. C. L.; MELO, ITACIARA E. M. S.; PEREIRA, LAISE N. S.; LIMA, ALEXIA G. P.; BASHAL, ALI H.; COSTA, JEAN C. S.; MAGALHAES, JANILDO L.; LIMA, FRANCISCO C. A.; MOURA, CARLA V. R.; GARCIA, MARCO A. S.; et al. Screening of the Au:Pt Atomic Ratio Supported in SrCO3: Effects in the Performance of the Solvent-Free Oxidation of Benzyl Alcohol. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, v. 31, n. 3, p. 488-497, . (13/07296-2)
COSTA, JOSE ARNALDO SANTANA; VEDOVELLO, PRISCILA; PARANHOS, CAIO MARCIO. Use of Ionic Liquid as Template for Hydrothermal Synthesis of the MCM-41 Mesoporous Material. SILICON, v. 12, n. 2, p. 289-294, . (15/00609-0, 17/06775-5, 18/18894-1, 14/05679-4, 13/07296-2)
DOS SANTOS, JR., T.; PEREIRA, I, C.; GONCALVES, R.; SALVINI, V. R.; ZETTERSTROM, C.; WOHRMEYER, C.; PARR, C.; PANDOLFELLI, V. C.. Gluconate action in the hydration of calcium aluminate cements: Theoretical study, processing of aqueous suspensions and hydration reactivation. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, v. 39, n. 8, p. 2748-2759, . (13/07296-2)
PEREIRA, LAISE N. S.; RIBEIRO, CARLOS E. S.; TOFANELLO, ARYANE; COSTA, JEAN C. S.; DE MOURA, CARLA V. R.; GARCIA, MARCO A. S.; DE MOURA, EDMILSON M.. Gold Supported on Strontium Surface-Enriched CoFe2O4 Nanoparticles: a Strategy for the Selective Oxidation of Benzyl Alcohol. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, v. 30, n. 6, p. 1317-1325, . (13/07296-2)
HOLANDA, BRUNO B. C.; ALARCON, RAFAEL T.; GAGLIERI, CAROLINE; DE SOUZA, AGUINALDO R.; CASTRO, RICARDO A. E.; ROSA, PAULO C. P.; TANGERINO, DEBORA J. A.; BANNACH, GILBERT. Thermal studies, degradation kinetic, equilibrium solubility, DFT, MIR, and XRPD analyses of a new cocrystal of gemfibrozil and isonicotinamide. JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY, v. 136, n. 5, p. 2049-2062, . (13/09022-7, 18/03460-6, 13/07296-2, 15/22338-9)
DA SILVA, EDISON Z.; FACCIN, GIOVANI M.; MACHADO, THALES R.; MACEDO, NADIA G.; DE ASSIS, MARCELO; MAYA-JOHNSON, SANTIAGO; SCZANCOSKI, JULIO C.; ANDRES, JUAN; LONGO, ELSON; SAN-MIGUEL, MIGUEL A.. Connecting Theory with Experiment to Understand the Sintering Processes of Ag Nanoparticles. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 123, n. 17, p. 11310-11318, . (16/23891-6, 13/07296-2)
SOUSA, E. A.; DENIZ, W. D. S.; ARLINDO, E. P. S.; SAKAMOTO, W. K.; FUZARI, JR., G. C.. PVDF-PAni blend: a free-standing film with variable electrical resistance. POLYMER BULLETIN, v. 74, n. 5, p. 1483-1492, . (13/07296-2)
DOS SANTOS, CLAYANE CARVALHO; DE ASSIS, MARCELO; MACHADO, THOLES RAFAEL; DOS SANTOS PEREIRA, PAULA FABIANA; MINGUEZ-VEGA, GLADYS; CORDONCILLO, ELOISA; BELTRAN-MIR, HECTOR; DONATE-BUENDIA, CARLOS; ANDRES, JUAN; LONGO, ELSON. Proof-of-Concept Studies Directed toward the Formation of Metallic Ag Nanostructures from Ag3PO4 Induced by Electron Beam and Femtosecond Laser. PARTICLE & PARTICLE SYSTEMS CHARACTERIZATION, v. 36, n. 6, . (13/26671-9, 13/07296-2, 14/14171-4)
COSTA, MAGNO BARCELOS; LUCAS, FRANCISCO W. S.; MASCARO, LUCIA HELENA. Electrodeposition Conditions Effect Sb2Se3 Thin-Film Properties. CHEMELECTROCHEM, v. 6, n. 11, p. 2937-2944, . (17/11986-5, 17/21365-8, 18/16401-8, 18/03156-5, 13/07296-2)
SANTIAGO, A. A. G.; NETO, N. F. ANDRADE; LONGO, E.; PASKOCIMAS, C. A.; MOTTA, F. V.; BOMIO, M. R. D.. Fast and continuous obtaining of Eu3+ doped CeO2 microspheres by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis: characterization and photocatalytic activity. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS, v. 30, n. 12, p. 11508-11519, . (16/23891-6, 13/07296-2)
DA TRINDADE, LETICIA G.; ZANCHET, LETICIA; TRENCH, ALINE B.; SOUZA, JOSIANE CARNEIRO; CARVALHO, MARIA H.; DE OLIVEIRA, ADILSON J. A.; PEREIRA, ERNESTO C.; MAZZO, TATIANA M.; LONGO, ELSON. Flower-like ZnO/ionic liquid composites: structure, morphology, and photocatalytic activity. IONICS, v. 25, n. 7, p. 3197-3210, . (13/07296-2)
SANTANA COSTA, JOSE ARNALDO; PARANHOS, CAIO MARCIO. Evaluation of rice husk ash in adsorption of Remazol Red dye from aqueous media. SN APPLIED SCIENCES, v. 1, n. 5, . (18/18894-1, 14/05679-4, 17/06775-5, 13/07296-2)
ROCHA, LEANDRO SILVA ROSA; CIOLA AMORESI, RAFAEL APARECIDO; DUARTE, THIAGO MARINHO; MARANA, NAIARA LETICIA; SAMBRANO, JULIO RICARDO; ALDAO, CELSO MANUEL; SIMOES, ALEXANDRE ZIRPOLI; PONCE, MIGUEL ADOLFO; LONGO, ELSON. Experimental and theoretical interpretation of the order/disorder clusters in CeO2:La. Applied Surface Science, v. 510, . (17/19143-7, 13/07296-2, 18/20590-0, 16/25500-4)
LIMA, NAIARA A.; ALENCAR, LORENA D. S.; SIU-LI, MAXIMO; FEITOSA, CARLOS A. C.; MESQUITA, ALEXANDRE; M'PEKO, JEAN-CLAUDE; BERNARDI, MARIA I. B.. NiWO4 powders prepared via polymeric precursor method for application as ceramic luminescent pigments. JOURNAL OF ADVANCED CERAMICS, v. 9, n. 1, p. 55-63, . (13/07296-2, 13/07909-4)
SANTIAGO, A. A. G.; TRANQUILIN, R. L.; OLIVEIRA, M. C.; RIBEIRO, R. A. P.; DE LAZARO, S. R.; CORREA, M. A.; BOHN, F.; LONGO, E.; MOTTA, F. V.; BOMIO, M. R. D.. Disclosing the Structural, Electronic, Magnetic, and Morphological Properties of CuMnO2: A Unified Experimental and Theoretical Approach. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 124, n. 9, p. 5378-5388, . (13/07296-2)
COSTA, JOSE ARNALDO S.; SARMENTO, VICTOR H. V.; ROMAO, LUCIANE P. C.; PARANHOS, CAIO M.. Removal of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from aqueous media with polysulfone/MCM-41 mixed matrix membranes. JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE, v. 601, . (17/06775-5, 14/05679-4, 13/07296-2)
PETROLINI, DAVI D.; MARCOS, FRANCIELLE F. C.; LUCREDIO, ALESSANDRA F.; MASTELARO, VALMOR R.; ASSAF, JOSE M.; ASSAF, ELISABETE M.. Exploiting oxidative coupling of methane performed over La-2(Ce1-xMgx)(2)O7-delta catalysts with disordered defective cubic fluorite structure. CATALYSIS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, v. 11, n. 13, p. 4471-4481, . (13/07296-2, 17/08293-8, 19/10980-9, 15/06246-7)
RIBEIRO, LUCAS S.; SALA, RENATA L.; DE JESUS, LETICIA A. O.; CRUZ, SANDRA A.; CAMARGO, EMERSON R.. Analyzing the Effects of Silica Nanospheres on the Sol-Gel Transition Profile of Thermosensitive Hydrogels. Langmuir, v. 37, n. 24, p. 7373-7379, . (13/25663-2, 18/12871-0, 13/07296-2, 14/09014-7)
OLIVEIRA, L. L.; CORTES, J. A.; CALDEIRA, B. S.; STRUSCH, T.; WIEDWALD, U.; SIMOES, A. Z.. Structural, electronic paramagnetic resonance and magnetic properties of praseodymium-doped rare earth CeO2 semiconductors. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 47, n. 15, p. 20768-20780, . (13/07296-2, 19/10918-1)
LEONEL, MAGALI; DEL BEM, MARILIA S.; DOS SANTOS, THAIS P. R.; LANDI FRANCO, CELIA MARIA. reparation and properties of phosphate starches from tuberous root. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, v. 183, p. 898-907, . (16/25791-9, 13/07296-2)
DA SILVA, LUIS F.; CATTO, ARIADNE C.; BERNARDINI, SANDRINE; FIORIDO, TOMAS; DE PALMA, JOAO V. N.; AVANSI, JR., WALDIR; AGUIR, KHALIFA; BENDAHAN, MARC. BTEX gas sensor based on hematite microrhombuses. SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL, v. 326, . (18/18208-0, 13/07296-2, 17/12437-5)
LIMA, CARLOS CAVALCANTE; FONSECA, WELITON SILVA; COLMATI, FLAVIO; RIBEIRO, LARA KELLY; FRANCA, MESAQUE CARVALHO; LONGO, ELSON; SULLER GARCIA, MARCO AURELIO; TANAKA, AURO ATSUSHI. Enhancing the methanol tolerance of ultrasmall platinum nanoparticles and manganese oxide onto carbon for direct methanol fuel cell: The importance of the synthesis procedure. Electrochimica Acta, v. 363, . (13/07296-2)
SUZUKI, V. Y.; AMORIN, L. H. C.; LIMA, N. M.; MACHADO, E. G.; CARVALHO, P. E.; CASTRO, S. B. R.; SOUZA ALVES, C. C.; CARLI, A. P.; LI, MAXIMO SIU; LONGO, ELSON; et al. Characterization of the structural, optical, photocatalytic and in vitro and in vivo anti-inflammatory properties of Mn2+ doped Zn2GeO4 nanorods. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C, v. 7, n. 27, p. 8216-8225, . (13/07296-2)
MASTEGHIN, MATEUS G.; GODOI, DENIS R. M.; ORLANDI, MARCELO O.. Heating Method Effect on SnO Micro-Disks as NO2 Gas Sensor. FRONTIERS IN MATERIALS, v. 6, . (13/07296-2, 15/21033-0, 17/12870-0, 17/26219-0)
BERNARDINO, KALIL; SWIERGIEL, JOLANTA; JADZYN, JAN; BOUTEILLER, LAURENT; DE MOURA, ANDRE FARIAS. Bulkiness as a design element to increase the rigidity and macrodipole of supramolecular polymers. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS, v. 286, . (17/12063-8, 13/07296-2, 12/15147-4)
FARIA, ALINE MACEDO; MAZON, TALITA. Early diagnosis of Zika infection using a ZnO nanostructures-based rapid electrochemical biosensor. Talanta, v. 203, p. 153-160, . (13/07296-2)
MUCCILLO, R.; MUCCILLO, E. N. S.. Improved densification and ionic conductivity in flash-sintered gamma-ray irradiated yttria-stabilized zirconia. SCRIPTA MATERIALIA, v. 170, p. 120-123, . (17/11937-4, 13/07296-2)
COLETO JUNIOR, UBIRAJARA; AMORESI, RAFAEL A. C.; PEREIRA, CHRYSTOPHER A. M.; SIMOES, ALEXANDRE Z.; ZAGHETE, MARIA A.; MONTEIRO FILHO, ELIAS S.; LONGO, ELSON; PERAZOLLI, LEINIG A.. Influence of defects on photoluminescent and photocatalytic behavior of CaO/SrTiO3 heterojunctions. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 45, n. 12, p. 15244-15251, . (17/19143-7, 13/07296-2)
TRANQUILIN, R. L.; LOVISA, L. X.; ALMEIDA, C. R. R.; PASKOCIMAS, C. A.; LI, M. S.; OLIVEIRA, M. C.; GRACIA, L.; ANDRES, J.; LONGO, E.; MOTTA, F. V.; et al. Understanding the White-Emitting CaMoO4 Co-Doped Eu3+, Tb3+, and Tm3+ Phosphor through Experiment and Connputation. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 123, n. 30, p. 18536-18550, . (16/23891-6, 13/07296-2)
MACHADO, THALES R.; MACEDO, NADIA G.; ASSIS, MARCELO; DONATE-BUENDIA, CARLOS; MINGUEZ-VEGA, GLADYS; TEIXEIRA, MAYARA M.; FOGGI, CAMILA C.; VERGANI, CARLOS E.; BELTRAN-MIR, HECTOR; ANDRES, JUAN; et al. From Complex Inorganic Oxides to Ag-Bi Nanoalloy: Synthesis by Femtosecond Laser Irradiation. ACS OMEGA, v. 3, n. 8, p. 9880-9887, . (17/12594-3, 13/07296-2)
SALA, RENATA L.; GONCALVES, RICARDO H.; CAMARGO, EMERSON R.; LEITE, EDSON R.. Thermosensitive poly(N-vinylcaprolactam) as a transmission light regulator in smart windows. SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS, v. 186, p. 266-272, . (13/25663-2, 13/07296-2, 15/13958-3)
ANDRADE, JR., MARCOS A. S.; MASCARO, LUCIA H.. Photoelectrocatalytic reduction of nitrobenzene on Bi-doped CuGaS2 films. Chemosphere, v. 212, p. 79-86, . (17/15144-9, 14/50249-8, 13/07296-2)
VON DREIFUS, DRIELE; PEREIRA, RODRIGO; RODRIGUES, ARIANO D.; PEREIRA, ERNESTO C.; DE OLIVEIRA, ADILSON J. A.. Sol-gel synthesis of triclinic CoV2O6 polycrystals. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 44, n. 16, p. 19397-19401, . (09/54082-2, 13/07296-2)
GONCALVES, ROGER; LIMA, THIAGO M.; PAIXAO, MARCIO W.; PEREIRA, ERNESTO C.. Pristine carbon nitride as active material for high-performance metal-free supercapacitors: simple, easy and cheap. RSC ADVANCES, v. 8, n. 61, p. 35327-35336, . (14/50249-8, 17/06536-0, 15/17141-1, 13/07296-2, 11/10897-2)
FABRIS, GUILHERME S. L.; MARANA, NAIARA L.; LONGO, ELSON; SAMBRANO, JULIO R.. Piezoelectric Response of Porous Nanotubes Derived from Hexagonal Boron Nitride under Strain Influence. ACS OMEGA, v. 3, n. 10, p. 13413-13421, . (16/07476-9, 13/07296-2, 16/25500-4)
PINATTI, IVO M.; PEREIRA, PAULA F. S.; DE ASSIS, MARCELO; LONGO, ELSON; ROSA, IEDA L. V.. Rare earth doped silver tungstate for photoluminescent applications. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v. 771, p. 433-447, . (13/23995-8, 13/07296-2)
RODRIGUES, J. E.; FERRER, M. M.; CUNHA, T. R.; COSTA, R. C.; SAMBRANO, J. R.; RODRIGUES, A. D.; PIZANI, P. S.. First-principles calculations and Raman scattering evidence for local symmetry lowering in rhombohedral ilmenite: temperature- and pressure-dependent studies. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER, v. 30, n. 48, . (13/07296-2, 13/07793-6, 16/07476-9)
FERNANDES, SILVIA LETICIA; GASPAROTTO, GISELE; TEIXEIRA, GUILHERMINA FERREIRA; CEBIM, MARCO AURELIO; LONGO, ELSON; ZAGHETE, MARIA APARECIDA. Lithium lanthanum titanate perovskite ionic conductor: Influence of europium doping on structural and optical properties. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 44, n. 17, p. 21578-21584, . (13/07296-2)
COLETO, JR., UBIRAJARA; AMORESI, RAFAEL A. C.; TEODORO, VINICIUS; IANI, ISABELA M.; LONGO, ELSON; ZAGHETE, MARIA A.; PERAZOLLI, LEINIG A.. An approach for photodegradation mechanism at TiO2/SrTiO3 interface. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS, v. 29, n. 23, p. 20329-20338, . (13/07296-2, 17/19143-7)
COSTA, I. M.; COLMENARES, Y. N.; PIZANI, P. S.; LEITE, E. R.; CHIQUITO, A. J.. Sb doping of VLS synthesized SnO2 nanowires probed by Raman and XPS spectroscopy. Chemical Physics Letters, v. 695, p. 125-130, . (13/19692-0, 16/14381-4, 13/07296-2)
HERNANDEZ-WOLPEZ, M.; FERNANDEZ-GAMBOA, J. R.; GARCIA-FORNARIS, I.; GOVEA-ALCAIDE, E.; PEREZ-TIJERINA, E.; JARDIM, R. F.; MUNE, P.. Voltage relaxation and Abrikosov-Josephson vortices in Bi-2223 superconductors doped with alpha-Al2O3 nanoparticles. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS, v. 29, n. 7, p. 5926-5933, . (14/19245-6, 13/07296-2)
CARVALHO, SABRINA G. M.; MUCCILLO, ELIANA N. S.; MUCCILLO, REGINALDO. AC Electric Field Assisted Pressureless Sintering Zirconia: 3mol% Yttria Solid Electrolyte. PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A-APPLICATIONS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE, v. 215, n. 6, . (13/07296-2)
CATTO, ARIADNE C.; FIORIDO, TOMAS; SOUZA, ERICA L. S.; AVANSI, JR., WALDIR; ANDRES, JUAN; AGUIR, KHALIFA; LONGO, ELSON; CAVALCANTE, LAECIO S.; DA SILVA, LUIS F.. Improving the ozone gas-sensing properties of CuWO4 nanoparticles. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v. 748, p. 411-417, . (13/07296-2, 17/10313-7, 17/12437-5)
DE SOUZA, BRUNA G.; FIGUEIRA, GUSTAVO; CARVALHO, MARIA H.; ALCARAZ-GONZALEZ, VICTOR; SALDANA-FLORES, KARLA E.; GODINHO JR, MARIO; DE OLIVEIRA, ADILSON J. A.; KIMINAMI, RUTH H. G. A.; RUOTOLO, LUIS A. M.; URQUIETA-GONZALEZ, ERNESTO A.. A novel synthesis route to obtain magnetic nanocrystalline cobalt ferrite with photo-Fenton activity. Materials Chemistry and Physics, v. 257, . (13/07296-2, 17/13769-1, 17/24995-2, 09/54082-2)
CRUZ, LILIAN; TEIXEIRA, MAYARA M.; TEODORO, VINICIUS; JACOMACI, NATALIA; LAIER, LETICIA O.; ASSIS, MARCELO; MACEDO, NADIA G.; TELLO, ANA C. M.; SILVA, LUIS F.; MARQUES, GILMAR E.; et al. Multi-dimensional architecture of Ag/alpha-Ag2WO4 crystals: insights into microstructural, morphological, and photoluminescence properties. CrystEngComm, v. 22, n. 45, p. 7903-7917, . (17/12437-5, 13/07296-2)
DE BRITO, JULIANA FERREIRA; MASCARO, LUCIA HELENA. Enhancement of photocurrent response for self-ordered Nb2O5 nanotubes synthesized at room temperature. Journal of Materials Science, v. 56, n. 3, p. 2088-2102, . (14/50249-8, 18/02950-0, 17/11986-5, 13/07296-2, 18/16401-8)
DA SILVA, MITCHELL G. S.; LEITE, CELISNOLIA M.; CORDEIRO, MARCO A. L.; MASTELARO, VALMOR R.; LEITE, EDSON R.. One-Step Synthesis of Nickel Sulfides and Their Electrocatalytic Activities for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction: A Case Study of Crystalline h-NiS and o-Ni9S8 Nanoparticles. ACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS, v. 3, n. 10, p. 9498-9503, . (13/07296-2)
CARVALHO, M. H.; RIZZO PITON, M.; LEMINE, O. M.; BOUOUDINA, M.; GALETI, H. V. A.; SOUTO, S.; PEREIRA, E. C.; GALVAO GOBATO, Y.; DE OLIVEIRA, A. J. A.. Effects of strain, defects and crystal phase transition in mechanically milled nanocrystalline In2O3 powder. MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS, v. 6, n. 2, . (09/54082-2, 13/07296-2, 17/24995-2)
DA SILVA, LUIS F.; AVANSI, JR., WALDIR; CATTO, ARIADNE C.; RODRIGUES, JOAO E. F. S.; BERNARDI, MARIA I. B.; MASTELARO, VALMOR R.. The Role of Nb Addition in TiO2 Nanoparticles: Phase Transition and Photocatalytic Properties. PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A-APPLICATIONS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE, v. 215, n. 21, . (13/07296-2, 13/17639-4, 17/12437-5)
RODRIGUES, J. E.; BEZERRA, D. M.; HERNANDES, A. C.. Calculation of the optical phonons in ordered Ba2MgWO6 perovskite using short-range force field model. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, v. 49, n. 11, p. 1822-1829, . (13/07296-2)
ASSIS, MARCELO; MACEDO, NADIA G.; MACHADO, THALES R.; FERRER, MATEUS M.; GOUVEIA, AMANDA F.; CORDONCILLO, ELOISA; TORRES-MENDIETA, RAFAEL; BELTRAN-MIR, HECTOR; MINGUEZ-VEGA, GLADYS; LEITE, EDSON R.; et al. Laser/Electron Irradiation on Indium Phosphide (InP) Semiconductor: Promising Pathways to In Situ Formation of Indium Nanoparticles. PARTICLE & PARTICLE SYSTEMS CHARACTERIZATION, v. 35, n. 11, . (16/07476-9, 13/26671-9, 13/07296-2)
OLIVEIRA, MARISA CARVALHO; RIBEIRO, RENAN A. PONTES; GRACIA, LOURDES; DE LAZARO, SERGIO R.; DE ASSIS, MARCELO; OLIVA, MONICA; ROSA, IEDA L. VIANA; GURGET, MARIA FERNANDA DO C.; LONGO, ELSON; ANDRES, JUAN. Experimental and theoretical study of the energetic, morphological, and photoluminescence properties of CaZrO3:Eu3+. CrystEngComm, v. 20, n. 37, p. 5519-5530, . (13/07296-2)
CURCIO, ANA LAURA; DA SILVA, LUIS FERNANDO; BASSO BERNARDI, MARIA INES; LONGO, ELSON; MESQUITA, ALEXANDRE. Nanostructured ZnS:Cu phosphor: Correlation between photoluminescence properties and local structure. Journal of Luminescence, v. 206, p. 292-297, . (17/12437-5, 13/12993-4, 13/07296-2)
PINATTI, IVO M.; FERN, GEORGE R.; LONGO, ELSON; IRELAND, TERRY G.; PEREIRA, PAULA F. S.; ROSA, V, IEDA L.; SILVER, JACK. Luminescence properties of alpha-Ag2WO4 nanorods co-doped with Li+ and Eu3+ cations and their effects on its structure. Journal of Luminescence, v. 206, p. 442-454, . (15/13669-1, 13/23995-8, 13/07296-2)
CARVALHO OLIVEIRA, MARISA; ANDRES, JUAN; GRACIA, LOURDES; DE OLIVEIRA, MICHELLE SUZANE M. P.; MERCURY, JOSE MANUEL R.; LONGO, ELSON; NOGUEIRA, ICAMIRA COSTA. Geometry, electronic structure, morphology, and photoluminescence emissions of BaW1-xMoxO4 (x=0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, and 1) solid solutions: Theory and experiment in concert. Applied Surface Science, v. 463, p. 907-917, . (13/07296-2)
MANJUNATHA, K.; ANGADI, V. JAGADEESHA; RIBEIRO, RENAN A. P.; LONGO, ELSON; OLIVEIRA, MARISA C.; BOMIO, MAURICIO R. D.; DE LAZARO, SERGIO R.; MATTEPPANAVAR, SHIDALING; RAYAPROL, S.; BABU, P. D.; et al. Structural, electronic, vibrational and magnetic properties of Zn2+ substituted MnCr2O4 nanoparticles. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, v. 502, . (13/07296-2)
ZABOTTO, F. L.; MILTON, P.; GUALDI, A. J.; DE OLIVEIRA, A. J. A.; EIRAS, J. A.; GARCIA, D.. Magnetodielectric and magnetoelectric correlation in (1-x)PMN-PT/xCFO 0-3 particulate composites. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v. 829, . (09/54082-2, 19/03110-8, 17/24995-2, 13/07296-2)
ALMEIDA E SILVA, TAIANE; GORUP, LUIZ FERNANDO; DE ARAUJO, RENATA PIRES; FONSECA, GUSTAVO GRACIANO; MARTELLI, SILVIA MARIA; PIRES DE OLIVEIRA, KELLY MARI; FARAONI, LUCAS HENRIQUE; RATIER DE ARRUDA, EDUARDO GUIMARAES; BORGES GOMES, RAPHAEL ANTONIO; MANOEL DA SILVA, CARLOS HENRIQUE; et al. Synergy of Biodegradable Polymer Coatings with Quaternary Ammonium Salts Mediating Barrier Function Against Bacterial Contamination and Dehydration of Eggs. Food and Bioprocess Technology, v. 13, n. 12, p. 2065-2081, . (08/57872-1, 13/23572-0, 12/07067-0, 13/07296-2)
DIAS, JEFERSON A.; FREIRE, ANA L. F.; GIROTTO, ISABELLY; DEL ROVERI, CAROLINA; MASTELARO, VALMOR R.; PARIS, ELAINE C.; GIRALDI, TANIA R.. Phase evolution and optical properties of nanometric Mn-doped TiO2 pigments. MATERIALS TODAY COMMUNICATIONS, v. 27, . (13/07296-2)
DE MOURA, ANA P.; DA SILVA, ENIO H. P.; DOS SANTOS, VANESSA S.; GALERA, MIGUEL F.; SALES, FLAMINIO C. P.; ELIZARIO, SAYONARA; DE MOURA, MARCIA R.; RIGO, VAGNER A.; DA COSTA, ROMEU R. C.. tructural and mechanical characterization of polyurethane-CaCO3 composites synthesized at high calcium carbonate loading: An experimental and theoretical stud. JOURNAL OF COMPOSITE MATERIALS, v. 55, n. 21, . (13/07296-2, 19/06170-1)
PAULIN, J. V.; BATAGIN-NETO, A.; NAYDENOV, B.; LIPS, K.; GRAEFF, C. F. O.. High-field/high-frequency EPR spectroscopy on synthetic melanin: on the origin of carbon-centered radicals. MATERIALS ADVANCES, . (13/07296-2, 12/03116-7, 15/23000-1)
TEODORO, VINICIUS; GOUVEIA, AMANDA FERNANDES; MACHADO, THALES RAFAEL; TRENCH, ALINE BARRIOS; JACOMACI, NATALIA; ASSIS, MARCELO; MARQUES, GILMAR EUGENIO; TEODORO, MARCIO DALDIN; SAN-MIGUEL, MIGUEL ANGEL; ANDRES, JUAN; et al. Connecting morphology and photoluminescence emissions in beta-Ag2MoO4 microcrystals. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 48, n. 3, p. 3740-3750, . (13/07296-2, 17/26105-4, 16/23891-6)
HANGAI, BRUNO; ACERO, G.; ORTEGA, PEDRO PAULO; GARCIA, FILIBERTO G.; SIMOES, ALEXANDRO Z.. Bioactivity evaluation of nanosized ZnFe2O4 fabricated by hydrothermal method. PROCESSING AND APPLICATION OF CERAMICS, v. 15, n. 4, . (13/07296-2)
SARANTI, TASCILA F. DA S.; MELO, PAMELA T. S.; CERQUEIRA, MIGUEL A.; AOUADA, FAUZE A.; DE MOURA, MARCIA R.. Performance of Gelatin Films Reinforced with Cloisite Na+ and Black Pepper Essential Oil Loaded Nanoemulsion. POLYMERS, v. 13, n. 24, . (19/06170-1, 13/07296-2)
TEIXEIRA, MAYARA MONDEGO; SANTOS, LILIAN CRUZ; TELLO, ANA CRISTINA MORA; ALMEIDA, PRISCILA BARROS; DA SILVA, JUSSARA SOARES; LAIER, LETICIA; GRACIA, LOURDES; TEODORO, MARCIO DALDIN; DA SILVA, LUIS FERNANDO; ANDRES, JUAN; et al. lpha-Ag2WO4 under microwave, electron beam and femtosecond laser irradiations: Unveiling the relationship between morphology and photoluminescence emission. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v. 903, . (13/07296-2)
XU, LIGUANG; WANG, XIUXIU; WANG, WEIWEI; SUN, MAOZHONG; CHOI, WON JIN; KIM, JI-YOUNG; HAO, CHANGLONG; LI, SI; QU, AIHUA; LU, MEIRU; et al. nantiomer-dependent immunological response to chiral nanoparticle. Nature, v. 601, n. 7893, p. 366+, . (13/07296-2, 12/15147-4)
GOZZO, CIPRIANO B.; SOARES, MARIO R. S.; SCZANCOSKI, JULIO C.; NOGUEIRA, ICAMIRA C.; LEITE, EDSON R.. Investigation of the electrocatalytic performance for oxygen evolution reaction of Fe-doped lanthanum nickelate deposited on pyrolytic graphite sheets. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, v. 44, n. 39, p. 21659-21672, . (12/14004-5, 13/07296-2)
ASSIS, MARCELO; GROPPO FILHO, FRANCISCO C.; PIMENTEL, DAYENE S.; ROBELDO, THAIANE; GOUVEIA, AMANDA F.; CASTRO, TASSIA F. D.; FUKUSHIMA, HIRLA C. S.; DE FOGGI, CAMILA C.; DA COSTA, JOAO P. C.; BORRA, RICARDO C.; et al. Ag Nanoparticles/AgX (X=Cl, Br and I) Composites with Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity and Low Toxicological Effects. CHEMISTRYSELECT, v. 5, n. 15, p. 4655-4673, . (13/07296-2, 17/12594-3)
GOMES, O. P.; FELTRAN, G. S.; FERREIRA, M. R.; ALBANO, C. S.; ZAMBUZZI, W. F.; LISBOA-FILHO, P. N.. A novel BSA immobilizing manner on modified titanium surface ameliorates osteoblast performance. COLLOIDS AND SURFACES B-BIOINTERFACES, v. 190, . (16/22186-7, 14/22689-3, 17/15035-5, 13/07296-2, 14/20471-0)
DE PAIVA, RAFAEL TEXEIRA; NOGUEIRA, ICAMIRA COSTA; SCZANCOSKI, JULIO CESAR; LEMOS, PABLO SANTANA; ELIAS MATOS, JOSE MILTON; SANTOS, REGINALDO SILVA; LONGO, ELSON; CAVALCANTE, LAECIO SANTOS. Effect of the pH pre-adjustment on the formation of In(2)W(3)O(12 )and In6WO12 powders: Cluster coordination and optical band gap. BOLETIN DE LA SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE CERAMICA Y VIDRIO, v. 59, n. 1, p. 2-14, . (13/07296-2, 12/14004-5)
MOREIRA, AILTON JOSE; FRESCHI, CAROLINA DAKUZAKU; PEREIRA, ERNESTO CHAVES; GIOVANNI FRESCHI, GIAN PAULO. N-compounds speciation analysis in environmental samples using ultrasound-assisted solid-liquid extraction and non-chromatographic techniques. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT, v. 193, n. 5, . (13/07296-2, 17/11986-5, 14/50249-8)
ZITO, CECILIA A.; PERFECTO, TARCISIO M.; MAZON, TALITA; DIPPEL, ANN-CHRISTIN; KOZIEJ, DOROTA; VOLANTI, DIOGO P.. Reoxidation of graphene oxide: Impact on the structure, chemical composition, morphology and dye adsorption properties. Applied Surface Science, v. 567, . (13/07296-2, 18/08271-7, 20/06421-1, 16/25267-8, 18/00033-0, 17/01267-1)
CATTO, ARIADNE C.; OLIVEIRA, MARISA C.; RIBEIRO, RENAN A. P.; AVANSI JR, WALDIR; DA SILVA, LUIS F.; LONGO, ELSON. Hematite rhombuses for chemiresitive ozone sensors: Experimental and theoretical approaches. Applied Surface Science, v. 563, . (13/07296-2, 17/12437-5, 18/18208-0, 21/01651-1)
DE LIMA, BRUNO SANCHES; MARTINEZ-ALANIS, PAULINA R.; GUELL, FRANK; DOS SANTOS SILVA, WEVERTON ALISON; BERNARDI, MARIA I. B.; MARANA, NAIARA L.; LONGO, ELSON; SAMBRANO, JULIO R.; MASTELARO, VALMOR R.. Experimental and Theoretical Insights into the Structural Disorder and Gas Sensing Properties of ZnO. ACS APPLIED ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, v. 3, n. 3, p. 1447-1457, . (13/07296-2, 16/25500-4, 18/07517-2, 19/22899-1, 19/08928-9)
SOUZA JUNIOR, JOAO BATISTA; SCHLEDER, GABRIEL RAVANHANI; BETTINI, JEFFERSON; NOGUEIRA, ICAMIRA COSTA; FAZZIO, ADALBERTO; LEITE, EDSON ROBERTO. Pair Distribution Function Obtained from Electron Diffraction: An Advanced Real-Space Structural Characterization Tool. MATTER, v. 4, n. 2, p. 441-460, . (13/07296-2, 17/18139-6, 18/05159-1, 17/02317-2)
GONDIM, MAGDA S. S.; SILVA, ELIEZER C.; DOS SANTOS, ANANIAS L.; DE ASSIS, MARCELO; MERCURY, JOSE M. R.; LEITE, EDSON R.; NOGUEIRA, ICAMIRA C.. Synthesis of ZnWO4 by the polymerizable complex method: Evidence of amorphous phase coexistence during the phase formation process. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 47, n. 13, p. 19073-19078, . (13/07296-2)
VARDHAN MOGILI, NAGA VISHNU; VERISSIMO, NATHALIA CAROLINA; ABEYKOON, A. M. MILINDA; BOZIN, EMIL S.; BETTINI, JEFFERSON; LEITE, EDSON ROBERTO; SOUZA JUNIOR, JOAO BATISTA. Background optimization of powder electron diffraction for implementation of the e-PDF technique and study of the local structure of iron oxide nanocrystals. ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA A-FOUNDATION AND ADVANCES, v. 79, p. 15-pg., . (18/13243-2, 21/03321-9, 13/07296-2)
ORTEGA, P. P.; AMORESI, R. A. C.; TEODORO, M. D.; LONGO, E.; PONCE, M. A.; SIMOES, A. Z.. Relationship among morphology, photoluminescence emission, and photocatalytic activity of Eu-doped ceria nanostructures: A surface-type effect. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 49, n. 13, p. 11-pg., . (18/26550-0, 13/07296-2, 17/19143-7)
FILIZZOLA, AMANDA B.; PEREIRA, JOAO L. N.; DOS SANTOS, POLLYANNA R.; MEDEIROS, FELIPE DA S.; DO AMPARO, STHEFANY Z. S.; DE VASCONCELOS, CLAUDIA K. B.; SILVA, GLAURA G.. Enhanced wear resistance of epoxy coatings on steel using graphene oxide. Journal of Coatings Technology and Research, v. N/A, p. 14-pg., . (13/07296-2)
MARTINS, NICOLAS F.; LARANJEIRA, JOSE A. S.; AZEVEDO, SERGIO A.; FABRIS, GUILHERME S. L.; SAMBRANO, JULIO R.. Structural, electronic and mechanical properties of a novel graphenylene-like structure based on GeC. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS, v. 181, p. 9-pg., . (20/01144-0, 22/03959-6, 22/14576-0, 13/07296-2, 22/00349-2)
ALVES, SUELLEN APARECIDA; GOULART, LORENA ATHIE; MASCARO, LUCIA HELENA. A novel WO3/MoS2 photocatalyst applied to the decolorization of the textile dye Reactive Blue 198. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, v. 22, n. 5, p. 10-pg., . (15/00231-8, 14/10757-4, 13/07296-2)
BENITEZ, JOSE J.; HEREDIA-GUERRERO, JOSE A.; SAN-MIGUEL, MIGUEL A.; GALLOWAY, HEATHER C.. Packing Defects in Fatty Amine Self-Assembled Monolayers on Mica as Revealed from AFM Techniques. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, v. 122, n. 2, p. 7-pg., . (13/07296-2, 15/19709-5)
OLEAN-OLIVEIRA, ANDRE; PEREIRA, CAMILA F.; DAVID-PARRA, DIEGO N.; TEIXEIRA, MARCOS F. S.. Electrocatalytic Study of the Thin Metallopolymer Film of [2,2 '-{1,2-Ethanediylbis[Nitrilo(1E)-1-Ethyl-1-Ylidene]}Diphenolate]-Nickel(II) for Ethanol Electrooxidation. CHEMELECTROCHEM, v. 5, n. 22, p. 9-pg., . (16/09017-1, 13/07296-2)
MUCCILLO, REGINALDO; FERLAUTO, ANDRE S.; MUCCILLO, ELIANA N. S.. Flash Sintering Samaria-Doped Ceria-Carbon Nanotube Composites. CERAMICS-SWITZERLAND, v. 2, n. 1, p. 10-pg., . (13/07296-2)
FERREIRA, RAFAEL A.; DOS SANTOS, MARIA ELENICE; MORILLA-SANTOS, CASSIO; LEBULLENGER, RONAN; PENA, OCTAVIO; LISBOA-FILHO, PAULO NORONHA. Effect of Eu substitution on the crystallographic and magnetic properties of the BiMn2O5 oxide obtained by urea combustion. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 40, n. 8, p. 6-pg., . (07/08072-0, 13/07296-2)
BIASOTTO, G.; RANIERI, M. G. A.; FOSCHINI, C. R.; SIMOES, A. Z.; LONGO, E.; ZAGHETE, M. A.. Gas sensor applications of zinc oxide thin film grown by the polymeric precursor method. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 40, n. 9, p. 6-pg., . (13/07296-2)
COSTA, JOSE ARNALDO S.; SARMENTO, VICTOR H. V.; ROMAO, LUCIANE P. C.; PARANHOS, CAIO M.. Synthesis of functionalized mesoporous material from rice husk ash and its application in the removal of the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, v. 26, n. 25, p. 25476-25490, . (18/18894-1, 14/05679-4, 17/06775-5, 13/07296-2)
SANCHES, A. O.; TEIXEIRA, G. F.; ZAGHETE, M. A.; LONGO, E.; MALMONGE, J. A.; SILVA, M. J.; SAKAMOTO, W. K.. Influence of polymer insertion on the dielectric, piezoelectric and acoustic properties of 1-0-3 polyurethane/cement-based piezo composite. Materials Research Bulletin, v. 119, . (13/07296-2)
CABRAL, L.; ANDRES, J.; MACHADO, T. R.; PICININ, A.; RINO, J. P.; LOPEZ-RICHARD, V.; LONGO, E.; GOUVEIA, A. F.; MARQUES, G. E.; DA SILVA, E. Z.; et al. Evidence for the formation of metallic In after laser irradiation of InP. Journal of Applied Physics, v. 126, n. 2, . (14/19142-2, 16/23891-6, 13/07296-2)
DA TRINDADE, LETICIA GUERREIRO; ROCHA, ANA CAROLINA BORBA; TEODORO, VINICIUS; DA SILVA, VINICIUS TINEU; TRENCH, ALINE BARRIOS; CORDONCILLO, ELOISA; TEODORO, MARCIO DALDIN; TEBCHERANI, SERGIO MAZUREK; LONGO, ELSON; MAZZO, TATIANA MARTELLI. Effect of calcination temperature and pressure-assisted heat treatment on the dye degradation performance of SnO2 photocatalyst obtained by a simple synthesis method. Materials Research Bulletin, v. 153, p. 12-pg., . (13/07296-2)
PICHORIM, A.; NECKEL, I. T.; DE OLIVEIRA, A. J. A.; VARALDA, J.; MOSCA, D. H.. Room temperature ferromagnetism in oxygen-deficient gallium oxide films with cubic spinel structure. Materials Chemistry and Physics, v. 287, p. 6-pg., . (09/54082-2, 13/07296-2)
LIMA, ALINE E. B.; ASSIS, MARCELO; RESENDE, ANDRESSA L. S.; SANTOS, HUGO L. S.; MASCARO, LUCIA H.; LONGO, ELSON; SANTOS, REGINALDO S.; CAVALCANTE, LAECIO S.; LUZ, GERALDO E., JR.. CuWO4 vertical bar MnWO4 heterojunction thin film with improved photoelectrochemical and photocatalytic properties using simulated solar irradiation. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, v. 26, n. 4, p. 15-pg., . (19/26860-2, 13/07296-2)
LUDIMILLA BARBOSA FERREIRA; RAYANE DE SOUZA FERNANDES; ROSARIO ELIDA SUMAN BRETAS; JOÃO PAULO FERREIRA SANTOS. Melt-mixed nanocomposites of SIS/MWCNT: rheological, electrical and structural behavior. POLIMEROS-CIENCIA E TECNOLOGIA, v. 30, n. 4, . (13/03118-2, 14/17597-2, 16/03667-4, 13/07296-2)
ALVES, GABRIEL G. B.; LAVARDA, FRANCISCO C.; GRAEFF, CARLOS F. O.; BATAGIN-NETO, AUGUSTO. Reactivity of eumelanin building blocks: A DFT study of monomers and dimers. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR GRAPHICS & MODELLING, v. 98, . (13/07296-2, 12/03116-7)
QUEIROZ, RUTH NOBREGA; NEVES, TAUANY DE FIGUEIREDO; DA SILVA, MEURIS GURGEL CARLOS; MASTELARO, VALMOR ROBERTO; VIEIRA, MELISSA GURGEL ADEODATO; PREDIGER, PATRICIA. Comparative efficiency of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon removal by novel graphene oxide composites prepared from conventional and green synthesis. JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, v. 361, p. 15-pg., . (19/07822-2, 13/07296-2, 19/25228-0)
DA TRINDADE, LETICIA G.; HATA, GABRIEL YUJI; SOUZA, JOSIANE CARNEIRO; SOARES, MARIO R. S.; LEITE, EDSON ROBERTO; PEREIRA, ERNESTO C.; LONGO, ELSON; MAZZO, TATIANA MARTELLI. Preparation and characterization of hematite nanoparticles-decorated zinc oxide particles (ZnO/Fe2O3) as photoelectrodes for solar cell applications. Journal of Materials Science, v. 55, n. 7, p. 2923-2936, . (13/07296-2)
DE CAMPOS DA COSTA, JOAO PAULO; BASTOS, WAGNER BENICIO; DA COSTA, PAULO INACIO; ZAGHETE, MARIA APARECIDA; LONGO, ELSON; CARMO, JOAO PAULO. Portable Laboratory Platform With Electrochemical Biosensors for Immunodiagnostic of Hepatitis C Virus. IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, v. 19, n. 22, p. 10701-10709, . (17/10819-8, 13/07296-2)
MACHADO, T. R.; LEITE, I. S.; INADA, N. M.; LI, M. S.; DA SILVA, J. S.; ANDRES, J.; BELTRAN-MIR, H.; CORDONCILLO, E.; LONGO, E.. Designing biocompatible and multicolor fluorescent hydroxyapatite nanoparticles for cell-imaging applications. MATERIALS TODAY CHEMISTRY, v. 14, . (09/54035-4, 13/07276-1, 13/11144-3, 13/07296-2)
SILVA, CAMILA D.; CORRADINI, PATRICIA G.; MASCARO, LUCIA H.; LEMOS, SHERLAN; PEREIRA, ERNESTO C.. Using a multiway chemometric tool in the evaluation of methanol electro-oxidation mechanism. JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, v. 855, . (14/50249-8, 13/07296-2)
TEIXEIRA, MAYARA MONDEGO; GOUVEIA, AMANDA FERNANDES; DE SOUSA, ALEXSANDRO GAMA; DA SILVA, LUIS FERNANDO; DE OLIVEIRA, REGIANE CRISTINA; SAN-MIGUEL, MIGUEL A.; LI, MAXIMO SIU; LONGO, ELSON. Unraveling the Photoluminescence Properties of the Sr10V6O25 Structure through Experimental and Theoretical Analyses. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 124, n. 27, p. 14446-14458, . (13/07296-2, 16/23891-6, 19/01732-1)
PONS, DIEGO K.; ELEUTERIO, RACHEL G.; PAIVA, FABIO F. G.; HOLGADO, LEANDRO A.; MARQUES, LEONARDO; CONSOLARO, ALBERTO; GRAEFF, CARLOS F. O.; BAFFA, OSWALDO; KINOSHITA, ANGELA. Vertical Guided Bone Augmentation Using Titanium Mesh Domes Coated with Natural Latex Extracted fromHevea brasiliensis. COATINGS, v. 10, n. 6, . (03/09505-6, 13/07296-2, 13/07699-0)
LAÍSE N. S. PEREIRA; MARCO A. S. GARCIA; JENNIFER ROZENDO; PEDRO VIDINHA; ALFREDO DUARTE; CARLA V. R. DE MOURA; EDMILSON M. DE MOURA. Accessing Basic Sites on Modified CoFe2O4 Nanoparticles: Addressing the Selective Oxidation of Benzyl Alcohol and Unraveling the Au:Pd Ratio Effects by XPS. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, v. 31, n. 9, p. 1859-1872, . (13/07296-2)
DE OLIVEIRA, REGIANE CRISTINA; CIOLA AMORESI, RAFAEL APARECIDO; MARANA, NAIARA LETICIA; ZAGHETE, MARIA APARECIDA; PONCE, MIGUEL; CHIQUITO, ADENILSON JOSE; SAMBRANO, JULIO RICARDO; LONGO, ELSON; SIMOES, ALEXANDRE ZIRPOLI. Influence of Synthesis Time on the Morphology and Properties of CeO2 Nanoparticles: An Experimental-Theoretical Study. Crystal Growth & Design, v. 20, n. 8, p. 5031-5042, . (17/19143-7, 16/07476-9, 16/25500-4)
ORTEGA, P. P.; HANGAI, B.; MORENO, H.; ROCHA, L. S. R.; RAMIREZ, M. A.; PONCE, M. A.; LONGO, E.; SIMOES, A. Z.. Tuning structural, optical, and gas sensing properties of ceria-based materials by rare-earth doping. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v. 888, . (18/26550-0, 13/07296-2, 18/20590-0)
DESTRO, FABRICIO B.; SCZANCOSKI, JULIO C.; SOARES, MARIO R. S.; LEITE, EDSON R.. Influence of SnO2 concentration on electrical response of alpha-Fe2O3 sintered with different thermal history conditions. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 46, n. 17, p. 7-pg., . (17/03135-5, 13/07296-2, 12/14004-5)
RIBEIRO, LUCAS S.; SALA, RENATA L.; ROBELDO, THAIANE A.; BORRA, RICARDO C.; CAMARGO, EMERSON R.. Injectable Thermosensitive Nanocomposites Based on Poly(N-vinylcaprolactam) and Silica Particles for Localized Release of Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Drugs. Langmuir, v. N/A, p. 9-pg., . (13/07296-2, 18/12871-0, 13/25663-2)
ASSIS, MARCELO; DA SILVA, JUSSARA SOARES; GONCALVES, MARIANA OTTAIANO; DE ALMEIDA RODOLPHO, JOICE MARGARETH; DE LIMA FRAGELLI, BRUNA DIAS; PEREIRA CORTE, ANA BEATRIZ; KELLY RIBEIRO, LARA; TEODORO, MARCIO DALDIN; ANIBAL, FERNANDA DE FREITAS; DE SOUSA, CRISTINA PAIVA; et al. Bactericidal activity of Ag4V2O7/beta-AgVO3 heterostructures against antibiotic-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae. BIOMATERIALS ADVANCES, v. 141, p. 12-pg., . (17/00010-7, 13/07296-2, 16/13423-5, 18/22214-6)
PINATTI, IVO M.; PIRES, FABIO A.; ALMEIDA, PRISCILA B.; PEREIRA, PAULA F. S.; TEODORO, MARCIO D.; GUILAMON, E.; SIMOES, ALEXANDRE Z.; ANDRES, JUAN; LONGO, ELSON; ROSA, IEDA L. V.. Tailoring Bi2MoO6 by Eu3+ incorporation for enhanced photoluminescence emissions. Journal of Luminescence, v. 243, p. 7-pg., . (19/03722-3, 13/07296-2, 19/25944-8)
NOVA, C. V.; REIS, K. A.; PINHEIRO, A. L.; DALMASCHIO, C. J.; CHIQUITO, A. J.; TEODORO, M. D.; RODRIGUES, A. D.; LONGO, E.; PONTES, F. M.. Synthesis, characterization, photocatalytic, and antimicrobial activity of ZrO2 nanoparticles and Ag@ZrO2 nanocomposite prepared by the advanced oxidative process/hydrothermal route. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, v. 98, n. 1, . (13/07296-2, 12/14106-2, 11/20536-7)
SALA, RENATA L.; VENANCIO, TIAGO; CAMARGO, EMERSON R.. Probing the Structural Dynamics of the Coil-Globule Transition of Thermosensitive Nanocomposite Hydrogels. Langmuir, v. 37, n. 4, p. 1531-1541, . (15/13958-3, 13/07296-2, 13/25663-2)
ASSIS, MARCELO; DE FOGGI, CAMILA CRISTINA; TEODORO, VINICIUS; DE CAMPOS DA COSTA, JOAO PAULO; SILVA, CARLOS EDUARDO; ROBELDO, THAIANE; CAPERUCCI, PRISCILA FERNANDA; VERGANI, CARLOS EDUARDO; BORRA, RICARDO CARNEIRO; SORRIBES, IVAN; et al. Surface-dependent photocatalytic and biological activities of Ag2CrO4: Integration of experiment and simulation. Applied Surface Science, v. 545, . (13/07296-2, 19/01732-1, 17/12594-3, 16/23891-6, 19/13507-2)
STRAPASSON, GUILHERME B.; ASSIS, MARCELO; BACKES, CLAUDIO W.; CORREA, SILMA A.; LONGO, ELSON; WEIBEL, DANIEL E.. Microwave assisted synthesis of silver nanoparticles and its application in sustainable photocatalytic hydrogen evolution. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, v. 46, n. 69, p. 34264-34275, . (13/07296-2)
COSTA, JOSE ARNALDO S.; SARMENTO, VICTOR H. V.; ROMAO, LUCIANE P. C.; PARANHOS, CAIO M.. Adsorption of organic compounds on mesoporous material from rice husk ash (RHA). BIOMASS CONVERSION AND BIOREFINERY, v. 10, n. 4, p. 1105-1120, . (18/18894-1, 14/05679-4, 17/06775-5, 13/07296-2)
VEIGA, ELAINE TEIXEIRA; FERNANDES, SILVIA LETICIA; DE OLIVEIRA GRAEFF, CARLOS FREDERICO; POLO, ANDRE SARTO. Compact TiO2 blocking-layer prepared by LbL for perovskite solar cells. Solar Energy, v. 214, p. 510-516, . (16/25900-2, 19/23277-4, 16/21993-6, 13/07296-2)
STOEBERL, V.; GUEDES, E. B.; ABUD, F.; JARDIM, R. F.; ABBATE, M.; MOSSANEK, R. J. O.. Partial contributions to the valence band of MO2, RuO2, and Rh2O3: Cooper minimum and extended cluster model calculations. EPL, v. 132, n. 4, . (13/07296-2)
TEIXEIRA, JOSE AUGUSTO; FERNANDES, RICHARD P.; ISQUIBOLA, GUILHERME; GASPARI, ANA P. S.; MACHADO, ANTONIO E. H.; CAIRES, FLAVIO J.; IONASHIRO, MASSAO. Synthesis, thermal behavior in oxidative and pyrolysis conditions, spectroscopic and DFT studies of some alkaline earth metals p-aminobenzoate complexes using TG-DTA, DSC, PXRD and EGA (TG-FTIR) techniques. Thermochimica Acta, v. 711, p. 12-pg., . (18/24378-6, 13/09022-7, 13/07296-2, 17/14936-9)
ASSIS, JORDANNA F.; GABRIEL, ARTHUR M.; GONCALVES, LEIDIANE F.; MACHADO, MONICA R. F.; MORGADO, DANIELLA L.; SALA, RENATA L.; CRISTOVAN, FERNANDO H.; OLIVEIRA, MAURICIO P.; ARANTES, TATIANE M.; CAMARGO, EMERSON R.. Thermosensitive and Biocompatible Nanocomposites of Poly(N-vinylcaprolactam) and Hydroxyapatite with Potential Use for Bone Tissue Repair. BIONANOSCIENCE, v. N/A, p. 8-pg., . (13/07296-2)
BIASOTTO, GLENDA; COSTA, JOAO PAULO C.; COSTA, I, PAULO; ZAGHETE, MARIA A.. ZnO nanorods-gold nanoparticle-based biosensor for detecting hepatitis C. APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING, v. 125, n. 12, . (11/19561-7, 13/07296-2)
FERRER, MATEUS M.; FABRIS, GUILHERME S. L.; DE FARIA, V, BRUNO; MARTINS, JOAO B. L.; MOREIRA, MARIO L.; SAMBRANO, JULIO R.. Quantitative evaluation of the surface stability and morphological changes of Cu2O particles. HELIYON, v. 5, n. 10, . (19/08928-9, 16/07476-9, 13/07296-2)
DA FONSECA, R. G. M.; ALBERS, R. F.; LEITE, E. R.; DE OLIVEIRA, A. J. A.. Parallel magnetic anisotropy in few layers MoS2 films. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, v. 497, . (09/54082-2, 13/07296-2)
ROCHA, LEANDRO S. R.; AMORESI, RAFAEL A. C.; MORENO, HENRIQUE; RAMIREZ, MIGUEL A.; PONCE, MIGUEL A.; FOSCHINI, CESAR R.; LONGO, ELSON; SIMOES, ALEXANDRE Z.. Novel Approaches of Nanoceria with Magnetic, Photoluminescent, and Gas-Sensing Properties. ACS OMEGA, v. 5, n. 25, p. 14879-14889, . (08/57872-1, 17/19143-7, 13/07296-2, 18/20590-0)
RODRIGUES MAGALHAES, ANA PAULA; RAMOS-TONELLO, CARLA MULLER; GALLI, MATEUS ZAMORA; GOMES, ORISSON PONCE; PACHECO, LEANDRO EDGAR; FORTULAN, CARLOS ALBERTO; LISBOA-FILHO, PAULO NORONHA; LIA MONDELLI, RAFAEL FRANCISCO; FURUSE, ADILSON YOSHIO; SANCHES BORGES, ANA FLAVIA. Yttria-stabilized tetragonal zirconia polycrystal/resin luting agent bond strength: Influence of Titanium dioxide nanotubes addition in both materials. JOURNAL OF PROSTHODONTIC RESEARCH, v. 64, n. 4, p. 408-416, . (11/18061-0, 13/07296-2)
FABRIS, GUILHERME S. L.; MARANA, NAIARA L.; LARANJEIRA, JOSE A. S.; LONGO, ELSON; SAMBRANO, JULIO R.. New two-dimensional zinc oxide nanosheets: Properties, stability, and interconversion. Materials Letters, v. 275, . (19/08928-9, 13/07296-2, 19/12430-6)
DIAZ, J. C. C. A.; MUCCILLO, R.. Liquid-phase flash sintering 8YSZ with alkali halide sintering aids. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, v. 40, n. 12, p. 4299-4303, . (13/07296-2)
LARANJEIRA, J. A. S.; FABRIS, G. S. L.; FERRER, M. M.; ALBUQUERQUE, A. R.; SAMBRANO, J. R.. Morphological Transformation Network of Nanoparticles via DFT Simulations. Crystal Growth & Design, v. 20, n. 7, p. 4600-4611, . (19/08928-9, 13/07296-2)
RAMOS, SERGIANA DOS P.; GIACONIA, MICHELE A.; DO MARCO, JONAS T.; PAIVA, ROBERT DA S.; DE ROSSO, VERIDIANA V.; LEMES, AILTON C.; EGEA, MARIANA B.; ASSIS, MARCELO; MAZZO, TATIANA M.; LONGO, ELSON; et al. Development and Characterization of Electrospun Nanostructures Using Polyethylene Oxide: Potential Means for Incorporation of Bioactive Compounds. COLLOIDS AND INTERFACES, v. 4, n. 2, . (19/08975-7, 18/01550-8, 13/07296-2, 18/13408-1)
DA TRINDADE, L. G.; ZANCHET, L.; DREON, R.; SOUZA, J. C.; ASSIS, M.; LONGO, E.; MARTINI, E. M. A.; CHIQUITO, A. J.; PONTES, F. M.. Microwave-assisted solvothermal preparation of Zr-BDC for modification of proton exchange membranes made of SPEEK/PBI blends. Journal of Materials Science, v. 55, n. 30, . (13/07296-2)
GOUVEIA, A. F.; ROCA, R. A.; MACEDO, N. G.; CAVALCANTE, L. S.; LONGO, E.; SAN-MIGUEL, M. A.; ALTOMARE, A.; DA SILVA, G. S.; ANDRES, J.. Ag2WO4 as a multifunctional material: Fundamentals and progress of an extraordinarily versatile semiconductor. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY-JMR&T, v. 21, p. 29-pg., . (19/01732-1, 16/23891-6, 17/26105-4, 13/07296-2, 17/19548-7)
BLASKIEVICZ, SIRLON F.; TEIXEIRA, IVO FREITAS; MASCARO, LUCIA HELENA; DE BRITO, JULIANA FERREIRA. Direct Z-scheme among Niobium Pentoxide and Poly(heptazine imide) for NH3 Photoelectrosynthesis under Ambient Conditions. CHEMCATCHEM, v. N/A, p. 10-pg., . (13/07296-2, 18/02950-0, 17/11986-5)
PINATTI, IVO M.; TELLO, ANA C. M.; PEREIRA, PAULA F. S.; TRENCH, ALINE B.; TEODORO, MARCIO D.; ROSA, IEDA L. V.; DA SILVA, ALBERICO B. F.; LONGO, ELSON; ANDRES, JUAN; SIMOES, ALEXANDRE Z.. Towards a relationship between photoluminescence emissions and photocatalytic activity of Ag2SeO4: combining experimental data and theoretical insights. DALTON TRANSACTIONS, v. 51, n. 30, p. 17-pg., . (19/03722-3, 13/07296-2, 18/09530-6, 13/07375-0, 19/25944-8)
FERNANDES, SILVIA L.; GARCIA, LARISSA DE O.; RAMOS JUNIOR, ROBERTO DE A.; AFFONCO, LUCAS J.; BAGNIS, DIEGO; VILACA, RODRIGO; PONTES, FENELON M.; DA SILVA, JOSE H. D.; GRAEFF, CARLOS F. O.. The role of Nb2O5 deposition process on perovskite solar cells. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, v. 14, n. 4, p. 8-pg., . (20/12356-8, 20/04905-1, 13/07296-2)
GOMES, NATHALIA O.; PASCHOALIN, RAFAELLA T.; BILATTO, STANLEY; SORIGOTTI, AMANDA R.; FARINAS, CRISTIANE S.; MATTOSO, LUIZ HENRIQUE C.; MACHADO, SERGIO A. S.; OLIVEIRA JR, OSVALDO N.; RAYMUNDO-PEREIRA, PAULO A.. Flexible, Bifunctional Sensing Platform Made with Biodegradable Mats for Detecting Glucose in Urine. ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING, v. 11, n. 6, p. 10-pg., . (19/01777-5, 20/09587-8, 16/10636-8, 17/18725-2, 18/22214-6, 13/07296-2, 18/10899-4, 22/02164-0, 16/01919-6)
JOSHI, NIRAV; LONG, HU; NAIK, PRANAV; KUMAR, ARVIND; MASTELARO, VALMOR R.; OLIVEIRA, OSVALDO N.; ZETTL, ALEX; LIN, LIWEI. Zinc stannate microcubes with an integrated microheater for low-temperature NO2 detection. NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, v. 46, n. 37, p. 10-pg., . (14/23546-1, 13/07296-2, 16/23474-6, 18/22214-6)
RENDA, C. G.; GOULART, L. A.; FERNANDES, C. H. M.; MASCARO, L. H.; DE AQUINO, J. M.; BERTHOLDO, R.. Novel onion-like carbon structures modified with iron oxide as photocatalysts for the degradation of persistent pollutants. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, v. 9, n. 1, . (18/16401-8, 17/11986-5, 14/50249-8, 13/07296-2)
MESQUITA, WEBER DUARTE; DE JESUS, SABRINA RODRIGUES; OLIVEIRA, MARISA CARVALHO; RIBEIRO, RENAN A. PONTES; DE CASSIA SANTOS, MARIA RITA; GODINHO JUNIOR, MARIO; LONGO, ELSON; DO CARMO GURGEL, MARIA FERNANDA. Barium strontium titanate-based perovskite materials from DFT perspective: assessing the structural, electronic, vibrational, dielectric and energetic properties. THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY ACCOUNTS, v. 140, n. 3, . (13/07296-2)
LIMA, GENESIS DE O.; ARAUJO, THAYLAN P.; LIMA, JOSE RENATO DE O.; PRAZERES, GILZA MARIA P.; PASCHOAL, CARLOS WILLIAM A.; LONGO, ELSON; TANAKA, AURO A.; MACIEL, ADEILTON P.; BARBOSA, DIEGO A. B.; ALMEIDA, MARCIO AURELIO P.. Biomolecule-assisted route to obtain nanostructured bismuth oxybromide with enhanced photocatalytic activity. BOLETIN DE LA SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE CERAMICA Y VIDRIO, v. 60, n. 1, p. 2-12, . (13/23995-8, 13/07296-2)
BUENO, OTTO MAO VARGAS MACHUCA; HERRERA, CHRISTIAN LEONARDO; BERTRAN, CELSO APARECIDO; SAN-MIGUEL, MIGUEL ANGEL; LOPES, JOAO HENRIQUE. An experimental and theoretical approach on stability towards hydrolysis of triethyl phosphate and its effects on the microstructure of sol-gel-derived bioactive silicate glass. Materials Science & Engineering C-Materials for Biological Applications, v. 120, . (13/07296-2, 10/05394-9, 16/23891-6)
COLETTA, VITOR C.; GONCALVES, V, RENATO; BERNARDI, MARIA I. B.; HANAOR, DORIAN A. H.; ASSADI, M. HUSSEIN N.; MARCOS, FRANCIELLE C. F.; NOGUEIRA, FRANCISCO G. E.; ASSAF, ELISABETE M.; MASTELARO, VALMOR R.. Cu-Modified SrTiO3 Perovskites Toward Enhanced Water-Gas Shift Catalysis: A Combined Experimental and Computational Study. ACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS, v. 4, n. 1, p. 452-461, . (17/08293-8, 15/06246-7, 13/07296-2)
GOUVEIA, AMANDA F.; GRACIA, LOURDES; LONGO, ELSON; SAN-MIGUEL, MIGUEL A.; ANDRES, JUAN. Modulating the properties of multifunctional semiconductors by means of morphology: Theory meets experiments. COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE, v. 188, . (16/23891-6, 13/07296-2, 19/01732-1)
M. L. D. C. SILVEIRA; I. M. B. SILVA; A. G. MAGDALENA. Synthesis and characterization of Fe3O4-NH2 and Fe3O4-NH2-chitosan nanoparticles. Cerâmica, v. 67, n. 383, p. 295-300, . (13/07296-2)
MARANA, NAIARA LETICIA; NOEL, YVES; SAMBRANO, JULIO RICARDO; RIBALDONE, CHIARA; CASASSA, SILVIA. Ab Initio Modeling of MultiWall: A General Algorithm First Applied to Carbon Nanotubes. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, v. 125, n. 18, p. 4003-4012, . (19/08928-9, 19/12430-6, 13/07296-2, 16/25500-4)
SANCHES, ALEX O.; DA SILVA, MICHAEL J.; MALMONGE, LUIZ F.; BASSO, NARA R. S.; MALMONGE, JOSE A.. Tuning piezoelectric properties in elastomeric polyurethane nanocomposites utilizing cellulose nanocrystals. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, v. 138, n. 34, . (13/07296-2)
MOREIRA, AILTON JOSE; LEMOS, SHERLAN; COELHO, DYOVANI; MASCARO, LUCIA; FRESCHI, GIAN; PEREIRA, ERNESTO. UV-Vis spectrophotometry coupled to chemometric analysis for the performance evaluation of atrazine photolysis and photocatalysis. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, . (14/50249-8, 17/11986-5, 13/07296-2)
ANGADI, V. JAGADEESHA; MANJUNATHA, K.; OLIVEIRA, MARISA C.; LONGO, ELSON; DE LAZARO, SERGIO R.; RIBEIRO, RENAN A. P.; BHAT, S. V.. Unveiling the shape-selective CoCr2-yScyO4 nanomagnetism. Applied Surface Science, v. 574, . (21/01651-1, 13/07296-2)
RESENDE, ANDRESSA L. S.; COSTA, ANTONIO G. R.; LIMA, ALINE E. B.; COSTA, MARIA J. S.; LONGO, ELSON; CAVALCANTE, LAECIO S.; SANTOS, REGINALDO S.. An investigation of photovoltaic devices based onp-typeCu(2)Oandn-type gamma-WO(3)junction through an electrolyte solution containing a redox pair. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENERGY RESEARCH, v. 45, n. 2, p. 2797-2809, . (13/07296-2)
MACARIO, LEILANE R.; GOLABEK, ANDREW; KLEINKE, HOLGER; LEITE, EDSON R.. Thermoelectric properties of Sb-doped tin oxide by a one-step solid-state reaction. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 48, n. 3, p. 3585-3591, . (20/02017-1, 19/08040-8, 13/07296-2)
GASTALDO, VINICIUS PASCOTTO; RAO, MALA N.; BOSAK, ALEXEY; D'ASTUTO, MATTEO; PRODI, ANDREA; VERSEILS, MARINE; KLEIN, YANNICK; BELLIN, CHRISTOPHE; PAOLASINI, LUIGI; DE OLIVEIRA, ADILSON J. A.; et al. Direct observation of Jahn-Teller critical dynamics at a charge-order Verwey transition. Physical Review B, v. 104, n. 23, . (13/07296-2, 15/21206-1, 13/27097-4)
SANTOS, EMERSON; CATTO, ARIADNE C.; PETERLINE, ALLAN F.; AVANSI JR, WALDIR. Transition metal (Nb and W) doped TiO2 nanostructures: The role of metal doping in their photocatalytic activity and ozone gas-sensing performance. Applied Surface Science, v. 579, . (17/18649-4, 18/18208-0, 17/12437-5, 13/17639-4, 13/07296-2)
FERNANDES GOUVEIA, AMANDA; ASSIS, MARCELO; RIBEIRO, LARA KELLY; BRANDAO LIMA, ALINE ESTEFANY; GOMES, EDUARDO DE OLIVEIRA; SOUZA, DANIELE; GALVAO, YARA GOBATO; VIANA ROSA, IEDA LUCIA; DA LUZ, GERALDO EDUARDO; GUILLAMON, EVA; et al. Photoluminescence emissions of Ca1_xWO4:xEu3+: Bridging between experiment and DFT calculations. JOURNAL OF RARE EARTHS, v. 40, n. 10, p. 8-pg., . (17/26105-4, 16/23891-6, 13/07296-2, 19/01732-1)
LARANJEIRA, JOSE A. S.; FABRIS, GUILHERME S. L.; ALBUQUERQUE, ANDERSON R.; FERRER, MATEUS M.; SAMBRANO, JULIO R.. Morphological transformations mapping of CaXO4 (X = Mo or W) and their surface stability. MATERIALS TODAY COMMUNICATIONS, v. 33, p. 10-pg., . (19/08928-9, 13/07296-2, 20/01144-0, 22/03959-6)
SIMOES, A. Z.; ORTEGA, P. P.; RAMIREZ, M. A.; MORENO, H.; ALDAO, C. M.; PONCE, M. A.; MOURA, F.. Magnetoelectric coupling at room temperature in LaTiO3/ SrTiO3 heterojunctions. Materials Research Bulletin, v. 162, p. 8-pg., . (13/07296-2, 19/07413-5, 18/18236-4)
GEBARA, RENAN CASTELHANO; ALHO, LAYS DE OLIVEIRA GONDALVES; MANSANO, ADRISLAINE DA SILVA; ROCHA, GISELI SWERTS; MELAO, MARIA DA GRADA GAMA. Single and combined effects of Zn and Al on photosystem II of the green microalgae Raphidocelis subcapitata assessed by pulse-amplitude modulated (PAM) fluorometry. AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY, v. 254, p. 10-pg., . (21/13583-0, 16/00753-7, 13/07296-2, 14/14139-3)
LARANJEIRA, JOSE A. S.; AZEVEDO, SERGIO A.; DE SOUSA, ALEXSANDRO G.; FABRIS, GUILHERME S. L.; PASKOCIMAS, CARLOS A.; SAMBRANO, JULIO R.. Effects of the surface-dependent properties on the morphological modeling of SrMoO4 nanoparticles. Materials Chemistry and Physics, v. 305, p. 10-pg., . (13/07296-2, 20/01144-0, 19/08928-9)
NEVES, TAUANY DE FIGUEIREDO; CAMPAROTTO, NATALIA GABRIELE; BRIAO, GIANI DE VARGAS; MASTELARO, VALMOR ROBERTO; VIEIRA, MELISSA GURGEL ADEODATO; DANTAS, RENATO FALCAO; PREDIGER, PATRICIA. Synergetic effect on the adsorption of cationic and anionic emerging contaminants on polymeric membranes containing Modified-Graphene Oxide: Study of mechanism in binary systems. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS, v. 383, p. 14-pg., . (19/07822-2, 13/07296-2, 19/25228-0)
DE PAULO, ALEX FABIANNE; GRAEFF, CARLOS FREDERICO DE OLIVEIRA; PORTO, GECIANE SILVEIRA. Uncovering emerging photovoltaic technologies based on patent analysis. WORLD PATENT INFORMATION, v. 73, p. 11-pg., . (13/07296-2, 17/25364-6)
CAMPAROTTO, NATALIA GABRIELE; NEVES, TAUANY DE FIGUEIREDO; PEREIRA, GUILHERME MOREIRA PACIFICO; MASTELARO, VALMOR ROBERTO; PREDIGER, PATRICIA. Synergistic effect in simultaneous adsorption of cationic and anionic emerging contaminants by chitosan aerogels containing nanocellulose-modified tannic acid. JOURNAL OF WATER PROCESS ENGINEERING, v. 53, p. 15-pg., . (19/07822-2, 13/07296-2, 19/25228-0)
BAIGORRIA, E.; DOS SANTOS, S. SOUZA; DE MOURA, M. R.; FRACETO, L. F.. Nanocomposite hydrogels 3D printed for application in water remediation. MATERIALS TODAY CHEMISTRY, v. 30, p. 14-pg., . (13/07296-2, 19/06170-1, 17/21004-5)
ABUD, F.; CHAIA, N.; TORIKACHVILI, M. S.; JARDIM, R. F.. Conventional s-wave superconductivity in the non-centrosymmetric compounds Re3W, Re3W0.5Nb0.5, and Re3W0.5Ta0.5. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v. 959, p. 8-pg., . (22/02691-0, 13/07296-2)
FIUZA, TANNA E. R.; FOCASSIO, BRUNO; BETTINI, JEFFERSON; SCHLEDER, GABRIEL R.; RODRIGUES, MURILLO H. M.; SOUZA JUNIOR, JOAO B.; FAZZIO, ADALBERTO; CAPAZ, RODRIGO B.; LEITE, EDSON R.. Visualization of electron beam-induced desintering of nanostructured ceramics at the atomic scale. CELL REPORTS PHYSICAL SCIENCE, v. 5, n. 2, p. 14-pg., . (19/04527-0, 20/06257-7, 13/07296-2, 21/10672-2, 17/02317-2, 17/18139-6)
RODRIGUES, EVERTON AUGUSTO; VIOLIN, DANIEL SILVA; MASTELARO, VALMOR ROBERTO; NEVES, TAUANY DE FIGUEIREDO; PREDIGER, PATRICIA. Removal of propranolol by membranes fabricated with nanocellulose/ proanthocyanidin/modified tannic acid: The influence of chemical and morphologic features and mechanism study. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, v. 256, p. 15-pg., . (13/07296-2, 22/14834-0, 19/25228-0)
DA SILVA, PAULA MAYARA MORAIS; CAMPAROTTO, NATALIA GABRIELE; NEVES, TAUANY DE FIGUEIREDO; CARRARA, ALAN SAMBUGARI; MASTELARO, VALMOR ROBERTO; OLIVEIRA, RAFAEL L.; PREDIGER, PATRICIA. Green composites based on magnetic N-doped carbons: Synergetic effect on the simultaneous adsorption of emerging contaminants from water. JOURNAL OF WATER PROCESS ENGINEERING, v. 58, p. 14-pg., . (23/02041-8, 13/07296-2, 22/14834-0, 19/25228-0, 22/09912-1)
TEIXEIRA, MAYARA M.; PINATTI, IVO M.; LARANJEIRA, JOSE A. S.; FABRIS, GUILHERME S. L.; TEODORO, MARCIO D.; ROSA, IEDA L. V.; SIMOES, ALEXANDRE Z.; ANDRES, JUAN; SAMBRANO, JULIO R.; LONGO, ELSON. Photoluminescence of Ca10V6O25:Eu3+: A theoretical and experimental approach. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v. 980, p. 10-pg., . (22/03959-6, 13/18719-1, 14/19142-2, 19/08928-9, 13/07296-2, 19/25944-8, 19/03722-3)
GONCALVES, ROGER; PEREIRA, ERNESTO CHAVES. Enhancement of exciton properties in poly(3-hexylthiophene) via carbon nitride composites. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, v. N/A, p. 16-pg., . (13/07296-2, 17/11986-5, 21/12394-0)
LIU, TINGRAN; CARNEIRO-NETO, EVALDO BATISTA; PEREIRA, ERNESTO; TAYLOR, JAMES E.; FLETCHER, PHILIP J.; MARKEN, FRANK. Paired Electrosynthesis at Interdigitated Microband Electrodes: Exploring Diffusion and Reaction Zones in the Absence of a Supporting Electrolyte. ACS MEASUREMENT SCIENCE AU, v. 4, n. 3, p. 13-pg., . (22/06229-9, 13/07296-2, 21/03592-2)
DA SILVA, JEYSE; NOBREGA, ERYKA; STACIAKI, FELIPE; ALMEIDA, FERNANDA R.; WOSIAK, GABRIEL; GUTIERREZ, ALEXIS; BRUNO, ODEMIR; LOPES, MAURO C.; PEREIRA, ERNESTO. Beyond bubbles: Unraveling the interfacial pH effects on bubble size distribution. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, v. 494, p. 10-pg., . (19/27029-5, 15/12851-0, 13/07296-2, 21/11630-1, 18/24383-0, 22/05254-0, 17/11986-5, 14/50249-8)
MARTINS, NICOLAS F.; LARANJEIRA, JOSE A.; DENIS, PABLO A.; SAMBRANO, JULIO R.. Ag decoration as a strategy to enhance the methanol and ethanol sensing on the biphenylene sheet. SURFACES AND INTERFACES, v. 51, p. 12-pg., . (20/01144-0, 22/03959-6, 13/07296-2, 22/16509-9, 22/00349-2)
CORREA, ALESSANDRA A.; DE ARAUJO, MOISES A.; MASCARO, LUCIA H.; MATTOSO, LUIZ H. C.; MARCONCINI, JOSE M.. In situ polymerised polyaniline films over multi-walled carbon nanotubes coatings for enhanced photoelectrochemical performance. Polymer, v. 298, p. 11-pg., . (18/22214-6, 13/07296-2, 17/11986-5)
VEDOVELLO, PRISCILA; FERNANDES, CARLA; TIRITAN, MARIA ELIZABETH; PARANHOS, CAIO MARCIO. Chiral mixed matrix membranes with the (S,S)-Whelk-O®1 selector supported on polyethersulfone/MCM-41. NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, v. 48, n. 21, p. 12-pg., . (19/09037-0, 17/18331-4, 13/07296-2)
PATRICIO, NICOLE BOGHOSIAN; CARDOSO, JULIANO CARVALHO; ESCOTE, MARCIA TSUYAMA; LANFREDI, ALEXANDRE JOSE DE CASTRO; DATYE, ABHAYA; PHAM, HIEN; RIBEIRO, CAUE; FONSECA, FABIO CORAL; SANTIAGO, ELISABETE INACIO. Assembling bifunctional ceria-zirconia electrocatalyst for efficient electrochemical conversion of methane at room temperature. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, v. 488, p. 10-pg., . (13/07296-2, 17/11937-4, 18/01258-5)
NAVES, HUEBERTON BARBOSA; STAFUSSA, ANA PAULA; MADRONA, GRASIELE SCARAMAL; TANAKA, FABRICIO CERIZZA; AOUADA, FAUZE AHMAD; DE MOURA, MARCIA REGINA. Development of New Edible Biodegradable Films Containing Camu-Camu and Agro-Industry Residue. POLYMERS, v. 16, n. 13, p. 12-pg., . (13/07296-2, 18/18697-1, 13/03643-0)
DA CRUZ, JEAN C.; E SILVA, RICARDO M.; DA SILVA, GELSON T. S. T.; MASCARO, LUCIA H.; RIBEIRO, CAUE. Recycling spent batteries to green innovation: a CuCo-based composite as an electrocatalyst for CO2 reduction. SUSTAINABLE ENERGY & FUELS, v. 8, n. 14, p. 9-pg., . (18/01258-5, 13/07296-2, 20/09628-6, 17/11986-5, 22/10255-5)
RIBEIRO, M. H. DA SILVA; MARQUES, G. N.; MOREIRA, A. J.; OLIVEIRA, M. M.; OLIVEIRA, R. C.; DA SILVA, R. T.; KROHLING, A. C.; MACEDO, W. A. A.; BERNARDI, M. I. B.; MASCARO, L. H.; et al. Green-assisted synthesis of highly defective nanostructured Fe-doped SnO2: Magnetic and photocatalytic properties evaluation. ACTA MATERIALIA, v. 277, p. 15-pg., . (13/07296-2, 21/06128-5, 22/06219-3, 23/04376-7)
MARTINS, NICOLAS F.; LARANJEIRA, JOSE A.; DENIS, PABLO A.; SAMBRANO, JULIO R.. High sensitivity of nitrobenzene on the ZnO monolayer and the role of strain engineering. Applied Surface Science, v. 679, p. 10-pg., . (22/03959-6, 13/07296-2, 22/14576-0, 22/16509-9, 22/00349-2)
MARTINS, TIAGO A.; GONCALVES, ROGER; CABRAL, L.; MACHADO, THALES RAFAEL; PAIVA, ROBERT DA SILVA; ROCA, ROMAN ALVAREZ; PEREIRA, ERNESTO CHAVES; SAN-MIGUEL, MIGUEL A.; DA SILVA, E. Z.; LONGO, E.. Bronze sodium tungsten precipitation synthesis and lithium intercalation. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, v. N/A, p. 13-pg., . (17/26105-4, 13/07296-2, 16/23891-6, 18/20729-9, 23/12673-1, 20/14417-4)
CLABEL H, J. L.; LOZANO C, G.; CHACALIAZA-RICALDI, J.; MASTELARO, VALMOR R.; MENDONCA, C. R.; MESSADDEQ, Y.; MAREGA JR, E.; RIVERA, V. A. G.. Nonlinear optical properties in Pr3+-Er3+-codoped tellurite glasses. Materials Research Bulletin, v. 177, p. 8-pg., . (13/07296-2, 18/11283-7, 20/04835-3, 21/11484-5)
MOREIRA, AILTON J.; DE ARAUJO, KELVIN C.; MARQUES, GLEISON N.; NOBREGA, ERYKA T. D.; SANTOS, HUGO L. S.; MASCARO, LUCIA H.; ONOFRE, YINA J.; GALETI, HELDER V. A.; GOBATO, YARA GALVAO; MASTELARO, VALMOR R.; et al. Anatase-rutile-brookite: Structural and photocatalytic properties of TiO2 modified with different boron concentrations. Materials Research Bulletin, v. 179, p. 13-pg., . (22/06219-3, 13/07296-2, 22/05254-0, 19/26860-2, 17/11986-5)
DOS REIS, LARISSA LUIZA; DE ABREU, CINTHIA BRUNO; GEBARA, RENAN CASTELHANO; ROCHA, GISELI SWERTS; LONGO, ELSON; MANSANO, ADRISLAINE DA SILVA; MELAO, MARIA DA GRACA GAMA. Effects of Cadmium and Nickel Mixtures on Multiple Endpoints of the Microalga Raphidocelis subcapitata. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, v. N/A, p. 15-pg., . (13/07296-2, 18/07988-5, 21/13583-0, 21/13607-7)
COSTA, JOSEE ARNALDO S.; OLIVEIRA, RHAYZA VICTORIAM.; ROMAO, LUCIANE PIMENTA C.; PARANHOS, CAIO M.. Comparative Study of Amino-Functionalized Magnetic Mesoporous Arrangements for the Remediation of Persistent Organic Pollutants from Water Using Response Surface Methodology. ACS APPLIED ENGINEERING MATERIALS, v. 1, n. 9, p. 12-pg., . (13/07296-2, 17/06775-5, 14/50945-4)
MARQUES, GLEISON N.; MOREIRA, AILTON JOSE; NOBREGA, ERYKA THAMYRIS D.; BRAGA, SANDALENE; ARGENTIN, MARCELA N.; CAMARGO, ILANA L. B. DA CUNHA; AZEVEDO, EMILIO; PEREIRA, ERNESTO C.; BERNARDI, MARIA INES B.; MASCARO, LUCIA H.. Selective inhibitory activity of multidrug-resistant bacteria by zinc oxide nanoparticles. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, v. 12, n. 1, p. 13-pg., . (22/06219-3, 13/07296-2, 21/06128-5, 22/05254-0, 13/07600-3, 22/07984-5)
BAUMGARTEN, LUAN GABRIEL; DREYER, JULIANA PRISCILA; DE CAMPOS, CARLOS EDUARDO MADURO; GERMANO, AMANDA TAVARES; VITALI, LUCIANO; SPINELLI, ALMIR; SANTANA, EDSON ROBERTO; WINIARSKI, JOAO PAULO; VIEIRA, IOLANDA CRUZ. Two-dimensional titanium carbide MXene embedded in exfoliated graphite nanoplatelets for voltammetric sensing of thiamethoxam in beekeeping products. Electrochimica Acta, v. 494, p. 10-pg., . (13/07296-2)
KIM, SANGGON; GOMES, ORISSON; RIAZ, ALI; ROUDJANE, MOURAD; LISBOA-FILHO, PAULO N.; BATAGIN-NETO, AUGUSTO; MESSADDEQ, YOUNES; DE KONINCK, YVES. Plasmon-induced immobilization of xanthene chemosensors toward repurposing as SERS nanotags. SURFACES AND INTERFACES, v. 44, p. 12-pg., . (19/09431-0, 13/07296-2, 21/10891-6)
MARRENJO, GONCALVES J.; DA SILVA, GELSON T. S. T.; MUNOZ, RODRIGO A. A.; MASCARO, LUCIA H.; LOPES, OSMANDO F.. Modification of ZnO gas-diffusion-electrodes for enhanced electrochemical CO2 reduction: optimization of operational conditions and mechanism investigation. MATERIALS ADVANCES, v. 5, n. 23, p. 12-pg., . (13/07296-2, 17/11986-5, 22/10255-5)
HANGAI, B.; AMORESI, R. A. C.; OLIVEIRA, R. C.; TEODORO, M. D.; SIMOES, A. Z.. The role of cationic surfactant in the photocatalytic properties of sodium and hydrogen titanates heterojunctions. Optical Materials, v. 153, p. 11-pg., . (13/07296-2, 17/19143-7, 18/26550-0, 21/12370-3)
STAMATELOS, ILIAS; DA SILVA, GELSON T. S. T.; RIBEIRO, CAUE; SHVIRO, MEITAL. Exploring Heterostructures of D-Block Metal Oxides Coupled to ZnO for the Electrochemical Reduction of CO2. ACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS, v. 6, n. 22, p. 11-pg., . (13/07296-2, 18/01258-5, 22/10255-5)
SANDRINI, DAIANA M. FURLAN; MORGADO, DANIELLA LURY; DE OLIVEIRA, ADILSON J. A.; DE MORAES, DANIEL A.; VARANDA, LAUDEMIR C.; FROLLINI, ELISABETE. Cellulose esters: Synthesis for further formation of films with magnetite nanoparticles incorporated. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, v. 264, p. 17-pg., . (13/07296-2, 20/06501-5, 13/01284-2)
GONCALVES, CRISTIANE B.; DA SILVA, RAFAEL T.; DALENOGARE, GUSTAVO; GONZAGA, ISABELLE M. D.; MASCARO, LUCIA H.; FERRER, MATEUS M.; ASSIS, MARCELO; LONGO, ELSON; DE CARVALHO, HUGO B.; DORIGUETTO, ANTONIO C.. Comprehensive experimental and theoretical studies on the synthesis and characterization of electrodeposited nanostructured Cu2O thin films. SURFACES AND INTERFACES, v. 42, p. 11-pg., . (20/15211-0, 13/07296-2)
AMARAL, D. C.; ASSIS, M.; ROCHA, L. S. R.; LONGO, E.; ALDAO, C. M.; DESIMONE, P. M.; TEODORO, M. D.; MACCHI, C.; NASCIMENTO, H. M. S.; SOMOZA, A.; et al. Changes in the electrical properties of CeO2 through alterations in defects caused by Mn doping. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 50, n. 9, p. 8-pg., . (22/10340-2, 18/20590-0, 13/07296-2, 20/02352-5)
MARTINS, GUILHERME; BARROS, RODRIGO MENESES; DE SOUSA, MYLLENA PAULA; FRIN, KARINA P. M.; DE SOUZA, MARCO ANTONIO; PATERNO, LEONARDO GIORDANO. Fluorescent Carbon Dots for Improved Visualization of Latent Fingermarks after Cyanoacrylate Fuming. ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS, v. 7, n. 22, p. 9-pg., . (13/07296-2, 17/18063-0)
MOSTERT, A. B.; MATTIELLO, S.; LI, S.; PERNA, G.; LASALVIA, M.; AMBRICO, P. F.; PAULIN, J. V.; LIMA, J. V. M.; GRAEFF, C. F. O.; PHUA, J. W.; et al. Exploring the chemistry and composition of black soldier fly eumelanin, a material for a circular economy. MATERIALS ADVANCES, v. 5, n. 22, p. 14-pg., . (13/07296-2, 21/03379-7)
ALMEIDA, CAIO V. S.; MASCARO, LUCIA H.. Enhancing electrochemical N2 reduction at mild conditions with FexOy co-deposited on amorphous MoS2. Electrochimica Acta, v. 476, p. 11-pg., . (13/07296-2, 17/11986-5, 21/14693-4)
ROMEIRO, FERNANDA DA COSTA; PERINI, JOAO ANGELO LIMA; ZANONI, MARIA VALNICE BOLDRIN; ORLANDI, MARCELO ORNAGHI. g-C3N4/Sn3O4 photoanode for H2 production: A promising photoelectrocatalyst for renewable energy generation. JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY, v. 450, p. 9-pg., . (17/24839-0, 19/18856-5, 14/50945-4, 13/07296-2, 16/18057-7)
LEITE, RAMON RESENDE; KOMORIZONO, AMANDA AKEMY; BERNARDI, MARIA INES BASSO; CARVALHO, ANTONIO JOSE FELIX; MASTELARO, VALMOR ROBERTO. Environmentally friendly synthesis of In2O3 nano octahedrons by cellulose nanofiber template-assisted route and their potential application for O3 gas sensing. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 50, n. 7, p. 11-pg., . (13/07296-2)
RIBEIRO, LUCAS S. S.; GASPAR, VITOR M.; SOBREIRO-ALMEIDA, RITA; CAMARGO, EMERSON R. R.; MANO, JOAO F.. Programmable Granular Hydrogel Inks for 3D Bioprinting Applications. ADVANCED MATERIALS TECHNOLOGIES, v. N/A, p. 15-pg., . (21/10844-8, 13/07296-2, 18/12871-0)
DA SILVA, GELSON T. S. T.; LOPES, OSMANDO F.; CATTO, ARIADNE C.; PATROCINIO, ANTONIO OTAVIO T.; MESQUITA, ALEXANDRE; RIBEIRO, CAUE; AVANSI JR, WALDIR; DA SILVA, LUIS F.. Long-and short-range structure of SnO2 nanoparticles: Synthesis and photo (electro)catalytic activity. Materials Chemistry and Physics, v. 305, p. 9-pg., . (21/12684-8, 22/10255-5, 22/02927-3, 18/18208-0, 13/07296-2)
CALDAS, A. M.; DOS SANTOS, D. F.; CASTRO, M. A. M.; TEODORO, M. D.; MOTTA, F. V.; BOMIO, M. R. D.. Fabrication of CN-HAp heterostructures from eggshells with improved photocatalytic performance in degrading of mixing dyes under sunlight. MATERIALS SCIENCE IN SEMICONDUCTOR PROCESSING, v. 165, p. 14-pg., . (13/07296-2)
REZENDE, MARIANA DE A. M.; CORRADINI, PATRICIA G.; SALES, ALMIR; MASCARO, LUCIA H.. Electrochemical study on the chloride corrosion susceptibility of cementitious composites produced with sugarcane bagasse ash sand. CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, v. 397, p. 13-pg., . (18/16401-8, 13/07296-2)
CARNEIRO-NETO, EVALDO BATISTA; LI, ZHONGKAI; PEREIRA, ERNESTO; MATHWIG, KLAUS; FLETCHER, PHILIP J. J.; MARKEN, FRANK. Understanding Transient Ionic Diode Currents and Impedance Responses for Aquivion-Coated Microholes. ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, v. N/A, p. 10-pg., . (21/03592-2, 13/07296-2, 22/06229-9)
RAJA, SEBASTIAN; DA SILVA, GELSON T. S. T.; REIS, EDUARDO A.; DA CRUZ, JEAN C.; SILVA, ANELISSE BRUNCA; ANDRADE, MARCELO B.; PERIYASAMI, GOVINDASAMI; KARTHIKEYAN, PERUMAL; PEREPICHKA, IGOR F.; MASCARO, LUCIA HELENA; et al. Perylenediimide-Incorporated Covalent Triazine Framework: A Highly Conductive Carbon Support for Copper Single-Atom Catalysts in Electrocatalytic CO2 Conversion. ENERGY & FUELS, v. 37, n. 23, p. 11-pg., . (13/07296-2, 17/11986-5, 22/10255-5)
PEREIRA, ZENNER S.; DA SILVA, EDISON Z.. Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in Cyclo[18]Carbon. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, v. 124, n. 6, p. 6-pg., . (16/23891-6, 13/07296-2)
ANDRADE NETO, N. F.; SILVA, J. M. P.; TRANQUILIN, R. L.; LONGO, E.; BOMIO, M. R. D.; MOTTA, F., V. Stabilization of the gamma-Ag2WO4 metastable pure phase by coprecipitation method using polyvinylpyrrolidone as surfactant: Photocatalytic property. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 46, n. 10, p. 8-pg., . (13/07296-2)
CASTRO, CAIO B.; SILVEIRA, RAFAEL G.; COLOMBARI, FELIPPE M.; DE MOURA, ANDRE FARIAS; NASCIMENTO, OTACIRO R.; MARQUES NETTO, CATERINA G. C.. Solvent Effect on the Regulation of Urea Hydrolysis Reactions by Copper Complexes. CHEMISTRY-SWITZERLAND, v. 2, n. 2, p. 20-pg., . (13/07296-2, 12/15147-4, 16/01622-3)
DA TRINDADE, LETICIA GUERREIRO; ZANCHET, LETICIA; SOUZA, JOSIANE CARNEIRO; LEITE, EDSON ROBERTO; AGOSTINI MARTINI, EMILSE MARIA; PEREIRA, ERNESTO CHAVES. Enhancement of sulfonated poly(ether ether ketone)-based proton exchange membranes doped with different ionic liquids cations. IONICS, v. 26, n. 11, p. 12-pg., . (13/07296-2)
RANIERI, M. G. A.; CILENSE, M.; AGUIAR, E. C.; SILVA, C. C.; SIMOES, A. Z.; LONGO, E.. Electrical behavior of chemically grown lanthanum ferrite thin films. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 42, n. 2, p. 7-pg., . (08/57872-1, 13/07296-2)
DISSELER, S. M.; LYNN, J. W.; JARDIM, R. F.; TORIKACHVILI, M. S.; GRANADO, E.. Spin dynamics and two-dimensional correlations in the fcc antiferromagnetic Sr2YRuO6. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 93, n. 14, p. 5-pg., . (12/04870-7, 14/19245-6, 13/07296-2)
GUEDES, E. B.; ABBATE, M.; ABUD, F.; JARDIM, R. F.; VICENTIN, F. C.; MOSSANEK, R. J. O.. Spectroscopy and electronic structure of Sr2YRuO6 and Sr2YRu0.75Ir0.25O6. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 94, n. 4, p. 9-pg., . (14/19245-6, 13/07296-2, 14/12401-2)
MUCCILLO, R.; ESPOSITO, V; DE FLORIO, D. Z.; MUCCILLO, E. N. S.; ZHOU, XD; MOGENSEN, M; GUR, TM; KAWADA, T; TRAVERSA, E; CAI, Q. Electric Field-assisted Pressureless Sintering of Ceramic Protonic Conductors. IONIC AND MIXED CONDUCTING CERAMICS 11 (IMCC 11), v. 80, n. 9, p. 8-pg., . (13/07296-2)
REIS, S. L.; MUCCILLO, E. N. S.; ZHOU, XD; MOGENSEN, M; GUR, TM; KAWADA, T; TRAVERSA, E; CAI, Q. Ionic Conductivity of Doped Lanthanum Gallate and Strontium Gallate Composites. IONIC AND MIXED CONDUCTING CERAMICS 11 (IMCC 11), v. 80, n. 9, p. 9-pg., . (13/07296-2)
GONZAGA, ISABELLE M. D.; ALMEIDA, CAIO V. S.; MASCARO, LUCIA H.. A Critical Review of Photo-Based Advanced Oxidation Processes to Pharmaceutical Degradation. CATALYSTS, v. 13, n. 2, p. 34-pg., . (17/11986-5, 20/15211-0, 13/07296-2, 21/14693-4)
MORENO, H.; DOMINGUES, G. L.; ASSIS, M.; ORTEGA, P. P.; MASTELARO, V. R. .; RAMIREZ, M. A. .; SIMOES, A. . Z.. The Relationship between Photoluminescence Emissions and Photocatalytic Activity of CeO2 Nanocrystals. Inorganic Chemistry, v. 62, n. 10, p. 13-pg., . (13/07296-2, 18/18236-4)
AMORESI, RAFAEL APARECIDO CIOLA; ROZA, NOEMI ANGELICA VIEIRA; MAZON, TALITA. Applying CeO2 nanorods in flexible electrochemical immunosensor to detect C-reactive protein. JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, v. 935, p. 9-pg., . (13/07296-2, 17/19143-7)
MORETI, LAUREN DOS SANTOS; SITTA, ELTON. Glucose and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural adsorption at Pt(111) in alkaline media: a cyclic voltammetry study. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, v. N/A, p. 8-pg., . (13/07296-2, 17/11986-5)
LEMOS, VICTOR SECCO; DE MORAES, DANIEL ANGELI; DE LACERDA PATACA, IARA; VERRUMA, OLAVO FIAMENCINI; TORRES, CAROLINA PIROGINI; ALBUQUERQUE, ANGELA; RODRIGUEZ-GUTIERREZ, INGRID; JANES, DANILO BIAZON; DE LIMA, FELIPE CRASTO; SOUZA, FLAVIO LEANDRO; et al. Platinum Selenide Nanoparticle Synthesis and Reaction with Butyllithium Breaking the Long-Range Ordering Structure. CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS, v. 36, n. 18, p. 10-pg., . (13/07296-2, 21/03321-9, 22/13144-0, 23/00984-2)
TEIXEIRA, JEAN VALDIR UCHOA; MASTELARO, VALMOR ROBERTO; LISBOA-FILHO, PAULO NORONHA. Self-assembled multi-structured reduced graphene oxide/zinc composite. JOURNAL OF NANOPARTICLE RESEARCH, v. 26, n. 5, p. 13-pg., . (13/07296-2)
DA SILVA, LUIS F.; LUCCHINI, MATTIA A.; CATTO, ARIADNE C.; AVANSI JR., WALDIR; BERNARDINI, SANDRINE; AGUIR, KHALIFA; NIEDERBERGER, MARKUS; LONGO, ELSON. The Role of Zn Ions in the Structural, Surface, and Gas-Sensing Properties of SnO2:Zn Nanocrystals Synthesized via a Microwave-Assisted Route. SENSORS, v. 24, n. 1, p. 13-pg., . (13/09573-3, 13/07296-2, 22/02927-3, 15/20124-1)
FILHO, ADHEMAR WATANUKI; DE MOURA, MARCIA REGINA; AOUADA, FAUZE AHMAD. Performance of cementitious mortars containing hydrogel-nanoclay hybrid nanocomposite. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, v. N/A, p. 18-pg., . (13/07296-2, 18/18697-1, 18/13580-9)
LEITE, RAMON RESENDE; COLOMBO, RENATA; BIMBI JUNIOR, FAUSTO EDUARDO; LANZA, MARCOS ROBERTO DE VASCONCELOS; BARUD, HERNANE DA SILVA; AFONSO, CONRADO RAMOS MOREIRA; BERNARDI, MARIA INES BASSO. Precursor effect on the hydrothermal synthesis of pure ZnO nanostructures and enhanced photocatalytic performance for norfloxacin degradation. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, v. 496, p. 19-pg., . (13/07296-2)
WATANUKI FILHO, ADHEMAR; HIGUTI, RICARDO TOKIO; DE MOURA, MARCIA REGINA; AOUADA, FAUZE AHMAD. Synthesis, Application and Effect of Hybrid Nanocomposites Based on Hydrogel and Nanoclay in Cement-Mortars. POLYMERS, v. 14, n. 21, p. 23-pg., . (18/18697-1, 18/13580-9, 13/07296-2)
GOUVEIA, NAYARA; OLIVEIRA, ANA JULYA L. A.; YOKOTA HARAYASHIKI, CYNTIA AYUMI; SOUZA, JOSIANE CARNEIRO; LONGO, ELSON; CANO, NILO F.; MALTEZ, HELOISA FRANCA; LOURENCO, RAFAEL ANDRE; TURPO-HUAHUASONCCO, KLINTON, V; CASTRO, ITALO BRAGA. Chemical contamination in coastal areas alters shape, resistance and composition of carnivorous gastropod shells. Chemosphere, v. 307, p. 10-pg., . (18/08015-0, 13/07296-2, 15/25063-0)
BUENO, O. V. M.; SAN-MIGUEL, M. A.; DA SILVA, E. Z.. Ethanol Oxidation Reaction Mechanism on Gold Nanowires from Density Functional Theory. ChemPhysChem, v. N/A, p. 11-pg., . (17/26105-4, 16/23891-6, 13/07296-2, 20/11815-9)
BORDAN ISTUQUE, DANILO; SANCHES, ALEX OTAVIO; BORTOLETTO, MARCELO; MALMONGE, JOSE ANTONIO; SORIANO, LOURDES; VICTORIA BORRACHERO, MARIA; PAYA, JORDI; TASHIMA, MAURO M.; LUIS AKASAKI, JORGE. Impedance Spectroscopy as a Methodology to Evaluate the Reactivity of Metakaolin Based Geopolymers. MATERIALS, v. 15, n. 23, p. 19-pg., . (20/16325-0, 13/07296-2)
CABRAL, L.; MACEDO, W. A. A.; DA SILVA, E. Z.. Evolution of the Fe-Co magnetism and magnetic proximity effects in alternate Fe/Co monolayers on nonmagnetic Cu3Au(001). PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 106, n. 21, p. 12-pg., . (17/26105-4, 16/23891-6, 13/07296-2, 18/20729-9)
NOVAK, SARA; ORIVES, JULIANE RESGES; NALIN, MARCELO; UNALAN, IREM; BOCCACCINI, ALDO R.; DE CAMARGO, EMERSON R.. Quaternary bioactive glass-derived powders presenting submicrometric particles and antimicrobial activity. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 48, n. 20, p. 9-pg., . (19/19609-1, 13/07793-6, 13/07296-2)
CAMPAROTTO, NATALIA GABRIELE; NEVES, TAUANY DE FIGUEIREDO; MASTELARO, VALMOR ROBERTO; PREDIGER, PATRICIA. Hydrophobization of aerogels based on chitosan, nanocellulose and tannic acid: Improvements on the aerogel features and the adsorption of contaminants in water. Environmental Research, v. 220, p. 17-pg., . (19/25228-0, 13/07296-2, 19/07822-2)
REZENDE, MARIANA A. M.; GROMBONI, PEDRO P.; CORRADINI, PATRICIA G.; SALES, ALMIR; MASCARO, LUCIA H.. Evaluation of Reinforcement Corrosion in Cementitious Composites Modified with Water Treatment Sludge. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, v. 34, n. 8, p. 9-pg., . (18/16401-8, 13/07296-2)
BORGES, PEDRO H. S.; NARCISO, LAIZ C. D.; DE SOUZA MIGUEL, GUILHERME FERNANDES; DE OLIVEIRA, GUEDMILLER SOUZA; COMAR JUNIOR, MOACYR; DA HORA MACHADO, ANTONIO EDUARDO; MUNOZ, RODRIGO A. A.; NOSSOL, EDSON. An experimental and theoretical approach to electrochemical sensing of hydrazine at silver and copper hexacyanoferrates electrodes. Electrochimica Acta, v. 445, p. 12-pg., . (13/07296-2)
FARIA, ALINE M.; PEIXOTO, ELISA B. M. I.; ADAMO, CRISTIANE B.; FLACKER, ALEXANDRE; LONGO, ELSON; MAZON, TALITA. Controlling parameters and characteristics of electrochemical biosensors for enhanced detection of 8-hydroxy-2 '-deoxyguanosine. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 9, p. 10-pg., . (13/07296-2)
FERNANDES, SILVIA L.; AFFONCO, LUCAS J.; JUNIOR, ROBERTO A. R.; DA SILVA, JOSE H. D.; LONGO, ELSON; GRAEFF, CARLOS F. DE O.. Niobium Oxide Films Deposited by Reactive Sputtering: Effect of Oxygen Flow Rate. JOVE-JOURNAL OF VISUALIZED EXPERIMENTS, v. N/A, n. 151, p. 6-pg., . (13/09963-6, 17/11072-3, 13/07296-2, 17/18916-2)
TEIXEIRA, GUILHERMINA FERREIRA; SELEGHINI, HEITOR SECCO; BASTOS, WAGNER BENICIO; JACOMACI, NATALIA; STOJADINOVIC, BOJAN; DOHCEVIC-MITROVIC, ZORANA; COLMATI, FLAVIO; SAN-MIGUEL, MIGUEL ANGEL; LONGO, ELSON; ZAGHETE, MARIA APARECIDA. On the coexistence of ferroelectric and antiferroelectric polymorphs in NaNbO3 fibers at room temperature. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C, v. 11, n. 16, p. 10-pg., . (16/23891-6, 13/07296-2, 17/10819-8, 17/26105-4)
LI, ZHONGKAI; MATHWIG, KLAUS; AROTIBA, OMOTAYO A.; TSHWENYA, LUTHANDO; NETO, EVALDO BATISTA CARNEIRO; PEREIRA, ERNESTO CHAVES; MARKEN, FRANK. Driving electrochemical membrane processes with coupled ionic diodes. CURRENT OPINION IN ELECTROCHEMISTRY, v. 39, p. 8-pg., . (21/03592-2, 13/07296-2, 22/06229-9)
DE MOURA, ANIELE; GAGLIERI, CAROLINE; TERCIOTTI, LUIZ OCTAVIO; RINALDO, DANIEL; CAIRES, FLAVIO JUNIOR. Mechanochemical method: a powerful tool to obtain omega-poly(ethylene glycol)-functionalized structures and curcumin analogues. NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, v. 47, n. 19, p. 9-pg., . (18/24378-6, 13/07296-2)
DE ARAUJO, L. N. M.; SOUSA, B. S.; DE ARAUJO, A. G. F.; MONCAO, R. M.; FEITOR, M. C.; SCZANCOSKI, J. C.; ALMEIDA, M. A. P.; SANTOS, F. E. P.; DE SOUSA, R. R. M.; CAVALCANTE, L. S.. ZnWO4 nanocrystals prepared by thermal plasma processing. Journal of Materials Science, v. 58, n. 16, p. 28-pg., . (13/07296-2, 12/14004-5)
CABRAL, ANA CRISTINA TOLENTINO; TANTA, URBANO MIGUEL TAFUR; SIMOES, ALEXANDRE ZIRPOLI; BASTOS, WAGNER; MORENO, HENRIQUE; RAMIREZ, MIGUEL ANGEL; PONCE, MIGUEL ADOLFO; MOURA, FRANCISCO. Unveiling the metal-insulator transition at YTiO3/LaTiO3 interfaces grown by the soft chemical method. Materials Chemistry and Physics, v. 302, p. 10-pg., . (13/07296-2, 17/10819-8, 18/18236-4)
LIBERO, LAURA O.; RIBEIRO, LARA K.; GRANONE, LUIS I.; CHURIO, MARIA S.; SOUZA, JOSIANE C.; MASTELARO, VALMOR R.; ANDRES, JUAN; LONGO, ELSON; MASCARO, LUCIA H.; ASSIS, MARCELO. Introducing Structural Diversity: Fe-2(MoO4)(3) Immobilized in Chitosan Films as an Efficient Catalyst for the Selective Oxidation of Sulfides to Sulfones. CHEMCATCHEM, v. N/A, p. 11-pg., . (13/07296-2)
DIAZ, JULIO CESAR CAMILO ALBORNOZ; MUCCILLO, ELIANA NAVARRO DOS SANTOS; MUCCILLO, REGINALDO. Porous 8YSZ Ceramics Prepared with Alkali Halide Sacrificial Additives. MATERIALS, v. 16, n. 9, p. 11-pg., . (20/05250-9, 17/11937-4, 13/07296-2)
ANDRES, JUAN; GRACIA, LOURDES; GOUVEIA, AMANDA FERNANDES; FERRER, MATEUS MENEGHETTI; LONGO, ELSON. Effects of surface stability on the morphological transformation of metals and metal oxides as investigated by first-principles calculations. Nanotechnology, v. 26, n. 40, p. 11-pg., . (13/26671-9, 13/07296-2, 12/14468-1, 14/04350-9)
PINATTI, IVO M.; MAZZO, TATIANA M.; GONCALVES, ROSANA F.; VARELA, JOSE A.; LONGO, ELSON; ROSA, IEDA L. V.. CaTiO3 and Ca1-3xSmxTiO3: Photoluminescence and morphology as a result of Hydrothermal Microwave Methodology. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 42, n. 1, p. 9-pg., . (08/57872-1, 13/07296-2)
LIANG, ZHUMEI; BERNARDINO, KALIL; HAN, JISHU; ZHOU, YUNLONG; SUN, KAI; DE MOURA, ANDRE F.; KOTOV, NICHOLAS A.. Optical anisotropy and sign reversal in layer-by-layer assembled films from chiral nanoparticles. FARADAY DISCUSSIONS, v. 191, p. 17-pg., . (13/07296-2)
ASSIS, MARCELO; SANTOS, JEZIEL R.; CIPRIANO, MATHEUS H. L.; REIS, ROBERTA Y. N.; RIBEIRO, LARA K.; MASCARO, LUCIA H.; LONGO, ELSON; ANDRES, JUAN. Enhanced antimicrobial activity of Cu-decorated graphene nanoplatelets and carbon nanotubes. SURFACES AND INTERFACES, v. 53, p. 12-pg., . (23/12399-7, 13/07296-2, 23/01415-1, 21/11326-0)
DA TRINDADE, LETICIA G.; ASSIS, MARCELO; SOUZA, JOSIANE C.; TRENCH, ALINE B.; NUNEZ-DE LA ROSA, YEISON; TEODORO, MARCIO D.; SCHWANKE, ANDERSON J.; LONGO, ELSON; PERRECHIL, FABIANA; BRAGA, ANNA RAFAELA CAVALCANTE. Improving the photocatalytic dye degradation performance and bactericidal properties of Brazilian Amazon Kaolin-waste by adding ZnO and Ag3PO4. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v. 971, p. 12-pg., . (21/14394-7, 13/07296-2)
RIVERA, VICTOR JOSE RAMIREZ; GONZALO, FREDY MAMANI; PIOTROWSKI, MAURICIO JEOMAR; LAURA, GOHNNY ACERO; ARENAS, JORGE SABINO AYALA; FLORES, EFRACIO MAMANI. Understanding phonon transport properties on Janus XSSe (X = Hf, Pb, Pt) monolayers via density functional theory. MATERIALS TODAY COMMUNICATIONS, v. 41, p. 9-pg., . (20/01144-0, 19/08928-9, 22/03959-6, 13/07296-2)
MARTINS, FIAMA; MORGADO, DANIELLA L.; SARMENTO, BRUNO; DE CAMARGO, EMERSON R.; DAS NEVES, JOSE. Chitosan-based sponges containing clotrimazole for the topical management of vulvovaginal candidiasis. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, v. 647, p. 9-pg., . (13/07296-2)
BARROS, FERNANDO JOSE SOARES; CARDOZO, KLEBSON LUCAS PEREIRA; CRUVINEL, GUILHERME HENRIQUE; LONGO, ELSON; GARCIA, MARCO AURELIO SULLER; TANAKA, AURO ATSUSHI; PINATTI, IVO MATEUS. Microwave-assisted hydrothermal synthesis of CeVO4 nanostructures: exploring their applicability in supercapacitor technologies. Journal of Materials Science, v. 59, n. 10, p. 16-pg., . (13/07296-2)
ASSUNCAO, JOAO PEDRO F.; LEMOS, HUGO G.; ROSSATO, JESSICA H. H.; NOGUEIRA, GABRIEL L.; LIMA, JOAO V. M.; FERNANDES, SILVIA L.; NISHIHORA, RAFAEL K.; FERNANDES, RICARDO V.; LOURENCO, SIDNEY A.; BAGNIS, DIEGO; et al. Interface passivation with Ti3C2Tx-MXene doped PMMA film for highly efficient and stable inverted perovskite solar cells. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C, v. 12, n. 2, p. 13-pg., . (20/12356-8, 20/16470-0, 21/03379-7, 22/10998-8, 13/07296-2, 19/22183-6, 20/15632-6)
KOMORIZONO, AMANDA AKEMY; DE LIMA, BRUNO SANCHES; MASTELARO, VALMOR ROBERTO. Assessment of the ozonolysis effect of rGO-ZnO-based ozone sensors. SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL, v. 397, p. 9-pg., . (13/07296-2, 18/07517-2, 19/22076-5, 19/22899-1)
ORTEGA, PEDRO PAULO; AMORESI, RAFAEL APARECIDO CIOLA; TEODORO, MARCIO DALDIN; MERIZIO, LEONNAM GOTARDO; RAMIREZ, MIGUEL ANGEL; ALDAO, CELSO MANUEL; MALAGU, CESARE; PONCE, MIGUEL ADOLFO; LONGO, ELSON; SIMORS, ALEXANDRE ZIRPOLI. Insights into the Morphology and Structural Defects of Eu-Doped Ceria Nanostructures for Optoelectronic Applications in Red-Emitting Devices. ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS, v. 7, n. 11, p. 14-pg., . (23/07486-8, 13/07296-2, 19/21770-5, 18/26550-0, 21/10780-0, 17/19143-7)
TANAKA, FABRICIO C.; YONEZAWA, UILIAN G.; DE MOURA, MARCIA R.; AOUADA, FAUZE A.. Studies of the Sorption-Desorption of Pesticides from Cellulose-Based Derivative Nanocomposite Hydrogels. Molecules, v. 29, n. 20, p. 15-pg., . (13/07296-2, 18/18697-1)
MACCHI, CARLOS; PETINARDI, GUILHERME MAGALHAES; FREIRE, LEONARDO ALMEIDA; CASTRO, MIRIAM SUSANA; ALDAO, CELSO MANUEL; LUIZ, THAIS MARCIAL; MOURA, FRANCISCO; SIMOES, ALEXANDRE ZIRPOLI; MORENO, HENRIQUE; LONGO, ELSON; et al. Tracking of structural defects induced by Eu-doping in β-Ag2MoO4: their influences on electrical properties. DALTON TRANSACTIONS, v. 53, n. 2, p. 10-pg., . (13/07296-2)
BARROS, FERNANDO JOSE SOARES; CARDOSO, KLEBSON LUCAS PEREIRA; LONGO, ELSON; TANAKA, AURO ATSUSHI; GARCIA, MARCO AURELIO SULLER; PINATTI, IVO MATEUS. Facile microwave-assisted hydrothermal synthesis of GdVO4 nanospheres: unlocking their potential as electrodes for supercapacitors. Journal of Materials Science, v. 58, n. 39, p. 12-pg., . (13/07296-2)
LU, JUN; WU, WENBING; COLOMBARI, FELIPPE MARIANO; JAWAID, ALI; SEYMOUR, BRYAN; WHISNANT, KODY; ZHONG, XIAOYANG; CHOI, WONJIN; LAHANN, JOERG; VAIA, RICHARD A.; et al. Nano-achiral complex composites for extreme polarization optics. Nature, v. 630, n. 8018, p. 9-pg., . (13/07296-2)
LUSTOSA, GLAUCO MEIRELES MASCARENHAS MORANDI; NOGUEIRA, MARCELO VIANNA; PERAZOLLI, LEINIG ANTONIO; ZAGHETE, MARIA APARECIDA. Photocatalytic performance of (Zn,Me)-SnO2 nanoparticles (Me= Nb5+ or W6+) under UV light for efficiently degradation of organic dye pollutants. JOURNAL OF THE INDIAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, v. 101, n. 10, p. 8-pg., . (13/07296-2)
LOUSADA, MARIA E.; MALDONADO, EDUARDO A. LOPEZ; NTHUNYA, LEBEA N.; MOSAI, ALSENO; ANTUNES, MARIA LUCIA PEREIRA; FRACETO, LEONARDO F.; BAIGORRIA, ESTEFANIA. Nanoclays and mineral derivates applied to pesticide water remediation. JOURNAL OF CONTAMINANT HYDROLOGY, v. 259, p. 13-pg., . (13/07296-2, 17/21004-5, 19/06170-1)
RADJA, IMANE; KHANE, YASMINA; OLIVEIRA, MARISA C.; LONGO, ELSON; RIBEIRO, RENAN A. P.; ISIK, MEHMIT; BENNABI, FARID; ECH-CHERGUI, ABDELKADER NEBATTI; GUEZZOUL, M'HAMED; MUKHERJEE, SANAT KUMAR; et al. SnS2 and Ho-doped SnS2 thin films: Synergistic, DFT, photocatalytic, and antibacterial studies. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 50, n. 20, p. 12-pg., . (13/07296-2, 22/16840-7, 21/01651-1)
LINO, ANANDA VALLEZI PALADINO; VIEIRA, LUIZ HENRIQUE; ASSAF, ELISABETE MOREIRA; ASSAF, JOSE MANSUR. Impact of the K and Fe insertion methods in KFeCeZr catalysts on the CO2 hydrogenation to C2/C3 olefins at room pressure. Chemical Engineering Science, v. 302, p. 11-pg., . (13/07296-2, 20/15230-5)
BEZERRA, LETICIA S.; BRASSEUR, PAUL; SULLIVAN-ALLSOP, SAM; CAI, RONGSHENG; DA SILVA, KALINE N.; WANG, SHIQI; SINGH, HARISHCHANDRA; YADAV, ASHOK K.; SANTOS, HUGO L. S.; CHUNDAK, MYKHAILO; et al. Ultralow Catalytic Loading for Optimised Electrocatalytic Performance of AuPt Nanoparticles to Produce Hydrogen and Ammonia. ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION, v. 63, n. 29, p. 10-pg., . (13/07296-2, 17/11986-5)
MANJUNATHA, K.; ANGADI, V. JAGADEESHA; HARDI, SAMMED SHANTINATH; CHIU, HSIN-HAO; HSU, TSU-EN; WU, SHENG YUN; OLIVEIRA, MARISA C.; LONGO, ELSON; RIBEIRO, RENAN A. P.; UBAIDULLAH, MOHD; et al. Synthesis of lithium doped magnesium ferrites and their vibrational and magnetic properties: Correlation of experimental and density functional theory. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 50, n. 12, p. 11-pg., . (13/07296-2, 21/01651-1)
MARTIN, CIBELY S.; OLEAN-OLIVEIRA, ANDRE; TEIXEIRA, MARCOS F. S.. A new polymeric thin film by using electropolymerization: thin film of poly (phenazine-salen) obtained from 2,2 '-[1,2-ethanediylbis (nitrilomethylidyne)] -bis[4-amino-phenol]. JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, v. 873, p. 10-pg., . (13/14262-7, 16/09017-1, 13/07296-2)
SIQUERI, VITOR A. S.; FILHO, ADHEMAR W.; DE MOURA, MARCIA R.; AOUADA, FAUZE A.. Effect of Hydrogel Nanocomposites on the Fresh and Hardened Properties of Cementitious Pastes. MACROMOLECULAR SYMPOSIA, v. 394, n. 1, p. 6-pg., . (13/03643-0, 13/07296-2)
DE SOUSA, P. B.; GOUVEIA, A. F.; SCZANCOSKI, J. C.; NOGUEIRA, I. C.; LONGO, E.; SAN-MIGUEL, M. A.; CAVALCANTE, L. S.. Electronic structure, optical and sonophotocatalytic properties of spindle-like CaWO4 microcrystals synthesized by the sonochemical method. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v. 855, p. 9-pg., . (16/23891-6, 13/07296-2, 19/01732-1)
LIMA, A. S.; ROCHA, R. D. C.; PEREIRA, E. C.; SIKORA, M. DE S.. Photodegradation of Ciprofloxacin antibiotic over TiO2 grown by PEO: ecotoxicity response in Lactuca sativa L. and Lemna minor. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, v. 19, n. 4, p. 10-pg., . (17/11986-5, 14/50249-8, 13/07296-2, 08/00180-0)
MASTEGHIN, MATEUS G.; SILVA, RANILSON A.; COX, DAVID C.; GODOI, DENIS R. M.; SILVA, S. RAVI P.; ORLANDI, MARCELO O.. The role of surface stoichiometry in NO2 gas sensing using single and multiple nanobelts of tin oxide. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, v. 23, n. 16, p. 10-pg., . (17/26219-0, 13/07296-2, 17/12870-0, 15/21033-0)
ANDRADE, ALANA O. C.; LACERDAB, LUIS HENRIQUE DA SILVEIRA; LAGE, M. M.; SHARMA, SURENDER K.; DA COSTA, M. E. H. MAIA; ALVES, ODIVALDO C.; SANTOS, EVELYN C. S.; DOS SANTOS, C. C.; DE MENEZES, A. S.; SAN-MIGUEL, MIGUEL ANGEL; et al. Enhanced photocatalytic activity of BiOBr/ZnWO4 heterojunction: A combined experimental and DFT-based theoretical approach. Optical Materials, v. 138, p. 11-pg., . (16/23891-6, 17/26105-4, 13/07296-2, 20/03780-0)
SILVA, JERONIMO F.; FABRIS, GUILHERME S. L.; SAMBRANO, JULIO R.; ALBUQUERQUE, ANDERSON R.; MAIA, ARY S.. TOPISO3D Viewer: Enhancing Topological Analysis through 3D Isosurfaces. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL INFORMATION AND MODELING, v. 63, n. 7, p. 15-pg., . (19/08928-9, 20/10380-9, 22/03959-6, 13/07296-2, 22/00349-2)
SILVA, JERONIMO F.; FABRIS, GUILHERME S. L.; SAMBRANO, JULIO R.; ALBUQUERQUE, ANDERSON R.; MAIA, ARY S.. TOPISO3D Viewer: Enhancing Topological Analysis through 3D Isosurfaces. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL INFORMATION AND MODELING, v. N/A, p. 15-pg., . (19/08928-9, 20/10380-9, 22/03959-6, 13/07296-2, 22/00349-2)
AMORESI, RAFAEL A. C.; CICHETTO JR, LEONELIO; GOUVEIA, AMANDA F.; COLMENARES, YORMARY N.; TEODORO, MARCIO D.; MARQUES, GILMAR E.; LONGO, ELSON; SIMOES, ALEXANDRE Z.; ANDRES, JUAN; CHIQUITO, ADENILSON J.; et al. Metallic behavior in STO/LAO heterostructures with non-uniformly atomic interfaces. MATERIALS TODAY COMMUNICATIONS, v. 24, p. 10-pg., . (17/23663-6, 17/19143-7, 18/01914-0, 13/07296-2, 19/09296-6, 14/01371-5)
MACEDO, WAGNER COSTA; BISPO JUNIOR, AIRTON GERMANO; ROCHA, KLEPER DE OLIVEIRA; DE SOUZA ALBAS, AGDA EUNICE; PIRES, ANA MARIA; TEIXEIRA, SILVIO RAINHO; LONGO, ELSON. Photoluminescence of Eu3+-doped CaZrO3 red-emitting phosphors synthesized via microwave-assisted hydrothermal method. MATERIALS TODAY COMMUNICATIONS, v. 24, p. 8-pg., . (16/20421-9, 13/07296-2, 17/21995-1)
COSTA, I. M.; DE ARAUJO, E. P.; ARANTES, A. N.; ZAGHETE, M. A.; CHIQUITO, A. J.. Unusual effects of nanowire-nanowire junctions on the persistent photoconductivity in SnO(2)nanowire network devices. Nanotechnology, v. 32, n. 1, p. 9-pg., . (13/07296-2)
BUENO, OTTO V. M.; BENITEZ, J. J.; SAN-MIGUEL, MIGUEL A.. Elucidating esterification reaction during deposition of cutin monomers from classical molecular dynamics simulations. Journal of Molecular Modeling, v. 26, n. 10, p. 10-pg., . (16/23891-6, 13/07296-2)
DA SILVA, KALINE NASCIMENTO; NAGAO, RAPHAEL; SITTA, ELTON. Oscillatory ethylene glycol electrooxidation reaction on Pt in alkaline media: The effect of surface orientation. Electrochimica Acta, v. 360, p. 8-pg., . (16/01817-9, 13/07296-2, 16/14758-0)
COLETO JR, UBIRAJARA; AMORESI, RAFAEL A. C.; PEREIRA, CHRYSTOPHER A. M.; SCHMIDT, BRUNA W.; IANI, ISABELA M.; SIMOES, ALEXANDRE Z.; MONTEIRO, ELIAS S.; LONGO, ELSON; ZAGHETE, MARIA A.; PERAZOLLI, LEINIG A.. Correlation of photocatalytic activity and defects generated in Ca2+-based heterojunctions. SN APPLIED SCIENCES, v. 2, n. 11, p. 14-pg., . (13/07296-2, 17/19143-7)
DE BRITO, JULIANA F.; CORRADINI, PATRICIA G.; ZANONI, MARIA VALNICE B.; MARKEN, FRANK; MASCARO, LUCIA H.. The influence of metallic Bi in BiVO4 semiconductor for artificial photosynthesis. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v. 851, p. 10-pg., . (18/16401-8, 14/50249-8, 13/07296-2, 18/02950-0)
GASTALDO, VINICIUS PASCOTTO; KLEIN, YANNICK; BAPTISTE, BENOIT; CABASSI, RICCARDO; GILIOLI, EDMONDO; GAUZZI, ANDREA; DE OLIVEIRA, ADILSON J. A.. Unconventional magnetic ferroelectricity in the quadruple perovskite NaMn7O12. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 102, n. 16, p. 5-pg., . (17/24995-2, 13/07296-2, 13/27097-4, 15/21206-1, 12/21171-5)
PINATTI, IVO M.; IRELAND, TERRY G.; FERN, GEORGE R.; ROSA, IEDA L. V.; SILVER, JACK. Low temperature micro Raman and laser induced upconversion and downconversion spectra of europium doped silver tungstate Ag2-3xEuxWO4 nanorods. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS, v. 28, n. 10, p. 7-pg., . (13/23995-8, 13/07296-2, 15/13669-1)
DA TRINDADE, LETICIA G.; PEREIRA, ERNESTO C.. SPEEK/Zeolite/Ionic-Liquid Anhydrous Polymer Membranes for Fuel-Cell Applications. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, v. N/A, n. 17, p. 8-pg., . (13/07296-2)
BARBOSA, MATHEUS DE AQUINO; LOPES FABRIS, GUILHERME DA SILVA; FERRER, MATEUS MENEGHETTI; MARCELINO DE AZEVEDO, DOUGLAS HENRIQUE; SAMBRANO, JULIO RICARDO. Computational Simulations of Morphological Transformations by Surface Structures: The Case of Rutile TiO2 phase. MATERIALS RESEARCH-IBERO-AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MATERIALS, v. 20, n. 4, p. 6-pg., . (16/07476-9, 13/07296-2, 13/19289-0)
UCKER, CATIA LIANE; RIEMKE, FABIO; GOETZKE, VITOR; MOREIRA, MARIO LUCIO; RAUBACH, CRISTIANE WIENKE; LONGO, ELSON; CAVA, SERGIO. Facile preparation of Nb2O5/TiO2 heterostructures for photocatalytic application. CHEMICAL PHYSICS IMPACT, v. 4, p. 7-pg., . (13/07296-2)
CIOLA AMORESI, RAFAEL APARECIDO; DE OLIVEIRA, REGIANE CRISTINA; CICHETTO, LEONELIO, JR.; MARIELA DESIMONE, PAULA; MANUEL ALDAO, CELSO; ADOLFO PONCE, MIGUEL; GRACIA, LOURDES; SAMBRANO, JULIO R.; LONGO, ELSON; ANDRES, JUAN; et al. Pure and Ni2O3-decorated CeO2 nanoparticles applied as CO gas sensor: Experimental and theoretical insights. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 48, n. 10, p. 12-pg., . (19/09296-6, 13/07296-2, 17/19143-7)
RODRIGUEZ-GUTIERREZ, INGRID; BEDIN, KAREN CRISTINA; MOURINO, BEATRIZ; SOUZA JUNIOR, JOAO BATISTA; SOUZA, FLAVIO LEANDRO. Advances in Engineered Metal Oxide Thin Films by Low-Cost, Solution-Based Techniques for Green Hydrogen Production. NANOMATERIALS, v. 12, n. 12, p. 21-pg., . (17/11986-5, 19/06654-9, 17/02317-2, 13/07296-2)
ILIC, NIKOLA; TEIXEIRA, GUILHERMINA F.; BOBIC, JELENA; SPASOJEVIC, VOJISLAV; DZUNUZOVIC, ADIS; PETROVIC, MIRJANA VIJATOVIC; ZAGHETE, MARIA A. P.; STOJANOVIC, BILJANA. Auto-combustion synthesis as a method for preparing BiFeO3 powders and flexible BiFeO3/PVDF films with improved magnetic properties. Influence of doping ion position, size and valence on electric properties. MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING B-ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL SOLID-STATE MATERIALS, v. 280, p. 10-pg., . (13/07296-2)
DEZOTTI, YURI; BARRIONUEVO, MANOEL VICTOR FRUTUOSO; SILVA, INGRID FERNANDES; RIBEIRO, MARCOS ANTONIO; ANEZ, RAFAEL; STUMPF, HUMBERTO OSORIO; SAN-MIGUEL, MIGUEL ANGEL; BARROS, WDESON PEREIRA. Experimental and theoretical studies of a pyridylvinyl(benzoate) based coordination polymer structure. CrystEngComm, v. 23, n. 46, . (13/07296-2, 20/09280-0, 17/26105-4)
DE MOURA, ANIELE; GAGLIERI, CAROLINE; ALARCON, RAFAEL TURRA; FERREIRA, LAURA TEOFILO; VECCHI, RAFAEL; ROVIS SANCHES, MARIANA LIESSA; DE OLIVEIRA, RODRIGO CARDOSO; VENTURINI, JAMES; DA SILVA-FILHO, LUIZ CARLOS; CAIRES, FLAVIO JUNIOR. A New Curcuminoids-Coumarin Derivative: Mechanochemical Synthesis, Characterization and Evaluation of Its In Vitro Cytotoxicity and Antimicrobial Properties. CHEMISTRYSELECT, v. 6, n. 41, p. 11352-11361, . (13/07296-2, 18/03460-6)
ZOSIAMLIANA, R.; CHETTRI, B.; FABRIS, G. S. L.; SAMBRANO, J. R.; ABDULLAEV, SHERZOD; ABDURAKHMANOV, G.; RAI, D. P.. Electronic, mechanical and piezoelectric properties of glass-like complex Na2Si1-xGexO3 (x=0.0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.0). RSC ADVANCES, v. 12, n. 42, p. 13-pg., . (13/07296-2, 19/08928-9)
FERNANDES, RENAN DA SILVA; TANAKA, FABRICIO CERIZZA; FERREIRA JUNIOR, CARLOS ROBERTO; YONEZAWA, UILIAN GABALDI; DE MOURA, MARCIA REGINA; AOUADA, FAUZE AHMAD. PAAm/CMC/nanoclay nanocomposite hydrogel: understanding the influence of initiators on the chain-growth mechanisms. JOURNAL OF POLYMER RESEARCH, v. 29, n. 12, p. 12-pg., . (13/07296-2)
COSTA, JOSE ARNALDO S.; DE JESUS, ROBERTA A.; SANTOS, DANILO O.; NERIS, JORDAN B.; FIGUEIREDO, RENAN T.; PARANHOS, CAIO M.. Synthesis, functionalization, and environmental application of silica-based mesoporous materials of the M41S and SBA-n families: A review. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, v. 9, n. 3, p. 30-pg., . (13/07296-2, 17/06775-5)
LEMOS, HUGO G. G.; ROSSATO, JESSICA H. H.; RAMOS JR, ROBERTO A. A.; LIMA, JOAO V. M.; AFFONCO, LUCAS J. J.; TROFIMOV, SERGEI; MICHEL, JOSE J. I.; FERNANDES, SILVIA L. L.; NAYDENOV, BORIS; GRAEFF, CARLOS F. O.. Electron transport bilayer with cascade energy alignment based on Nb2O5-Ti3C2 MXene/TiO2 for efficient perovskite solar cells. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C, v. N/A, p. 10-pg., . (13/07296-2, 20/16470-0)
SILVA, MAURO E.; PALM, MAIRA O.; DUARTE, DIEGO A. .; CATAPAN, RAFAEL C.. Catalytic Pt/Al2O3 Monolithic Foam for Ethanol Reforming Fabricated by the Competitive Impregnation Method. ACS OMEGA, v. N/A, p. 8-pg., . (13/07296-2)
ALVES, BRUNO C.; MIRANDA, RENATO DE S.; FRIGIERI, BARBARA M.; ZUCCARI, DEBORA A. P. C.; DE MOURA, MARCIA R.; AOUADA, FAUZE A.; TOKIMATSU, RUIS C.. A 3D Printing Scaffold Using Alginate/Hydroxyapatite for Application in Bone Regeneration. MATERIALS RESEARCH-IBERO-AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MATERIALS, v. 26, p. 7-pg., . (13/03643-0, 13/07296-2, 18/18697-1)
PILONETTO, LUIS FELIPE; STACIAKI, FELIPE; NOBREGA, ERYKA; CARNEIRO-NETO, EVALDO B.; DA SILVA, JEYSE; PEREIRA, ERNESTO. Mitigating the capacity loss by crossover transport in vanadium redox flow battery: A chemometric efficient strategy proposed using finite element method simulation. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, v. 474, p. 8-pg., . (17/11986-5, 21/03592-2, 19/27029-5, 21/11630-1, 19/11095-9, 22/05254-0, 13/07296-2)
STRAPASSON, GUILHERME B.; FLACH, EDUARDA DE C.; ASSIS, MARCELO; CORREA, SILMA A.; LONGO, ELSON; MACHADO, GIOVANNA; SANTOS, JACQUELINE F. L.; WEIBEL, DANIEL E.. Eco-friendly Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles and its Application in Hydrogen Photogeneration and Nanoplasmonic Biosensing. ChemPhysChem, v. N/A, p. 12-pg., . (13/07296-2)
DE MOURA, ANIELE; GAGLIERI, CAROLINE; DA SILVA-FILHO, LUIZ CARLOS; CAIRES, FLAVIO JUNIOR. Mechanochemical synthesis, characterization and thermoanalytical study of a new curcumin derivative. JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY, v. 146, n. 2, p. 587-594, . (18/24378-6, 18/14506-7, 13/07296-2)
PFEIFER, MARCELA; ANDRADE, FLAVIO A. C.; BORTOLETTO-SANTOS, RICARDO; AOUADA, FAUZE A.; RIBEIRO, CAUE. Effect of Different Surface-Charged Lamellar Materials on Swelling Properties of Nanocomposite Hydrogels. JOURNAL OF POLYMERS AND THE ENVIRONMENT, v. 29, n. 10, p. 3311-3323, . (19/18036-8, 16/10636-8, 20/03259-9, 13/07296-2, 13/03643-0)
SALOMAO, ARTHUR CORRADO; DOS SANTOS ARAUJO, MILENY; DOS SANTOS, HUGO LEANDRO SOUSA; MEDINA, MARINA; MASCARO, LUCIA HELENA; ANDRADE JUNIOR, MARCOS ANTONIO SANTANA. owards Highly Efficient Chalcopyrite Photocathodes for Water Splitting: The Use of Cocatalysts beyond P. CHEMSUSCHEM, v. 14, n. 21, . (19/26860-2, 17/15144-9, 13/07296-2, 20/09000-7, 17/12794-2, 17/11986-5, 14/50249-8)
ANDRADE, RENATO N. DE; PERINI, NICKSON; VIEIRA, JOSE LUCAS; GALLO, JEAN MARCEL R.; SITTA, ELTON. Glycerol electrooxidation catalyzed by Pt-Sb supported in periodic mesoporous carbon CMK-3 and CMK-5. JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, v. 896, . (20/04109-0, 13/07296-2, 16/02128-2, 17/11986-5)
PINATTI, IVO M.; TELLO, ANA C. M.; TRENCH, ALINE B.; DE FOGGI, CAMILA C.; PEREIRA, PAULA F. S.; TEIXEIRA, MAYARA M.; JACOMACI, NATALIA; ANDRES, JUAN; LONGO, ELSON. Zinc-substituted Ag2CrO4: A material with enhanced photocatalytic and biological activity. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v. 835, . (13/07296-2)
DA TRINDADE, LETICIA G.; BORBA, KATIUSCIA M. N.; TRENCH, ALINE B.; ZANCHET, LETICIA; TEODORO, VINICIUS; PONTES, FENELON M. L.; LONGO, ELSON; MAZZO, TATIANA M.. Effective strategy to coupling Zr-MOF/ZnO: Synthesis, morphology and photoelectrochemical properties evaluation. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, v. 293, . (13/07296-2)
DALL'OGLIO, DAIANE F.; GARCIA, MARCO A. S.; FIORIO, JHONATAN L.; DE ABREU, WIURY C.; PEREIRA, LAISE N. S.; BRAGA, ADRIANO; DE MOURA, EDMILSON M.; GULDHE, ABHISHEK; BUX, FAIZAL; DE MOURA, CARLA V. R.. Reusable Heterogeneous SnO2/ZnO Catalyst for Biodiesel Production from Acidifiied/Acid Oils. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, v. 32, n. 1, p. 182-193, . (13/07296-2)
BORATTO, MIGUEL H.; NOZELLA, NATAN L.; RAMOS, JR., ROBERTO A.; DA SILVA, RAFAEL APARECIDO; GRAEFF, CARLOS F. O.. Flexible conductive blend of natural rubber latex with PEDOT:PSS. APL Materials, v. 8, n. 12, . (19/18481-1, 16/01743-5, 13/07296-2, 17/20809-0)
RODRIGUES FIUZA, TANNA ELYN; DA SILVA, MARLON MUNIZ; BETTINI, JEFFERSON; LEITE, EDSON ROBERTO. Visualization of the Final Stage of Sintering in Nanoceramics with Atomic Resolution. Nano Letters, v. 22, n. 5, p. 8-pg., . (13/07296-2)
BOEIRA, CAROLINE PAGNOSSIM; FLORES, DEBORAH CRISTINA BARCELOS; ALVES, JAMILA DOS SANTOS; DE MOURA, MARCIA REGINA; MELO, PAMELA THAIS SOUSA; ROLIM, CLARICE MADALENA BUENO; NOGUEIRA-LIBRELOTTO, DANIELE RUBERT; DA ROSA, CLAUDIA SEVERO. Effect of corn stigma extract on physical and antioxidant properties of biodegradable and edible gelatin and corn starch films. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, v. 208, p. 9-pg., . (13/07296-2, 19/06170-1)
MARTINS, LUCAS MICHELAO; MORENO, VITOR FERNANDES; ROSARIO, ILANA SGANZERLA; DE OLIVEIRA GRAEFF, CARLOS FREDERICO; SILVA FILHO, LUIZ CARLOS. Bronsted Acid Mediated Facile Greener Multicomponent Synthesis of 2,4-Diaryl-quinoline Derivatives in Water. ORBITAL-THE ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, v. 14, n. 1, p. 9-pg., . (13/07296-2, 18/14506-7, 16/01599-1, 18/09235-4)
DE MOURA, ANIELE; BENEDITO JUNIOR, JOSE; SOBRAL CARVALHO, ANA CARINA; CAIRES, FLAVIO JUNIOR. Green synthesis of a Schiff base ligand and its Co(II), Cu(II) and Zn(II) complexes: thermoanalytical and spectroscopic studies. JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY, v. N/A, p. 14-pg., . (18/24378-6, 13/07296-2)
ROBELDO, THAIANE; RIBEIRO, LUCAS S.; MANRIQUE, LIDA; KUBO, ANDRESSA MAYUMI; LONGO, ELSON; CAMARGO, EMERSON RODRIGUES; BORRA, RICARDO CARNEIRO. Modified Titanium Dioxide as a Potential Visible-Light-Activated Photosensitizer for Bladder Cancer Treatment. ACS OMEGA, v. N/A, p. 12-pg., . (13/07296-2, 17/24832-6)
VEDOVELLO, PRISCILA; COSTA, JOSE ARNALDO SANTANA; FERNANDES, CARLA; TIRITAN, MARIA ELIZABETH; PARANHO, CAIO MARCIO. Evaluation of chiral separation by Pirkle-type chiral selector based mixed matrix membranes. Separation and Purification Technology, v. 289, p. 14-pg., . (17/06775-5, 13/07296-2, 17/18331-4, 19/09037-0)
COSTA, JOSE ARNALDO S.; DE JESUS, ROBERTA A.; SANTOS, DANILO O.; MANO, JOAO F.; ROMAO, LUCIANE P. C.; PARANHOS, CAIO M.. Recent progresses in the adsorption of organic, inorganic, and gas compounds by MCM-41-based mesoporous materials. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, v. 291, . (18/18894-1, 14/05679-4, 17/06775-5, 13/07296-2)
MEDINA, MARINA; CORRADINI, PATRICIA G.; MASCARO, LUCIA H.. Facile One-Step Electrodeposition Fabrication of Amorphous MoS2 Catalysts in Titanium for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, v. 30, n. 10, SI, p. 2210-2218, . (17/12794-2, 13/07296-2, 18/16401-8, 14/50249-8)
FOSCHINI, CESAR R.; HANGAI, BRUNO; ORTEGA, PEDRO PAULO; LONGO, ELSON; CILENSE, MARIO; SIMOES, ALEXANDRE Z.. Evidence of ferroelectric behaviour in CaCu3Ti4O12 thin films deposited by RF-sputtering. PROCESSING AND APPLICATION OF CERAMICS, v. 13, n. 3, p. 219-228, . (13/07296-2)
RODRIGUES, JOAO E. F. S.; FERRER, MATEUS M.; MOREIRA, MARIO L.; SAMBRANO, JULIO R.; COSTA, RENILTON C.; RODRIGUES, ARIANO D.; PIZANI, PAULO S.; HUTTEL, Y.; ALONSO, JOSE A.; PECHARROMAN, CARLOS. Unveiling the infrared complex dielectric function of ilmenite CdTiO3. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v. 813, . (19/08928-9, 13/07296-2, 13/07793-6)
SCHMIDT, SAMARA; KUBASKI, EVALDO T.; VOLANTI, DIOGO P.; SEQUINEL, THIAGO; BEZZON, VINICIUS D. N.; TEBCHERANI, SERGIO M.. Synthesis of acicular alpha-Bi2O3 microcrystals by microwave-assisted hydrothermal method. PARTICULATE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, v. 37, n. 8, p. 923-927, . (13/07296-2)
DE CAMPOS DA COSTA, JOAO PAULO; CICHETTO JUNIOR, LEONELIO; DE ARAUJO, ESTACIO PAIVA; ARANTES, ADRYELLE DO NASCIMENTO; LONGO, ELSON; CHIQUITO, ADENILSON JOSE; CARMO, JOAO PAULO. Graphite-Based Multianalyte VOC Gas Detection on Multichannel PCB IDE Sensor. IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, v. 22, n. 22, p. 8-pg., . (14/01371-5, 13/07296-2, 19/18656-6, 17/23663-6)
SUZUKI, VICTOR Y.; AMORIN, LUIS H. C.; FABRIS, GUILHERME S. L.; DEY, SWAYANDIPTA; SAMBRANO, JULIO R.; COHEN, HAGAI; ORON, DAN; LA PORTA, FELIPE A.. Enhanced Photocatalytic and Photoluminescence Properties Resulting from Type-I Band Alignment in the Zn2GeO4/g-C3N4 Nanocomposites. CATALYSTS, v. 12, n. 7, p. 13-pg., . (19/08928-9, 22/03959-6, 13/07296-2)
OLEAN-OLIVEIRA, ANDRE; BRITO, GILBERTO A. OLIVEIRA; CARDOSO, CELSO XAVIER; TEIXEIRA, MARCOS F. S.. Role of anion size in the electrochemical performance of a Poly(thionine) redox conductive polymer using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Polymer, v. 258, p. 9-pg., . (16/09017-1, 13/07296-2)
PAULIN, JOAO V.; GRAEFF, CARLOS F. O.; MOSTERT, A. BERNARDUS. Decoding eumelanin's spin label signature: a comprehensive EPR analysis. MATERIALS ADVANCES, v. 5, n. 4, p. 25-pg., . (20/15869-6, 14/25979-2, 13/07296-2)
DE OLIVEIRA, MARISA CARVALHO; LONGO, ELSON; RIBEIRO, RENAN A. P.; LEMOS, SAMANTHA C. S.; ANDRES, JUAN; GRACIA, LOURDES. First-principles study on the stability, electronic structure, and band alignment of AgNbO3 surfaces: Understanding the adsorption process of H2O and O2. COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE, v. 246, p. 14-pg., . (13/07296-2, 22/16840-7, 21/01651-1)
PEREIRA, CHRYSTOPHER A. M.; AMORESI, RAFAEL A. C.; TEIXEIRA, GUILHERMINA F.; OLIVEIRA, REGIANE C.; COLETO JR, UBIRAJARA; DA LUZ, ANGELICA R.; DE ALMEIDA, PRISCILA B.; SIMOES, ALEXANDRE Z.; MONTEIRO FILHO, ELIAS S.; LONGO, ELSON; et al. Effect of chemical potential on the structural modification of titanate- based photocatalysts: Fast dye degradation efficiency and adsorption power. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v. 947, p. 13-pg., . (13/07296-2)
SOFFIATI, GABRIELA; YUKUHIRO, VICTOR Y.; RAJU, SWATHI P.; DE SOUZA, MATHEUS B. C.; MARQUEZINI, LEONARDO; DA SILVA, EDISON Z.; FERNANDEZ, PABLO S.; SAN-MIGUEL, MIGUEL A.. Electro-Oxidation of Polyols on Bi-Modified Pt in Acidic Media (HCl (TM) O-4). Understanding Activity and Selectivity Trends. CHEMCATCHEM, v. N/A, p. 13-pg., . (17/11986-5, 17/26105-4, 16/23891-6, 20/04431-0, 13/07296-2, 16/01365-0)
VEDOVELLO, PRISCILA; PARANHOS, CAIO MARCIO. CO2 Capture Improvement in Polyetherimide Membranes: Effect of Ionic Liquid on the Molecular Mobility. Journal of Macromolecular Science : Physics, v. 61, n. 12, p. 14-pg., . (15/00609-0, 13/07296-2)
ALVES, JAMILA DOS SANTOS; CANABARRO, NICHOLAS ISLONGO; BOEIRA, CAROLINE PAGNOSSIM; MELO, PAMELA THAIS SOUSA; AOUADA, MARCIA REGINA DE MOURA; DA ROSA, CLAUDIA SEVERO. Design of Biodegradable Films Using Pecan Nut Cake Extracts for Food Packing. FOODS, v. 12, n. 7, p. 16-pg., . (13/07296-2, 19/06170-1)
CIBELE CARNEIRO PESSAN; JULIANA S. BERNARDES; SÍLVIA H. P. BETTINI; EDSON R. LEITE. Self-sustained Films of Cellulose/Graphite Composites: Mechanical and Water Vapor Barrier Properties. MATERIALS RESEARCH-IBERO-AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MATERIALS, v. 26, . (13/07296-2)
CARVALHO, SABRINA G. M.; MUCCILLO, ELIANA N. S.; MUCCILLO, REGINALDO. Design and Validation of an Experimental Setup for Evaluation of Gas Permeation in Ceramic Membranes. MEMBRANES, v. 13, n. 2, p. 12-pg., . (20/05250-9, 17/11937-4, 13/07296-2)
COSTA, MAGNO BARCELOS; DE SOUZA LUCAS, FRANCISCO WILLIAN; MASCARO, LUCIA HELENA. Electrodeposition of Fe-doped Sb2Se3 thin films for photoelectrochemical applications and study of the doping effects on their properties. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, v. 22, n. 5, SI, p. 1557-1562, . (16/10513-3, 13/07296-2)
FERREIRA, RAFAEL A.; DOS SANTOS, MARIA ELENICE; MORILLA-SANTOS, CASSIO; LEBULLENGER, RONAN; PENA, OCTAVIO; LISBOA-FILHO, PAULO NORONHA. Effect of Eu substitution on the crystallographic and magnetic properties of the BiMn2O5 oxide obtained by urea combustion. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 40, n. 8, B, p. 13643-13648, . (07/08072-0, 13/07296-2)
SILVA, R. A.; ORLANDI, M. O.. Influence of Synthesis Route on the Radiation Sensing Properties of ZnO Nanostructures. Journal of Nanomaterials, . (13/07296-2)
MASTEGHIN, MATEUS GALLUCCI; ORLANDI, MARCELO ORNAGHI. Grain-Boundary Resistance and Nonlinear Coefficient Correlation for SnO2-Based Varistors. MATERIALS RESEARCH-IBERO-AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MATERIALS, v. 19, n. 6, p. 1286-1291, . (13/07296-2)
OLIVEIRA, CIBELE A.; VOLANTI, DIOGO P.; NOGUEIRA, ANDRE E.; ZAMPERINI, CAMILA A.; VERGANI, CARLOS E.; LONGO, ELSON. Well-designed beta-Ag2MoO4 crystals with photocatalytic and antibacterial activity. MATERIALS & DESIGN, v. 115, p. 73-81, . (12/09980-5, 14/17343-0, 13/07296-2)
MANFROI, DANIELA C.; DOS ANJOS, ADEMIR; CAVALHEIRO, ALBERTO A.; PERAZOLLI, LEINIG A.; VARELA, JOSE A.; ZAGHETE, MARIA A.. Titanate nanotubes produced from microwave-assisted hydrothermal synthesis: Photocatalytic and structural properties. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 40, n. 9, A, p. 14483-14491, . (13/07296-2)
ANDRE, R. S.; ZANETTI, S. M.; VARELA, J. A.; LONGO, E.. Synthesis by a chemical method and characterization of CaZrO3 powders: Potential application as humidity sensors. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 40, n. 10, B, p. 16627-16634, . (08/57872-1, 13/07296-2)
ROCHA, L. S. R.; CAVALCANTI, C. S.; AMORESI, R. A. C.; STOJANOVIC, B. D.; BORSARI, E.; ZAGHETE, M. A.; SIMOES, A. Z.. RETRACTED: A study approach on ferroelectric domains in BaTiO3 (Retracted article. See vol. 148, pg. 360, 2019). MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION, v. 120, p. 257-262, . (08/57872-1, 13/07296-2)
RANIERI, M. G. A.; CILENSE, M.; AGUIAR, E. C.; SILVA, C. C.; SIMOES, A. Z.; LONGO, E.. Electrical behavior of chemically grown lanthanum ferrite thin films. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 42, n. 2, A, p. 2234-2240, . (08/57872-1, 13/07296-2)
PINATTI, IVO M.; MAZZO, TATIANA M.; GONCALVES, ROSANA F.; VARELA, JOSE A.; LONGO, ELSON; ROSA, IEDA L. V.. CaTiO3 and Ca1-3xSmxTiO3: Photoluminescence and morphology as a result of Hydrothermal Microwave Methodology. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 42, n. 1, B, p. 1352-1360, . (08/57872-1, 13/07296-2)
ANDRES, JUAN; GRACIA, LOURDES; GOUVEIA, AMANDA FERNANDES; FERRER, MATEUS MENEGHETTI; LONGO, ELSON. Effects of surface stability on the morphological transformation of metals and metal oxides as investigated by first-principles calculations. Nanotechnology, v. 26, n. 40, . (12/14468-1, 13/26671-9, 13/07296-2, 14/04350-9)
BREGADIOLLI, BRUNA ANDRESSA; FERNANDES, SILVIA LETICIA; DE OLIVEIRA GRAEFF, CARLOS FREDERICO. Easy and Fast Preparation of TiO2 - based Nanostructures Using Microwave Assisted Hydrothermal Synthesis. MATERIALS RESEARCH-IBERO-AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MATERIALS, v. 20, n. 4, p. 912-919, . (11/02205-3, 13/07296-2)
BARBOSA, MATHEUS DE AQUINO; LOPES FABRIS, GUILHERME DA SILVA; FERRER, MATEUS MENEGHETTI; MARCELINO DE AZEVEDO, DOUGLAS HENRIQUE; SAMBRANO, JULIO RICARDO. Computational Simulations of Morphological Transformations by Surface Structures: The Case of Rutile TiO2 phase. MATERIALS RESEARCH-IBERO-AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MATERIALS, v. 20, n. 4, p. 920-925, . (16/07476-9, 13/07296-2, 13/19289-0)
BYZYNSKI, GABRIELA; MELO, CAMILA; VOLANTI, DIOGO P.; FERRER, MATEUS M.; GOUVEIA, AMANDA F.; RIBEIRO, CAUE; ANDRES, JUAN; LONGO, ELSON. The interplay between morphology and photocatalytic activity in ZnO and N-doped ZnO crystals. MATERIALS & DESIGN, v. 120, p. 363-375, . (15/04511-5, 13/07296-2, 14/17343-0, 13/26671-9)
ANDRES, JUAN; GOUVEIA, AMANDA FERNANDES; GRACIA, LOURDES; LONGO, ELSON; MANZEPPI FACCIN, GIOVANI; DA SILVA, EDISON ZACARIAS; PEREIRA, DOUGLAS HENRIQUE; SAN-MIGUEL, MIGUEL ANGEL. Formation of Ag nanoparticles under electron beam irradiation: Atomistic origins from first-principles calculations. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, v. 118, n. 9, SI, . (17/07240-8, 15/19709-5, 13/26671-9, 13/07296-2)
FERNANDES, SILVIA L.; AFFONCO, LUCAS J.; JUNIOR, ROBERTO A. R.; DA SILVA, JOSE H. D.; LONGO, ELSON; GRAEFF, CARLOS F. DE O.. Niobium Oxide Films Deposited by Reactive Sputtering: Effect of Oxygen Flow Rate. JOVE-JOURNAL OF VISUALIZED EXPERIMENTS, n. 151, . (13/09963-6, 13/07296-2, 17/11072-3, 17/18916-2)
PINATTI, IVO M.; IRELAND, TERRY G.; FERN, GEORGE R.; ROSA, IEDA L. V.; SILVER, JACK. Low temperature micro Raman and laser induced upconversion and downconversion spectra of europium doped silver tungstate Ag2-3xEuxWO4 nanorods. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS, v. 28, n. 10, SI, p. 7029-7035, . (13/23995-8, 15/13669-1, 13/07296-2)
JIANG, WENFENG; QU, ZHI-BEI; KUMAR, PRASHANT; VECCHIO, DREW; WANG, YUEFEI; MA, YU; BAHNG, JOONG HWAN; BERNARDINO, KALIL; GOMES, WEVERSON R.; COLOMBARI, FELIPPE M.; et al. Emergence of complexity inhierarchically organized chiral particles. Science, v. 368, n. 6491, SI, p. 642+, . (09/54035-4, 17/12063-8, 13/07296-2, 12/15147-4)
FABRIS, GUILHERME S. L.; PASKOCIMAS, CARLOS A.; SAMBRANO, JULIO R.; PAUPITZ, RICARDO. A promising nanoporous AlxGa(1-x)N nanosheet based on octagraphene. Materials Letters, v. 284, n. 2, . (13/07296-2, 18/03961-5, 19/08928-9)
STOEBERL, V; GUEDES, E. B.; ABBATE, M.; ABUD, F.; JARDIM, R. F.; MOSSANEK, R. J. O.. Charge screening effects in the resonant photoemission of Rh2O3, RuO2, and MoO2. Physical Review B, v. 102, n. 15, . (13/07296-2)
GUEDES, E. B.; ABUD, E.; MARTINS, H. P.; ABBATE, M.; JARDIM, R. F.; MOSSANEK, R. J. O.. Role of Ti-Ru interaction in SrTi0.5Ru0.5O3: Physical properties, x-ray spectroscopy, and cluster model calculations. Physical Review B, v. 100, n. 7, . (13/07296-2, 14/19245-6, 14/12401-2)
LIMA, A. S.; ROCHA, R. D. C.; PEREIRA, E. C.; SIKORA, M. DE S.. Photodegradation of Ciprofloxacin antibiotic over TiO2 grown by PEO: ecotoxicity response in Lactuca sativa L. and Lemna minor. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, . (13/07296-2, 17/11986-5, 14/50249-8, 08/00180-0)
PEREIRA, ZENNER S.; DA SILVA, EDISON Z.. Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in Cyclo[18]Carbon. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, v. 124, n. 6, SI, p. 1152-1157, . (16/23891-6, 13/07296-2)
SANTOS, HUGO L. S.; CORRADINI, PATRICIA G.; ANDRADE, JR., MARCOS A. S.; MASCARO, LUCIA HELENA. CuO/NiOx thin film-based photocathodes for photoelectrochemical water splitting. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, v. 24, n. 8, SI, . (17/12794-2, 17/11986-5, 18/16401-8, 13/07296-2)
COSTA, JOSE ARNALDO S.; DE JESUS, ROBERTA A.; SANTOS, DANILO O.; NERIS, JORDAN B.; FIGUEIREDO, RENAN T.; PARANHOS, CAIO M.. ynthesis, functionalization, and environmental application of silica-based mesoporous materials of the M41S and SBA-n families: A revie. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, v. 9, n. 3, . (17/06775-5, 13/07296-2)
DE SOUSA, P. B.; GOUVEIA, A. F.; SCZANCOSKI, J. C.; NOGUEIRA, I. C.; LONGO, E.; SAN-MIGUEL, M. A.; CAVALCANTE, L. S.. Electronic structure, optical and sonophotocatalytic properties of spindle-like CaWO4 microcrystals synthesized by the sonochemical method. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v. 855, n. 1, . (19/01732-1, 13/07296-2, 16/23891-6)
DE ARAUJO, MOISES A.; LUCAS, FRANCISCO W. S.; MASCARO, LUCIA H.. Effect of the electrodeposition potential on the photoelectroactivity of the SnS/Sb2S3 thin films. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, v. 24, n. 2, SI, . (16/12681-0, 18/03156-5, 13/07296-2, 18/16401-8)
DE MOURA, ANIELE; GAGLIERI, CAROLINE; DA SILVA-FILHO, LUIZ CARLOS; CAIRES, FLAVIO JUNIOR. Mechanochemical synthesis, characterization and thermoanalytical study of a new curcumin derivative. JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY, . (18/24378-6, 13/07296-2, 18/14506-7)
DA TRINDADE, LETICIA GUERREIRO; ZANCHET, LETICIA; SOUZA, JOSIANE CARNEIRO; LEITE, EDSON ROBERTO; AGOSTINI MARTINI, EMILSE MARIA; PEREIRA, ERNESTO CHAVES. Enhancement of sulfonated poly(ether ether ketone)-based proton exchange membranes doped with different ionic liquids cations. IONICS, . (13/07296-2)
RIBEIRO, RENAN A. P.; OLIVEIRA, MARISA C.; LONGO, ELSON; DE LAZARO, SERGIO R.; NIKAM, R.; GOYAL, P. S.; RADHA, S.; RAYAPROL, S.. agnetism and DFT calculations for understanding magnetic ground state of Fe doped Mn2O. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v. 861, . (13/07296-2)
GONCALVES, R. F.; LIMA, A. R. F.; GODINHO, M. J.; MOURA, A. P.; ESPINOSA, J.; LONGO, E.; MARQUES, A. P. A.. Synthesis of Pr3+-doped CaTiO3 using polymeric precursor and microwave-assisted hydrothermal methods: A comparative study. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 41, n. 10, A, p. 12841-12848, . (13/07437-5, 13/07296-2, 08/57872-1)
AGUIAR, E. C.; RAMIREZ, M. A.; CORTES, J. A.; ROCHA, L. S.; BORSARI, E.; SIMOES, A. Z.. Magnetoelectric coupling of LaFeO3/BiFeO3 heterostructures. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 41, n. 10, A, p. 13126-13134, . (08/57872-1, 13/07296-2)
M. HERNÁNDEZ-WOLPEZ; L. C. GUTIÉRREZ-RIVERO; I. GARCÍA-FORNARIS; E. GOVEA-ALCAIDE; F. ABUD; R. F. JARDIM; P. MUNÉ. Magnetic relaxation in (Bi, Pb)-2223 superconducting ceramics doped with α-Al 2 O 3 nanoparticles. REVISTA MEXICANA DE FISICA, v. 66, n. 1, p. 42-46, . (14/19245-6, 13/07296-2)
FRANCISCO W. S. LUCAS; LUCIA H. MASCARO. Electrochemical Deposition of the Single Phase Tlx Cu3 - x Se2 Thin Films. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, v. 29, n. 12, p. 2449-2456, . (12/10947-2, 16/10513-3, 13/07296-2)
FERNANDO MODESTO BORGES DE OLIVEIRA; JOSÉ ARANA VARELA; MARCELO ORNAGHI ORLANDI. Influence of pH in Obtaining Indium Tin Oxide Nanoparticles by Microwave Assisted Solvothermal Method. MATERIALS RESEARCH-IBERO-AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MATERIALS, v. 21, n. 2, . (13/07296-2)
DYOVANI COELHO; JOÃO PEDRO R. S. GAUDÊNCIO; LUCIA H. MASCARO. Boosting the Photocurrent of the WO3/BiVO4 Heterojunction by Photoelectrodeposition of the Oxy-Hydroxide-Phosphates Based on Co, Fe, or Ni. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, v. 33, n. 7, p. 743-752, . (13/07296-2, 17/11986-5, 21/08614-4)
GUELL, FRANK; GALDAMEZ-MARTINEZ, ANDRES; MARTINEZ-ALANIS, PAULINA R.; CATTO, ARIADNE C.; DA SILVA, LUIS F.; MASTELARO, VALMOR R.; SANTANA, GUILLERMO; DUTT, ATEET. ZnO-based nanomaterials approach for photocatalytic and sensing applications: recent progress and trends. MATERIALS ADVANCES, v. 4, n. 17, p. 24-pg., . (22/02927-3, 13/07296-2, 18/18208-0)
ASSIS, MARCELO; ADOLFO PONCE, MIGUEL; FERNANDES GOUVEIA, AMANDA; SOUZA, DANIELE; DE CAMPOS DA COSTA, JOAO PAULO; TEODORO, VINICIUS; GOBATO, YARA GALVAO; ANDRES, JUAN; MACCHI, CARLOS; SOMOZA, ALBERTO; et al. Revealing the Nature of Defects in alpha-Ag2WO4 by Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy: A Joint Experimental and Theoretical Study. Crystal Growth & Design, v. 21, n. 2, p. 1093-1102, . (19/01732-1, 13/07296-2)
RAMOS, SERGIANA DOS P.; GIACONIA, MICHELE A.; ASSIS, MARCELO; JIMENEZ, PAULA C.; MAZZO, TATIANA M.; LONGO, ELSON; DE ROSSO, VERIDIANA V.; BRAGA, ANNA R. C.. Uniaxial and Coaxial Electrospinning for Tailoring Jussara Pulp Nanofibers. Molecules, v. 26, n. 5, . (20/03560-0, 20/06732-7, 18/13408-1, 18/01550-8, 13/07296-2, 19/08975-7)
ASSIS, MARCELO; SIMOES, LUIZ GUSTAVO P.; TREMILIOSI, GUILHERME C.; COELHO, DYOVANI; MINOZZI, DANIEL T.; SANTOS, I, RENATO; VILELA, DAIANE C. B.; DO SANTOS, JEZIEL RODRIGUES; RIBEIRO, LARA KELLY; VIANA ROSA, IEDA LUCIA; et al. SiO2-Ag Composite as a Highly Virucidal Material: A Roadmap that Rapidly Eliminates SARS-CoV-2. NANOMATERIALS, v. 11, n. 3, . (17/11986-5, 13/07296-2, 11/51084-4)
MUCCILLO, REGINALDO; DE FLORIO, DANIEL ZANETTI; FONSECA, FABIO C.; CARVALHO, SABRINA G. M.; MUCCILLO, ELIANA N. S.. lectric field-assisted sintering anode-supported single solid oxide fuel cel. International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, v. 19, n. 2, . (17/11937-4, 13/07296-2)
PAULIN, JOAO V.; GRAEFF, CARLOS F. O.. From nature to organic (bio)electronics: a review on melanin-inspired materials. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C, v. 9, n. 41, . (13/07296-2, 15/23000-1)
SANTANA COSTA, JOSE ARNALDO; COSTA, VINICIUS CAMARA; DE MELLO, MATHEUS LIMA; PARANHOS, CAIO MARCIO. pplication of the experimental design in the optimization of a procedure for antimony (Sb) remediation in environmental samples employing mesoporous arra. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, v. 29, n. 8, . (13/07296-2, 17/06775-5, 21/01187-3)
TORRES-MENDIETA, RAFAEL OMAR; TEIXEIRA, MAYARA MONDEGO; MINGUEZ-VEGA, GLADYS; DE SOUZA, DANIELE; GOBATO, YARA GALVAO; ASSIS, MARCELO; BELTRAN-MIR, HECTOR; CORDONCILLO, ELOISA; ANDRES, JUAN; CERNIK, MIROSLAV; et al. Toward Expanding the Optical Response of Ag2CrO4 and Bi2O3 by Their Laser-Mediated Heterojunction. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 124, n. 48, p. 26404-26414, . (13/07296-2)
MIRABELLA, D. A.; DESIMONE, P. M.; PONCE, M. A.; ALDAO, C. M.; DA SILVA, L. F.; CATTO, A. C.; LONGO, E.. Effects of donor density on power-law response in tin dioxide gas sensors. SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL, v. 329, . (18/18208-0, 13/07296-2, 17/12437-5)
GROMBONI, MURILO F.; SALES, ALMIR; REZENDE, MARIANA DE A. M.; MORETTI, JULIANA P.; CORRADINI, PATRICIA G.; MASCARO, LUCIA H.. Impact of agro-industrial waste on steel corrosion susceptibility in media simulating concrete pore solutions. JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, v. 284, . (13/07296-2)
GONCALVES, R.; PAIVA, R. S.; LIMA, T. M.; PAIXAO, M. W.; PEREIRA, E. C.. Carbon nitride/polypyrrole composite supercapacitor: Boosting performance and stability. Electrochimica Acta, v. 368, . (15/17141-1, 14/50249-8, 17/11986-5, 17/06536-0, 13/07296-2, 11/10897-2)
OLIVEIRA, FERNANDA K. F.; SANTIAGO, ANDERSON A. G.; CATTO, ARIADNE C.; DA SILVA, LUIS F.; TRANQUILIN, RICARDO L.; LONGO, ELSON; MOTTA, V, FABIANA; BOMIO, MAURICIO R. D.. Cerium molybdate nanocrystals: Microstructural, optical and gas-sensing properties. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v. 857, . (13/07296-2, 17/12437-5)
ARANTES, ADRYELLE N.; ARAUJO, ESTACIO P.; PELLEGRINI, MANUELA; PEDERSOLI, ANDRE A.; CHIQUITO, ADENILSON J.. A simple band model for ultraviolet induced ambipolarity in single SnO2 nanowire devices. PHYSICA E-LOW-DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS & NANOSTRUCTURES, v. 128, . (13/19692-0, 13/07296-2)
DIAS, JEFERSON A.; ANDRADE JR, MARCOS A. S.; SANTOS, HUGO L. S.; MORELLI, MARCIO R.; MASCARO, LUCIA H.. Lanthanum-Based Perovskites for Catalytic Oxygen Evolution Reaction. CHEMELECTROCHEM, v. 7, n. 15, . (17/15144-9, 14/50249-8, 17/11986-5, 18/26005-2, 19/26860-2, 18/16401-8, 13/07296-2)
DE OLIVEIRA, REGIANE CRISTINA; CABRAL, LUIS; CABRAL, ANA CRISTINA; ALMEIDA, PRISCILA BARROS; TIBALDI, NICOLAS; SAMBRANO, JULIO RICARDO; SIMOES, ALEXANDRE ZIRPOLI; MACCHI, CARLOS EUGENIO; MOURA, FRANCISCO; MARQUES, GILMAR EUGENIO; et al. Charge transfer in Pr-Doped cerium oxide: Experimental and theoretical investigations. Materials Chemistry and Physics, v. 249, . (19/08928-9, 18/20729-9, 08/57872-1, 13/07296-2)
CARVALHO, S. G. M.; MUCCILLO, E. N. S.; MARQUES, F. M. B.; MUCCILLO, R.. Electric field-assisted sintering (gadolinia-doped ceria/alkali salts) composite membranes. MATERIALIA, v. 11, . (17/11937-4, 13/07296-2)
DOS SANTOS SILVA, WEVERTON A.; DE LIMA, BRUNO S.; BERNARDI, MARIA I. B.; MASTELARO, VALMOR R.. Enhancement of the ozone-sensing properties of ZnO through chemical-etched surface texturing. JOURNAL OF NANOPARTICLE RESEARCH, v. 24, n. 5, p. 11-pg., . (19/22076-5, 18/07517-2, 13/07296-2, 19/22899-1)
BUENO, O. M. VARGAS MACHUCA; SAN-MIGUEL, M. A.; BERTRAN, C. A.; DA SILVA, E. ZACARIAS; LOPES, J. H.. Unveiling the mechanism of the triethyl phosphate hydrolysis reaction in the synthesis of the sol-gel-derived 58S bioactive glass. MATERIALS TODAY CHEMISTRY, v. 24, p. 12-pg., . (17/26105-4, 10/05394-9, 20/11815-9, 16/23891-6, 13/07296-2)
COELHO, DYOVANI; GAUDENCIOA, JOAO PEDRO R. S.; MASCARO, LUCIA H.. Boosting the Photocurrent of the WO3/BiVO4 Heterojunction by Photoelectrodeposition of the Oxy-Hydroxide-Phosphates Based on Co, Fe, or Ni. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, v. 33, n. 8, p. 10-pg., . (13/07296-2, 17/11986-5, 21/08614-4)
BEDIN, KAREN C.; RODRIGUEZ-GUTIERREZ, INGRID; PEREGRINO, LIZANDRA R. P.; VAYSSIERES, LIONEL; SOUZA, FLAVIO L.. On electron loss lowering at hematite photoelectrode interfaces. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v. N/A, p. 14-pg., . (17/02317-2, 17/11986-5, 13/07296-2, 21/07459-5)
ASSIS, MARCELO; TELLO, ANA C. M.; ABUD, FABIO S. A.; NEGRE, PABLO; RIBEIRO, LARA K.; RIBEIRO, RENAN A. P.; MASUNAGA, SUELI H.; LIMA, ALINE E. B.; LUZ JR, GERALDO E.; JARDIM, RENATO F.; et al. Bridging experiment and theory: Morphology, optical, electronic, and magnetic properties of MnWO4. Applied Surface Science, v. 600, p. 13-pg., . (13/07296-2)
MARTINS, NICOLAS F.; FABRIS, GUILHERME S. L.; MAIA, ARY S.; ALBUQUERQUE, ANDERSON R.; SAMBRANO, JULIO R.. Inorganic graphenylene-like silicon carbide as anode material for Na batteries. FLATCHEM, v. 35, p. 8-pg., . (22/03959-6, 19/08928-9, 13/07296-2, 22/00349-2, 20/10380-9)
GOMES, EDUARDO O.; FABRIS, GUILHERME S. L.; FERRER, MATEUS M.; MOTTA, V, FABIANA; BOMIO, MAURICIO R. D.; ANDRES, JUAN; LONGO, ELSON; SAMBRANO, JULIO R.. Computational procedure to an accurate DFT simulation to solid state systems. COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE, v. 170, . (16/07476-9, 13/07296-2)
OLIVEIRA, MARISA C.; RIBEIRO, RENAN A. P.; LONGO, ELSON; BOMIO, MAURICIO R. D.; MOTTA, FABIANA V.; DE LAZARO, SERGIO R.. Temperature dependence on phase evolution in the BaTiO3 polytypes studied using ab initio calculations. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, v. 120, n. 1, . (13/07296-2)
PAES, V. Z. C.; MOSCA, D. H.; DE OLIVEIRA, A. J. A.; VARALDA, J.. Non-conventional ferromagnetism and high bias magnetoresistance in TiO2-x A simple phenomenological approach. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, v. 497, . (17/24995-2, 13/07296-2)
RODRIGUEZ-GUTIERREZ, INGRID; SOUZA JUNIOR, JOAO B.; LEITE, EDSON R.; VAYSSIERES, LIONEL; SOUZA, FLAVIO L.. An intensity modulated photocurrent spectroscopy study of the role of titanium in thick hematite photoanodes. Applied Physics Letters, v. 119, n. 7, . (19/06654-9, 17/11986-5, 13/07296-2, 17/02317-2)
DA SILVEIRA LACERDA, LUIS HENRIQUE; SAN-MIGUEL, MIGUEL A.. DFT approaches unraveling the surface and morphological properties of MnMoO4. Applied Surface Science, v. 567, . (20/03780-0, 13/07296-2, 16/23891-6, 17/26105-4)
DE CAMPOS DA COSTA, JOAO PAULO; ASSIS, MARCELO; TEODORO, VINICIUS; RODRIGUES, ANDRE; DE FOGGI, CAMILA CRISTINA; SAN-MIGUEL, MIGUEL ANGEL; PEREIRA DO CARMO, JOAO PAULO; ANDRES, JUAN; LONGO, ELSON. Electron beam irradiation for the formation of thick Ag film on Ag3PO4. RSC ADVANCES, v. 10, n. 37, p. 21745-21753, . (19/18656-6, 13/07296-2, 16/23891-6)
BIN MUJIB, SHAKIR; VESSALLI, BEATRIZ; BIZZO, WALDIR A.; MAZON, TALITA; SINGH, GURPREET. Cassava- and bamboo-derived carbons with higher degree of graphitization for energy storage. NANOMATERIALS AND ENERGY, v. 9, n. 1, p. 54-65, . (18/04487-5, 13/07296-2)
RIBEIRO, LUCAS S.; PINATTI, IVO M.; TORRES, JULIANA A.; GIROTO, AMANDA S.; LESSE, FABIANA; LONGO, ELSON; RIBEIRO, CAUE; NOGUEIRA, ANDRE E.. Rapid microwave-assisted hydrothermal synthesis of CuBi2O4 and its application for the artificial photosynthesis. Materials Letters, v. 275, . (16/21515-7, 18/10104-1, 18/01258-5, 19/03722-3, 13/07296-2, 18/12871-0)
OLIVEIRA, MARISA C.; RIBEIRO, RENAN A. P.; LONGO, ELSON; BOMIO, MAURICIO R. D.; DE LAZARO, SERGIO R.. Quantum mechanical modeling of Zn-based spinel oxides: Assessing the structural, vibrational, and electronic properties. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, v. 120, n. 22, . (13/07296-2)
BUENO, OTTO V. M.; BENITEZ, J. J.; SAN-MIGUEL, MIGUEL A.. Understanding segregation processes in SAMs formed by mixtures of hydroxylated and non-hydroxylated fatty acids. RSC ADVANCES, v. 9, n. 67, p. 39252-39263, . (16/23891-6, 13/07296-2)
NOVAK, SARA; CHAVES, THIAGO FAHEINA; MARTINS, LEANDRO; SANTILLI, CELSO VALENTIM. Preparation of hydrophobic MFI zeolites containing hierarchical micromesopores using seeds functionalized with octyltriethoxysilane. COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS, v. 585, . (13/07296-2)
PEREIRA, WYLLAMANNEY DA S.; GOZZO, CIPRIANO B.; LONGO, ELSON; LEITE, EDSON R.; SCZANCOSKI, JULIO C.. Investigation on the photocatalytic performance of Ag4P2O7 microcrystals for the degradation of organic pollutants. Applied Surface Science, v. 493, p. 1195-1204, . (15/11917-8, 16/23663-3, 13/07296-2, 12/14004-5)
FERRARI, VICTORIA C.; ALVIM, RAPHAEL S.; DE QUEIROZ, THIAGO B.; DALPIAN, GUSTAVO M.; SOUZA, FLAVIO L.. Controlling the Activation Energy for Single-Ion Diffusion through a Hybrid Polyelectrolyte Matrix by Manipulating the Central Coordinate Semimetal Atom. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, v. 10, n. 24, p. 7684-7689, . (17/02317-2, 13/07296-2)
RIBEIRO, RENAN A. P.; OLIVEIRA, MARISA C.; DE SOUSA, ALEXSANDRO GAMA; BOMIO, MAURICIO R. D.; MOTTA, FABIANA V.; GRACIA, LOURDES; DE LAZARO, SERGIO R.; LONGO, ELSON; ANDRES, JUAN. First principle investigation of the exposed surfaces and morphology of beta-ZnMoO4. Journal of Applied Physics, v. 126, n. 23, . (13/07296-2)
RIBEIRO, LARA K.; ASSIS, MARCELO; LIMA, LAIS R.; COELHO, DYOVANI; GONCALVES, MARIANA O.; PAIVA, ROBERT S.; MORAES, LEONARDO N.; ALMEIDA, LAUANA F.; LIPSKY, FELIPE; SAN-MIGUEL, MIGUEL A.; et al. Bioactive Ag3PO4/Polypropylene Composites for Inactivation of SARS-CoV-2 and Other Important Public Health Pathogens. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, v. 125, n. 38, p. 10866-10875, . (13/07296-2, 16/23891-6, 17/11986-5, 16/13423-5, 17/26105-4, 17/07711-0)
PERINI, NICKSON; HESSEL, CRISTIAN; BOTT-NETO, JOSE L.; PIRES, CLEO T. G. V. M. T.; FERNANDEZ, PABLO S.; SITTA, ELTON. Photoelectrochemical oxidation of glycerol on hematite: thermal effects, in situ FTIR and long-term HPLC product analysis. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, v. 25, n. 3, p. 1101-1110, . (17/11986-5, 13/07296-2, 18/20952-0, 16/01365-0, 19/07449-0)
LACERDA, LUIS HENRIQUE DA SILVEIRA; SAN-MIGUEL, MIGUEL ANGEL; DE LAZARO, SERGIO RICARDO. Surface and morphological studies of LiNbO3: p-type semiconductivity on stoichiometric surfaces. NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, v. 45, n. 36, . (17/26105-4, 16/23891-6, 20/03780-0, 13/07296-2)
DA SILVA, KALINE NASCIMENTO; SITTA, ELTON. scillatory dynamics during the methanol electrooxidation reaction on Pt(111. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, v. 23, n. 39, . (17/11986-5, 13/07296-2)
ASSIS, MARCELO; RIBEIRO, RENAN A. P.; CARVALHO COSTA, MARIA HELENA; MONDEGO TEIXEIRA, MAYARA; GALVAO GOBATO, YARA; PRANDO, GABRIELA A.; RENATO MENDONCA, CLEBER; DE BONI, LEONARDO; APARECIDO DE OLIVEIRA, ADILSON JESUS; BETTINI, JEFFERSON; et al. Unconventional Magnetization Generated from Electron Beam and Femtosecond Irradiation on alpha-Ag2WO4: A Quantum Chemical Investigation. ACS OMEGA, v. 5, n. 17, p. 10052-10067, . (18/11283-7, 13/07296-2, 16/10668-7, 16/20886-1, 18/01808-5, 17/24995-2)
VANESSA SOUZA SANTOS; VANESSA SOLFA DOS SANTOS; RENAN DA SILVA FERNANDES; CARLOS ROBERTO FERREIRA JÚNIOR; FAUZE AHMAD AOUADA; JULIANA H. PINÊ AMÉRICO-PINHEIRO; MÁRCIA REGINA DE MOURA. Avaliação e caracterização de biofilme comestível de carboximetilcelulose contendo nanopartículas de quitosana e Cúrcuma longa. MATERIA-RIO DE JANEIRO, v. 26, n. 1, . (13/07296-2, 19/06170-1)
LIMA, A. E. B.; REIS, R. Y. N.; RIBEIRO, L. S.; RIBEIRO, L. K.; ASSIS, M.; SANTOS, R. S.; FERNANDES, C. H. M.; CAVALCANTE, L. S.; LONGO, E.; OSAJIMA, J. A. O.; et al. Microwave-assisted hydrothermal synthesis of CuWO4-palygorskite nanocomposite for enhanced visible photocatalytic response. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v. 863, . (13/07296-2)
BORTOLETTO, M.; SANCHES, A. O.; SANTOS, J. A.; DA SILVA, R. G.; TASHIMA, M. M.; PAYA, J.; SORIANO, L.; BORRACHERO, M. V.; MALMONGE, J. A.; AKASAKI, J. L.. New insights on understanding the Portland cement hydration using electrical impedance spectroscopy. CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, v. 407, p. 15-pg., . (13/07296-2, 20/16325-0)
MARTINS, NICOLAS F.; MAIA, ARY S.; LARANJEIRA, JOSE A. S.; FABRIS, GUILHERME S. L.; ALBUQUERQUE, ANDERSON R.; SAMBRANO, JULIO R.. Hydrogen storage on the lithium and sodium-decorated inorganic graphenylene. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, v. 51, p. 10-pg., . (20/01144-0, 22/03959-6, 22/14576-0, 13/07296-2, 22/00349-2)
OLIVEIRA, ELAINE FLORINDA RODRIGUES DE; BONFIM, KELY SILVEIRA; AOUADA, FAUZE AHMAD; AZEREDO, HENRIETTE MONTEIRO CORDEIRO DE; MOURA, MARCIA REGINA DE. A sustainable approach on the potential use of kale puree in edible wraps. APPLIED FOOD RESEARCH, v. 3, n. 1, p. 9-pg., . (13/07296-2, 19/06170-1)
ONUE, LETICIA A.; RIBEIRO, LARA K.; GONCALVES, MARIANA O.; LONGO, ELSON; DE SOUSA, CRISTINA PAIVA; ASSIS, MARCELO; CRUZ, SANDRA A.. Unveiling Antimicrobial Properties and Crystallization Induction in PLA Using α-Ag2WO4 Nanoparticles. ACS APPLIED POLYMER MATERIALS, v. 6, n. 6, p. 10-pg., . (13/07296-2, 16/13423-5, 16/25703-2)
DOS REIS, LARISSA LUIZA; DE ABREU, CINTHIA BRUNO; GEBARA, RENAN CASTELHANO; ROCHA, GISELI SWERTS; LONGO, ELSON; MANSANO, ADRISLAINE DA SILVA; MELAO, MARIA DA GRACA GAMA. Isolated and combined effects of cobalt and nickel on the microalga Raphidocelis subcapitata. ECOTOXICOLOGY, v. 33, n. 1, p. 15-pg., . (13/07296-2, 18/07988-5, 21/13583-0, 21/13607-7)
SUMAN, PEDRO H.; JUNKER, BENJAMIN; WEIMAR, UDO; ORLANDI, MARCELO O.; BARSAN, NICOLAE. Modeling the Conduction Mechanism in Chemoresistive Gas Sensor Based on Single-Crystalline Sn3O4 Nanobelts: A Phenomenological In Operando Investigation. ACS SENSORS, v. 9, n. 1, p. 8-pg., . (17/24839-0, 13/07296-2, 19/26333-2, 17/26219-0, 16/20808-0)
ARAUJO, KELVIN C.; NOBREGA, ERYKA T. D.; MOREIRA, AILTON J.; LEMOS, SHERLAN G.; FRAGOSO, WALLACE D.; PEREIRA, ERNESTO C.. Fast and efficient processes for oxidation and monitoring of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in environmental matrices. Catalysis Communications, v. 187, p. 8-pg., . (22/05254-0, 13/07296-2, 22/06219-3)
DALLA COSTA, LEONARDO J.; FREITAS, MARCIO R.; GOUVEIA, GUILHERME L.; KIMINAMI, RUTH H. G. A.; OLIVEIRA, ADILSON J. A.; GUALDI, ALEXANDRE J.. Effective Magnetic Anisotropy of NixCo1-xFe2O4 Nanoparticles. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, v. 60, n. 11, p. 5-pg., . (23/02420-9, 13/07296-2)
ACERO, G.; MORENO, H.; ORTEGA, P. P.; RAMIREZ, M. A.; PONCE, M. A.; MOURA, F.; SIMOES, A. Z.. Unveiling the polar properties on barium bismuthate perovskite thin films with distinct Ba/Bi ratios. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v. 974, p. 11-pg., . (18/18236-4, 13/07296-2)
SIMOES, AGNES NASCIMENTO; LUSTOSA, GLAUCO MEIRELES MASCARENHAS MORANDI; MORITA, EUGENIO DE SOUZA; DE SOUZA, ANDRE NUNES; TORRES, FLORIANO; BIZZO, WALDIR ANTONIO; MAZON, TALITA. Room-temperature SnO2-based sensor with Pd-nanoparticles for real-time detection of CO dissolved gas in transformer oil. Materials Chemistry and Physics, v. 311, p. 10-pg., . (13/07296-2)
CAMPOS, GABRIEL O.; CLABEL, H. J. L.; PELOSI, ANDRE G.; DA SILVA, LEANDRO OLIVETTI E.; MASTELARO, VALMOR R.; MANZANI, DANILO; MENDONCA, CLEBER R.. Effect of WO 3 in the third-order optical nonlinearities of tungsten lead pyrophosphate glasses. Optical Materials, v. 150, p. 8-pg., . (18/11283-7, 13/07296-2, 21/09017-0, 21/11484-5, 22/16848-8)
ROMEIRO, FERNANDA DA COSTA; MARTINS, ALYSSON STEFAN; LIMA PERINI, JOAO ANGELO; COSTA E SILVA, BEATRIZ; BOLDRIN ZANONI, MARIA VALNICE; ORLANDI, MARCELO ORNAGHI. Microwave-assisted hydrothermal synthesis of Sn3O4 and SnO for electrocatalytic reduction of CO2 to highadded-value compounds. Journal of Materials Science, v. 58, n. 8, p. 12-pg., . (17/13123-4, 19/18856-5, 14/50945-4, 13/07296-2, 16/18057-7, 17/26219-0)
MARTINS, NICOLAS F.; LARANJEIRA, JOSE A.; DE AZEVEDO, SERGIO A.; FABRIS, GUILHERME S. L.; SAMBRANO, JULIO R.. Tuning the electronic properties of the SiC graphenylene by transition metal (Fe, Mn and Co) doping. PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER, v. 691, p. 9-pg., . (22/00349-2, 13/07296-2, 22/03959-6, 22/16509-9)
ALVES, FERNANDO H. O.; GROSS, MARCOS A.; SOUZA, MARCO A.; PEREIRA-DA-SILVA, MARCELO A.; PATERNO, LEONARDO G.. Electrodeposition of Au nanoparticles on ITO/PDAC/2H-MoS2 electrode for sensitive determination of bisphenol-A. FLATCHEM, v. 46, p. 11-pg., . (13/07296-2)
CABRAL, LUIS; LEITE, EDSON R.; LONGO, ELSON; SAN-MIGUEL, MIGUEL A.; DA SILVA, EDISON Z.; ANDRES, JUAN. Disentangling the Effects of Laser and Electron Irradiation on AgX (X = Cl, Br, and I): Insights from Quantum Chemical Calculations. Nano Letters, v. 24, n. 10, p. 7-pg., . (17/26105-4, 13/07296-2, 16/23891-6, 21/09187-2, 18/20729-9)
COSTA, MAGNO B.; DE ARAUJO, MOISES A.; TINOCO, MARCOS V. DE LIMA; DE BRITO, JULIANA F.; MASCARO, LUCIA H.. Current trending and beyond for solar-driven water splitting reaction on WO3 photoanodes. JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY, v. 73, p. 26-pg., . (14/50249-8, 17/11986-5, 18/16401-8, 17/21365-8, 16/12681-0, 13/07296-2, 18/02950-0, 19/22131-6)
QUEIROZ, RUTH NOBREGA; CARLOS DA SILVA, MEURIS GURGEL; MASTELARO, VALMOR ROBERTO; PREDIGER, PATRICIA; ADEODATO VIEIRA, MELISSA GURGEL. Adsorption of naphthalene polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon from wastewater by a green magnetic composite based on chitosan and graphene oxide. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, v. N/A, p. 19-pg., . (20/16004-9, 13/07296-2, 19/07822-2)
FERNANDES, PAULO HENRIQUE MARTINS; BORDINI, ESTER ALVES FERREIRA; CASSIANO, FERNANDA BALESTRERO; DE AZEVEDO-SILVA, LUCAS JOSE; FERRAIRO, BRUNNA MOTA; LISBOA-FILHO, PAULO NORONHA; FORTULAN, CARLOS ALBERTO; DOS PASSOS, DIANA GABRIELA SOARES; BORGES, ANA FLAVIA SANCHES. TiO2 nanoparticles added to dense bovine hydroxyapatite bioceramics increase human osteoblast mineralization activity. Dental Materials, v. 38, n. 11, p. 9-pg., . (18/23639-0, 13/07296-2, 16/15674-5)
FREIRE FILHO, FERNANDO C. M.; SANTOS, JOSIANE A.; SANCHES, ALEX O.; MEDEIROS, ELITON S.; MALMONGE, JOSE A.; SILVA, MICHAEL J.. Dielectric, electric, and piezoelectric properties of three-phase piezoelectric composite based on castor-oil polyurethane, lead zirconate titanate particles and multiwall carbon nanotubes. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, v. 140, n. 9, p. 12-pg., . (13/07296-2, 17/19809-5)
DE OLIVEIRA, CRISTIANE; RENDA, CARMEM G.; MOREIRA, AILTON J.; PEREIRA, ERNESTO C.; FRESCHI, GIAN P. G.; BERTHOLDO, ROBERTO. Evaluation of a graphitic porous carbon modified with iron oxides for atrazine environmental remediation in water by adsorption. Environmental Research, v. 219, p. 12-pg., . (16/20609-8, 13/07296-2, 17/11986-5)
DE OLIVEIRA, ADILSON JESUS; DE OLIVEIRA, LETICIA MARIA; DE CAMARGO, PAULO CESAR; DE SOUZA, PAULO EDUARDO NARCIZO; YOKAICHIYA, FABIANO. Magnetic anisotropy as an evidence of local magnetic moments in paramagnetic phase of Cr-V alloys. AIP ADVANCES, v. 13, n. 1, p. 4-pg., . (13/07296-2)
GOUVEIA, AMANDA F.; LEMOS, SAMANTHA C. S.; LEITE, EDSON R. R.; LONGO, ELSON; ANDRES, JUAN. Back to the Basics: Probing the Role of Surfaces in the Experimentally Observed Morphological Evolution of ZnO. NANOMATERIALS, v. 13, n. 6, p. 15-pg., . (13/07296-2, 22/08048-1)
SILVA, A. B.; MEDINA, M.; GOULART, L. A.; MASCARO, L. H.. One-step electrodeposited nickel phosphide electrode for pH-universal electrochemical hydrogen production. Electrochimica Acta, v. 475, p. 9-pg., . (17/12794-2, 13/07296-2, 17/11986-5, 20/11756-2)
SOUZA, JOSIANE C.; LEMOS, SAMANTHA C. S.; ASSIS, MARCELO; FERNANDES, CARLOS H. M.; RIBEIRO, LARA K.; NUNEZ-DE LA ROSA, YEISON; TEODORO, MARCIO D.; GRACIA, LOURDES; ANDRES, JUAN; MASCARO, LUCIA H.; et al. Boosted Photocatalytic Activities of Ag2CrO4 through Eu3+-Doping Process. ACS OMEGA, v. 9, n. 33, p. 11-pg., . (23/12399-7, 13/07296-2, 22/10340-2)
DOS SANTOS, J. C. R.; LIMA, T. M.; PAIXAO, M. W.; CORREA, A. A.; PEREIRA, E. C.; DE OLIVEIRA, A. J. A.. Ferromagnetic behavior induced by structural distortion in pristine g-C3N4 pellets prepared via isostatic pressure. 2024 IEEE INTERNATIONAL MAGNETIC CONFERENCE-SHORT PAPERS, INTERMAG SHORT PAPERS, v. N/A, p. 2-pg., . (13/07296-2)
GONCALVES, ROGER; PAIVA, ROBERT S.; RAMIREZ, ANDRES M. R.; MWANDA, JONATHAN A.; PEREIRA, ERNESTO C.; CUESTA, ANGEL. Mapping the electronic structure of polypyrrole with image-based electrochemical scanning tunneling spectroscopy. ELECTROCHEMICAL SCIENCE ADVANCES, v. 2, n. 2, p. 9-pg., . (13/07296-2, 14/50249-8, 15/12851-0, 17/11986-5)
RIBEIRO, GEYSE A. C.; DE LIMA, SCARLLETT L. S.; SANTOS, KAROLINNE E. R.; MENDONCA, JHONATAM P.; MACENA, PEDRO; PESSANHA, EMANUEL C.; CORDEIRO, THALLIS C.; GARDENER, JULES; SOLORZANO, GUILHERMO; FONSACA, JESSICA E. S.; et al. Zn-doped MnOx nanowires displaying plentiful crystalline defects and tunable small cross-sections for an optimized volcano-type performance towards supercapacitors. DISCOVER NANO, v. 18, n. 1, p. 16-pg., . (13/07296-2)
MARTINS, NICOLAS F.; LARANJEIRA, JOSE A.; FABRIS, GUILHERME S. L.; DENIS, PABLO A.; SAMBRANO, JULIO R.. Irida-graphene as a high-performance anode for sodium batteries. JOURNAL OF ENERGY STORAGE, v. 104, p. 11-pg., . (20/01144-0, 22/03959-6, 13/07296-2, 24/05087-1, 22/16509-9, 22/00349-2)
COMINOTTE, MARIANA ALINE; SANTANA, LUIS CARLOS LEAL; DE FOGGI, CAMILA CRISTINA; MATOS, FLAVIA GOMES; FLORIAN, FERNANDA; DE ASSIS, MARCELO; VERGANI, CARLOS EDUARDO; VAZ, LUIS GERALDO; LONGO, ELSON; CIRELLI, JONI AUGUSTO. Strontium-loaded titanium surface promotes the MC3T3-E1 pre-osteoblasts growth and S. aureus adhesion. Journal of Materials Research, v. 39, n. 8, p. 14-pg., . (13/07296-2)
LIPSKY, FELIPE; LACERDA, LUIS HENRIQUE DA SILVEIRA; GRACIA, LOURDES; FOSCHIANI, BEATRIZ G.; ASSIS, MARCELO; OLIVA, MONICA; LONGO, ELSON; ANDRES, JUAN; SAN-MIGUEL, MIGUEL A.. A Tale of Reactive Oxygen Species on the Ag3PO4(110) Surface. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 127, n. 48, p. 11-pg., . (17/26105-4, 13/07296-2, 20/03780-0, 16/23891-6)
MARTINS, NICOLAS; LARANJEIRA, J. A. S.; DE AZEVEDO, SERGIO; SAMBRANO, JULIO. Strain Engineering to Improve the Electronic and Photocatalytic Properties of the Inorganic Graphenylene Based on SiC. ACS APPLIED ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, v. 6, n. 4, p. 9-pg., . (20/01144-0, 22/03959-6, 13/07296-2, 22/16509-9, 22/00349-2)
ROMEIRO, FERNANDA DA COSTA; PERINI, JOAO ANGELO LIMA; ZANONI, MARIA VALNICE BOLDRIN; ORLANDI, MARCELO ORNAGHI. Structural and optical investigation of Nb5+-doped Sn3O4 for photoelectrochemical hydrogen production. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS, v. 196, p. 9-pg., . (17/24839-0, 19/18856-5, 14/50945-4, 13/07296-2, 16/18057-7)
WATANUKI FILHO, ADHEMAR; YONEZAWA, UILIAN GABALDI; DE MOURA, MARCIA REGINA; AOUADA, FAUZE AHMAD. Physicochemical Properties of Hybrid Biodegradable Silica-Hydrogel Composites. MATERIALS RESEARCH-IBERO-AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MATERIALS, v. 26, p. 9-pg., . (13/03643-0, 13/07296-2, 18/18697-1)
FERNANDES, ANDRESSA SILVA; NEVES, BRUNA VITORIA; MAZZO, TATIANA MARTELLI; LONGO, ELSON; JACOB-LOPEZ, EDUARDO; ZEPKA, LEILA QUEIROZ; DE ROSSO, VERIDIANA VERA. Bigels as potential inks for extrusion-based 3d food printing: Effect of oleogel fraction on physical characterization and printability. FOOD HYDROCOLLOIDS, v. 144, p. 18-pg., . (21/13567-5, 21/02692-3, 13/07296-2)
AMARAL, D. C.; ROCHA, L. S. R.; GRANONE, L. I.; LAGE, M. M.; CHURIO, M. S.; SANCHEZ, M. D.; LONGO, E.; NASCIMENTO, H. M. S.; ASSIS, M.; MOURA, F.; et al. Manganese Defective Clustering: Influence on the Spectroscopic Features of Ceria-Based Nanomaterials. Inorganic Chemistry, v. 62, n. 31, p. 11-pg., . (13/07296-2, 18/20590-0, 20/02352-5)
ALVES DA SILVA PIMENTEL, BRUNA NATALIA; DE ANNUNZIO, SARAH RAQUEL; ASSIS, MARCELO; BARBUGLI, PAULA ABOUD; LONGO, ELSON; VERGANI, CARLOS EDUARDO. Biocompatibility and inflammatory response of silver tungstate, silver molybdate, and silver vanadate microcrystals. FRONTIERS IN BIOENGINEERING AND BIOTECHNOLOGY, v. 11, p. 13-pg., . (18/01677-8, 13/07296-2, 22/08487-5)
ARAUJO, MILENY DOS SANTOS; DOS SANTOS, HUGO LEANDRO SOUSA; MEDINA, MARINA; SALOMAO, ARTHUR CORRADO; MASCARO, LUCIA HELENA; ANDRADE JUNIOR, MARCOS ANTONIO SANTANA. Vanquishing CZTSSe deep defects to enhance photoelectrocatalytic water splitting. Electrochimica Acta, v. 464, p. 7-pg., . (17/15144-9, 17/11986-5, 19/26860-2, 14/50249-8, 13/07296-2, 17/12794-2, 20/09000-7)
DA SILVA, KALINE N.; SHETTY, SHWETHA; SULLIVAN-ALLSOP, SAM; CAI, RONGSHENG; WANG, SHIQI; QUIROZ, JHON; CHUNDAK, MYKHAILO; DOS SANTOS, HUGO L. S.; ABDELSALAM, IBRAHIM; OROPEZA, FREDDY E.; et al. Au@AuPd Core-Alloyed Shell Nanoparticles for Enhanced Electrocatalytic Activity and Selectivity under Visible Light Excitation. ACS NANO, v. 18, n. 35, p. 13-pg., . (13/07296-2, 17/11986-5)
FEITOSA, MARIA H. A.; SANTOS, ANDERSON M.; WONG, ADEMAR; MORAES, CARLOS A. F.; GROSSELI, GUILHERME M.; NASCIMENTO, OTACIRO R.; FADINI, PEDRO S.; MORAES, FERNANDO C.. Photoelectrocatalytic removal of antibiotic ciprofloxacin using a photoanode based on Z-scheme heterojunction. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, v. 493, p. 17-pg., . (17/10118-0, 22/05454-9, 13/07296-2)
RIBEIRO, LUCAS S.; NOGUEIRA, ANDRE E.; AQUINO, JOSE M.; CAMARGO, EMERSON R.. A new strategy to obtain nano-scale particles of lithium titanate (Li4Ti5O12) by the oxidant peroxo method (OPM). CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 45, n. 18, p. 7-pg., . (16/14667-5, 15/13958-3, 14/25616-7, 13/07296-2, 18/12871-0, 14/09014-7)
DE ARAUJO, MOISES A.; LUCAS, FRANCISCO W. S.; MASCARO, LUCIA H.. Effect of the electrodeposition potential on the photoelectroactivity of the SnS/Sb2S3 thin films. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, v. 24, n. 2, p. 11-pg., . (16/12681-0, 13/07296-2, 18/16401-8, 18/03156-5)
JIANG, WENFENG; QU, ZHI-BEI; KUMAR, PRASHANT; VECCHIO, DREW; WANG, YUEFEI; MA, YU; BAHNG, JOONG HWAN; BERNARDINO, KALIL; GOMES, WEVERSON R.; COLOMBARI, FELIPPE M.; et al. Emergence of complexity inhierarchically organized chiral particles. Science, v. 368, n. 6491, p. 80-pg., . (17/12063-8, 13/07296-2, 12/15147-4, 09/54035-4)
COELHO, DYOVANI; CUADROS LINARES, OSCAR A.; OLIVEIRA, ALOADIR L. S.; ANDRADE, MARCOS A. S. JR JR; MASCARO, LUCIA H.; BATISTA NETO, JOAO E. S.; BRUNO, ODEMIR M.; PEREIRA, ERNESTO C.. Introducing a low-cost tool for 3D characterization of pitting corrosion in stainless steel. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, v. 24, n. 8, p. 11-pg., . (13/07296-2)
SILVA, R. A.; ORLANDI, M. O.. Influence of Synthesis Route on the Radiation Sensing Properties of ZnO Nanostructures. Journal of Nanomaterials, v. 2016, p. 9-pg., . (13/07296-2)
CARNEIRO-NETO, EVALDO B.; LOPES, MAURO C.; PEREIRA, ERNESTO C.. Simulation of interfacial pH changes during hydrogen evolution reaction. JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, v. 765, p. 8-pg., . (13/07296-2)
SAN-MIGUEL, MIGUEL A.; DA SILVA, EDISON Z.; ZANNETTI, SONIA M.; CILENSE, MARIO; FABBRO, MARIA T.; GRACIA, LOURDES; ANDRES, JUAN; LONGO, ELSON. In situ growth of Ag nanoparticles on alpha-Ag2WO4 under electron irradiation: probing the physical principles. Nanotechnology, v. 27, n. 22, p. 9-pg., . (08/57872-1, 10/16970-0, 13/07296-2, 12/14468-1)
ROCHA, L. S. R.; CAVALCANTI, C. S.; AMORESI, R. A. C.; STOJANOVIC, B. D.; BORSARI, E.; ZAGHETE, M. A.; SIMOES, A. Z.. A study approach on ferroelectric domains in BaTiO3 (Retracted article. See vol. 148, pg. 360, 2019). MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION, v. 120, p. 6-pg., . (08/57872-1, 13/07296-2)
FELICIANO, CRISTIANE DOS R.; DE SOUZA, HELOISA SALES; COSTA, VINICIUS CAMARA; GOMEZ, OMAR CABEZAS; LUIZ, JAINE HONORATA HORTOLAN; GORUP, LUIZ FERNANDO; SANTOS, MARIANE GONSALVES. Synthesis and characterization of Restricted Access Magnetic Nanotubes (M-RACNTs) for the extraction of secondary metabolites from Lasiodiplodia sp. fermentation broth. DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS, v. 142, p. 13-pg., . (13/07296-2, 08/57872-1, 12/07067-0, 13/23572-0)
RODRIGUES, GUSTAVO C.; BARRIONUEVO, MANOEL V. F.; SAN-MIGUEL, MIGUEL A.; ABBEHAUSEN, CAMILLA. Unraveling ligand exchange reactions in linear neutral Au(i) and Cu(i) N-heterocyclic carbene complexes for biological applications. NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, v. 48, n. 5, p. 8-pg., . (17/26105-4, 13/07296-2, 20/11727-2, 16/23891-6, 22/02618-0)
MACCHI, CARLOS; PROCOPIO, ALLEY M. S.; ROCHA, LEANDRO S. R.; ORTEGA, PEDRO P.; ALDAO, CELSO M.; GRANONE, LUIS I.; NASCIMENTO, HUGO M. S.; LONGO, ELSON; CASTRO, MIRIAM S.; IVORRA, FERNANDO D.; et al. Electric Properties Change during Morphological Evolution of CeO2 Nanostructures: Synergy between Bulk and Surface Defects. ACS OMEGA, v. 9, n. 41, p. 11-pg., . (18/20590-0, 13/07296-2, 20/02352-5)
ACERO, G.; DOMINGUES, G. L.; HANGAI, B.; SIMOES, A. Z.. Tracking the magnetic and sensing mechanism of CeO2 towards CO detection: An experimental and theoretical study. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 50, n. 19, p. 13-pg., . (13/07296-2)
MEDEIROS, RAYSSA B.; SILVA, JERONIMO F.; DE OLIVEIRA, ANDRE L. MENEZES; SAMBRANO, JULIO R.; ALBUQUERQUE, ANDERSON R.; MAIA, ARY S.. A theoretical-experimental study of KSr2Nb(3-x)TaxO10 (x=0,1,2) systems as photocatalysts. Materials Letters, v. 353, p. 4-pg., . (20/10380-9, 19/08928-9, 22/03959-6, 13/07296-2)
PATROCINIO, KATIANA L.; MARQUES, GLEISON N.; GOUVEIA, AMANDA F.; RIBEIRO, LARA K.; PINHEIRO, NAYARA A.; BERNARDI, MARIA I. B.; ANDRES, JUAN; LONGO, ELSON; ASSIS, MARCELO. Blue pigment based on Ni-doped Zn2GeO4: Addressing structure and electronic properties by combining experiment and theory. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 50, n. 18, p. 11-pg., . (23/12399-7, 13/07296-2, 21/06128-5)
CABRAL, LUIS; ANDRES, JUAN; LONGO, ELSON; SAN-MIGUEL, MIGUEL A.; DA SILVA, EDISON Z.. Formation of Metallic Ag on AgBr by Femtosecond Laser Irradiation. PHYSCHEM, v. 2, n. 2, p. 12-pg., . (17/26105-4, 13/07296-2, 18/20729-9, 16/23891-6)
COSTA, JOSE ARNALDO S.; OLIVEIRA, RHAYZA VICTORIA M.; MENEZES, THALLES HENRIQUE S.; COSTA, VINICIUS C.; ROMA, LUCIANE P. C.; PARANHOS, CAIO MARCIO. Remediation of persistent organic pollutants through statistical treatment using the CoFe2O4@Fe3O4-based magnetic nanocomposite. Inorganic Chemistry Communications, v. 159, p. 10-pg., . (13/07296-2, 17/06775-5, 14/50945-4)
FERNANDES, CARLOS H. M.; GOULART, LORENA A.; GONCALVES, ROGER; SANTOS, GESSICA O. S.; ZANONI, MARIA V. B.; MASCARO, LUCIA H.; LANZA, MARCOS R. V.. Effective photoelectrocatalysis of levofloxacin antibiotic with Ti/IrO2-Nb2O5 in environmental samples. Electrochimica Acta, v. 475, p. 11-pg., . (20/02743-4, 14/50945-4, 13/07296-2, 18/09761-8, 16/08760-2, 17/10118-0, 17/11986-5)
GOVEA-ALCAIDE, E.; DESOUZA, A.; GOMEZ-PADILLA, E.; MASUNAGA, S. H.; EFFENBERGER, F. B.; ROSSI, L. M.; LOPEZ-SANCHEZ, R.; JARDIM, R. F.. Impacts of Rhizobium inoculation and Fe3O4 nanoparticles on common beans plants: a magnetic study of absorption, translocation, and accumulation processes. JOURNAL OF NANOPARTICLE RESEARCH, v. 26, n. 10, p. 15-pg., . (14/12392-3, 13/07296-2, 14/19245-6)
ORTEGA, P. P.; GHERARDI, S.; SPAGNOLI, E.; FABBRI, B.; ASTOLFI, M.; ZONTA, G.; LANDINI, N.; MALAGU, C.; ALDAO, C. M.; PONCE, M. A.; et al. Nanostructured Eu-doped Ceria for humidity sensing: A morphological perspective. Applied Surface Science, v. 661, p. 12-pg., . (13/07296-2, 18/26550-0, 21/10780-0)
ACERO, G.; PONCE, M. A.; MOURA, F.; SIMOES, A. Z.. Unveiling the magnetic and optical properties of barium bismuthate thin films with distinct Ba/Bi ratios. Materials Chemistry and Physics, v. 322, p. 13-pg., . (13/07296-2)
GUERRA, NAYRIM BRIZUELA; LIMA, JOAO VICTOR MORAIS; NOZELLA, NATAN LUIS; BORATTO, MIGUEL HENRIQUE; PAULIN, JOAO VITOR; GRAEFF, CARLOS FREDERICO DE OLIVEIRA. Electrochemical Doping Effect on the Conductivity of Melanin-Inspired Materials. ACS APPLIED BIO MATERIALS, v. 7, n. 4, p. 11-pg., . (20/15869-6, 21/09207-3, 13/07296-2, 22/00410-3, 21/03379-7, 17/20809-0, 20/04721-8)
RUIZ, ELISA; VARENNE, CHRISTELLE; DE LIMA, BRUNO S.; GUEYE, THIAKA; PAULY, ALAIN; BRUNET, JEROME; MASTELARO, VALMOR R.; NDIAYE, AMADOU L.. Investigating the Metallic Nanoparticles Decoration on Reduced Graphene Oxide-Based Sensors Used to Detect Sulfur Dioxide. CHEMOSENSORS, v. 12, n. 2, p. 20-pg., . (13/07296-2, 18/07517-2)
ALMEIDA, JANIO S.; BATISTA, WALKER F. C.; BARBOSA, LUELE R. S.; DAMACENO, FERNANDA B.; PIRES, MANOEL JOSE MENDES; MESQUITA, JOAO PAULO; MASTELARO, VALMOR R.; DOS SANTOS, WAYLER SILVA; PEREIRA, MARCIO CESAR; MOURAO, HENRIQUE A. J. L.. Synthesis, structure analysis and Fenton-like catalytic properties of copper-modified graphitic carbon nitride. MATERIALS SCIENCE IN SEMICONDUCTOR PROCESSING, v. 181, p. 11-pg., . (13/07296-2)
MOREIRA, AILTON J.; BLASKIEVICZ, SIRLON F.; DE ASSIS, MARCELO; MARQUES, GLEISON N.; MENEZES, WALLAS T.; RABELLO, PIETRA T.; RABAHI, CESAR; GOBATO, YARA G.; FRESCHI, GIAN P. G.; MASCARO, LUCIA H.; et al. Effect of synthesis methods of Co-modified TiO2 in its photocatalytic and bactericidal activity. RESEARCH ON CHEMICAL INTERMEDIATES, v. 50, n. 1, p. 26-pg., . (13/07296-2, 17/11986-5, 21/06128-5)
GOMES, ORISSON P.; KIM, SANGGON; LISBOA-FILHO, PAULO N.; BATAGIN-NETO, AUGUSTO; DE KONINCK, YVES; MESSADDEQ, YOUNES. Enhancing gold nanoparticle immobilization on thiolated silica: utilizing neutral ligands to achieve maximum surface coverage for improved SERS substrates. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C, v. 12, n. 19, p. 11-pg., . (19/09431-0, 13/07296-2, 21/10891-6)
JARADAT, HUSSAMALDEEN; HRYNIEWICZ, BRUNA M.; PASTI, IGOR A.; VALERLO, TATIANA L.; AL -HAMRY, AMMAR; MARCHESI, LUIS F.; VIDOTTI, MARCIO; KANOUN, OLFA. Detection of H. pylori outer membrane protein (HopQ) biomarker using electrochemical impedimetric immunosensor with polypyrrole nanotubes and carbon nanotubes nanocomposite on screen-printed carbon electrode. BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS, v. 249, p. 8-pg., . (13/07296-2, 14/50867-3)
CRUVINEL, GUILHERME HENRIQUE; DE OLIVEIRA, REGIANE CRISTINA; DE OLIVEIRA, MARISA CARVALHO; PINATTI, IVO MATEUS; RIBEIRO, RENAN AUGUSTO PONTES; LONGO, ELSON. Unraveling the morphology-structure-property relationship of silver orthovanadate p-semiconductor: Experimental and theoretical investigation. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 50, n. 17, p. 12-pg., . (22/16840-7, 21/01651-1, 21/11255-6, 13/07296-2, 20/11232-3)
CARVALHO, J. C. L.; ROCHA, L. S. R.; RENZETTI, R. A.; PROCOPIO, A. M. S.; MASTELARO, V. R.; SIMOES, A. Z.; PONCE, M. A.; MACCHI, C.; SOMOZA, A.; ALDAO, C. M.; et al. High-performance CeO2:Co nanostructures for the elimination of accidental poisoning caused by CO intoxication. OPEN CERAMICS, v. 12, p. 9-pg., . (18/20590-0, 13/07296-2, 20/02352-5)
BOGAS, ANDREA CRISTINA; RODRIGUES, SAULO HENRIQUE; GONCALVES, MARIANA OTTAIANO; DE ASSIS, MARCELO; LONGO, ELSON; DE SOUSA, CRISTINA PAIVA. Endophytic Microorganisms From the Tropics as Biofactories for the Synthesis of Metal-Based Nanoparticles: Healthcare Applications. FRONTIERS IN NANOTECHNOLOGY, v. 4, p. 13-pg., . (16/13423-5, 20/16299-9, 13/07296-2, 17/12905-9)
SANTOS, JOAO PAULO TENORIO DA SILVA; LEMOS, SHERLAN GUIMARAES; GROMBONI, MURILO FERNANDO; DEL COLLE, VINICIUS; MASCARENHAS, ARTUR JOSE SANTOS; FERNANDES, VALERIA CRISTINA. Chemometric Investigation of Platinum Electrodeposition on Titanium Substrates for Ethanol Electro-oxidation. ELECTROCATALYSIS, v. 14, n. 4, p. 11-pg., . (13/07296-2, 19/00288-0)
MORISHITA, GUSTAVO M.; RODRIGUEZ-GUTIERREZ, INGRID; CASTRO, RICARDO H. R.; SOUZA, FLAVIO L.. Hafnium boosts charge carrier dynamics in hematite for improved solar water splitting. Materials Letters, v. 340, p. 4-pg., . (17/02317-2, 17/11986-5, 13/07296-2)
BOMIO, M. R. D.; LAVELA, P.; SANTIAGO, A. A. G.; MOTTA, F. V.; TIRADO, J. L.. Optimized synthesis of Na2/3Ni1/3Mn2/3O2 as cathode for sodium-ion batteries by rapid microwave calcination. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 49, n. 8, p. 10-pg., . (08/57872-1, 13/07296-2)
ASSIS, M.; GOUVEIA, A. F.; RIBEIRO, L. K.; PONCE, M. A.; CHURIO, M. S.; OLIVEIRA JR, O. N.; MASCARO, L. H.; LONGO, E.; LLUSAR, R.; GUILLAMON, E.; et al. Towards an efficient selective oxidation of sulfides to sulfones by NiWO4 and ?-Ag2WO4. APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL, v. 652, p. 10-pg., . (18/22214-6, 13/07296-2, 19/01732-1)
ASSIS, M.; CASTRO, M. S.; ALDAO, C. M.; BUONO, C.; ORTEGA, P. P.; TEODORO, M. D.; ANDRES, J.; GOUVEIA, A. F.; SIMOES, A. Z.; LONGO, E.; et al. Disclosing the nature of vacancy defects in ?-Ag2WO4. Materials Research Bulletin, v. 164, p. 8-pg., . (13/07296-2, 19/01732-1)
RUIZ, ELISA; VARENNE, CHRISTELLE; DE LIMA, BRUNO S.; GUEYE, THIAKA; PAULY, ALAIN; MASTELARO, VALMOR R.; BRUNET, JEROME; NDIAYE, AMADOU L.. Investigating the thermally induced p-n transition in reduced graphene oxide layers exposed to hydrogen sulfide. SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL, v. 409, p. 10-pg., . (13/07296-2, 18/07517-2)
LINO, ANANDA VALLEZI PALADINO; VIEIRA, LUIZ HENRIQUE; ASSAF, ELISABETE MOREIRA; ASSAF, MANSUR. Effects of the potassium incorporation in Fe-Ce-Zr based catalysts and activation condition in CO2 hydrogenation to C2/C3 olefins at atmospheric pressure. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, v. 51, p. 19-pg., . (13/07296-2)
ASSIS, MARCELO; PONCE, MIGUEL ADOLFO; GOUVEIA, AMANDA FERNANDES; SOUZA, DANIELE; CAMPOS DA COSTA, JOAO PAULO DE; TEODORO, VINICIUS; GOBATO, YARA GALVAO; ANDRES, JUAN; MACCHI, CARLOS; SOMOZA, ALBERTO; et al. Revealing the Nature of Defects in α-Ag2WO4 by Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy: A Joint Experimental and Theoretical Study. Crystal Growth & Design, v. 21, n. 2, p. 10-pg., . (13/07296-2, 19/01732-1)
ERYKA T. D. NOBREGA; KELVIN C. DE ARAÚJO; AILTON J. MOREIRA; REGIANE C. DE OLIVEIRA; GELSON T. S. T. DA SILVA; SIRLON F. BLASKIEVICZ; LEANDRO L. SOARES; SHERLAN G. LEMOS; LUCIA H. MASCARO; ERNESTO C. PEREIRA. Pure and Cobalt-Modified ZnO Nanostructures Prepared by a New Synthesis Route Applied to Environmental Remediation. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, v. 35, n. 11, . (21/12394-0, 13/07296-2, 23/07525-3, 22/05254-0, 23/11554-9, 22/10255-5, 19/26860-2, 22/06219-3)
DE SOUZA, P. E. N.; OLIVEIRA, L. M.; YOKAICHIYA, F.; DE CAMARGO, P. C.; DE OLIVEIRA, A. J. A.. Itinerant SDW Phases, Contributions From the CrNb Dilute Alloys. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, v. 60, n. 11, p. 4-pg., . (13/07296-2)
CARVALHO, SABRINA G. M.; MUCCILLO, ELIANA N. S.; MUCCILLO, REGINALDO. Electrical Behavior and Microstructural Features of Electric Field-Assisted and Conventionally Sintered 3 mol% Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia. CERAMICS-SWITZERLAND, v. 1, n. 1, p. 10-pg., . (13/07296-2)
MUCCILLO, REGINALDO; DE FLORIO, DANIEL Z.; MUCCILLO, ELIANA N. S.. Equimolar Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia and Samaria-Doped Ceria Solid Solutions. CERAMICS-SWITZERLAND, v. 1, n. 2, p. 10-pg., . (13/07296-2)
DE ARAUJO, MOISES A.; GROMBONI, MURILO F.; MARKEN, FRANK; PARKER, STEPHEN C.; PETER, LAURENCE M.; TURNER, JOSH; ASPINALL, HELEN C.; BLACK, KATE; MASCARO, LUCIA H.. Contrasting transient photocurrent characteristics for thin films of vacuum-doped "grey" TiO2 and "grey" Nb2O5. APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL, v. 237, p. 14-pg., . (16/12681-0, 14/50249-8, 13/07296-2)
BACKES, CLAUDIO W.; REIS, FELIPE B.; STRAPASSON, GUILHERME B.; ASSIS, MARCELO; LONGO, ELSON; WEIBEL, DANIEL E.. Green Synthesis of carbon quantum dots for enhancing photocatalytic activity: Hydrogen/oxygen evolution and dye photodegradation. CATALYSIS TODAY, v. 443, p. 10-pg., . (13/07296-2)
COSTA, JOSE ARNALDO S.; OLIVEIRA, RHAYZA VICTORIA M.; ROMAO, LUCIANE P. C.; PARANHOS, CAIO M.. Magnetic Membranes for the Remediation of Oil-Industry Effluents: Efficient Polyaromatic Hydrocarbon Removal and Marine Oil-Spill Cleanup. ACS ES&T WATER, v. 3, n. 12, p. 14-pg., . (13/07296-2, 17/06775-5, 14/50945-4)
DE ALMEIDA, JESSICA C.; LOPES, OSMANDO F.; SHVIRO, MEITAL; DA SILVA, GELSON T. S. T.; RIBEIRO, CAUE; DE MENDONCA, VAGNER R.. Exploring the stability and catalytic activity of monoethanolamine functionalized CuO electrode in electrochemical CO2 reduction. NANOSCALE, v. 16, n. 39, p. 13-pg., . (18/01258-5, 13/07296-2, 23/10268-2, 22/10255-5, 22/01787-3)
DE OLIVEIRA, RODRIGO BUENO; PELEPENKO, LAUTER E.; MASARO, DANIELA A.; LUSTOSA, GLAUCO M. M. M.; DE OLIVEIRA, MARIANA C.; ROZA, NOEMI A. V.; MARCIANO, MARINA A.; DOS REIS, LUCIENE M.; KAMEL, SAID; LOUVET, LOIC; et al. Effects of microplastics on the kidneys: a narrative review. Kidney International, v. 106, n. 3, p. 8-pg., . (13/07296-2)
SILVA, CAMILA DAIANE; CORRADINI, PATRICIA GON; COLLE, VINICIUS DEL; MASCARO, LUCIA HELENA; LIMA, FABIO HENRIQUE BARROS DE; PEREIRA, ERNESTO CHAVES. Pt/Rh/Pt and Pt/Ru/Pt multilayers for the electrochemical oxidation of methanol and ethanol. Electrochimica Acta, v. 354, p. 10-pg., . (17/11986-5, 14/50249-8, 18/16401-8, 13/07296-2)
COSTA, I. M.; TEODORO, M. D.; ZAGHETE, M. A.; CHIQUITO, A. J.. Influence of the metastable state (V-0(++)) on the electronic properties of SnO2 nanowires under the influence of light. Journal of Applied Physics, v. 128, n. 11, p. 9-pg., . (13/07296-2)
STOEBERL, V; GUEDES, E. B.; ABBATE, M.; ABUD, F.; JARDIM, R. F.; MOSSANEK, R. J. O.. Charge screening effects in the resonant photoemission of Rh2O3, RuO2, and MoO2. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 102, n. 15, p. 9-pg., . (13/07296-2)
COSTA, JOSE ARNALDO S.; PARANHOS, CAIO M.. Mitigation of silica-rich wastes: An alternative to the synthesis eco-friendly silica-based mesoporous materials. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, v. 309, p. 16-pg., . (18/18894-1, 14/05679-4, 13/07296-2, 17/06775-5)
RANIERI, M. G. A.; ORTEGA, P. P.; MORENO, H.; RAMIREZ, M. A.; AGUIAR, E. C.; SIMOES, A. Z.. Resistive switching and multiferroic behavior of La0.5Pr0.5FeO3 ferrite thin films. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v. 851, p. 9-pg., . (13/07296-2)
ALMEIDA, PRISCILA B.; PINATTI, IVO M.; DE OLIVEIRA, REGIANE C.; TEIXEIRA, MAYARA M.; SANTOS, CLAYANE C.; MACHADO, THALES R.; LONGO, ELSON; ROSA, IEDA L., V. Structural, morphological and photoluminescence properties of beta-Ag2MoO4 doped with Eu3+. CHEMICAL PAPERS, v. 75, n. 5, p. 14-pg., . (13/23995-8, 13/07296-2, 16/05661-3, 19/03722-3)
FABRIS, GUILHERME S. L.; PASKOCIMAS, CARLOS A.; SAMBRANO, JULIO R.; PAUPITZ, RICARDO. A promising nanoporous AlxGa(1-x)N nanosheet based on octagraphene. Materials Letters, v. 284, p. 4-pg., . (18/03961-5, 13/07296-2, 19/08928-9)
RIBEIRO, RENAN A. P.; OLIVEIRA, MARISA C.; LONGO, ELSON; DE LAZARO, SERGIO R.; NIKAM, R.; GOYAL, P. S.; RADHA, S.; RAYAPROL, S.. Magnetism and DFT calculations for understanding magnetic ground state of Fe doped Mn2O3. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v. 861, p. 6-pg., . (13/07296-2)
GOMES, O. P.; BATAGIN-NETO, A.; LISBOA-FILHO, P. N.. The evaluation of anchoring processes and chemical stability of zwitterionic molecules via local reactivity indexes. COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE, v. 193, p. 9-pg., . (13/07296-2, 19/09431-0)
PINATTI, IVO M.; TRENCH, ALINE B.; TELLO, ANA C. M.; PEREIRA, PAULA F. S.; SOUZA, JOSIANE C.; TEODORO, MARCIO D.; ROSA, IEDA L., V; ANDRES, JUAN; LONGO, ELSON; SIMOES, ALEXANDRE Z.. Structure, Photoluminescence Emissions, and Photocatalytic Activity of Ag2SeO3: A Joint Experimental and Theoretical Investigation. Inorganic Chemistry, v. 60, n. 8, p. 18-pg., . (19/25944-8, 13/07296-2, 19/03722-3)
DE LIMA TINOCO, MARCOS VINICIUS; COSTA, MAGNO BARCELOS; MASCARO, LUCIA HELENA; DE BRITO, JULIANA FERREIRA. Photoelectrodeposition of Pt nanoparticles on Sb2Se3 photocathodes for enhanced water splitting. Electrochimica Acta, v. 382, p. 11-pg., . (17/11986-5, 14/50249-8, 18/16401-8, 19/22131-6, 18/02950-0, 13/07296-2, 17/21365-8)
PEREIRA, ZENNER S.; FACCIN, GIOVANI M.; DA SILVA, EDISON Z.. Predicted Superconductivity in the Electride Li5C. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 125, n. 16, p. 8-pg., . (16/23891-6, 13/07296-2, 17/26105-4)
CORREA, ALESSANDRA ALVES; GONCALVES, ROGER; PEREIRA, RODRIGO; PEREIRA, ERNESTO CHAVES. The electropolymerization of several poly(3-methylthiophene) films in the same used solution and its consequence in their properties. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, v. 134, n. 2, p. 7-pg., . (13/07296-2)
DA SILVA, MARINA MEDINA; MASCARO, LUCIA HELENA; PEREIRA, ERNESTO CHAVES; ZIMER, ALEXSANDRO MENDES. Near-surface solution pH measurements during the pitting corrosion of AISI 1020 steel using a ring-shaped sensor. JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, v. 780, p. 7-pg., . (11/19430-0, 13/13503-0, 13/07296-2)
OLIVEIRA, CIBELE A.; VOLANTI, DIOGO P.; NOGUEIRA, ANDRE E.; ZAMPERINI, CAMILA A.; VERGANI, CARLOS E.; LONGO, ELSON. Well-designed beta-Ag2MoO4 crystals with photocatalytic and antibacterial activity. MATERIALS & DESIGN, v. 115, p. 9-pg., . (14/17343-0, 12/09980-5, 13/07296-2)
MASTEGHIN, MATEUS GALLUCCI; ORLANDI, MARCELO ORNAGHI. Grain-Boundary Resistance and Nonlinear Coefficient Correlation for SnO2-Based Varistors. MATERIALS RESEARCH-IBERO-AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MATERIALS, v. 19, n. 6, p. 6-pg., . (13/07296-2)
MAYA-JOHNSON, SANTIAGO; GRACIA, LOURDES; LONGO, ELSON; ANDRES, JUAN; LEITE, EDSON R.. Synthesis of Cuboctahedral CeO2 Nanoclusters and Their Assembly into Cuboid Nanoparticles by Oriented Attachment. HEMNANOMA, v. 3, n. 4, p. 5-pg., . (13/07296-2)
BREGADIOLLI, BRUNA ANDRESSA; FERNANDES, SILVIA LETICIA; DE OLIVEIRA GRAEFF, CARLOS FREDERICO. Easy and Fast Preparation of TiO2 - based Nanostructures Using Microwave Assisted Hydrothermal Synthesis. MATERIALS RESEARCH-IBERO-AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MATERIALS, v. 20, n. 4, p. 8-pg., . (13/07296-2, 11/02205-3)
REIS, SHIRLEY L.; CARVALHO, SABRINA G. M.; MUCCILLO, ELIANA N. S.; MUCCILLO, REGINALDO. Electrical Behavior of Electric Field-Assisted Pressureless Sintered Ceria-20 mol% Samaria. CERAMICS-SWITZERLAND, v. 2, n. 2, p. 8-pg., . (17/11937-4, 13/07296-2)
GUEDES, E. B.; ABUD, E.; MARTINS, H. P.; ABBATE, M.; JARDIM, R. F.; MOSSANEK, R. J. O.. Role of Ti-Ru interaction in SrTi0.5Ru0.5O3: Physical properties, x-ray spectroscopy, and cluster model calculations. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 100, n. 7, p. 9-pg., . (14/19245-6, 13/07296-2, 14/12401-2)
GONCALVES, R. F.; LIMA, A. R. F.; GODINHO, M. J.; MOURA, A. P.; ESPINOSA, J.; LONGO, E.; MARQUES, A. P. A.. Synthesis of Pr3+-doped CaTiO3 using polymeric precursor and microwave-assisted hydrothermal methods: A comparative study. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 41, n. 10, p. 8-pg., . (13/07437-5, 08/57872-1, 13/07296-2)
AMORESI, RAFAEL A. C.; FELIX, ANDERSON A.; BOTERO, ERITON R.; DOMINGUES, NELSON L. C.; FALCAO, EVARISTO A.; ZAGHETE, MARIA A.; RINALDI, ANDRELSON W.. Crystallinity, morphology and high dielectric permittivity of NiO nanosheets filling Poly(vinylidene fluoride). CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 41, n. 10, p. 7-pg., . (13/14647-6, 13/07296-2, 12/11979-5)
AGUIAR, E. C.; RAMIREZ, M. A.; CORTES, J. A.; ROCHA, L. S.; BORSARI, E.; SIMOES, A. Z.. Magnetoelectric coupling of LaFeO3/BiFeO3 heterostructures. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 41, n. 10, p. 9-pg., . (08/57872-1, 13/07296-2)
COSTA, MAGNO BARCELOS; DE SOUZA LUCAS, FRANCISCO WILLIAN; MASCARO, LUCIA HELENA. Electrodeposition of Fe-doped Sb2Se3 thin films for photoelectrochemical applications and study of the doping effects on their properties. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, v. 22, n. 5, p. 6-pg., . (13/07296-2, 16/10513-3)
MACEDO, NADIA G.; MACHADO, THALES R.; ROCA, ROMAN A.; ASSIS, MARCELO; FOGGI, CAMILA CRISTINA; PUERTO-BELDA, VERONICA; MINGUEZ-VEGA, GLADYS; RODRIGUES, ANDRE; SAN-MIGUEL, MIGUEL A.; CORDONCILLO, ELOISA; et al. Tailoring the Bactericidal Activity of Ag Nanoparticles/alpha-Ag2WO4 Composite Induced by Electron Beam and Femtosecond Laser Irradiation: Integration of Experiment and Computational Modeling. ACS APPLIED BIO MATERIALS, v. 2, n. 2, p. 14-pg., . (16/23891-6, 17/19548-7, 13/07296-2, 15/19709-5, 17/12594-3)
FERNANDES, SILVIA LETICIA; SIMAO ALBANO, LUIZ GUSTAVO; AFFONCO, LUCAS JORGE; DIAS DA SILVA, JOSE HUMBERTO; LONGO, ELSON; DE OLIVEIRA GRAEFF, CARLOS FREDERICO. Exploring the Properties of Niobium Oxide Films for Electron Transport Layers in Perovskite Solar Cells. RONTIERS IN CHEMISTR, v. 7, p. 9-pg., . (13/09963-6, 17/11072-3, 13/07296-2, 17/18916-2)
JIMENEZ, K. R. C. P.; ZABOTTO, F. L.; GARCIA, D.; DE OLIVEIRA, A. J. A.. Magnetic anisotropy enhancing by remanent electric polarization in 0.675(Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O-3-0.325PbTiO(2)/CoFe2O4 particulate composites. Ferroelectrics, v. 534, n. 1, p. 7-pg., . (17/24995-2, 13/07296-2)
BYZYNSKI, GABRIELA; MELO, CAMILA; VOLANTI, DIOGO P.; FERRER, MATEUS M.; GOUVEIA, AMANDA F.; RIBEIRO, CAUE; ANDRES, JUAN; LONGO, ELSON. The interplay between morphology and photocatalytic activity in ZnO and N-doped ZnO crystals. MATERIALS & DESIGN, v. 120, p. 13-pg., . (13/26671-9, 14/17343-0, 13/07296-2, 15/04511-5)
DIB NETO, ROUMANOS GEORGES; MACEDO, WAGNER COSTA; FERNANDES, JOSE DIEGO; DE SOUZA, AGDA EUNICE; TEIXEIRA, SILVIO RAINHO; ROCHA, KLEPER DE OLIVEIRA; LONGO, ELSON. Manganese oxides synthesized via microwave-assisted hydrothermal method: phase evolution and structure refinement. MATERIA-RIO DE JANEIRO, v. 27, n. 3, p. 16-pg., . (13/07296-2)
PESQUEIRA, CAMILA; HRYNIEWICZ, BRUNA M.; BACH-TOLEDO, LARISSA; TENORIO, LUCIANE NOVAES; MARCHESI, LUIS F.; MAZON, TALITA; VIDOTTI, MARCIO. Interfacial Characterization of Polypyrrole/AuNP Composites towards Electrocatalysis of Ascorbic Acid Oxidation. Molecules, v. 27, n. 18, p. 11-pg., . (13/07296-2, 14/50867-3)
AZEVEDO, SERGIO A.; LARANJEIRA, JOSE A. S.; URURI, JESUS L. P.; LONGO, ELSON; SAMBRANO, JULIO R.. An accurate computational model to study the Ag-doping effect on SrTiO3. COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE, v. 214, p. 8-pg., . (19/08928-9, 20/01144-0, 22/03959-6, 20/10380-9, 13/07296-2)
ASSIS, MARCELO; RIBEIRO, LARA K.; GONCALVES, MARIANA O.; STAFFA, LUCAS H.; PAIVA, ROBERT S.; LIMA, LAIS R.; COELHO, DYOVANI; ALMEIDA, LAUANA F.; MORAES, LEONARDO N.; ROSA, IEDA L. V.; et al. Polypropylene Modified with Ag-Based Semiconductors as a Potential Material against SARS-CoV-2 and Other Pathogens. ACS APPLIED POLYMER MATERIALS, v. 4, n. 10, p. 13-pg., . (16/13423-5, 13/07296-2, 17/11986-5)
NEVES, TAUANY DE FIGUEIREDO; CAMPAROTTO, NATALIA GABRIELE; BRIAO, GIANI DE VARGAS; MASTELARO, VALMOR ROBERTO; DANTAS, RENATO FALCAO; VIEIRA, MELISSA GURGEL ADEODATO; PREDIGER, PATRICIA. Graphene oxide-safranin modified@polyacrylonitrile membranes for water purification: Reuse and mechanism based on theoretical calculations and XPS analysis. JOURNAL OF WATER PROCESS ENGINEERING, v. 50, p. 17-pg., . (19/07822-2, 13/07296-2, 19/25228-0)
GALLEANI, GUSTAVO; LODI, THIAGO A.; MASTELARO, VALMOR R.; JACOBSOHN, LUIZ G.; DE CAMARGO, ANDREA S. S.. Photoluminescence and X-ray induced scintillation in Gd3+-modified fluorophosphate glasses doped with Ce3+. Optical Materials, v. 133, p. 6-pg., . (13/07296-2, 18/03931-9, 13/07793-6)
FOCASSIO, BRUNO; FIUZA, TANNA E. R.; BETTINI, JEFFERSON; SCHLEDER, GABRIEL R.; RODRIGUES, MURILLO H. M.; JUNIOR, JOAO B. SOUZA; LEITE, EDSON R.; FAZZIO, ADALBERTO; CAPAZ, RODRIGO B.. Stability and Rupture of an Ultrathin Ionic Wire. Physical Review Letters, v. 129, n. 4, p. 6-pg., . (20/06257-7, 13/07296-2, 19/04527-0, 17/02317-2, 17/18139-6)
DE LAZARO, SERGIO RICARDO; ROSA, GUILHERME BONIFACIO; PONTES RIBEIRO, RENAN AUGUSTO; DA SILVEIRA LACERDA, LUIS HENRIQUE; DE OLIVEIRA, MARISA CARVALHO; LONGO, ELSON. Hybrid exchange-correlation functionals for van der Waals TiSe2 material: Parametrization versus a posteriori D3 dispersion corrections. COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE, v. 214, p. 6-pg., . (20/03780-0, 21/01651-1, 13/07296-2, 16/23891-6, 17/26105-4)
AZEVEDO, SERGIO A.; LARANJEIRA, JOSE A. S.; MARTINS, NICOLAS F.; SAMBRANO, JULIO R.. Ag doping effect on electronic and thermoelectric properties of SrTiO3 (001) surface. COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE, v. 227, p. 10-pg., . (22/03959-6, 13/07296-2, 20/10380-9, 19/08928-9)
MANJUNATHA, KRISHTAPPA; CHIU, HSIN-HAO; HO, MING-KANG; HSU, TSU-EN; YU, SHIH-LUNG; CHIN, CHU-EN; CHENG, CHIA-LIANG; DE OLIVEIRA, MARISA CARVALHO; LONGO, ELSON; RIBEIRO, RENAN A. P.; et al. Mg-Doped CoCr2O4 Nanoparticles: Implications for Magnetic Memory and Magnetocaloric Effect. ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS, v. 6, n. 13, p. 14-pg., . (21/01651-1, 13/07296-2)
MOREIRA, AILTON. J.; DOS SANTOS, BARBARA R. M.; DIAS, JEFERSON A.; RABELLO, PIETRA T.; COELHO, DYOVANI; MASCARO, LUCIA H.; FRESCHI, GIAN P. G.; GOBATO, YARA G.; GALETI, HELDER V. A.; MASTELARO, VALMOR R.; et al. Photoactivity of boron-or nitrogen-modified TiO2 for organic pollutants degradation: Unveiling the photocatalytic mechanisms and by-products. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, v. 11, n. 1, p. 12-pg., . (17/11986-5, 16/20609-8, 13/07296-2)
ANDRES, JUAN; GOUVEIA, AMANDA FERNANDES; GRACIA, LOURDES; LONGO, ELSON; MANZEPPI FACCIN, GIOVANI; DA SILVA, EDISON ZACARIAS; PEREIRA, DOUGLAS HENRIQUE; SAN-MIGUEL, MIGUEL ANGEL. Formation of Ag nanoparticles under electron beam irradiation: Atomistic origins from first-principles calculations. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, v. 118, n. 9, p. 15-pg., . (17/07240-8, 13/07296-2, 15/19709-5, 13/26671-9)
NOGUEIRA, M. V.; LUSTOSA, G. M. M. M.; KOBAYAKAWA, Y.; KOGLER, W.; RUIZ, M.; MONTEIRO FILHO, E. S.; ZAGHETE, M. A.; PERAZOLLI, L. A.. Nb-Doped TiO2 Photocatalysts Used to Reduction of CO2 to Methanol. ADVANCES IN MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, v. 2018, p. 8-pg., . (13/07296-2)
DE ARAUJO, MOISES A.; COELHO, DYOVANI; MASCARO, LUCIA H.; PEREIRA, ERNESTO C.. The iron oxyhydroxide role in the mediation of charge transfer for water splitting using bismuth vanadate photoanodes. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, v. 22, n. 5, p. 10-pg., . (16/12681-0, 13/07296-2)
DA TRINDADE, LETICIA G.; ZANCHET, LETICIA; MARTINS, PEDRO C.; BORBA, KATIUSCIA M. N.; SANTOS, RAPHER D. M.; PAIVA, ROBERT DA S.; VERMEERSCH, LILIAN A. F.; TICIANELLI, EDSON A.; DE SOUZA, MICHELE O.; MARTINI, EMILSE M. A.. The influence of ionic liquids cation on the properties of sulfonated poly (ether ether ketone)/polybenzimidazole blends applied in PEMFC. Polymer, v. 179, . (13/16930-7, 13/07296-2)
TRANQUILIN, RICARDO L.; OLIVEIRA, MARISA C.; SANTIAGO, ANDERSON A. G.; LOVISA, LAURA X.; RIBEIRO, RENAN A. P.; LONGO, ELSON; DE LAZARO, SERGIO R.; ALMEIDA, CLAUDIO R. R.; PASKOCIMAS, CARLOS A.; MOTTA, V, FABIANA; et al. Presence of excited electronic states on terbium incorporation in CaMoO4: Insights from experimental synthesis and first-principles calculations. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS, v. 149, . (13/07296-2)
MORAIS DA SILVA, PAULA MAYARA; CAMPAROTTO, NATALIA GABRIELE; NEVES, TAUANY DE FIGUEIREDO; GREGO LIRA, KATHERLY TAINA; MASTELARO, VALMOR ROBERTO; FRANCO PICONE, CAROLINA SIQUEIRA; PREDIGER, PATRICIA. Effective removal of basic dye onto sustainable chitosan beads: Batch and fixed-bed column adsorption, beads stability and mechanism. SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY AND PHARMACY, v. 18, . (13/07296-2, 19/07822-2, 19/25228-0)
PAULIN, V, J.; BATAGIN-NETO, A.; MEREDITH, P.; GRAEFF, C. F. O.; MOSTERT, A. B.. Shedding Light on the Free Radical Nature of Sulfonated Melanins. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, v. 124, n. 46, p. 10365-10373, . (15/23000-1, 12/03116-7, 18/02411-1, 13/07296-2)
COSTA, MAGNO B.; LUCAS, FRANCISCO W. S.; MEDINA, MARINA; MASCARO, LUCIA H.. All-Electrochemically Grown Sb2Se3/a-MoSx Photocathodes for Hydrogen Production: The Effect of the MoSx Layer on the Surface Recombination and Photocorrosion of Sb2Se3 Films. ACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS, v. 3, n. 10, p. 9799-9808, . (17/12794-2, 12/10947-2, 17/11986-5, 17/21365-8, 13/07296-2, 18/16401-8)
IANI, ISABELA M.; TEODORO, VINICIUS; MARANA, NAIARA L.; COLETO JR, UBIRAJARA; SAMBRANO, JULIO R.; SIMOES, ALEXANDRE Z.; TEODORO, MARCIO D.; LONGO, ELSON; PERAZOLLI, LEINIG A.; AMORESI, RAFAEL A. C.; et al. Cation-exchange mediated synthesis of hydrogen and sodium titanates heterojunction: Theoretical and experimental insights toward photocatalyic mechanism. Applied Surface Science, v. 538, . (13/07296-2, 19/12430-6, 19/12114-7, 17/19143-7, 17/24405-0, 19/08928-9, 16/25500-4, 18/01914-0)
SANTIAGO, ANDERSON A. G.; TRANQUILIN, RICARDO L.; LI, MAXIMO S.; LONGO, ELSON; MOTTA, FABIANA V.; BOMIO, MAURICIO R. D.. Effect of temperature on ultrasonic spray pyrolysis method in zinc tungstate: The relationship between structural and optical properties. Materials Chemistry and Physics, v. 258, . (13/07296-2, 16/23891-6)
SANTOS, J. A.; SANCHES, A. O.; AKASAKI, J. L.; TASHIMA, M. M.; LONGO, E.; MALMONGE, J. A.. Influence of PZT insertion on Portland cement curing process and piezoelectric properties of 0-3 cement-based composites by impedance spectroscopy. CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, v. 238, . (13/07296-2)
DE FOGGI, CAMILA CRISTINA; DE OLIVEIRA, REGIANE CRISTINA; ASSIS, MARCELO; FABBRO, MARIA TEREZA; MASTELARO, VALMOR ROBERTO; VERGANI, CARLOS EDUARDO; GRACIA, LOURDES; ANDRES, JUAN; LONGO, ELSON; MACHADO, ANA LUCIA. Unvealing the role of beta-Ag2MoO4 microcrystals to the improvement of antibacterial activity. Materials Science & Engineering C-Materials for Biological Applications, v. 111, . (13/07296-2, 15/03654-7)
SANTOS, HUGO L. S.; CORRADINI, PATRICIA G.; MEDINA, MARINA; DIAS, JEFERSON A.; MASCARO, LUCIA H.. NiMo-NiCu Inexpensive Composite with High Activity for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction. ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, v. 12, n. 15, p. 17492-17501, . (17/12794-2, 17/11986-5, 18/16401-8, 13/07296-2)
GUERREIRO, HAROLDO A.; TRIVINHO-STRIXINO, FRANCISCO; CHIQUITO, ADENILSON J.; GUIMARAES, FRANCISCO E. G.; PEREIRA, ERNESTO C.. Grazing Angle Photoluminescence of Porous Alumina as an Analytical Transducer for Gaseous Ethanol Detection. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, v. 14, n. 9, p. 6653-6657, . (10/10813-0, 13/07296-2, 10/07794-4)
YASNO, JUAN P.; GUNNEWIEK, RODOLFO F. K.; KIMINAMI, RUTH H. G. A.. Microwave synthesis of ultra-high temperature ceramic ZrC nanopowders. ADVANCED POWDER TECHNOLOGY, v. 30, n. 7, p. 1348-1355, . (13/07296-2)
MAZZO, T. M.; MACARIO, L. R.; GORUP, L. F.; BOUQUET, V; DEPUTIER, S.; OLLIVIER, S.; GUILLOUX-VIRY, M.; ALBUQUERQUE, A. R.; SAMBRANO, J. R.; LA PORTA, F. A.; et al. Controlling the Electronic, Structural, and Optical Properties of Novel MgTiO3/LaNiO3 Nanostructured Films for Enhanced Optoelectronic Devices. ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS, v. 2, n. 5, p. 2612-2620, . (13/07296-2)
SANTIAGO, A. A. G.; LOVISA, L. X.; MEDEIROS, P. N.; LI, M. S.; CARRENO, N. L. V.; LONGO, E.; PASKOCIMAS, C. A.; BOMIO, M. R. D.; MOTTA, F. V.. Fast and simultaneous doping of ST0.9-x-y-zCa0.1In2O4:(xEu(3+), yTm(3+), zTb(3+)) superstructure by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis. ULTRASONICS SONOCHEMISTRY, v. 56, p. 14-24, . (16/23891-6, 13/07296-2)
FURLAN, DAIANA M.; MORGADO, DANIELLA LURY; DE OLIVEIRA, ADILSON J. A.; FACETO, ANGELO D.; DE MORAES, DANIEL A.; VARANDA, LAUDEMIR C.; FROLLINI, ELISABETE. Sisal cellulose and magnetite nanoparticles: formation and properties of magnetic hybrid films. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY-JMR&T, v. 8, n. 2, p. 2170-2179, . (13/07296-2, 12/00116-6, 13/01284-2, 09/54082-2)
JOSHI, NIRAV; DA SILVA, LUIS F.; SHIMIZU, FLAVIO M.; MASTELARO, VALMOR R.; M'PEKO, JEAN-CLAUDE; LIN, LIWEI; OLIVEIRA, JR., OSVALDO N.. UV-assisted chemiresistors made with gold-modified ZnO nanorods to detect ozone gas at room temperature. Microchimica Acta, v. 186, n. 7, . (13/14262-7, 16/23474-6, 14/23546-1, 12/15543-7, 13/07296-2, 17/12437-5)
PAULIN, J. V.; COLEONE, A. P.; BATAGIN-NETO, A.; BURWELL, G.; MEREDITH, P.; GRAEFF, C. F. O.; MOSTERT, A. B.. Melanin thin-films: a perspective on optical and electrical properties. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C, v. 9, n. 26, p. 8345-8358, . (12/03116-7, 13/07296-2, 15/23000-1, 18/02411-1)
FERREIRA, L. A. S.; MUCCILLO, E. N. S.. Influence of the sintering method on densification, microstructure and electrical conductivity of 12Ce-TZP. Advances in Applied Ceramics, v. 120, n. 4, p. 202-208, . (13/07296-2)
RUEDA-P, JORGE-ENRIQUE; RODRIGUES, J. E. F. S.; HERNANDES, ANTONIO CARLOS. Monocrystalline fiber growth technique: New critical radius considerations. Journal of Crystal Growth, v. 570, . (08/57872-1, 13/07296-2)
ANEZ, RAFAEL; CABRAL, LUIS; DA SILVA, EDISON Z.; LONGO, ELSON; ANDRES, JUAN; SAN-MIGUEL, MIGUEL A.. Unveiling the Ag-Bi miscibility at the atomic level: A theoretical insight. COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE, v. 197, . (18/22770-6, 16/23891-6, 17/26105-4, 13/07296-2)
PEDRINI, LUIZ F. K.; ESCALIANTE, LUCAS C.; SCALVI, LUIS V. A.. Deposition of TiO2 thin Films by Dip-Coating Technique from a Two-Phase Solution Method and Application to Photocatalysis. MATERIALS RESEARCH-IBERO-AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MATERIALS, v. 24, n. 1, . (13/07296-2, 19/00683-7)
SANTOS, J. G.; LOPES, H.; MORENO, H.; RAMIREZ, M. A.; GARCIA, F. G.; SIMOES, A. Z.. Towards anti-angiogenic activity of NiFe2O4 nanoparticles. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 47, n. 11, p. 16152-16161, . (13/07296-2)
FIEL, RODRIGO; BARCELOS, INGRID D.; LEITE, EDSON ROBERTO. Organo-functionalized MoS2 as a nanofiller to enhance and control the swelling behavior of polybutadiene rubber nanocomposites. COMPOSITES COMMUNICATIONS, v. 30, . (13/07296-2, 16/20493-0)
SALESA, BEATRIZ; TUNON-MOLINA, ALBERTO; CANO-VICENT, ALBA; ASSIS, MARCELO; ANDRES, JUAN; SERRANO-AROCA, ANGEL. Graphene Nanoplatelets: In Vivo and In Vitro Toxicity, Cell Proliferative Activity, and Cell Gene Expression. APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, v. 12, n. 2, . (13/07296-2)
JACUMASSO, SHEILA C.; DE ALVARENGA, GABRIELA; DE LAZZARI, ADRIANA C.; SAMPAIO, NAIARA M. F. M.; SILVA, BRUNO J. G.; MARCHESI, LUIS F.; VIDOTTI, MARCIO; RIEGEL-VIDOTTI, IZABEL C.. Alginate/Polypyrrole Hydrogels as Potential Extraction Phase for Determination of Atrazine, Caffeine, and Progesterone in Aqueous Samples. APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, v. 12, n. 20, p. 10-pg., . (14/50867-3, 13/07296-2)
ANGADI, V. JAGADEESHA; YAHIA, I. S.; ZAHRAN, H. Y.; OLIVEIRA, M. C.; LONGO, E.; KUBRIN, S. P.; MANJUNATHA, S. O.; RIBEIRO, R. A. P.; GHOZZA, M. H.. Effect of Eu3+ on the Structural, Magnetic and Mossbauer Spectroscopy Studies of Copper Ferrite. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, v. 562, p. 10-pg., . (13/07296-2, 21/01651-1)
DA SILVA, KALINE N.; SITTA, ELTON. Tuning oscillatory time-series evolution by Pt(111)-OHad stabilization. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, v. 24, n. 8, p. 6-pg., . (13/07296-2, 16/14758-0)
MARANA, NAIARA L.; SAMBRANO, JULIO R.; CASASSA, SILVIA. Modeling of BN-Doped Carbon Nanotube as High-Performance Thermoelectric Materials. NANOMATERIALS, v. 12, n. 23, p. 13-pg., . (19/12430-6, 13/07296-2, 16/25500-4, 22/03959-6)
DE OLIVEIRA, MARISA CARVALHO; ASSIS, MARCELO; SIMOES, LUIZ GUSTAVO PAGOTTO; MINOZZI, DANIEL TAMASSIA; RIBEIRO, RENAN A. . P.; ANDRES, JUAN; LONGO, ELSON. Unraveling the Intrinsic Biocidal Activity of the SiO2-Ag Composite against SARS-CoV-2: A Joint Experimental and Theoretical Study. ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, v. N/A, p. 13-pg., . (13/07296-2, 21/01651-1)
ANDRADE NETO, N. F.; NUNES, T. B. O.; LI, M.; LONGO, E.; BOMIO, M. R. D.; MOTTA, V, F.. Influence of microwave-assisted hydrothermal treatment time on the crystallinity, morphology and optical properties of ZnWO4 nanoparticles: Photocatalytic activity. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 46, n. 2, p. 1766-1774, . (13/07296-2)
COLMENARES, Y. N.; CORRER, W.; LIMA, B. S.; MASTELARO, V. R.. The effect of morphology on the ozone-gas sensing properties of zinc oxide sputtered films. Thin Solid Films, v. 703, . (12/15170-6, 13/07296-2, 15/20124-1, 13/09573-3)
FERRER, MATEUS M.; SAMBRANO, JULIO R.; HERNANDES, ANTONIO C.; RODRIGUES, JOAO E. F. S.. Optical phonon modes in 1:2 ordered trigonal Ba3MgNb2O9 perovskite: Synergy of both classical and quantum methods. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, v. 51, n. 7, . (19/08928-9, 13/07296-2)
OLIVEIRA, M. C.; FONSECA, V. S.; ANDRADE NETO, N. F.; RIBEIRO, R. A. P.; LONGO, E.; DE LAZARO, S. R.; MOTTA, V, F.; BOMIO, M. R. D.. Connecting theory with experiment to understand the photocatalytic activity of CuO-ZnO heterostructure. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 46, n. 7, p. 9446-9454, . (13/07296-2)
NUNES, JULIANA CARLA; MELO, PAMELA THAIS SOUSA; LOREVICE, MARCOS VINICIUS; AOUADA, FAUZE AHMAD; DE MOURA, MARCIA REGINA. Effect of green tea extract on gelatin-based films incorporated with lemon essential oil. JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY-MYSORE, v. 58, n. 1, . (19/06170-1, 13/07296-2)
ALVES, NAYARA A.; OLEAN-OLIVEIRA, ANDRE; CARDOSO, CELSO X.; TEIXEIRA, MARCOS F. S.. Photochemiresistor Sensor Development Based on a Bismuth Vanadate Type Semiconductor for Determination of Chemical Oxygen Demand. ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, v. 12, n. 16, p. 18723-18729, . (16/09017-1, 13/07296-2)
DIAS, EDUARDO H.; DA SILVA, GELSON T. S. T.; DA CRUZ, JEAN C.; RIBEIRO, CAUE. One-Pot Solvothermal Synthesis of Carbon Black-Supported CuO for Catalysis of CO2 Electroreduction. CHEMELECTROCHEM, v. 9, n. 11, p. 7-pg., . (20/15230-5, 19/10689-2, 14/50279-4, 18/01258-5, 13/07296-2)
CAI, JIARONG; ZHANG, WEI; XU, LIGUANG; HAO, CHANGLONG; MA, WEI; SUN, MAOZHONG; WU, XIAOLING; QIN, XIAN; COLOMBARI, FELIPPE MARIANO; DE MOURA, ANDRE FARIAS; et al. Polarization-sensitive optoionic membranes from chiral plasmonic nanoparticles. NATURE NANOTECHNOLOGY, v. 17, n. 4, p. 10-pg., . (14/50249-8, 15/12851-0, 17/11986-5, 12/15147-4, 13/07296-2)
DE ABREU, CINTHIA BRUNO; GEBARA, RENAN CASTELHANO; DOS REIS, LARISSA LUIZA; ROCHA, GISELI SWERTS; GONCALVES ALHO, LAYS OLIVEIRA; ALVARENGA, LAIS MENDES; VIRTUOSO, LUCIANO SINDRA; ASSIS, MARCELO; MANSANO, ADRISLAINE DA SILVA; LONGO, ELSON; et al. Effects of alpha-Ag2WO4 crystals on photosynthetic efficiency and biomolecule composition of the algae Raphidocelis subcapitata. WATER AIR AND SOIL POLLUTION, v. 233, n. 4, p. 11-pg., . (13/07296-2, 18/07988-5)
SANTANA, GEOVANA L.; CROVACE, MURILO C.; MAZON, ERNESTO E.; DE OLIVEIRA, ADILSON J. A.; PAVAN, THEO Z.; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.. Smart Bone Graft Composite for Cancer Therapy Using Magnetic Hyperthermia. MATERIALS, v. 15, n. 9, p. 22-pg., . (13/07296-2, 13/07793-6)
WOSIAK, GABRIEL; DA SILVA, JEYSE; SENA, STHEFANY S.; DE ANDRADE, RENATO N.; PEREIRA, ERNESTO. CFD simulation and experimental comparison of bubble-induced convection during electrochemical water splitting. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, v. 433, p. 7-pg., . (18/24383-0, 17/11986-5, 14/50249-8, 13/07296-2, 19/27029-5)
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