LECH will develop two actions along the second phase of TIDIA Ae: 1) Evaluation of an experimental application, through the high speed network, of a computerized program to teach elementary reading and writing to children learning difficulties; and 2) Test of a Web-Based Ambulatory for Audiological Rehabilitation, to promote auditory learning in cochlear implant users with pre-lingual sensorineural hearing loss. These teaching actions have already been conducted in a presential learning context, as part of a PRONEX/FAPESP grant, in which these actions serve as framework for basic and applied exploratory research. Since LECH focuses research on behavior, cognition and teaching, its teaching actions are always inextricably linked to research: Teaching is treated as the arrangement of environmental variables that may lead to changes in behavior and cognition. Participation in the TIDIA Ae Program as an Associated Laboratory with LSC/UFSCAR-COC will enable LECH to evaluate the feasibility of applying teaching procedures on a larger scale through web-based remote teaching, supported by a high speed network. (AU)
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