Auxílio à pesquisa 98/14138-2 - Estrutura molecular, Biotecnologia - BV FAPESP
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Center for Structural Molecular Biotechnology

Processo: 98/14138-2
Modalidade de apoio:Auxílio à Pesquisa - Centros de Pesquisa, Inovação e Difusão - CEPIDs
Área do conhecimento:Interdisciplinar
Pesquisador responsável:Glaucius Oliva
Beneficiário:Glaucius Oliva
Instituição Sede: Instituto de Física de São Carlos (IFSC). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Carlos , SP, Brasil
Pesquisadores principais:
( Últimos )
Heloisa Sobreiro Selistre de Araújo ; Leila Maria Beltramini ; Otavio Henrique Thiemann ; Paulo Cézar Vieira ; Richard Charles Garratt
Pesquisadores principais:
( Antigos )
Rogerio Meneghini
Auxílio(s) vinculado(s):06/61672-2 - Eduardo Horjales Reboredo | Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México - México, AV.EXT
05/54298-4 - Modelo tridimensional para representar molécula ou parte de molécula de ácido nucléico e kit, AP.PAPI
03/09220-1 - Modelo tridimensional para representar estrutura ou parte de estrutura protéica e kit, AP.PAPI
03/02879-8 - Structural characterization of jackin and frutakin, new chitin binding lectins, that inhibit fungi growing., AR.EXT
Bolsa(s) vinculada(s):11/20863-8 - Estudos funcionais de elementos SECIS em Trypanossomatideos, BP.IC
11/23302-7 - Expressão, purificação e cristalização de um complexo de septinas, BP.IC
10/19390-5 - Matriz extracelular no envelhecimento e suas adaptações ao treinamento de força no tendão calcâneo de ratos: abordagem molecular, celular e biomecânica., BP.PD
+ mais bolsas vinculadas 11/19886-3 - Produção heteróloga e caracterização funcional de uma beta-frutofuranosidase identificada em uma biblioteca de cDNA de Sphenophorus levis, uma praga da cana-de-açúcar, BP.IC
11/04537-3 - Compreensão da estrutura de proteínas por estudantes de nível superior, na perspectiva dos modelos mentais, BP.MS
10/20290-5 - Estudos estruturais de complexos de septinas humanas, BP.PD
11/07165-0 - Efeitos do treinamento de força nos adipócitos de ratas ovariectomizadas: análise morfométrica e expressão gênica da miostatina e seu receptor, BP.IC
10/19493-9 - Clonagem e expressão dos domínios desintegrina e rico em cisteína (DC) da ADAM 9 (A Disintegrin And Metalloproteinase) humana em Pichia pastoris, BP.IC
10/12331-3 - Avaliação da atividade tripanocida de auranofin contra diferentes DTUs de Trypanosoma cruzi, BP.IC
10/10201-5 - Estudo do papel da ADAM9 na disseminação tumoral via sistema linfático: possível alvo farmacológico, BP.DR
09/17698-5 - Investigação estrutural da enzima diacilglicerol aciltransferase 1 (DGAT1) bovina e sua interação com sistemas lipídicos, BP.PD
10/01024-2 - Prospecção de proteinas ligantes de integrinas do veneno de bothrops alternatus, BP.IC
09/16901-1 - Estudo do efeito da alternagina-c na expressão de metaloproteases de matriz (MMPs) em fibroblastos e células tumorais de mama., BP.IC
09/15320-5 - Triagem Biológica, Identificação e Planejamento de Novos Candidatos a Agentes Anticâncer a Partir de Produtos Naturais e Compostos Sintéticos, BP.DR
09/06692-6 - Estudos estruturais e cinéticos das enzimas Adenosina Kinase e Hipoxantina-guanina Fosforibosiltransferase de Schistosoma mansoni, BP.MS
08/58735-8 - Estudos estruturais da familia das septinas, BP.PD
09/00918-2 - Mutagênese de septinas humanas e análise da sua interação com outras septinas, BP.IC
08/58734-1 - Desenvolvimento e formalizacao da tecnica de analise de acoplamento estatistico e sua aplicacao ao estudo de familias de proteinas em conjunto com estudos estruturais, BP.PD
08/09852-1 - Padronização e aplicação de kits de solubilidade de proteínas para estudos estruturais por Ressonância Magnética Nuclear, BP.IC
08/07676-1 - Estudos estruturais e funcionais das enzimas do sistema de transporte de alcano sulfonatos SsuD e SsuE de Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri, BP.MS
08/09442-8 - Interação entre as proteínas SEPT3 e PM-Scl75/RRP45 humanas: análise da conexão entre filamentos de septinas e o complexo exossomo, BP.IC
07/58558-6 - Caracterização estrutural e funcional da proteína CsMAF1 de Citrus sinensis, parceria de interação do principal efetor tipo tal de Xanthomonas citri, BP.DD
07/58671-7 - Estudos estruturais e funcionais das proteinas humanas da familia septina., BP.PD
07/06564-2 - Estudo da interação das lectinas Pulchelina (RIP-2, Abrus puchellus), frutalina (Artocarpus incisa) e camptosemina (Camptosema ellipticum) com sistemas modelo de biomembranas, BP.PD
06/60279-5 - Biologia molecular & estrutural e espectroscopia de septinas, BP.PD
06/60280-3 - Ensaios de inibição enzimática e cristalografia de alvos protéicos de parasitas tropicais, BP.PD
06/57573-9 - Estudos bioquímicos e estruturais das septinas humanas SEPT3 e SEPT5 e identificação de parceiros protéicos, BP.DR
06/51973-5 - Estudos estruturais do domínio GTPase isolado da septina humana SEPT4, BP.MS
06/53355-7 - Estudos bioquímicos e estruturais da septina humana Sept2: fatores que determinam a formação de agregados, BP.DD
06/01534-5 - Estudos das interações dos receptores de hormônios tireoidianos com DNA e as proteínas co-reguladoras utilizando a cristalografia de raios-X, BP.PD
05/60917-9 - Investigacao da interacao da plantaricina 149 (formas nativas e modificadas com diferentes vesiculas fosfolipidicas: correlacoes com suas acoes sobre microorganismos., BP.DR
06/52878-6 - Centro de Biotecnologia Molecular Estrutural - CBME, BP.TT
05/59833-5 - Desenvolvimento de canas-de-acucar transgenicas superexpressando cistatinas visando o aumento da resistencia a insetos., BP.PD
05/57572-0 - Determinacao da estrutura cristalografica da xyllelaina, uma cisteino-protease da bacteria fitopatogenica xylella fastidiosa., BP.MS
04/10245-1 - Estudo de produtos naturais buscando inibidores específicos de cisteíno-proteases, BP.PD
05/51042-9 - Caracterizacao e estudos estruturais de complexos da gliceraldeido-3-fosfato desidrogenase de t.cruzi e inibidores., BP.IC
05/50523-3 - Centro de Biotecnologia Molecular Estrutural (CBME/CEPID) coordenadoria de difusão, BP.TT
04/15744-6 - Centro de Biotecnologia Molecular Estrutural (CBME): implantação de cursos para estudantes do ensino médio e comunidade, em parceria com o programa escola da família: o lado lúdico das estruturas, BP.TT
04/06986-6 - Papel biológico do domínio desintegrina de uma ADAM (a Desintegrin And Metalloproteinase) humana, BP.PD
04/00339-9 - Planejamento racional de novos ligantes dos receptores nucleares lxr e fxr., BP.PD
04/01297-8 - Planejamento racional de novos agentes quimioterapicos: identificacao e estudos cineticos de novos inibidores da gliceraldeido-3-fosfato desidrogenase glicossomal de trypanosoma cruzi., BP.DR
04/04368-3 - Centro de Biotecnologia Molecular Estrutural, BP.TT
03/12588-0 - Estudo para a obtenção de produtos naturais bioativos a partir de plantas, BP.DD
04/01274-8 - Centro de Biotecnologia Molecular Estrutural - CBME, BP.TT
03/04121-5 - Desenvolvimento, caracterizacao e aplicacao de colunas enzimaticas para bioensaios na procura de novos quimioterapicos para doencas tropicais., BP.PD
02/14205-9 - Estudos computacionais baseados em estrutura dos receptores de hormônios tiroidianos e determinação de sua atividade em células humanas, BP.DD
03/06895-8 - Centro de Biotecnologia Molecular Estrutural, BP.TT
03/00231-0 - Estudos estruturais de receptores-gama ativados por proliferadores de peroxissomo (PPAR-y), BP.DR
02/12680-1 - Desenvolvimento de inibidores específicos da enzima GAPDH de T.cruzi: planejamento racional, cristalografia e química computacional, BP.DD
02/11413-0 - Centro de Biotecnologia Molecular Estrutural (CBME), BP.TT
02/10409-9 - Centro de Biotecnologia Molecular Estrutural - CBME/CEPID FAPESP, BP.TT
02/06552-0 - Estrutura de proteinas de organismo patogenicos determinadas por ressonancia magnetica nuclear de alta resolucao., BP.PD
02/07697-2 - Centro de Biotecnologia Molecular Estrutural - CEPID, BP.TT
01/14240-6 - Estudos estruturais de duas enzimas (GumC e GumD) envolvidas na via biossintética da goma fastidiana produzida pela Xilella fastidiosa, BP.DR
02/00753-4 - Interações entre sequências de proteínas virais com vesículas artificiais estudadas por técnicas espectroscópicas, BP.PD
01/12688-0 - Produtos naturais como potenciais compostos de partida para drogas antichagásicas e antileishmanioses, BP.DD
02/00744-5 - Center for Structural Molecular Biotechnology / CEPID, BP.TT
01/09703-7 - Estudos estruturais de duas enzimas envolvidas na biosíntese de goma xilelana produzida pela bactéria Xylella fastidiosa, BP.DR
01/12999-5 - Centro de Biotecnologia Molecular Estrutural - CBME, BP.TT
01/14239-8 - Estudos estruturais da Fe-superoxido dismutase citosólica de Trypanossoma cruzi, uma enzima-alvo para o planejamento racional de drogas contra a Doença de Chagas, BP.DD
01/10069-0 - Construcao de um novo plasmideo para expressao de proteinas heterologas fundidas com a gfp (green fluorescent protein)., BP.IC
01/10637-9 - O impacto social da biologia molecular e da biotecnologia, e o papel da educação e difusão nesta área do conhecimento, BP.PD
01/13917-2 - Estudos estruturais da fe-superoxido desmutase citosolica de plasmodium falciparum, uma enzima-alvo para o planejamento racional de drogas contra a malaria., BP.PD
01/05119-9 - Estudo estrutural das enzimas arginase e fosforribosil pirofosfato sintetase i para planejamento de farmacos contra leishmaniose., BP.PD
01/07798-0 - Desenho racional de inibidores baseado em dados estruturais da enzima fosfoenolpiruvato carboxiquinase de "trypanosoma cruzi"., BP.PD
01/00296-0 - Estudos estruturais da fosforribosil pirofosfato sintetase (prs) humana., BP.DR
00/12427-9 - Busca de compostos de partida para novas drogas antichagásicas e antileishmaniose, através de ensaios bioquímicos e biológicos in vitro com flavonoides isolados de Lonchocarpus e Deguelia (Leguminosae) e com alcaloides 2-alquil-4-quinolonas isolados de Dictyoloma e Spathelia (Rutaceae), BP.PD
01/01255-5 - Desenvolvimento de drogas anti-inflamatorias pela inibicao especifica da enzima prostaglandina endoperoxido sintase-2 (pghs-2 ou cox-2)., BP.PD
00/14709-1 - Estudos estruturais da adenina-fosforribosil-transferase (aprt) de (leishimania tarentolae)., BP.DR
01/01011-9 - Fitoquímica, quimiossistemática e busca de compostos de partida para novas drogas antichagásicas: estudo de espécies do gênero Hortia (Rutaceae), BP.DR
00/13670-4 - Estudos estruturais da fe-superoxido desmutase citosolica de "trypanosoma cruzi", uma enzima-alvo para o planejamento racional de drogas contra a doenca de chagas., BP.IC
00/14962-9 - Planejamento racional de inibidores especificos da enzima humana "glicose 6-fosfato isomerase"., BP.IC
99/11974-7 - Estudo estrutural das enzimas envolvidas na biosintese de goma xylellana produzida pela bacteria xylella fastidiosa., BP.PD
99/09193-7 - Planejamento racional de drogas baseado em estrutura: aplicacao as enzimas gapdh de t. cruzi, aprt de leishmania tarentolae e sod de s. mansoni., BP.PD - menos bolsas vinculadas
Assunto(s):Estrutura molecular  Biotecnologia 
Publicação FAPESP:


The Center for Structural Molecular Biotechnology (CBME) is a joint initiative resulting from existing collaborative research projects involving: the (I) Laboratory of Protein Crystallography and Structural Biology of the Institute of Physics of Sao Carlos (IFSC), University of Sao Paulo; (II) the National Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS), Campinas; (III) the Laboratory of Natural Products and Organic Synthesis of the Department of Chemistry, Federal University of Sao Carlos (DQ-UFSCar); (IV) researchers from the Department of Genetics and Evolution (DGE-UFSCar) and Department of Physiological Sciences (DCF-UFSCar). The major goal of this Center is to perform both applied and basic research as well as technological development in all areas of biotechnology that depend on Structure Based Molecular Design, specifically in the rational design of new structure-based compounds (drugs, vaccines, pesticides, herbicides) and in protein engineering. In order to achieve this goal the CBME promotes an integrated multidisciplinary approach including the application of the techniques of Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Structural Biology (Protein Crystallography, Multidimensional NMR, Spectroscopy, Molecular Modeling and Bioinformatics), Medicinal Chemistry based on both Synthetic and Natural Product Chemistry, Molecular Immunology, Cell Biology and Pharmacology. The projects undertaken by the CBME are selected on the basis of social, industrial and medical demand. Maximum integration and collaboration with the private sector is always sought, particularly with pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies and research institutes within the health and agricultural sectors. The integration of biological sciences with the unique facilities of the LNLS represents a major advantage for the Center. The Brazilian pharmaceutical market is currently worth US$12 billion a year and yet there is no proprietary drug that has ever been developed within the country. The dependence on foreign technology will become critical in sensitive areas such as human health, agriculture and the environment. Areas which are specifically of national interest to Brazil and which are socially highly sensitive as they affect millions of individuals, such as infections tropical diseases for example, run the risk of becoming totally neglected in the research and development priorities of international industry. In direct contrast, Brazil currently possesses one of the richest natural sources of incalculable potential wealth in the form of its biodiversity, up until now the principal source of lead compounds used in drug development. The scope of the activities of the CBME is to contribute to the bridging of this gap, with an integrated research program involving biologists, physicists, chemists, experts in bioinformatics, molecular modeling, pharmacologists, etc…,focused on the elucidation of macromolecular structure and function and its application to the development of useful compounds or newly engineered proteins. Rational Structure Based Drug Design is nowadays the most efficient and cost-effective technology for the development of new drugs, capable of contributing at all stages of the process, from the discovery of new lead compounds, their optimization (in terms of affinity, specificity, efficacy, side-effects) and their approval by the relevant bodies. It is a methodology that is based on the inhibition or stimulation of the biological activity of macromolecules, proteins or nucleic acids (DNA and RNA), responsible for different diseases. The three-dimensional structural information on target molecules permits the discovery and synthesis of complementary compounds which may become potent drugs specifically directed at the targeted disease. Without exception, all of the largest international pharmaceutical companies nowadays include research and development divisions which employ such technology. Recently developed drugs such as the HIV protease inhibitors are a clear example of the power of this technology. This is an intrinsically interdisciplinary science. Once the target disease, parasite or molecular genetics factor responsible has been selected, an integrated effort involving different specialized researchers is required for the discovery of a new drug: Molecular Biology (cloning and expression of the recombinant target proteins); Biochemistry (purification and characterization of the targets); Crystallography (crystallization, synchrotron data collection, structure determination); NMR (high resolution solution studies); Spectroscopic techniques (EPR, CD, fluorescence, FTIR); Drug design (docking, de novo design, theoretical calculations); Medicinal Chemistry (synthesis of designed compounds, search for leads in natural products); Pharmacology (in vitro and in vivo biological assays of potential compounds, activity and toxicity tests, optimal doses, efficacy, side-effects, etc...). The above process is not necessarily linear; frequently it is necessary that many stages are repeated in a cyclical fashion. However, the possibility to visualize accurately the target site of the drug and of complexes of intermediate compounds can lead rapidly to the convergence of the drug design process, with all the advantages previously mentioned: speed, low relative cost, greater specific activity and as a consequence a reduction in side-effects. Similarly, in the international context, the modern biological sciences have become characterized by the interdisciplinary nature of the theoretical and experimental approaches employed. In all of the large research groups of the world one can readily recognize the total integration between specific researches areas involved in Structural Biology. In Brazil, one can still see a marked segregation among these areas, with the sporadic collaboration that exists limited by the very structure of the university departments. The establishment of an inter-institutional research nucleus, dedicated to Structural Molecular Biotechnology, unique within the country and even within Latin America, which could count on the participation of researchers from different institutions, centre on common projects chosen on the basis, of demand, including a strong interaction and partnership with the production sector, would be the greatest benefit of the centre. With the implementation of a patent law for pharmaceutical and biotechnological products in Brazil, in effect since May/1997, strong interest from the industry in establishing collaborative research projects centered on the development of new compounds is emerging. One example is a research project currently being undertaken by the IFSC group in conjunction with and financed by the company Eurofarma Laboratorios Ltda (2nd in the national ranking), entitled ‘Definition of strategies for research and development of new drugs in Brazil’. What is already clear in this study is that the academic community has to take the initiative in establishing the connection university-industry, with an active role in the prospection of realistic projects for industrial investment. Therefore, the CBME plans to select its projects based on demand and actively pursue integration with industry. The final goal is always the complete transfer of the technology developed to the industrial sector, while naturally respecting intellectual property rights and community ownership of natural products when applicable. On the educational front, the Center will benefit from the strong training programs for students and researchers in the area of Structural Biology, including undergraduate and graduate research training, in all institutions involved. Furthermore, the Center will closely work with the Center for Scientific and Cultural Diffusion, the arm of the university in Sao Carlos for interaction with the community, through strong programs directed towards high school students, further education of school teachers, the extension of libraries of experiments for school demonstrations, education at a distance via the Internet, videos, science fairs, lectures etc. The LNLS has also several activities devoted to the community, including courses, lectures, guided visits and summer schools. This will all contribute to a better understanding of the importance of molecular biology, genetic engineering and biotechnology, key scientific areas for the next century. The research groups involved have demonstrated their capacity for collaborative research in the field, with publications, PhD and MSc theses, and above all state of the art facilities which represent the core of the center. The LNLS represents a US$ 50 million counterpart investment; the IFSC/USP has had an investment of about US$ 3 million in its facilities over the past 8 years; the groups from UFSCar have well established laboratories. The LNLS has approved the construction of a new building to accommodate the whole of their biological research program. The IFSC group has over 1500 m2 of continuous lab. space, including a new area of about 500 m2 allocated for expansion within the next 6 months which will accommodate much of the new equipment envisaged. The salary of staff researchers and technicians, administrative support and general infrastructure is also considerable. (AU)

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Publicações científicas (59)
(Referências obtidas automaticamente do Web of Science e do SciELO, por meio da informação sobre o financiamento pela FAPESP e o número do processo correspondente, incluída na publicação pelos autores)
VALADARES, NAPOLEAO F.; DELLAMANO, MARCIA; SOARES-COSTA, ANDREA; HENRIQUE-SILVA, FLAVIO; GARRATT, RICHARD C.. Molecular determinants of improved cathepsin B inhibition by new cystatins obtained by DNA shuffling. BMC STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY, v. 10, . (08/58316-5, 05/59833-5, 98/14138-2)
MACEDO, JOCI N. A.; VALADARES, NAPOLEAO F.; MARQUES, IVO A.; FERREIRA, FREDERICO M.; DAMALIO, JULIO C. P.; PEREIRA, HUMBERTO M.; GARRATT, RICHARD C.; ARAUJO, ANA P. U.. The structure and properties of septin 3: a possible missing link in septin filament formation. Biochemical Journal, v. 450, n. 1, p. 95-105, . (08/58316-5, 06/57573-9, 08/57910-0, 98/14138-2)
FAIM, LIVIA MARIA; ROSA E SILVA, IVAN; BERTACINE DIAS, MARCIO VINICIUS; PEREIRA, HUMBERTO D'MUNIZ; BRANDAO-NETO, JOSE; ALVES DA SILVA, MARCO TULIO; THIEMANN, OTAVIO HENRIQUE. Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of selenophosphate synthetases from Trypanosoma brucei and Leishmania major. ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION F-STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY COMMUNICATIONS, v. 69, n. 8, p. 864-867, . (98/14138-2)
MESQUITA-FERRARI, R. A.; DE MORAES, C. K.; MICOCCI, K. C.; SELISTRE-DE-ARAUJO, H. S.. ALT-C, a disintegrin-like Cys-rich protein from Bothrops alternatus, increases skeletal myoblast viability. Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins including Tropical Diseases, v. 15, n. 2, p. 325-339, . (04/09671-6, 98/14138-2)
DA SILVA, M. T. A.; SILVA-JARDIM, I.; THIEMANN, O. H.. Biological Implications of Selenium and its Role in Trypanosomiasis Treatment. Current Medicinal Chemistry, v. 21, n. 15, p. 1772-1780, . (11/24017-4, 98/14138-2)
CERNADAS, RAUL ANDRES; CAMILLO, LUCIANA RODRIGUES; BENEDETTI, CELSO EDUARDO. Transcriptional analysis of the sweet orange interaction with the citrus canker pathogens Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri and Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. aurantifolii. MOLECULAR PLANT PATHOLOGY, v. 9, n. 5, p. 609-631, . (00/10266-8, 03/08316-5, 98/14138-2)
RIBEIRO, CAROLINA W.; SOARES-COSTA, ANDREA; FALCO, MARIA CRISTINA; CHABREGAS, SABRINA M.; ULIAN, EUGENIO C.; COTRIN, SIMONE S.; CARMONA, ADRIANA K.; SANTANA, LUCIMEIRE A.; OLIVA, MARIA LUIZA V.; HENRIQUE-SILVA, FLAVIO. Production of a His-Tagged Canecystatin in Transgenic Sugarcane and Subsequent Purification. BIOTECHNOLOGY PROGRESS, v. 24, n. 5, p. 1060-1066, . (98/14138-2, 05/59833-5)
MORELLO, LUIS G.; HESLING, CEDRIC; COLTRI, PATRICIA P.; CASTILHO, BEATRIZ A.; RIMOKH, RUTH; ZANCHIN, NILSON I. T.. The NIP7 protein is required for accurate pre-rRNA processing in human cells. Nucleic Acids Research, v. 39, n. 2, p. 648-665, . (06/02083-7, 06/57653-2, 07/58371-3, 98/14138-2, 03/06299-6)
CORDEIRO, ARTUR T.; THIEMANN, OTAVIO H.; MICHELS, PAUL A. M.. Inhibition of Trypanosoma brucei glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase by human steroids and their effects on the viability of cultured parasites. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, v. 17, n. 6, p. 2483-2489, . (05/51966-6, 98/14138-2, 07/02663-6)
SOARES-COSTA, A.; SILVEIRA, R. S.; NOVO, M. T. M.; ALVES, M. F. M.; CARMONA, A. K.; BELASQUE, JR., J.; HENRIQUE-SILVA, F.. Recombinant expression and characterization of a cysteine peptidase from Xanthomonas citri subsp citri. Genetics and Molecular Research, v. 11, n. 4, p. 4043-4057, . (05/59833-5, 98/14138-2)
NOGAROTO‚ V.; TAGLIAVINI‚ S.A.; GIANOTTI‚ A.; MIKAWA‚ A.; BARROS‚ N.M.T.; PUZER‚ L.; CARMONA‚ A.K.; COSTA‚ P.I.; HENRIQUE-SILVA‚ F.. Recombinant expression and characterization of a Xylella fastidiosa cysteine protease differentially expressed in a nonpathogenic strain. FEMS Microbiology Letters, v. 261, n. 2, p. 187-193, . (98/14138-2)
TAGLIAVINI‚ SA; MIKAWA‚ AY; YAMANAKA‚ H.; HENRIQUE-SILVA‚ F.; COSTA‚ PI. Polysiloxane-poly (propylene oxide) hybrid discs as solid phase in anti-HCV detection using a recombinant core protein. Talanta, v. 75, n. 2, p. 461-465, . (98/14138-2)
PEREIRA DE PAULA, FERNANDO FONSECA; RIBEIRO, JULIANA UEMA; SANTOS, LIVIA MARA; FERREIRA DE SOUZA, DULCE HELENA; LEONARDECZ, EDUARDO; HENRIQUE-SILVA, FLAVIO; SELISTRE-DE-ARAUJO, HELOISA SOBREIRO. Molecular characterization of metalloproteases from Bothrops alternatus snake venom. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology D-Genomics & Proteomics, v. 12, p. 74-83, . (98/14138-2)
PEDEZZI, RAFAEL; FONSECA, FERNANDO P. P.; SANTOS JUNIOR, CELIO DIAS; KISHI, LUCIANO T.; TERRA, WALTER R.; HENRIQUE-SILVA, FLAVIO. A novel beta-fructofuranosidase in Coleoptera: Characterization of a beta-fructofuranosidase from the sugarcane weevil, Sphenophorus levis. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, v. 55, p. 31-38, . (98/14138-2)
DA SILVA, M. T. A.; CALDAS, V. E. A.; COSTA, F. C.; SILVESTRE, D. A. M. M.; THIEMANN, O. H.. Selenocysteine biosynthesis and insertion machinery in Naegleria gruberi. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology, v. 188, n. 2, p. 87-90, . (98/14138-2)
SOARES-COSTA, ANDREA; NAKAYAMA, DARLAN GONCALVES; ANDRADE, LETICIA DE FREITAS; CATELLI, LUCAS FERIOLI; GUARNIERI BASSI, ANA PAULA; CECCATO-ANTONINI, SANDRA REGINA; HENRIQUE-SILVA, FLAVIO. Industrial PE-2 strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae: from alcoholic fermentation to the production of recombinant proteins. NEW BIOTECHNOLOGY, v. 31, n. 1, p. 90-97, . (98/14138-2)
SOUZA, T. A. C. B.; BARBOSA, J. A. R. G.. Cloning, Overexpression, Purification and Preliminary Characterization of Human Septin 8. The Protein Journal, v. 29, n. 5, p. 328-335, . (05/05149-6, 98/14138-2)
PERTINHEZ, THELMA A.; SFORÇA, MAURICIO L.; ALVES, ADRIANA C.; RAMOS, CELSO R. R.; HO, PAULO L.; TENDLER, MIRIAM; ZANCHIN, NILSON I. T.; SPISNI, ALBERTO. H-1, N-15 and C-13 resonance assignments of the apo Sm14-M20(C62V) protein, a mutant of Schistosoma mansoni Sm14. Journal of Biomolecular NMR, v. 29, n. 4, p. 553-554, . (99/11030-9, 98/14961-0, 98/14138-2, 00/02026-7)
RINKE, R.; COSTA, A. S.; FONSECA, F. P. P.; ALMEIDA, L. C.; DELALIBERA JUNIOR, I.; HENRIQUE-SILVA, F.. Microbial diversity in the larval gut of field and laboratory populations of the sugarcane weevil Sphenophorus levis (Coleoptera, Curculionidae). Genetics and Molecular Research, v. 10, n. 4, p. 2679-2691, . (98/14138-2)
COMINETTI, MÁRCIA R.; TERRUGGI, CRISTINA H. B.; RAMOS, OSCAR H. P.; FOX, JAY W.; MARIANO-OLIVEIRA, ANDREA; FREITAS, MARTA S. DE; FIGUEIREDO, CAMILA C.; MORANDI, VERONICA; SELISTRE-DE-ARAUJO, HELOISA S.. Alternagin-C, a disintegrin-like protein, induces vascular endothelial cell growth factor (VEGF) expression and endothelial cell proliferation in vitro. Journal of Biological Chemistry, v. 279, n. 18, p. 18247-18255, . (00/05520-2, 00/09495-2, 98/14138-2)
HESLING, CÉDRIC; OLIVEIRA, CARLA C.; CASTILHO, BEATRIZ A.; ZANCHIN, NILSON I. T.. The Shwachman-Bodian-Diamond syndrome associated protein interacts with HsNip7 and its down-regulation affects gene expression at the transcriptional and translational levels. Experimental Cell Research, v. 313, n. 20, p. 4180-4195, . (06/02083-7, 00/10266-8, 98/14138-2)
LILIANA TORCOROMA GARCÍA; NEY RIBEIRO LEITE; JUAN D ALFONZO; OTAVIO HENRIQUE THIEMANN. Effects of Trypanosoma brucei tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetases silencing by RNA interference. Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, v. 102, n. 6, p. 757-762, . (98/14138-2)
DE SOUZA, MARCOS MICHEL; MANZINE, LIVIA REGINA; DA SILVA, MARCOS VINICIUS G.; BETTINI, JEFFERSON; PORTUGAL, RODRIGO VILARES; CRUZ, ANGELA KAYSEL; ARRUDA, EURICO; THIEMANN, OTAVIO HENRIQUE. An improved purification procedure for Leishmania RNA virus (LRV). Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, v. 45, n. 2, p. 695-698, . (98/14138-2)
FONSECA, FERNANDO P. P.; SOARES-COSTA, ANDREA; RIBEIRO, ALBERTO F.; ROSA, JOSE CESAR; TERRA, WALTER R.; HENRIQUE-SILVA, FLAVIO. Recombinant expression, localization and in vitro inhibition of midgut cysteine peptidase (Sl-CathL) from sugarcane weevil, Sphenophorus levis. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, v. 42, n. 1, p. 58-69, . (98/14138-2)
DA SILVA‚ M.R.M.; MAIA‚ A.A.M.; ESPÍNDOLA‚ N.M.; MACHADO‚ L.R.; VAZ‚ A.J.; HENRIQUE-SILVA‚ F.. Recombinant expression of Taenia solium TS14 antigen and its utilization for immunodiagnosis of neurocysticercosis. Acta Tropica, v. 100, n. 3, p. 192-198, . (01/12973-6, 02/12061-0, 98/14138-2)
BLEICHER, LUCAS; LEMKE, NEY; GARRATT, RICHARD CHARLES. Using Amino Acid Correlation and Community Detection Algorithms to Identify Functional Determinants in Protein Families. PLoS One, v. 6, n. 12, p. e27786, . (08/58734-1, 98/14138-2)
EVANGELISTA, DANILO ELTON; PEREIRA DE PAULA, FERNANDO FONSECA; RODRIGUES, ANDRE; HENRIQUE-SILVA, FLAVIO. Pectinases From Sphenophorus levis Vaurie, 1978 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae): Putative Accessory Digestive Enzymes. JOURNAL OF INSECT SCIENCE, v. 15, . (98/14138-2)
MACEDO, JOCI N. A.; VALADARES, NAPOLEAO F.; MARQUES, IVO A.; FERREIRA, FREDERICO M.; DAMALIO, JULIO C. P.; PEREIRA, HUMBERTO M.; GARRATT, RICHARD C.; ARAUJO, ANA P. U.. The structure and properties of septin 3: a possible missing link in septin filament formation. Biochemical Journal, v. 450, p. 11-pg., . (06/57573-9, 08/58316-5, 98/14138-2, 08/57910-0)
PEREIRA, HUMBERTO M.; REZENDE, MARTHA M.; CASTILHO, MARCELO SANTOS; OLIVA, GLAUCIUS; GARRATT, RICHARD C.. Adenosine binding to low-molecular-weight purine nucleoside phosphorylase: the structural basis for recognition based on its complex with the enzyme from Schistosoma mansoni. ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION D-BIOLOGICAL CRYSTALLOGRAPHY, v. 66, p. 7-pg., . (98/14138-2, 06/60280-3)
BALASCO SERRAO, VITOR HUGO; DE FREITAS FERNANDES, ADRIANO; MANSOR BASSO, LUIS GUILHERME; SCORTECCI, JESSICA FERNANDES; CRUSCA JUNIOR, EDSON; LOPES CORNELIO, MARINONIO; MONSON DE SOUZA, BIBIANA; PALMA, MARIO SERGIO; DE OLIVEIRA NETO, MARIO; THIEMANN, OTAVIO HENRIQUE. The Specific Elongation Factor to Selenocysteine Incorporation in Escherichia coli: Unique tRNA(Sec) Recognition and its Interactions. Journal of Molecular Biology, v. 433, n. 23, . (13/17791-0, 14/00206-0, 12/15777-8, 12/23730-1, 14/16005-4, 98/14138-2)
PEREIRA, HUMBERTO M.; REZENDE, MARTHA M.; CASTILHO, MARCELO SANTOS; OLIVA, GLAUCIUS; GARRATT, RICHARD C.. Adenosine binding to low-molecular-weight purine nucleoside phosphorylase: the structural basis for recognition based on its complex with the enzyme from Schistosoma mansoni. ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION D-BIOLOGICAL CRYSTALLOGRAPHY, v. 66, n. 1, p. 73-79, . (06/60280-3, 98/14138-2)
AMBROSIO, ANDRE L. B.; DIAS, SANDRA M. G.; POLIKARPOV, IGOR; ZURIER, ROBERT B.; BURSTEIN, SUMNER H.; GARRATT, RICHARD C.. Ajulemic acid, a synthetic nonpsychoactive cannabinoid acid, bound to the ligand binding domain of the human peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma. Journal of Biological Chemistry, v. 282, n. 25, p. 18625-18633, . (06/00182-8, 98/14138-2, 03/00231-0, 99/03387-4)
AKAO, P. K.; TONOLI, C. C. C.; NAVARRO, M. S.; CINTRA, A. C. O.; NETO, J. R.; ARNI, R. K.; MURAKAMI, M. T.. Structural studies of BmooMP alpha-I, a non-hemorrhagic metalloproteinase from Bothrops moojeni venom. Toxicon, v. 55, n. 2-3, p. 361-368, . (98/14138-2)
DOMINGUES, MARIANE NORONHA; DE SOUZA, TIAGO ANTONIO; CERNADAS, RAUL ANDRES; PEIXOTO DE OLIVEIRA, MARIA LUIZA; DOCENA, CASSIA; FARAH, CHUCK SHAKER; BENEDETTI, CELSO EDUARDO. The Xanthomonas citri effector protein PthA interacts with citrus proteins involved in nuclear transport, protein folding and ubiquitination associated with DNA repair. MOLECULAR PLANT PATHOLOGY, v. 11, n. 5, p. 663-675, . (07/06686-0, 00/10266-8, 03/08316-5, 98/14138-2)
QUEIROZ DE CAVALHO, JULIO CESAR; BELTRAMINI, LEILA MARIA; SEGNINI BOSSOLAN, NELMA REGINA. Using a board game to teach protein synthesis to high school students. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL EDUCATION, v. 53, n. 2, p. 205-216, . (98/14138-2)
SCHNEIDER, VANESSA KARINE; SOARES-COSTA, ANDREA; CHAKRAVARTHI, MOHAN; RIBEIRO, CAROLINA; CHABREGAS, SABRINA MOUTINHO; FALCO, MARIA CRISTINA; HENRIQUE-SILVA, FLAVIO. Transgenic sugarcane overexpressing CaneCPI-1 negatively affects the growth and development of the sugarcane weevil Sphenophorus levis. Plant Cell Reports, v. 36, n. 1, p. 193-201, . (05/59833-5, 13/05370-0, 98/14138-2)
SANTIAGO, A. C.; KHAN, Z. N.; MIGUEL, M. C.; GIRONDA, C. C.; SOARES-COSTA, A.; PELA, V. T.; LEITE, A. L.; EDWARDSON, J. M.; BUZALAF, M. A. R.; HENRIQUE-SILVA, F.. A New Sugarcane Cystatin Strongly Binds to Dental Enamel and Reduces Erosion. JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH, v. 96, n. 9, p. 1051-1057, . (98/14138-2)
ALVES DA SILVA, MARCO TULIO; SILVA-JARDIM, IZALTINA; PORTAPILLA, GISELE BULHOES; ALVARES DE LIMA, GUSTAVO MACHADO; COSTA, FERNANDA CRISTINA; ANIBAL, FERNANDA DE FREITAS; THIEMANN, OTAVIO HENRIQUE. In vivo and in vitro auranofin activity against Trypanosoma cruzi: Possible new uses for an old drug. Experimental Parasitology, v. 166, p. 189-193, . (98/14138-2)
DE OLIVEIRA, JULIANA FERREIRA; SFORCA, MAURICIO L.; BLUMENSCHEIN, THARIN M. A.; GOLDFEDER, MAURICIO B.; GUIMARAES, BEATRIZ G.; OLIVEIRA, CARLA COLUMBANO; ZANCHIN, NILSON I. T.; ZERI, ANA-CAROLINA. Structure, Dynamics, and RNA Interaction Analysis of the Human SBDS Protein. Journal of Molecular Biology, v. 396, n. 4, p. 1053-1069, . (06/02083-7, 98/14138-2)
MANZINE, LIVIA REGINA; BALASCO SERRAO, VITOR HUGO; TRAMBAIOLI DA ROCHA E LIMA, LUIS MAURICIO; DE SOUZA, MARCOS MICHEL; BETTINI, JEFFERSON; PORTUGAL, RODRIGO VILLARES; VAN HEEL, MARIN; THIEMANN, OTAVIO HENRIQUE. Assembly stoichiometry of bacterial selenocysteine synthase and SelC (tRNA(sec)). FEBS Letters, v. 587, n. 7, p. 906-911, . (06/53904-0, 98/14138-2)
BALASCO SERRAO, VITOR HUGO; ALESSANDRO, FERNANDO; ARMINI CALDAS, VICTOR EMANOEL; MARCAL, RAFAELA LEITE; PEREIRA, HUMBERTO D'MUNIZ; THIEMANN, OTAVIO HENRIQUE; GARRATT, RICHARD CHARLES. Promiscuous interactions of human septins: The GTP binding domain of SEPT7 forms filaments within the crystal. FEBS Letters, v. 585, n. 24, p. 3868-3873, . (07/53412-3, 08/57910-0, 98/14138-2)
VALADARES, NAPOLEAO F.; SALUM, LIVIA B.; POLIKARPOV, IGOR; ANDRICOPULO, ADRIANO D.; GARRATT, RICHARD C.. Role of Halogen Bonds in Thyroid Hormone Receptor Selectivity: Pharmacophore-Based 3D-QSSR Studies. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL INFORMATION AND MODELING, v. 49, n. 11, p. 2606-2616, . (08/58316-5, 98/14138-2)
FONSECA, FERNANDO P. P.; IKE, PRISCILA T. L.; ASSIS, DIEGO M.; ICIMOTO, MARCELO Y.; JULIANO, MARIA A.; JULIANO, LUIZ; PUZER, LUCIANO; HENRIQUE-SILVA, FLAVIO. Leviserpin: A Serine Peptidase Inhibitor (Serpin) from the Sugarcane Weevil Sphenophorus levis. The Protein Journal, v. 30, n. 6, p. 404-412, . (06/53607-6, 98/14138-2)
MARQUES, IVO DE ALMEIDA; ROMANELLO, LARISSA; DEMARCO, RICARDO; PEREIRA, HUMBERTO D'MUNIZ. Structural and kinetic studies of Schistosoma mansoni adenylate kinases. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology, v. 185, n. 2, p. 157-160, . (06/60280-3, 98/14138-2)
SANTOS-SILVA, LUDIER K.; SOARES-COSTA, ANDREA; GERALD, LEE T. S.; MENEGHIN, SILVANA P.; HENRIQUE-SILVA, FLAVIO. Recombinant expression and biochemical characterization of sugarcane legumain. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, v. 57, p. 181-192, . (98/14138-2)
PEREIRA, HUMBERTO M.; BERDINI, VALERIO; FERRI, MARIANA R.; CLEASBY, ANNE; GARRATT, RICHARD C.. Crystal structure of Schistosoma purine nucleoside phosphorylase complexed with a novel monocyclic inhibitor. Acta Tropica, v. 114, n. 2, p. 97-102, . (06/60280-3, 99/09304-3, 98/14138-2)
COSTA, F. C.; OLIVA, M. A. V.; DE JESUS, T. C. L.; SCHENKMAN, S.; THIEMANN, O. H.. Oxidative stress protection of Trypanosomes requires selenophosphate synthase. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology, v. 180, n. 1, p. 47-50, . (99/02874-9, 07/54621-5, 98/14138-2)
LEITE, NEY RIBEIRO; FARO, ALINE REGIS; OLIVA DOTTA, MARIA AMELIA; FAIM, LIVIA MARIA; GIANOTTI, ANDREIA; SILVA, FLAVIO HENRIQUE; OLIVA, GLAUCIUS; THIEMANN, OTAVIO HENRIQUE. The crystal structure of the cysteine protease Xylellain from Xylella fastidiosa reveals an intriguing activation mechanism. FEBS Letters, v. 587, n. 4, p. 339-344, . (98/14138-2)
GIUSEPPE, PRISCILA O.; VON ATZINGEN, MARINA; NASCIMENTO, ANA LUCIA T. O.; ZANCHIN, NILSON I. T.; GUIMARAES, BEATRIZ G.. The crystal structure of the leptospiral hypothetical protein LIC12922 reveals homology with the periplasmic chaperone SurA. Journal of Structural Biology, v. 173, n. 2, p. 312-322, . (00/10266-8, 98/14138-2)
DE OLIVEIR, JULIANA FERREIRA; CASTILHO, BEATRIZ A.; SFORCA, MAURICIO L.; KRIEGER, MARCO AURELIO; ZERI, ANA CAROLINA; GUIMARAES, BEATRIZ G.; ZANCHIN, NILSON I. T.. Characterization of the Trypanosoma cruzi ortholog of the SBDS protein reveals an intrinsically disordered extended C-terminal region showing RNA-interacting activity. Biochimie, v. 91, n. 4, p. 475-483, . (02/12597-7, 00/10266-8, 06/02083-7, 98/14138-2)
RINALDI, FABIO C.; MEZA, ANDREIA N.; GUIMARAES, BEATRIZ G.. Structural and Biochemical Characterization of Xylella fastidiosa DsbA Family Members: New Insights into the Enzyme-Substrate Interaction. BIOCHEMISTRY, v. 48, n. 15, p. 3508-3518, . (00/10266-8, 03/12875-0, 98/14138-2)
PEREIRA‚ HM; BERDINI‚ V.; CLEASBY‚ A.; GARRATT‚ RC. Crystal structure of calf spleen purine nucleoside phosphorylase complexed to a novel purine analogue. FEBS Letters, v. 581, n. 26, p. 5082-5086, . (98/14138-2, 99/09304-3)
MALAGÓ‚ W.; SOMMER‚ C.A.; DEL CISTIA ANDRADE‚ C.; SOARES-COSTA‚ A.; POSSIK‚ P.A.; CASSAGO‚ A.; SILVEIRA‚ H.C.S.; HENRIQUE-SILVA‚ F.. Gene expression profile of human Down syndrome leukocytes. CROATIAN MEDICAL JOURNAL, v. 46, n. 4, p. 649, . (98/14138-2)
HABRYLO, OLIVIER; EVANGELISTA, DANILO ELTON; CASTILHO, PRISCILA VASQUES; PELLOUX, JEROME; HENRIQUE-SILVA, FLAVIO. The pectinases from Sphenophorus levis: Potential for biotechnological applications. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, v. 112, p. 499-508, . (98/14138-2)
FAIM, LIVIA MARIA; ROSA E SILVA, IVAN; BERTACINE DIAS, MARCIO VINICIUS; PEREIRA, HUMBERTO D'MUNIZ; BRANDAO-NETO, JOSE; ALVES DA SILVA, MARCO TULIO; THIEMANN, OTAVIO HENRIQUE. Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of selenophosphate synthetases from Trypanosoma brucei and Leishmania major. ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION F-STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY COMMUNICATIONS, v. 69, p. 4-pg., . (98/14138-2)
VALADARES, NAPOLEAO F.; DELLAMANO, MARCIA; SOARES-COSTA, ANDREA; HENRIQUE-SILVA, FLAVIO; GARRATT, RICHARD C.. Molecular determinants of improved cathepsin B inhibition by new cystatins obtained by DNA shuffling. BMC STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY, v. 10, p. 9-pg., . (08/58316-5, 05/59833-5, 98/14138-2)

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MODELO TRIDIMENSIONAL PARA REPRESENTAR MOLÉCULA OU PARTE DE MOLÉCULA DE ÁCIDO NUCLÉICO E KIT PI0301512-2 - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) ; Universidade de São Paulo (USP) . Leila Maria Beltramini ; Ana Paula Ulian de Araujo ; Luciano Douglas dos Santos Abel - 16 de maio de 2003