Auxílio à pesquisa 23/04765-3 - Buracos negros, Cosmologia - BV FAPESP
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III NAT Lectures on Astrophysics: From Exoplanets to the Birth of Galaxies

Processo: 23/04765-3
Modalidade de apoio:Auxílio Organização - Reunião Científica
Área do conhecimento:Ciências Exatas e da Terra - Astronomia - Astrofísica Extragaláctica
Pesquisador responsável:Gustavo Amaral Lanfranchi
Beneficiário:Gustavo Amaral Lanfranchi
Instituição Sede: Pró-Reitoria de Pós-Graduação, Pesquisa e Extensão. Universidade Cidade de São Paulo (UNICID). São Paulo , SP, Brasil
Assunto(s):Buracos negros  Cosmologia  Exoplanetas  Galáxias  Astrofísica 
Palavra(s)-Chave do Pesquisador:buracos negros | cosmologia | Exoplanetas | galaxias | Astrofísica


The main topic of the third edition is From Exoplanets to the Birth of Galaxies, divided in six different lectures (of 60 to 75 minutes each, plus 15 to 30 minutes of discussion), given by six worldly known experts in each of their respective fields: Alexander Tchekhovskoy (Northwestern University, EUA); Laurent Loinard (IRAA, Mexico); Michael Merrifield (University of Nottingham, UK); Piero Madau (University of California/Santa Cruz, EUA); Sarah Rugheimer (York University, Canada); Thomas Greene (NASA Ames Research Center, EUA). The event will be three days long, with two lectures per day, each with a different subject. After each invited lectures there will be one brief (20 minutes) talk by a member of the group (preferentially a graduate student), who will talk about his(her) research topic. In the morning and at the end of each afternoon there will be a discussion section during which the participants will be able to interact with the invited professors and among themselves. (AU)

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