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Meeting of the Geospatial Analysis Task of the Global Sustainable Bioenergy: GSB/LACAf project

Processo: 13/09587-4
Modalidade de apoio:Auxílio Organização - Programa BIOEN
Vigência: 11 de junho de 2013 - 14 de junho de 2013
Área do conhecimento:Interdisciplinar
Pesquisador responsável:Luis Augusto Barbosa Cortez
Beneficiário:Luis Augusto Barbosa Cortez
Instituição Sede: Núcleo Interdisciplinar de Planejamento Energético (NIPE). Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Campinas , SP, Brasil
Assunto(s):Bioenergia  Etanol  Sustentabilidade  Eventos científicos e de divulgação  Reuniões científicas 
Palavra(s)-Chave do Pesquisador:bioenergia | Etanol | Sustentabilidade | bioenergia


A meeting of the geospatial analysis task of the GSB project is proposed during the week of June 10, 2013 with the following objectives:1) Familiarize Brazilian researchers with activities, capabilities, and personnel at ORNL, and consider possible future or expanded GSB/ORNL activities. 2) Input and discussion on the relationship between geospatial analysis and other parts of the GSB and LACAf projects, and in particular the newly-initiated FAPESP/NEPAD collaboration. 3) Final polishing of a proposal to FAPESP to support the geospacial analysis and modeling task of the GSB project. Day 1 is to be a face-to-face meeting at Oak Ridge National Lab of persons involved in activities related to geospatial analysis. Day 2 is to be a virtual meeting with broader participation. (AU)

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