Processo: | 22/07809-9 |
Modalidade de apoio: | Auxílio Organização - Reunião Científica |
Área do conhecimento: | Ciências Biológicas - Morfologia - Citologia e Biologia Celular |
Pesquisador responsável: | Marinilce Fagundes dos Santos |
Beneficiário: | Marinilce Fagundes dos Santos |
Instituição Sede: | Sociedade Brasileira de Biologia Celular (SBBC). São Paulo , SP, Brasil |
Assunto(s): | Biologia celular Biologia molecular Biologia celular e molecular |
Palavra(s)-Chave do Pesquisador: | biologia celular | Biologia molecular | Biologia Celular e Molecular |
O Congresso seria, originalmente, um evento híbrido. Com o inesperado fechamento do hotel Maksoud Plaza, optou-se pelo evento remoto, com transmissão em tempo real. O programa consistirá de 10 conferencias, incluindo as de abertura (Normand Pouliot, Olivia Newton-John Cancer Research Institute, Australia) e encerramento (Anne Eichmann, Yale University, USA); 15 simpósios temáticos com 2-3 palestrantes, apresentação oral de trabalhos selecionados; atividades pré-congresso; apresentação de pôsteres e o prêmio 4th Young Researcher Award. Temas: Chemoresistance, Tumor inflammation and microenvironment, Fluorescent cell lines for the study of cancer relevant phenotypes, Cell communication by intracellular peptides, Mechanobiology in cancer, Stem cell biology and therapy, Invertebrates as models for the study of neurodegenerative diseases, Extracellular vesicles in pathological conditions, Cell biology of neuroimmune interactions, Dynamic regulation of cadherins in cancer and inflammation, Epigenetic therapy for brain tumors, The Human Cell Atlas, Maximizing the value of image data with high content image analysis and morphological profiling, Cellular and Molecular Bases of Neuroinflammation, Molecular condensates and the dynamic organization of the cell, Migration and differentiation, Stem cell and lineage differentiation, Exercise in cancer cachexia, Regulation of nuclear, mitochondrial and lysosomal positioning in muscle cells, Host-pathogen interactions: COVID-19, Cellular Therapies for Cancer, Systems Biology of Infectious Diseases, Regulatory factors of neuroinflammation in epilepsy, Pathogenic mechanisms associated with autoimmune response and cancer, RNA diseases and therapeutics, Molecular regulation of endothelial barrier function. Haverá 2 fóruns pré-congresso nos temas "Desafios no uso de Organóides" e "Recursos didáticos para aulas de Ciências. Programa completo: (AU)
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