Auxílio à pesquisa 18/03211-6 - Dinâmica não linear, Caos (sistemas dinâmicos) - BV FAPESP
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Dinâmica não linear

Processo: 18/03211-6
Modalidade de apoio:Auxílio à Pesquisa - Temático
Área do conhecimento:Ciências Exatas e da Terra - Física
Pesquisador responsável:Iberê Luiz Caldas
Beneficiário:Iberê Luiz Caldas
Instituição Sede: Instituto de Física (IF). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brasil
Pesquisadores principais:
Elbert Einstein Nehrer Macau ; Jose Carlos Sartorelli
Pesquisadores associados:Dennis Lozano Toufen ; Elbert Einstein Nehrer Macau ; Zwinglio de Oliveira Guimarães Filho
Auxílio(s) vinculado(s):24/14825-6 - Caracterização e identificação de barreiras de transporte em sistemas dinâmicos, AV.BR
24/14478-4 - Aprendizado de Máquina em Sistemas Complexos, AV.BR
24/05176-4 - Caracterização do Espaço de Parâmetros em Sistemas Não Lineares, AV.BR
+ mais auxílios vinculados 23/05646-8 - International Conference on Statistical Physics, AR.EXT
22/13761-9 - Dinâmica de Sistemas Complexos, AV.BR
22/04251-7 - Estruturas Fractais em Física de Plasmas, AV.BR
19/06790-0 - Vulnerabilidade em tempo real de estados sincronizados, AV.EXT - menos auxílios vinculados
Bolsa(s) vinculada(s):24/08496-0 - Transporte em Helimaks, BP.DD
22/15489-4 - Órbitas de centro de guia de partículas em tokamaks, BP.DD
22/05667-2 - Barreiras de Transporte em Plasmas Confinados Magneticamente, BP.DR
+ mais bolsas vinculadas 22/12736-0 - Oscilações em plasmas confinados magnéticamente, BP.PD
21/09839-0 - O papel da corrente sináptica na sincronização de redes neuronais, BP.PD
22/01934-6 - Mapas simpléticos em plasmas, BP.IC
21/14350-0 - Controle do transporte de partículas no Texas Helimak, BP.DD
21/12232-0 - Transporte caótico de partículas, BP.PD
20/03912-4 - Estatística de Bursts no Tokamak TCABR, BP.MS
20/04624-2 - Plasticidade sináptica em redes neuronais, BP.PD
20/01399-8 - Mapas simpléticos em um plasma confinado magneticamente, BP.DD
18/22140-2 - Modelagem de ciclos circadianos, jet-lag e jet-lag social em mamíferos, BP.PD
15/05186-0 - Bifurcações e controle de caos na interação onda-partícula, BP.PD
15/07311-7 - Comportamento dinâmico de redes neurais, BP.PD
13/26598-0 - Caracterização das Fronteiras entre Periodicidade e Caos no Espaço de Parâmetros, BP.PD - menos bolsas vinculadas
Assunto(s):Dinâmica não linear  Caos (sistemas dinâmicos)  Redes neurais (computação)  Sistemas dinâmicos  Sincronização  Turbulência 
Palavra(s)-Chave do Pesquisador:Caos | Caos Experimental | instabilidades em plasmas | Redes neurais | sincronização | turbulência | Sistemas Dinâmicos


Aplicamos teorias básicas do caos e turbulência para investigar o controle de sistemas dinâmicos. Para sistemas dinâmicos hamiltonianos, investigamos a transição para o caos e o surgimento e quebra de barreiras de transporte, como observado em plasmas confinados magneticamente e em feixes de partículas em aceleradores. Também investigamos a origem da turbulência em um plasma confinado magneticamente e interpretamos experiências de controle da turbulência em tokamaks e em helimaks. Além desses sistemas, investigamos também o controle de sistemas caóticos dissipativos, de interesse na física aplicada e na engenharia, e determinamos propriedades dinâmicas desses sistemas no espaço dos parâmetros. Fazemos experiências de controle sobre o circuito de Matsumoto-Chua e em sistemas mecânicos (pêndulos paramétricos), estudamos a dinâmica de formação de gotas e de formação de bolhas de ar, e também a turbulência e instabilidades MHD do plasma em tokamaks. Investigamos a sincronização de sistemas neurais, e a ocorrência de chimera e plasticidade nesses sistemas, e a sincronização de redes de osciladores não lineares. (AU)

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Publicações científicas (89)
(Referências obtidas automaticamente do Web of Science e do SciELO, por meio da informação sobre o financiamento pela FAPESP e o número do processo correspondente, incluída na publicação pelos autores)
PRADO, THIAGO DE LIMA; MACAU, ELBERT EINSTEIN NEHRER; LOPES, SERGIO ROBERTO. Detection of data corruption in stationary time series using recurrence microstates probabilities. European Physical Journal-Special Topics, . (15/50122-0, 18/03211-6)
MUGNAINE, MICHELE; BATISTA, ANTONIO M.; CALDAS, IBERE L.; SZEZECH JR, JOSE D.; DE CARVALHO, RICARDO EGYDIO; VIANA, RICARDO L.. Curry-Yorke route to shearless attractors and coexistence of attractors in dissipative nontwist systems. Chaos, v. 31, n. 2, . (19/07329-4, 18/03211-6)
MEDEIROS, EVERTON S.; MEDRANO-T, RENE O.; CALDAS, THERE L.; TEL, TAMAS; FEUDEL, ULRIKE. State-dependent vulnerability of synchronization. Physical Review E, v. 100, n. 5, . (18/03211-6, 17/05521-0, 13/26598-0, 15/50122-0)
MATHIAS, A. C.; MUGNAINE, M.; SANTOS, M. S.; SZEZECH, JR., J. D.; CALDAS, I. L.; VIANA, R. L.. Fractal structures in the parameter space of nontwist area-preserving maps. Physical Review E, v. 100, n. 5, . (18/03211-6)
VIANA, R. L.; CALDAS, I. L.; SZEZECH JR., J. D.; BATISTA, A. M.; ABUD, C. V.; SCHELIN, A. B.; MUGNAINE, M.; SANTOS, M. S.; LEAL, B. B.; BARTOLONI, B.; et al. Transport Barriers in Symplectic Maps. Brazilian Journal of Physics, . (18/03211-6)
FREITAS, VANDER L. S.; YANCHUK, SERHIY; GRANDE, HELDER L. C.; MACAU, ELBERT E. N.. The effects of time-delay and phase lags on symmetric circular formations of mobile agents. European Physical Journal-Special Topics, . (15/50122-0, 18/03211-6)
MARTINS DE OLIVEIRA, VITOR; CIRO, DAVID; CALDAS, IBERE LUIZ. Dynamical trapping in the area-preserving Henon map. European Physical Journal-Special Topics, v. 229, n. 8, SI, p. 1507-1516, . (18/03211-6)
RAPHALDINI, BRENO; MEDEIROS, EVERTON; RAUPP, CARLOS F. M.; TERUYA, ANDRE SEIJI. A New Mechanism for Maunder-like Solar Minima: Phase Synchronization Dynamics in a Simple Nonlinear Oscillator of Magnetohydrodynamic Rossby Waves. Astrophysical Journal Letters, v. 890, n. 1, . (18/03211-6, 15/50686-1, 17/23417-5)
SILVEIRA, F. E. M.; CAMARGO, R. S.; CALDAS, I. L.. Concentration discontinuity of alkalies at high pressures. Physics Letters A, v. 395, . (18/03211-6, 17/20192-2)
DOS SANTOS, VAGNER; BORGES, FERNANDO S.; IAROSZ, KELLY C.; CALDAS, IBERE L.; SZEZECH, J. D.; VIANA, RICARDO L.; BAPTISTA, MURILO S.; BATISTA, ANTONIO M.. Basin of attraction for chimera states in a network of Rossler oscillators. Chaos, v. 30, n. 8, . (18/03211-6, 15/07311-7, 17/18977-1)
TROBIA, JOSE; TIAN, KUN; BATISTA, ANTONIO M.; GREBOGI, CELSO; REN, HAI-PENG; SANTOS, MOISES S.; PROTACHEVICZ, PAULO R.; BORGES, FERNANDO S.; SZEZECH, JR., JOSE D.; VIANA, RICARDO L.; et al. Mathematical model of brain tumour growth with drug resistance. COMMUNICATIONS IN NONLINEAR SCIENCE AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION, v. 103, . (18/03211-6, 20/04624-2, 17/18977-1, 15/07311-7)
PRADO, THIAGO DE LIMA; MACAU, ELBERT EINSTEIN NEHRER; LOPES, SERGIO ROBERTO. Detection of data corruption in stationary time series using recurrence microstates probabilities. European Physical Journal-Special Topics, v. 230, n. 14-15, p. 2737-2744, . (15/50122-0, 18/03211-6)
PALMERO, MATHEUS S.; DIAZ, I, GABRIEL; CALDAS, IBERE L.; SOKOLOV, IGOR M.. Sub-diffusive behavior in the Standard Map. European Physical Journal-Special Topics, v. 230, n. 14-15, p. 2765-2773, . (18/03000-5, 18/03211-6)
HANSEN, MATHEUS; PROTACHEVICZ, PAULO R.; IAROSZ, KELLY C.; CALDAS, IBERE L.; BATISTA, ANTONIO; MACAU, ELBERT E. N.. Dynamics of uncoupled and coupled neurons under an external pulsed current. CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS, v. 155, p. 10-pg., . (18/03211-6, 20/04624-2, 19/09150-1, 15/50122-0)
LACERDA, JULIANA C.; FREITAS, CELSO; MACAU, ELBERT E. N.. Elementary changes in topology and power transmission capacity can induce failures in power grids. PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS, v. 590, p. 10-pg., . (18/03211-6)
BRUGNAGO, E. L.; FELICIO, C. C.; BEIMS, M. W.. Forecasting the Duration of Three Connected Wings in a Generalized Lorenz Model. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIFURCATION AND CHAOS, v. 32, n. 13, p. 16-pg., . (18/03211-6, 21/12232-0)
SILVEIRA, F. E. M.; BENETTI, M. H.; CALDAS, I. L.; SANTOS, K. N. M. M.. escription limit for soliton waves due to critical scaling of electrostatic potentia. Physics of Plasmas, v. 28, n. 9, . (18/03211-6, 17/20192-2)
LOPEZ, ALVARO G.; IAROSZ, KELLY C.; BATIST, ANTONIO M.; SEOANE, JESUS M.; VIANA, RICARDO L.; SANJUAN, MIGUEL A. F.. The role of dose density in combination cancer chemotherapy. COMMUNICATIONS IN NONLINEAR SCIENCE AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION, v. 79, . (18/03211-6, 15/07311-7)
DE SOUSA, M. C.; DOVEIL, F.; ELSKENS, Y.; CALDAS, I. L.. Wave-particle interactions in a long traveling wave tube with upgraded helix. Physics of Plasmas, v. 27, n. 9, . (15/05186-0, 13/01335-6, 11/20794-6, 18/03211-6)
SILVA, I. M.; SCHELIN, A. B.; VIANA, R. L.; CALDAS, I. L.. Transport of blood particles: Chaotic advection even in a healthy scenario. Chaos, v. 30, n. 9, . (18/03211-6)
HERNANDEZ, W. A.; GUIMARAES-FILHO, Z.; GRENFELL, G. G.; NASCIMENTO, I. C.. Spatial inhomogeneity effects on burst temperature estimation using a triple probe configuration in Tokamak Chauffage Alfven Bresilien tokamak. JOURNAL OF PLASMA PHYSICS, v. 85, n. 4, . (18/03211-6, 11/19296-1)
DE LIMA, D. R.; CALDAS, I. L.. Growth and performance of the periodic orbits of a nonlinear driven oscillator. CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS, v. 150, . (18/03211-6)
SILVEIRA, FRANCISCO E. M.; BENETTI, MONA HEGEL; CALDAS, IBERE LUIZ. Equation of State of the Kappa-Distributed Solar Wind Particles in the Earth's Magnetopause. SOLAR PHYSICS, v. 296, n. 7, . (18/03211-6, 17/20192-2)
HANSEN, MATHEUS; CIRO, DAVID; CALDAS, IBERE L.; LEONEL, EDSON D.. Dynamical thermalization in time-dependent billiards. Chaos, v. 29, n. 10, . (18/03211-6, 17/14414-2)
FERREIRA, LEONARDO N.; VEGA-OLIVEROS, DIDIER A.; ZHAO, LIANG; CARDOSO, MANOEL F.; MACAU, ELBERT E. N.. Global fire season severity analysis and forecasting. Computers & Geosciences, v. 134, . (13/07375-0, 17/05831-9, 16/23698-1, 15/50122-0, 19/00157-3, 18/03211-6, 18/01722-3)
DE OLIVEIRA, VITOR M.; PALMERO, MATHEUS S.; CALDAS, IBERE L.. Measure, dimension, and complexity of the transient motion in Hamiltonian systems. PHYSICA D-NONLINEAR PHENOMENA, v. 431, p. 12-pg., . (18/03211-6, 18/03000-5)
REIS, ADRIANE S.; BRUGNAGO, EDUARDO L.; VIANA, RICARDO L.; BATISTA, ANTONIO M.; IAROSZ, KELLY C.; CALDAS, IBERE L.. Effects of feedback control in small-world neuronal networks interconnected according to a human connectivity map. Neurocomputing, v. 518, p. 11-pg., . (18/03211-6, 21/12232-0)
PEREIRA, F. A. C.; SOKOLOV, I. M.; TOUFEN, D. L.; GUIMARAES-FILHO, Z. O.; CALDAS, I. L.; GENTLE, K. W.. Statistical properties of intermittent bursts in the Texas Helimak. Physics of Plasmas, v. 26, n. 5, . (18/03211-6, 14/07043-0, 15/50122-0, 17/23128-3)
GUSSO, ANDRE; VIANA, RICARDO L.; MATHIAS, AMANDA C.; CALDAS, IBERE L.. Nonlinear dynamics and chaos in micro/nanoelectromechanical beam resonators actuated by two-sided electrodes. CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS, v. 122, p. 6-16, . (18/03211-6)
SANTOS, MOISES S.; PROTACHEVICZ, PAULO R.; CALDAS, IBERE L.; IAROSZ, KELLY C.; VIANA, RICARDO L.; SZEZECH, JOSE D.; DE SOUZA, SILVIO L. T.; BATISTA, ANTONIO M.. Spiral wave chimera states in regular and fractal neuronal networks. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-COMPLEXITY, v. 2, n. 1, p. 7-pg., . (18/03211-6, 20/04624-2)
GABRICK, ENRIQUE C.; SAYARI, ELAHEH; PROTACHEVICZ, PAULO R.; SZEZECH JR, JOSE D.; IAROSZ, KELLY C.; DE SOUZA, SILVIO L. T.; ALMEIDA, ALEXANDRE C. L.; VIANA, RICARDO L.; CALDAS, IBERE L.; BATISTA, ANTONIO M.. Unpredictability in seasonal infectious diseases spread. CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS, v. 166, p. 8-pg., . (22/05153-9, 18/03211-6, 20/04624-2)
PROTACHEVICZ, PAULO RICARDO; BORGES, FERNANDO DA SILVA; BATISTA, ANTONIO MARCOS; BAPTISTA, MURILO DA SILVA; CALDAS, IBERE LUIZ; MACAU, ELBERT EINSTEIN NEHRER; LAMEU, EWANDSON LUIZ. Plastic neural network with transmission delays promotes equivalence between function and structure. CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS, v. 171, p. 9-pg., . (20/04624-2, 22/05153-9, 16/23398-8, 22/13761-9, 18/03211-6, 17/13502-5)
BOARETTO, BRUNO R. R.; BUDZINSKI, ROBERTO C.; ROSSI, KALEL L.; MASOLLER, CRISTINA; MACAU, ELBERT E. N.. Spatial permutation entropy distinguishes resting brain states. CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS, v. 171, p. 6-pg., . (21/09839-0, 18/03211-6)
PROTACHEVICZ, PAULO R.; HANSEN, MATHEUS; IAROSZ, KELLY C.; CALDAS, IBERE L.; BATISTA, ANTONIO M.; KURTHS, JURGEN. Emergence of Neuronal Synchronisation in Coupled Areas. FRONTIERS IN COMPUTATIONAL NEUROSCIENCE, v. 15, . (19/09150-1, 20/04624-2, 15/50122-0, 18/03211-6)
GRIME, GABRIEL C.; ROBERTO, MARISA; VIANA, RICARDO L.; ELSKENS, YVES; CALDAS, IBERE L.. Biquadratic nontwist map: a model for shearless bifurcations. CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS, v. 169, p. 8-pg., . (22/05667-2, 22/04251-7, 18/03211-6)
OSORIO-QUIROGA, L. A.; GRIME, G. C.; ROBERTO, M.; VIANA, R. L.; ELSKENS, Y.; CALDAS, I. L.. E x B Drift Particle Transport in Tokamaks. Brazilian Journal of Physics, v. 53, n. 4, p. 11-pg., . (22/05667-2, 20/01399-8, 22/08699-2, 22/04251-7, 18/03211-6)
MARTINS DE OLIVEIRA, VITOR; CIRO, DAVID; CALDAS, IBERE LUIZ. Dynamical trapping in the area-preserving Henon map. European Physical Journal-Special Topics, v. 229, n. 8, p. 10-pg., . (18/03211-6)
MUGNAINE, MICHELE; BATISTA, ANTONIO M.; CALDAS, IBERE L.; SZEZECH JR, JOSE D.; DE CARVALHO, RICARDO EGYDIO; VIANA, RICARDO L.. Curry-Yorke route to shearless attractors and coexistence of attractors in dissipative nontwist systems. Chaos, v. 31, n. 2, p. 12-pg., . (18/03211-6, 19/07329-4)
DE SOUZA, L. F. BERNARDI; DE CARVALHOA, R. EGYDIO; CALDAS, I. L.. Transport barriers for two modes drift wave map. Physics Letters A, v. 444, p. 7-pg., . (18/03211-6, 19/07329-4)
SALES, MATHEUS R.; MUGNAINE, MICHELE; SZEZECH, JOSE D., JR.; VIANA, RICARDO L.; CALDAS, IBERE L.; MARWAN, NORBERT; KURTHS, JUERGEN. Stickiness and recurrence plots: An entropy-based approach. Chaos, v. 33, n. 3, p. 10-pg., . (22/04251-7, 18/03211-6)
REIS, A. S.; BRUGNAGO, E. L.; VIANA, R. L.; BATISTA, A. M.; IAROSZ, K. C.; FERRARI, F. A. S.; CALDAS, I. L.. The role of the fitness model in the suppression of neuronal synchronous behavior with three-stage switching control in clustered networks. CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS, v. 167, p. 10-pg., . (21/12232-0, 22/04251-7, 18/03211-6)
ROSSI, KALEL L.; BUDZINSKI, ROBERTO C.; BOARETTO, BRUNO R. R.; MULLER, LYLE E.; FEUDEL, ULRIKE. Shifts in global network dynamics due to small changes at single nodes. PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH, v. 5, n. 1, p. 17-pg., . (21/09839-0, 18/03211-6)
MATHIAS, A. C.; MUGNAINE, M.; SANTOS, M. S.; SZEZECH, J. D., JR.; CALDAS, I. L.; VIANA, R. L.. Fractal structures in the parameter space of nontwist area-preserving maps. PHYSICAL REVIEW E, v. 100, n. 5, p. 8-pg., . (18/03211-6)
RAPHALDINI, BRENO; CIRO, DAVID; MEDEIROS, EVERTON S.; MASSAROPPE, LUCAS; TRINDADE, RICARDO I. F.. Evidence for crisis-induced intermittency during geomagnetic superchron transitions. PHYSICAL REVIEW E, v. 101, n. 2, p. 8-pg., . (13/26598-0, 15/50686-1, 18/03211-6, 17/23417-5)
YANG, CHAO; SANTOS, MOISES S.; PROTACHEVICZ, PAULO R.; DOS REIS, PATRICIO D. C.; IAROSZ, KELLY C.; CALDAS, IBERE L.; BATISTA, ANTONIO M.. Chimera states induced by spike timing-dependent plasticity in a regular neuronal network. AIP ADVANCES, v. 12, n. 10, p. 6-pg., . (18/03211-6, 20/04624-2)
REIS, ADRIANE S.; BRUGNAGO, EDUARDO L.; CALDAS, IBERE L.; BATISTA, ANTONIO M.; IAROSZ, KELLY C.; FERRARI, FABIANO A. S.; VIANA, RICARDO L.. Suppression of chaotic bursting synchronization in clustered scale-free networks by an external feedback signal. Chaos, v. 31, n. 8, . (18/03211-6)
OSORIO, L. A.; ROBERTO, M.; CALDAS, I. L.; VIANA, R. L.; ELSKENS, Y.. Onset of internal transport barriers in tokamaks. Physics of Plasmas, v. 28, n. 8, . (18/14435-2, 18/03211-6, 20/01399-8)
DIAZ, I, GABRIEL; PALMERO, MATHEUS S.; CALDAS, IBERE LUIZ; LEONEL, EDSON D.. Diffusion entropy analysis in billiard systems. Physical Review E, v. 100, n. 4, . (18/03211-6, 17/14414-2, 18/03000-5)
RAPHALDINI, BRENO; CIRO, DAVID; MEDEIROS, EVERTON S.; MASSAROPPE, LUCAS; TRINDADE, RICARDO I. F.. Evidence for crisis-induced intermittency during geomagnetic superchron transitions. Physical Review E, v. 101, n. 2, . (18/03211-6, 15/50686-1, 13/26598-0, 17/23417-5)
PALMERO, MATHEUS S.; DIAZ, I, GABRIEL; CALDAS, IBERE L.; SOKOLOV, IGOR M.. Sub-diffusive behavior in the Standard Map. European Physical Journal-Special Topics, . (18/03211-6, 18/03000-5)
GOMES, J. V.; DE SOUSA, M. C.; VIANA, R. L.; CALDAS, I. L.; ELSKENS, Y.. Low-dimensional chaos in the single wave model for self-consistent wave-particle Hamiltonian. Chaos, v. 31, n. 8, . (15/05186-0, 18/03211-6)
ZURITA, M.; HERNANDEZ, W. A.; CREPALDI, C.; PEREIRA, F. A. C.; GUIMARAES-FILHO, Z. O.. Stochastic modeling of plasma fluctuations with bursts and correlated noise in TCABR. Physics of Plasmas, v. 29, n. 5, p. 16-pg., . (18/03211-6, 20/03912-4)
LAZAROTTO, MATHEUS J.; CALDAS, IBERE L.; ELSKENS, YVES. Diffusion transitions in a 2D periodic lattice. COMMUNICATIONS IN NONLINEAR SCIENCE AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION, v. 112, p. 18-pg., . (18/03211-6)
MUGNAINE, MICHELE; BATISTA, ANTONIO M.; CALDAS, IBERE L.; SZEZECH JR, JOSE D.; VIANA, RICARDO L.. Ratchet current in nontwist Hamiltonian systems. Chaos, v. 30, n. 9, . (18/03211-6)
DE OLIVEIRA, VITOR M.; SOUSA-SILVA, PRISCILLA A.; CALDAS, IBERE L.. Order-chaos-order and invariant manifolds in the bounded planar Earth-Moon system. CELESTIAL MECHANICS & DYNAMICAL ASTRONOMY, v. 132, n. 11-12, . (18/03211-6)
MUGNAINE, MICHELE; GABRICK, ENRIQUE C.; PROTACHEVICZ, PAULO R.; IAROSZ, KELLY C.; DE SOUZA, SILVIO L. T.; ALMEIDA, ALEXANDRE C. L.; BATISTA, ANTONIO M.; CALDAS, IBERE L.; SZEZECH, JOSE D., JR.; VIANA, RICARDO L.. Control attenuation and temporary immunity in a cellular automata SEIR epidemic model. CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS, v. 155, p. 9-pg., . (18/03211-6, 20/04624-2)
DE SOUSA, M. C.; DOVEIL, F.; ELSKENS, Y.; CALDAS, I. L.; IEEE. An Upgraded 4 Meters Long Traveling Wave Tube for Plasma Physics Research. IVEC 2021: 2021 22ND INTERNATIONAL VACUUM ELECTRONICS CONFERENCE, v. N/A, p. 2-pg., . (18/03211-6, 11/20794-6, 13/01335-6, 15/05186-0)
SANTOS, MOISES S.; PROTACHEVICZ, PAULO R.; IAROSZ, KELLY C.; CALDAS, IBERE L.; VIANA, RICARDO L.; BORGES, FERNANDO S.; REN, HAI-PENG; SZEZECH, JR., JOSE D.; BATISTA, ANTONIO M.; GREBOGI, CELSO. Spike-burst chimera states in an adaptive exponential integrate-and-fire neuronal network. Chaos, v. 29, n. 4, . (18/03211-6, 15/07311-7, 17/18977-1)
LACERDA, JULIANA C.; FREITAS, CELSO; MACAU, ELBERT E. N.; KURTHS, JUERGEN. How heterogeneity in connections and cycles matter for synchronization of complex networks. Chaos, v. 31, n. 11, . (18/03211-6)
HANSEN, MATHEUS; PROTACHEVICZ, PAULO R.; IAROSZ, KELLY C.; CALDAS, IBERE L.; BATISTA, ANTONIO M.; MACAU, ELBERT E. N.. The effect of time delay for synchronisation suppression in neuronal networks. CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS, v. 164, p. 10-pg., . (18/03211-6, 20/04624-2, 19/09150-1, 15/50122-0)
PALMERO, MATHEUS S.; CALDAS, IBERE L.; SOKOLOV, IGOR M.. Finite-time recurrence analysis of chaotic trajectories in Hamiltonian systems. Chaos, v. 32, n. 11, p. 16-pg., . (18/03211-6, 20/12478-6, 18/03000-5)
PROTACHEVICZ, PAULO R.; BORGES, FERNANDO S.; IAROSZ, KELLY C.; BAPTISTA, MURILO S.; LAMEU, EWANDSON L.; HANSEN, MATHEUS; CALDAS, IBERE L.; SZEZECH, JOSE D., JR.; BATISTA, ANTONIO M.; KURTHS, JUERGEN. Influence of Delayed Conductance on Neuronal Synchronization. FRONTIERS IN PHYSIOLOGY, v. 11, p. 9-pg., . (15/50122-0, 20/04624-2, 15/07311-7, 16/23398-8, 17/18977-1, 18/03211-6)
VIANA, R. L.; CALDAS, I. L.; SZEZECH JR., J. D.; BATISTA, A. M.; ABUD, C. V.; SCHELIN, A. B.; MUGNAINE, M.; SANTOS, M. S.; LEAL, B. B.; BARTOLONI, B.; et al. Transport Barriers in Symplectic Maps. Brazilian Journal of Physics, v. 51, n. 3, p. 11-pg., . (18/03211-6)
VISCONDI, THIAGO F.; GRIGOLO, ADRIANO; CALDAS, IBERE L.; MENEGHINI, JULIO R.. Slippery-sticky transition of interfacial fluid slip. Physics of Fluids, v. 33, n. 6, . (14/50279-4, 18/03211-6)
LACERDA, JULIANA C.; DIAS, JUSSARA; FREITAS, CELSO; MACAU, ELBERT. Vulnerability and stability of power grids modeled by second-order Kuramoto model: a mini review. European Physical Journal-Special Topics, v. 230, n. 18-20, SI, . (18/03211-6)
PROTACHEVICZ, PAULO R.; BORGES, FERNANDO S.; LAMEU, EWANDSON L.; JI, PENG; IAROSZ, KELLY C.; KIHARA, ALEXANDRE H.; CALDAS, LBERE L.; SZEZECH JR, JOSE D.; BAPTISTE, MURILO S.; MACAU, ELBERT E. N.; et al. Bistable Firing Pattern in a Neural Network Model. FRONTIERS IN COMPUTATIONAL NEUROSCIENCE, v. 13, . (17/18977-1, 16/23398-8, 16/16148-5, 15/07311-7, 17/13502-5, 15/50122-0, 18/03211-6)
TOUFEN, D. L.; PEREIRA, F. A. C.; GUIMARAES-FILHO, Z. O.; CALDAS, I. L.; GENTLE, K. W.. Gradient-driven turbulence in Texas Helimak. Physics of Plasmas, v. 29, n. 4, p. 7-pg., . (18/03211-6)
FREITAS, VANDER L. S.; YANCHUK, SERHIY; GRANDE, HELDER L. C.; MACAU, ELBERT E. N.. The effects of time-delay and phase lags on symmetric circular formations of mobile agents. European Physical Journal-Special Topics, v. 230, n. 14-15, p. 2857-2864, . (15/50122-0, 18/03211-6)
DE SOUSA, M. C.; SCHELIN, A. B.; MARCUS, F. A.; VIANA, R. L.; CALDAS, I. L.. Internal energy exchanges and chaotic dynamics in an intrinsically coupled system. Physics Letters A, v. 453, p. 5-pg., . (15/05186-0, 22/04251-7, 18/03211-6)
BENETTI, M. H.; SILVEIRA, F. E. M.; CALDAS, I. L.. Fundamental solution of diffusion equation for Kappa gas: Diffusion length for suprathermal electrons in solar wind. PHYSICAL REVIEW E, v. 107, n. 5, p. 8-pg., . (18/03211-6)
GRIME, G. C.; ROBERTO, M.; VIANA, R. L.; ELSKENS, Y.; CALDAS, I. L.. Shearless bifurcations in particle transport for reversed-shear tokamaks. JOURNAL OF PLASMA PHYSICS, v. 89, n. 1, p. 19-pg., . (22/04251-7, 18/03211-6, 22/05667-2)
DA SILVA, S. T.; BATISTA, C. A. S.; VIANA, R. L.. Machine learning applied to pattern characterization in spatially extended dynamical systems. PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS, v. 592, p. 15-pg., . (18/03211-6)
MATHIAS, AMANDA C.; DE SOUZA, LEONARDO C.; SCHELIN, ADRIANE R.; CALDAS, IBERE L.; VIANA, RICARDO L.. Fractal Escape Basins for Magnetic Field Lines in Fusion Plasma Devices. JOURNAL OF APPLIED NONLINEAR DYNAMICS, v. 12, n. 4, p. 16-pg., . (18/03211-6)
DIAS, JUSSARA; MONTANARI, ARTHUR N.; MACAU, ELBERT E. N.. Power-grid vulnerability and its relation with network structure. Chaos, v. 33, n. 3, p. 10-pg., . (15/50122-0, 18/03211-6)
MENDES, CARLOS F. O.; BRUGNAGO, EDUARDO L.; BEIMS, MARCUS W.; GRIMM, ALICE M.. Temporal relation between human mobility, climate, and COVID-19 disease. Chaos, v. 33, n. 5, p. 10-pg., . (21/12232-0, 18/03211-6)
SAYARI, ELAHEH; SEIFERT, EVANDRO G.; CRUZINIANI, FATIMA E.; GABRICK, ENRIQUE C.; IAROSZ, KELLY C.; SZEZECH JR, JOSE D.; BAPTISTA, MURILO S.; CALDAS, IBERE L.; BATISTA, ANTONIO M.. Structural connectivity modifications in the brain of selected patients with tumour after its removal by surgery (a case study). PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS, v. 623, p. 15-pg., . (22/13761-9, 18/03211-6)
DA COSTA, DIOGO RICARDO; PALMERO, MATHEUS S.; MENDEZ-BERMUDEZ, J. A.; IAROSZ, KELLY C.; SZEZECH JR, JOSE D.; BATISTA, ANTONIO M.. Tilted-hat mushroom billiards: Web-like hierarchical mixed phase space. COMMUNICATIONS IN NONLINEAR SCIENCE AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION, v. 91, p. 9-pg., . (19/06931-2, 18/03000-5, 20/02415-7, 15/07311-7, 18/03211-6)
DIAZ, GABRIEL, I; PALMERO, MATHEUS S.; CALDAS, IBERE LUIZ; LEONEL, EDSON D.. Diffusion entropy analysis in billiard systems. Physical Review E, v. 100, n. 4, p. 9-pg., . (17/14414-2, 18/03211-6, 18/03000-5)
MEDEIROS, EVERTON S.; MEDRANO-T, RENE O.; CALDAS, THERE L.; TEL, TAMAS; FEUDEL, ULRIKE. State-dependent vulnerability of synchronization. PHYSICAL REVIEW E, v. 100, n. 5, p. 7-pg., . (15/50122-0, 13/26598-0, 18/03211-6, 17/05521-0)
RAPHALDINI, BRENO; MEDEIROS, EVERTON S.; CIRO, DAVID; FRANCO, DANIEL RIBEIRO; TRINDADE, RICARDO I. F.. Geomagnetic reversals at the edge of regularity. PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH, v. 3, n. 1, . (17/23417-5, 18/03211-6, 13/26598-0)
PEREIRA, F. A. C.; TOUFEN, D. L.; GUIMARAES-FILHO, Z. O.; CALDAS, I. L.; VIANA, R. L.; GENTLE, K. W.. Coexistence of turbulence regimes in the Texas Helimak. Physics of Plasmas, v. 28, n. 3, . (18/03211-6, 15/50122-0, 17/23128-3)
RUZISKA, FLAVIA M.; CALDAS, IBERE L.. Synchronization and attractors in a model simulating social jetlag. CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS, v. 144, . (18/22140-2, 18/03211-6)
DE SOUZA, SILVIO L. T.; BATISTA, ANTONIO M.; CALDAS, IBERE L.; IAROSZ, KELLY C.; SZEZECH JR, JOSE D.. Dynamics of epidemics: Impact of easing restrictions and control of infection spread. CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS, v. 142, . (18/03211-6)
REIS, ADRIANE S.; IAROSZ, KELLY C.; FERRARI, FABIANO A. S.; CALDAS, IBERE L.; BATISTA, ANTONIO M.; VIANA, RICARDO L.. Bursting synchronization in neuronal assemblies of scale-free networks. CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS, v. 142, . (18/03211-6)
MEDEIROS, EVERTON S.; MEDRANO-T, RENE O.; CALDAS, IBERE L.; FEUDEL, ULRIKE. The impact of chaotic saddles on the synchronization of complex networks of discrete-time units. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-COMPLEXITY, v. 2, n. 3, . (15/50122-0, 17/05521-0, 13/26598-0, 18/03211-6)
MATHIAS, A. C.; PEROTTO, G.; VIANA, R. L.; SCHELIN, A.; CALDAS, I. L.. Fractal Structures and Magnetic Footprints in a Divertor Tokamak. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIFURCATION AND CHAOS, v. 32, n. 06, p. 14-pg., . (18/03211-6)
PROTACHEVICZ, P. R.; BONIN, C. A.; IAROSZ, K. C.; CALDAS, I. L.; BATISTA, A. M.. Large coefficient of variation of inter-spike intervals induced by noise current in the resonate-and-fire model neuron. OGNITIVE NEURODYNAMIC, v. N/A, p. 10-pg., . (18/03211-6, 20/04624-2)
HAERTER, P.; DE SOUZA, L. C.; MATHIAS, A. C.; VIANA, R. L.; CALDAS, I. L.. Basin Entropy and Wada Property of Magnetic Field Line Escape in Toroidal Plasmas with Reversed Shear. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIFURCATION AND CHAOS, v. 33, n. 09, p. 12-pg., . (22/04251-7, 18/03211-6)

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