CD14 and IL6 polymorphisms are associated with a p... - BV FAPESP
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CD14 and IL6 polymorphisms are associated with a pro-atherogenic profile in young adults with acute myocardial infarction

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Lima-Neto, Lidio Goncalves [1] ; Crespo Hirata, Rosario Dominguez [1] ; Luchessi, Andre Ducati [1] ; Silbiger, Vivian Nogueira [1] ; Stephano, Marco Antonio [2] ; Sampaio, Marcelo Ferraz [3] ; Armaganijan, Dikran [3] ; Hirata, Mario Hiroyuki [1]
Total Authors: 8
[1] Univ Sao Paulo, Sch Pharmaceut Sci, Fac Ciencias Farmaceut, Dept Clin Anal & Toxicol, BR-05508900 Sao Paulo - Brazil
[2] Univ Sao Paulo, Sch Pharmaceut Sci, Dept Pharmaceut Technol, Sao Paulo - Brazil
[3] Inst Dante Pazzanese Cardiol, Sao Paulo - Brazil
Total Affiliations: 3
Document type: Journal article
Source: JOURNAL OF THROMBOSIS AND THROMBOLYSIS; v. 36, n. 3, p. 332-340, OCT 2013.
Web of Science Citations: 6

This study investigated the relationship of polymorphisms in genes encoding CD14, IL-6 and TLR4 with metabolic, inflammatory and endothelial markers in young adults with acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Glucose, lipids, nitrate and inflammatory markers, flow mediated vasodilatation (FMV) and flow mediated by nitrate (FMN) were evaluated in 102 AMI and 108 non-AMI (control group) young individuals (< 45 years). CD14 -260C > T (rs2569190), IL6 -174G > C (rs1800795) and TLR4 c.896A > G (rs4986790) and TLR4 c.1196C > T (rs4986791) polymorphisms were analyzed by PCR-RFLP. Minor allele frequencies of CD14, IL6 and TLR4 polymorphisms were similar between AMI and control groups (p > 0.05). In AMI group, individuals carrying IL6 -174CC genotype had higher serum triglycerides, VLDL cholesterol and glucose compared to the IL6 -174GG/GC genotype carriers (p < 0.05). Multiple logistic analysis showed that IL6 -174CC genotype carriers had increased risk for hyperglycemia (> 5.77 mmol/l) {[}OR: 6.75, 95 % CI: 1.80-24.40, p = 0.004] and hypertriglyceridemia (> 2.68 mmol/l) {[}OR: 3.00, 95 % CI: 1.00-9.00, p = 0.043]. Moreover, CD14 -260TT genotype was associated with reduced serum HDL cholesterol {[}OR: 3.10, 95 % CI: 1.00-9.01, p = 0.044] and apolipoprotein AI {[}OR: 3.20, 95 % CI: 1.00-9.70, p = 0.038] in AMI group. Relationship between CD14 and IL6 variants and altered inflammatory and endothelial (nitrate, FMV and FMN) markers was not found in both AMI and control groups. The IL6 -174G > C and CD14 -260C > T polymorphisms are likely to be associated with a pro-atherogenic profile but not with increased inflammatory markers and endothelial dysfunction in young AMI patients. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 06/04163-8 - The inflammatory response involvement induced by Chlamydia pneumoniae and Mycoplasma pneumoniae in the acute myocardium infarction: possible mechanism by TLR
Grantee:Mario Hiroyuki Hirata
Support Opportunities: Regular Research Grants