Ionospheric response of equatorial and low latitud... - BV FAPESP
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Ionospheric response of equatorial and low latitude F-region during the intense geomagnetic storm on 24-25 August 2005

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de Jesus, R. [1] ; Sahai, Y. [1] ; Guarnieri, F. L. [1] ; Fagundes, P. R. [1] ; de Abreu, A. J. [1] ; Bittencourt, J. A. [2] ; Nagatsuma, T. [3] ; Huang, C. -S. [4] ; Lan, H. T. [5] ; Pillat, V. G. [1]
Total Authors: 10
[1] Univ Vale Paraiba UNIVAP IIP&D, BR-12244000 Sao Jose Dos Campos - Brazil
[2] INPE, Sao Jose Dos Campos - Brazil
[3] Natl Inst Informat & Commun Technol NICT, Koganei, Tokyo - Japan
[4] Boston Coll, Inst Sci Res, Chestnut Hill, MA 02167 - USA
[5] Vietnamese Acad Sci & Technol, Ho Chi Minh City Inst Phys, Ho Chi Minh City - Vietnam
Total Affiliations: 5
Document type: Journal article
Source: Advances in Space Research; v. 49, n. 3, p. 518-529, FEB 1 2012.
Web of Science Citations: 14

In this investigation, we present and discuss the response of the ionospheric F-region in the South American and East Asian sectors during an intense geomagnetic storm in August 2005. The geomagnetic storm studied reached a minimum Dst of -216 nT at 12:00 UT on 24 August. In this work ionospheric sounding data obtained of 24, 25, and 26 August 2005 at Palmas (PAL; 10.2 degrees S, 48.2 degrees W; dip latitude 6.6 degrees S), Sao Jose dos Campos (SJC, 23.2 degrees S, 45.9 degrees W; dip latitude 17.6 degrees S), Brazil, Ho Chi Minh City, (HCM; 10.5 degrees N, 106.3 degrees E; dip latitude 2.9 degrees N), Vietnam, Okinawa (OKI; 26.3 degrees N, 127.8 degrees E; dip latitude 21.2 degrees N), Japan, are presented. Also, the GPS observations obtained at different stations in the equatorial and low-latitude regions in the Brazilian sector are presented. On the night of 24-25 August 2005, the h'F variations show traveling ionospheric disturbances associated with Joule heating in the auroral zone from SJC to PAL. The foF2 variations show a positive storm phase on the night of 24-25 August at PAL and SJC during the recovery phase. Also, the GPS-VTEC observations at several stations in the Brazilian sector show a fairly similar positive storm phase on 24 August. During the fast decrease of Dst (between 10:00 and 11:00 UT) on 24 August, there is a prompt penetration of electric field of magnetospheric origin that result in abrupt increase (similar to 12:00 UT) in foF2 at PAL, SJC (Brazil) and OKI (Japan) and in VTEC at IMPZ, BOMJ, PARA and SMAR (Brazil). OKI showed strong oscillations of the F-region on the night 24 August resulted to the propagation of traveling atmospheric disturbances (TADs) by Joule heating in the auroral region. These effects result a strong positive observed at OKI station. During the daytime on 25 August, in the recovery phase, the foF2 observations showed positive ionospheric storm at HCM station. Some differences in the latitudinal response of the F-region is also observed in the South American and East Asian sectors. (C) 2011 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 07/07842-6 - Studies of space weather and its influence on the ionospheric F-region in the Brazilian sector
Grantee:Rodolfo de Jesus
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Doctorate