Evaluation of the Sensititre YeastOne and Etest in... - BV FAPESP
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Evaluation of the Sensititre YeastOne and Etest in Comparison with CLSI M38-A2 for Antifungal Susceptibility Testing of Three Azoles, Amphotericin B, Caspofungin, and Anidulafungin, against Aspergillus fumigatus and Other Species, Using New Clinical Breakpoints and Epidemiological Cutoff Values

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Melhem, Marcia S. C. ; Coelho, Vivian C. ; Fonseca, Claudia A. ; de Oliveira, Lidiane ; Bonfietti, Lucas X. ; Szeszs, Maria W. ; Magri, Marcello M. C. ; Dorneles, Francine S. ; Taguchi, Hideaki ; Moreira, Daniel V. S. ; Motta, Adriana L. ; Batista, Marjorie, V ; Kamei, Katsuhiko ; Shikanai-Yasuda, Maria A.
Total Authors: 14
Document type: Journal article
Source: PHARMACEUTICS; v. 14, n. 10, p. 15-pg., 2022-10-01.

Aspergillosis is an invasive fungal disease associated with high mortality. Antifungal susceptibility testing (AFST) is receiving increasing consideration for managing patients, as well as for surveilling emerging drug resistance, despite having time-consuming and technically complex reference methodologies. The Sensititre YeastOne (SYO) and Etest methods are widely utilized for yeasts but have not been extensively evaluated for Aspergillus isolates. We obtained Posaconazole (POS), Voriconazole (VCZ), Itraconazole (ITC), Amphotericin B (AMB), Caspofungin (CAS), and Anidulafungin (AND) minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) for both the Etest (n = 330) and SYO (n = 339) methods for 106 sequenced clinical strains. For 84 A. fumigatus, we analyzed the performance of both commercial methods in comparison with the CLSI-AFST, using available cutoff values. An excellent correlation could be demonstrated for Etest-AMB and Etest-VCZ (p < 0.01). SYO-MICs of AMB, VCZ, and POS resulted in excellent essential agreement (>93%), and >80% for AMB, VCZ, and ITC Etest-MICs. High categoric agreement was found for AMB, ITC, and CAS Etest-MICs (>85%) and AMB SYO-MICs (>90%). The considerable number of major/very major errors found using Etest and SYO, possibly related to the proposed cutoffs and associated with the less time-consuming processes, support the need for the improvement of commercial methods for Aspergillus strains. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 12/50212-1 - Aspergillus infections in immunocompromised patients: clinical-laboratory-molecular diagnosis and studies genotypic and phenotypic of isolates
Grantee:Maria Aparecida Shikanai Yasuda
Support Opportunities: Regular Research Grants
FAPESP's process: 17/50333-7 - Institutional research development plan of the Instituto Adolfo Lutz (PDIp)
Grantee:Carlos Henrique Camargo
Support Opportunities: Research Grants - State Research Institutes Modernization Program