Recurrence of an Episode of Low Back Pain: An Ince... - BV FAPESP
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Recurrence of an Episode of Low Back Pain: An Inception Cohort Study in Emergency Departments

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Medeiros, Flavia Cordeiro ; Menezes Costa, Luciola da Cunha ; Pena Costa, Leonardo Oliveira ; Oliveira, Indiara Soares ; da Silva, Tatiane
Total Authors: 5
Document type: Journal article
Source: JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC & SPORTS PHYSICAL THERAPY; v. 52, n. 7, p. 9-pg., 2022-07-01.

OBJECTIVES: To (1) determine the 1-year estimate of recurrence of low back pain (LBP) in a cohort of people presenting to emergency departments who have recently recovered from an episode of acute LBP in a middle-income country, (2) estimate a recurrence of LBP stratified by the STarT Back Screening Tool (SBST), and (3) determine prognostic factors for the recurrence of LBP. DESIGN: Prospective inception cohort study. METHODS: We included 238 patients who presented to emergency departments with recent-onset nonspecific LBP in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The outcome was the recurrence of an episode of LBP, assessed using 2 definitions: (1)12-month recall alone and (2) pain measurements at follow-up. Prognostic factors were determined by logistic regression. RESULTS: Within 1 year. the estimated recurrence of an episode of LBP ranged from 35% (79/225 events) (first definition) to 44% (100/226 events) (second definition). When patients were stratified by the SBST, the estimate of recurrence ranged from 29% to 37% (21.27/73 events) for low-risk patients, from 33% to 39% (24-28/72 events) for medium-risk patients, and from 43% to 56% (34.45/80 events) for high-risk patients. Age, perceived risk of persistent LBP, and disability were independent prognostic factors associated with LBP recurrence within 1 year. CONCLUSION: After recovering from a previous episode of acute LBP, 4 in every 10 patients experienced a recurrence within 1year. This estimate varied depending on the classification used in the SBST. Within 1 year, age, perceived risk of persistent LBP. and baseline disability were predictors of recurrence. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 16/18575-8 - The use of the start back screening tool for predicting clinical outcomes of patients with nonspecific low back pain when administered at multiple time points
Grantee:Flávia Cordeiro de Medeiros
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Doctorate (Direct)
FAPESP's process: 18/20035-7 - Predicting pain recovery in patients with acute low back pain: a validation study of a clinical prediction model
Grantee:Tatiane da Silva Munhoz
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Post-Doctoral