Male rats are more vulnerable to pentylenetetrazol... - BV FAPESP
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Male rats are more vulnerable to pentylenetetrazole-kindling model but females have more spatial memory-related deficits

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Motta Pollo, Maria Luiza ; Gimenes, Christiane ; Covolan, Luciene
Total Authors: 3
Document type: Journal article
Source: Epilepsy & Behavior; v. 129, p. 7-pg., 2022-04-01.

Epilepsy is the most common neurological condition worldwide and is largely associated with memory impairment, both in human as well as animal models. Furthermore, differences in seizure onset and severity have already been observed between the sexes. The induction of epilepsy through multiple systemic injections of pentylenetetrazole (PTZ), a protocol known as chemical kindling, is a well-established tool for studies regarding epileptogenesis, as well as the efficacy of antiseizure medication. The aim of this study was to compare possible sex-related differences in seizure severity, memory, neuronal damage as well as the effects of the estrous cycle on seizure severity. Male (n = 10) and Female (n = 11) animals received 30 mg/kg i.p. injections three days a week for 6 weeks and, after the last application, were tested for short and long-term memory. Control, Male (n = 8) and Female (n = 5) groups did not receive PTZ injections. Although PTZ did not promote important changes into the estrous cycle phases throughout the entire experiment, female animals presented lower seizure scores but had both short and longterm memory impairments associated with cell loss in the hippocampus and anterior cingulate area. Male rats presented higher seizure scores associated with pronounced cell loss, but only long-term memory deficits. Our results demonstrate that the PTZ kindling protocol results in higher seizure scores with increased vulnerability in male rats, but female rats displayed more intense memory deficits.(c) 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 21/04742-8 - Antiepileptogenic effects of deep-brain stimulation in anterior nucleus of thalamus in the pentylenetetrazol-induced kindling model
Grantee:Maria Luiza Motta Pollo
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Scientific Initiation
FAPESP's process: 19/25974-4 - The roles of adenosine to prevent epileptogenesis through anterior nucleus of thalamus deep brain stimulation
Grantee:Luciene Covolan
Support Opportunities: Regular Research Grants