Tunable naturally-derived oligomeric ionic liquids... - BV FAPESP
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Tunable naturally-derived oligomeric ionic liquids: phase behavior and liquid crystal profile

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Hijo, Ariel A. C. Toledo [1] ; Pereira, Ericsem [1] ; Magalhaes, Ana M. S. [1] ; Maximo, Guilherme J. [1] ; Costa, Mariana C. [2] ; Pereira, Jorge F. B. [3] ; Meirelles, Antonio J. A. [1]
Total Authors: 7
[1] Univ Estadual Campinas, Sch Food Engn, Lab Extract Appl Thermodynam & Equilibrium EXTRAE, R Monteiro Lobato 80, BR-13083862 Campinas, SP - Brazil
[2] Univ Estadual Campinas, Sch Chem Engn, Dept Proc & Prod Design, BR-13083852 Campinas, SP - Brazil
[3] Univ Coimbra, Dept Chem Engn, CIEPQPF, Rua Silvio Lima, Polo 2 Pinhal Marrocos, P-3030790 Coimbra - Portugal
Total Affiliations: 3
Document type: Journal article
Source: Fluid Phase Equilibria; v. 548, NOV 15 2021.
Web of Science Citations: 0

Ionic liquid crystals (ILCs) derived from functional compounds obtained from natural sources, such as fatty acids (FAs), are promising compounds due to their sustainable appeal, low cost, and nutritional value. To expand the application of naturally-derived ILCs, this work discloses the use of the oligomeric approach to tune the LC and melting profiles of ILCs derived from FAs (stearic and oleic acids) and choline by mixing them to their parent FA. The oligomeric systems were investigated through the characterization of the solid-{[}liquid crystal]-liquid (S-LC-L) thermodynamic equilibrium. S-LC transitions were modelled using Margules and Margules-UNIFAC approaches, with the former presenting better results. The systems presented melting profiles similar to eutectic mixtures with a nonideal behavior and formation of solid solutions. The reduction of the melting point and the LC temperature window was related to the concentration and presence of unsaturation in the molecular structure of the components. The LC mesophases were formed at a wide temperature and FA concentration range. Oleic acid-based system presented lower melting points and a broader LC temperature domain with possibly two types of mesophases (lamellar and inverted hexagonal). Therefore, the oligomeric approach promoted the tunability of the LC and melting profiles of naturally-derived ILCs, which might expand their industrial applicability as lubricants, solvents and reaction media for low or high temperature processes, or as structuring agents (e.g. melting profile modifier) for the design of natural-based products. (C) 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 16/08566-1 - Phase equilibrium thermodynamics for the improvement of physical properties of food bioproducts and their prediction in industrial and digestive processes
Grantee:Guilherme José Maximo
Support Opportunities: Regular Research Grants
FAPESP's process: 16/24461-5 - Synthesis, characterization and application of ionic liquids by using fatty acids, choline and phosphoethanolamine in the food and biopharmaceuticals industries
Grantee:Ariel Antonio Campos Toledo Hijo
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Doctorate
FAPESP's process: 14/21252-0 - Equilibrium and production processes of biofuels and bioproducts
Grantee:Antonio José de Almeida Meirelles
Support Opportunities: Research Projects - Thematic Grants
FAPESP's process: 12/05027-1 - Solid-liquid equilibrium of fatty compounds and biodiesel flash point
Grantee:Mariana Conceição da Costa
Support Opportunities: Program for Research on Bioenergy (BIOEN) - Young Investigators Grants
FAPESP's process: 19/18608-1 - Development and application of ionic liquids derived from bioactive and natural compounds as functional additives and nutraceuticals for the food industry
Grantee:Ariel Antonio Campos Toledo Hijo
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Post-Doctoral