Molecular Epidemiology of Citrus Leprosis Virus C:... - BV FAPESP
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Molecular Epidemiology of Citrus Leprosis Virus C: A New Viral Lineage and Phylodynamic of the Main Viral Subpopulations in the Americas

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Chabi-Jesus, Camila [1, 2] ; Ramos-Gonzalez, Pedro L. [2] ; Postclam-Barro, Matheus [2] ; Fontenele, Rafaela Salgado [3] ; Harakava, Ricardo [2] ; Bassanezi, Renato B. [4] ; Moreira, Alecio S. [4, 5] ; Kitajima, Elliot W. [2] ; Varsani, Arvind [6, 3] ; Freitas-Astua, Juliana [5, 2]
Total Authors: 10
[1] Univ Sao Paulo, Escola Super Agr Luiz de Queiroz, Sao Paulo - Brazil
[2] Inst Biol IB, Sao Paulo - Brazil
[3] Arizona State Univ, Sch Life Sci, Ctr Evolut & Med, Biodesign Ctr Fundamental & Appl Microbiom, Tempe, AZ - USA
[4] Fundo Def Citricultura, Araraquara, SP - Brazil
[5] Embrapa Mandioca & Fruticultura, Cruz Das Almas - Brazil
[6] Univ Cape Town, Dept Integrat Biomed Sci, Struct Biol Res Unit, Cape Town - South Africa
Total Affiliations: 6
Document type: Journal article
Source: FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY; v. 12, APR 29 2021.
Web of Science Citations: 2

Despite the importance of viral strains/variants as agents of emerging diseases, genetic and evolutionary processes affecting their ecology are not fully understood. To get insight into this topic, we assessed the population and spatial dynamic parameters of citrus leprosis virus C (CiLV-C, genus Cilevirus, family Kitaviridae). CiLV-C is the etiological agent of citrus leprosis disease, a non-systemic infection considered the main viral disorder affecting citrus orchards in Brazil. Overall, we obtained 18 complete or near-complete viral genomes, 123 complete nucleotide sequences of the open reading frame (ORF) encoding the putative coat protein, and 204 partial nucleotide sequences of the ORF encoding the movement protein, from 430 infected Citrus spp. samples collected between 1932 and 2020. A thorough examination of the collected dataset suggested that the CiLV-C population consists of the major lineages CRD and SJP, unevenly distributed, plus a third one called ASU identified in this work, which is represented by a single isolate found in an herbarium sample collected in Asuncion, Paraguay, in 1937. Viruses from the three lineages share about 85% nucleotide sequence identity and show signs of inter-clade recombination events. Members of the lineage CRD were identified both in commercial and non-commercial citrus orchards. However, those of the lineages SJP were exclusively detected in samples collected in the citrus belt of Sao Paulo and Minas Gerais, the leading Brazilian citrus production region, after 2015. The most recent common ancestor of viruses of the three lineages dates back to, at least, similar to 1500 years ago. Since citrus plants were introduced in the Americas by the Portuguese around the 1520s, the Bayesian phylodynamic analysis suggested that the ancestors of the main CiLV-C lineages likely originated in contact with native vegetation of South America. The intensive expansion of CRD and SJP lineages in Brazil started probably linked to the beginning of the local citrus industry. The high prevalence of CiLV-C in the citrus belt of Brazil likely ensues from the intensive connectivity between orchards, which represents a potential risk toward pathogen saturation across the region. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 16/01960-6 - Molecular characterization, phylogeny and evolución of Brevipalpus-transmitted viruses in Brazil
Grantee:Camila Chabi de Jesus
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Doctorate
FAPESP's process: 17/50334-3 - Institutional research development plan (PDIp): modernization and adequacy of strategic multi-user units of the Instituto Biológico
Grantee:Ana Eugênia de Carvalho Campos
Support Opportunities: Research Grants - State Research Institutes Modernization Program
FAPESP's process: 17/50222-0 - Understanding the molecular biology and ecology of plant-virus-vector relationships: towards sustainable, integrated virus management strategies
Grantee:Juliana de Freitas Astúa
Support Opportunities: Regular Research Grants
FAPESP's process: 19/25078-9 - Genomics and trascriptome of virus-vector-host plant relationship in the pathosytem of Brevipalpus transmitted viruses; systematic and evolution of Brevipalpus mites and their endosymbionts; new strategies to manage citrus Leprosis in the S. Paulo State
Grantee:Elliot Watanabe Kitajima
Support Opportunities: Research Projects - Thematic Grants
FAPESP's process: 20/06378-9 - Kinects of the accumulation of citrus leprosis virus C strains, the prevalent etiological agent of citrus leprosis
Grantee:Matheus Potsclam Barro
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Master
FAPESP's process: 19/08186-2 - Phylodynamic of citrus leprosis virus C in the Americas: origin, diversification, and dispersion of the main causal agent of the citrus leprosis disease
Grantee:Camila Chabi de Jesus
Support Opportunities: Scholarships abroad - Research Internship - Doctorate