Laser-photobiomodulation on experimental cancer pa... - BV FAPESP
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Laser-photobiomodulation on experimental cancer pain model in Walker Tumor-256

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Petrellis, Maria Carla [1] ; da Fonseca, Guilherme Aparecido Monteiro Duque [2] ; Pinto, Adriana de Barros [3] ; Rosa, Fernando Oliveira [4] ; Maria, Durvanei Augusto [5] ; Shibli, Jamil Awad [6] ; Frigo, Lucio [6]
Total Authors: 7
[1] Univ Sao Paulo, Biomed Sci Inst, Dept Pharmacol, Ave Lineu Prestes 2415, BR-05508900 Sao Paulo - Brazil
[2] Univ Guarulhos, Dent Res Div, Periodontol Program, Praca Teresa Cristina 01, BR-07023070 Sao Paulo - Brazil
[3] Fac Odontol APCD, Rua Voluntarios Patria 547, BR-02011000 Sao Paulo - Brazil
[4] Univ Sao Paulo, Biomed Sci Inst, Dept Dev Cellular, Ave Lineu Prestes 2415, BR-05508900 Sao Paulo - Brazil
[5] Butantan Inst, Mol Biol Lab, Ave Dr Vital Brasil 1500, BR-05599000 Sao Paulo, SP - Brazil
[6] Univ Guarulhos, Dent Res Div, Praca Teresa Cristina 01, BR-07023070 Sao Paulo - Brazil
Total Affiliations: 6
Document type: Journal article
Web of Science Citations: 0

Context: Cancer Pain is considered a common and significant clinical problem in malignant neoplasms, comprising 20% to 50% of all patients with tumor progression. Laser photobiomodulation (L-PBM) has been used in a multitude of pain events, ranging from acute trauma to chronic articular. However, L-PBM has never been tested in cancer pain. Objectives: Evaluate hyperalgesia, edema, COX-1, COX-2, IL-10, and Bdkrb1 mRNA in low-level laser irradiated Walker-256 tumor-bearing rats. Methods: Rat hind paw injected with Walker Tumor-256 (W-256) and divided into six groups of 6 rats: G1 (control) W-256 injected, G2W-256 + Nimesulide, G3W-256 + 1 J, G4W-256 + 3 Jand G5W256 + 6 J. Laser parameters: lambda = 660 nm, 3.57 W/cm(2), theta = 0.028 cm2. Mechanical hyperalgesia was evaluated by Randall-Selitto test. Plethysmography measured edema; mRNA levels of COX-1, COX-2, IL-10, and Bdkrb1were analyzed. Results: It was found that the W-256 + 1 J group showed a decrease in paw edema, a significant reduction in pain threshold. Higher levels of IL-10 and lower levels of COX-2 and Bdkrb1 were observed. Conclusion: Results suggest that 1 J L-PBM reduced the expression of COX-2 and Bdkrb1 and increasing IL-10 gene expression, promoting analgesia to close levels to nimesulide. (AU)