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(Reference retrieved automatically from Web of Science through information on FAPESP grant and its corresponding number as mentioned in the publication by the authors.)

The Influence of Photophobia on Postural Control in Patients With Migraine

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Pinheiro, Carina F. [1] ; Moraes, Renato [2] ; Carvalho, Gabriela F. [1] ; Sestari, Lais [1] ; Will-Lemos, Tenysson [1] ; Bigal, Marcelo E. [3] ; Dach, Fabiola [4] ; van Emmerik, Richard [5] ; Bevilaqua-Grossi, Debora [1]
Total Authors: 9
[1] Univ Sao Paulo, Ribeirao Preto Med Sch, Dept Hlth Sci, Ribeirao Preto, SP - Brazil
[2] Univ Sao Paulo, Sch Phys Educ & Sport Ribeirao Preto, Biomech & Motor Control Lab, Ribeirao Preto - Brazil
[3] Ventus Therapeut, Montreal, PQ - Canada
[4] Univ Sao Paulo, Ribeirao Preto Med Sch, Dept Neurosci & Behav Sci, Ribeirao Preto - Brazil
[5] Univ Massachusetts, Sch Publ Hlth & Hlth Sci, Dept Kinesiol, Amherst, MA 01003 - USA
Total Affiliations: 5
Document type: Journal article
Source: HEADACHE; v. 60, n. 8 AUG 2020.
Web of Science Citations: 0

Background People with migraine exhibit postural control impairments. These patients also have an increased light sensitivity due to the disease, and it remains during the headache-free period. It is currently unknown if increased lighting levels can alter the balance control, especially in individuals with visual hypersensitivity, such as migraineurs. This study aimed to assess the balance and photophobia of women with migraine and non-headache controls under different light conditions. Methods This cross-sectional study consisted of 14 women with migraine (mean +/- SD 30.6 +/- 8.1 years old) and 14 women without any kind of headache (mean +/- SD 27.2 +/- 2.8 years old) screened from a tertiary headache clinical hospital and the local community. Quiet standing balance was evaluated during bipodal and unipodal support, under 3 light conditions: ambient (AMB) - 270 lx, visual discomfort threshold (VDT) - 400 lx, and intense visual discomfort (IVD) - 2000 lx. Sway area of the center of pressure was processed and compared between groups. The association of migraine with the risk of presenting a greater imbalance in the discomfort lighting conditions was verified. Results Compared to the non-headache controls, the migraine group presented greater sway area in bipodal stance under the 3 light conditions (mean difference (95% CI)): AMB 0.81 cm(2)(0.19 to 1.43),P = .011; VDT 3.17 cm(2)(0.74 to 5.60),P = .001; IVD 5.56 cm(2)(2.75 to 8.37),P < .0001. Within-subject analysis showed increased sway area in bipodal stance among all lighting conditions for the migraine group only (mean difference (95% CI)): VDT-AMB 2.20 cm(2)(0.23 to 4.18),P = .024; IVD-AMB 4.50 cm(2)(2.38 to 6.62),P < .0001, IVD-VDT 2.29 cm(2)(0.57 to 4.01),P = .005. The Prevalence Ratio (PR) analysis showed that migraine was associated with the risk of presenting greater imbalance in both bipodal and unipodal standing conditions for both VDT (PR value (95% CI) - bipodal: PR = 4.00 (1.02 to 15.59),P = .045; unipodal: PR = 4.00 (1.43 to 11.15),P = .008), and the IVD (bipodal: PR = 3.33 (1.13 to 9.58),P = .025; unipodal: PR = 5.50 (1.48 to 20.42),P = .010) lighting conditions. Conclusion Photophobia might be a disturbing factor that worsens the balance of patients with migraine during the quiet standing posture. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 15/18031-5 - Association study of clinical, functional and neuroimaging in women with migraine
Grantee:Débora Bevilaqua Grossi
Support Opportunities: Research Projects - Thematic Grants
FAPESP's process: 17/19552-4 - Semi-static balance assessment of migraine patients under different light conditions
Grantee:Laís Sestari
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Scientific Initiation