Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus: Recent Findings about... - BV FAPESP
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Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus: Recent Findings about Its Occurrence in Pigs

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de Oliveira, Luis Guilherme [1] ; Mechler-Dreibi, Marina L. [1] ; Almeida, Henrique M. S. [1] ; Gatto, Igor R. H. [2]
Total Authors: 4
[1] Sao Paulo State Univ Unesp, Sch Agr & Veterinarian Sci, Jaboticabal Via Acesso Prof Paulo Donato Castelan, BR-14884900 Jaboticabal, SP - Brazil
[2] Ourofino Anim Hlth Ltda, Rodovia Anhanguera SP 330, Km 298 Dist Ind, BR-14140000 Cravinhos, SP - Brazil
Total Affiliations: 2
Document type: Review article
Source: Viruses-Basel; v. 12, n. 6 JUN 2020.
Web of Science Citations: 0

Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) is an important pathogen belonging to thePestivirusgenus,Flaviviridaefamily, which comprises viral species that causes an economic impact in animal production. Cattle are the natural host of BVDV and the main source of infection for pigs and other animal species. Due to its antigenic and genetic similarity with other important pestiviruses such as Classical Swine Fever Virus (CSFV), several studies have been conducted to elucidate the real role of this virus in piglets, sows, and boars, not only in the field but also in experimental infections, which will be discussed in this paper. Although BVDV does not pose a threat to pigs as it does to ruminants, the occurrence of clinical signs is variable and may depend on several factors. Therefore, this study presents a survey of data on BVDV infection in pigs, comparing information on prevalence in different countries and the results of experimental infections to understand this type of infection in pigs better. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 16/21421-2 - Pathogenesis of infection by bovine viral diarrhea virus in swine: reproductive, neonatal and neurological aspects
Grantee:Luís Guilherme de Oliveira
Support Opportunities: Regular Research Grants
FAPESP's process: 14/13590-3 - Epidemiological study of occurrence and transmission of bovine viral diarrhea virus in swine
Grantee:Luís Guilherme de Oliveira
Support Opportunities: Regular Research Grants
FAPESP's process: 16/02982-3 - Congenital myoclonus in swine: is the bovine viral diarrhea virus an etiologic agent?
Grantee:Marina Lopes Mechler Dreibi
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Master