Mobile application for the evaluation and planning... - BV FAPESP
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Mobile application for the evaluation and planning of nursing workload in the intensive care unit

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da Silva, Rosilene [1, 2] ; Baptista, Alessandra [2] ; Serra, Rolando L. [3] ; Magalhaes, Daniel S. F. [2]
Total Authors: 4
[1] Fed Univ Para, Joao de Barros Barreto Univ Hosp, Belem, Para - Brazil
[2] Univ Brasil, Sci & Technol Inst, Bioengn Dept, Sao Paulo - Brazil
[3] Technol Univ Havana Jose Antonio Echeverria, Inst Phys, Havana - Cuba
Total Affiliations: 3
Document type: Journal article
Web of Science Citations: 0

Objective: In this study, we present an application type software which employs the Nursing Activities Score (NAS), a management tool for measuring nursing workload prospectively. Method: The system was developed in two modules: WEB (controlled from an Internet browser) for data administration using Java Script; and APP (operated from a smartphone or tablet device) for data acquisition using Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP). White and black box tests were performed in the software. Results: A software was developed with an interface that allows the calculation of the scale score by the same professional who provided assistance, generating reports to help nursing management. The functional test was successfully performed using the Android operational system. Conclusion: The efficiency of the software was demonstrated by the functional test and the main innovations brought herein are the prospective use and the generation of management reports, which can contribute positively by improving nursing quality and safety in the intensive care unit. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 13/13272-9 - Systems development for direct visualization of three-dimensional radiological images, diagnostic applications and their use in the teaching of neuroanatomy
Grantee:Daniel Souza Ferreira Magalhães
Support Opportunities: Research Grants - Young Investigators Grants
FAPESP's process: 15/50304-1 - Multiview autostereoscopic three-dimensional display for medical imaging visualization
Grantee:Daniel Souza Ferreira Magalhães
Support Opportunities: Regular Research Grants