Viruses representing two new genomovirus species i... - BV FAPESP
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Viruses representing two new genomovirus species identified in citrus from Tunisia

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Chabi-Jesus, Camila [1, 2, 3] ; Najar, Asma [4] ; Fontenele, Rafaela S. [3] ; Kumari, Safaa G. [5, 6] ; Ramos-Gonzalez, Pedro Luis [2] ; Freitas-Astua, Juliana [2, 7] ; Kraberger, Simona [3] ; Varsani, Arvind [3, 8]
Total Authors: 8
[1] Univ Sao Paulo, ESALQ, Piracicaba, SP - Brazil
[2] IB, Sao Paulo, SP - Brazil
[3] Arizona State Univ, Ctr Evolut & Med, Sch Life Sci, Biodesign Ctr Fundamental & Appl Microbiom, Tempe, AZ 85281 - USA
[4] Natl Inst Agron Res Tunisia, Lab Plant Protect, Rue Hedi Karray, El Menzah - Tunisia
[5] ICARDA, Virol Lab, Tunis - Tunisia
[6] ICARDA, Beirut - Lebanon
[7] Embrapa Mandioca & Fruticultura, CNPMF, Cruz Das Almas, BA - Brazil
[8] Univ Cape Town, Dept Integrat Biomed Sci, Struct Biol Res Unit, Cape Town - South Africa
Total Affiliations: 8
Document type: Journal article
Source: ARCHIVES OF VIROLOGY; v. 165, n. 5 MAR 2020.
Web of Science Citations: 1

Using a high-throughput sequencing approach, we identified four genomoviruses (family Genomoviridae) associated with a sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) plant collected in Tunisia. The ssDNA genomes of these genomoviruses, which were amplified, cloned and Sanger sequenced, range in size from 2156 to 2191 nt. Three of these viruses share > 99% full-genome pairwise sequence identity and are referred to as citrus Tunisia genomovirus 1 (CTNGmV-1). The CTNGmV-1 isolates share < 62% genome-wide pairwise nucleotide sequence identity with other genomoviruses and belong to the genus Gemykolovirus. The genome of the fourth virus, which was called CTNGmV-2, shares < 68% nucleotide sequence identity with other genomoviruses and belongs to the genus Gemycircularvirus. Based on the species demarcation criteria for members of the family Genomoviridae, CTNGmV-1 and -2 would each represent a new species. Although found associated with Citrus sp. plants, it is likely that these viruses infect fungi or other organisms associated with the plants. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 19/08186-2 - Phylodynamic of citrus leprosis virus C in the Americas: origin, diversification, and dispersion of the main causal agent of the citrus leprosis disease
Grantee:Camila Chabi de Jesus
Support Opportunities: Scholarships abroad - Research Internship - Doctorate