Genesis and variation spatial of Podzol in depress... - BV FAPESP
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Genesis and variation spatial of Podzol in depressions of the Barreiras Formation, northeastern Espirito Santo State, Brazil, and its implications for Quaternary climate change

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Schiavo, Jolimar Antonio [1] ; Ruiz Pessenda, Luiz Carlos [2] ; Buso Junior, Antonio Alvaro [2] ; Calegari, Marcia Regina [3] ; Fornari, Mileni [2] ; Secretti, Mateus Luiz [1] ; Pereira, Marcos Gervasio [4] ; Mayle, Francis Edward [5, 6]
Total Authors: 8
[1] Univ Estadual Mato Grosso do Sul, Unidade Univ Aquidauana, Rodovia Aquidauana, Km 12, Aquidauana, MS - Brazil
[2] Univ Sao Paulo, Lab 14C, Ave Centenario 303, BR-13400970 Piracicaba, SP - Brazil
[3] Univ Estadual Oeste Parana, Colegiado Geog, Campus Marechal Candido Rondon, BR-85970020 Mal Cd Rondon, Parana - Brazil
[4] Univ Fed Rural Rio de Janeiro, Inst Agron, Dept Solos, BR-465 Seropedica, RJ - Brazil
[5] Univ Reading, Ctr Climate Change, Reading RG6 6DW, Berks - England
[6] Univ Reading, Dept Geog & Environm Sci, Reading RG6 6DW, Berks - England
Total Affiliations: 6
Document type: Journal article
Source: Journal of South American Earth Sciences; v. 98, MAR 2020.
Web of Science Citations: 2

Variations in relief associated with pedogenetic processes promote different intensities in weathering of sediments of the Barreiras Formation and may thus lead to the formation of different soil types, like Podzols, Acrisols and Ferralsols. The Podzols of tropical regions contain important information on climate and vegetation changes that occurred mainly in late Pleistocene and Holocene; however few studied, regarding their spatial variation, that can be investigated through ground penetrating radar (GPR). The aim was to study morphological, physical, chemical, stable C isotopic properties and spatial distribution of soils within depressions of the Barreiras Formation and characterize the C-14 chronology of two Podzols and their B spodic horizons, along a transect grassland to forest in northeastern Espirito Santo State, Brazil. The profiles encompass a sequence of A-E-Bhm horizons, except for P3 and P6 with histic H and A-Bt, respectively. The GPR images showed patterns corresponding to these soil horizons, and the GPR data reveal the presence of diagnostic subsurface horizons characteristic of spodic horizons with cemented layers. The influence of relief factors and original materials was observed, associated with ferrolysis and podzolisation as main actors in the genesis of soils studied. The monomorphic organic matter filling the voids evidences the processes of immobilization, illuviation and precipitation, with the genesis of the spodic horizon. The Podzols profiles of Pleistocene organic matter ages accumulated compounds of C-3 plants from the vegetation cover in the B spodic horizons of the profiles P4 and P1, since at least 14,251 and 38,890 cal BP, respectively, suggesting the dominance of a humid climate at least during the studied period in the region. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 07/03615-5 - Reconstruction of vegetation and climate since the middle Holocene in Brazil
Grantee:Luiz Carlos Ruiz Pessenda
Support Opportunities: Regular Research Grants
FAPESP's process: 10/18091-4 - Late Quaternary dynamics of Spodosols, vegetation and climate at the northeastern region of Espírito Santo state.
Grantee:Antonio Alvaro Buso Junior
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Doctorate
FAPESP's process: 11/00995-7 - Interdisciplinary paleoenvironmental studies in the Espirito Santo State coast
Grantee:Luiz Carlos Ruiz Pessenda
Support Opportunities: Research Program on Global Climate Change - Thematic Grants