Evaluating CRoS-NDN: a comparative performance ana... - BV FAPESP
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Evaluating CRoS-NDN: a comparative performance analysis of a controller-based routing scheme for named-data networking

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Torres, Joao Vitor [1] ; Alvarenga, Igor Drummond [1] ; Boutaba, Raouf [2] ; Muniz Bandeira Duarte, Otto Carlos [1]
Total Authors: 4
[1] Univ Fed Rio de Janeiro, UFRJ, COPPE, Grp Teleinformat & Automacao, PEE, Rio De Janeiro - Brazil
[2] Univ Waterloo, Waterloo, ON - Canada
Total Affiliations: 2
Document type: Journal article
Web of Science Citations: 0

The huge amount of content names available in Named-Data Networking (NDN) challenges both the required routing table size and the techniques for locating and forwarding information. Content copies and content mobility exacerbate the scalability challenge to reach content in the new locations. We present and analyze the performance of a proposed Controller-based Routing Scheme, named CRoS-NDN, which preserves NDN features using the same interest and data packets. CRoS-NDN supports content mobility and provides fast content recovery from copies that do not belong to the consumer-producer path because it splits identity from location without incurring FIB size explosion or supposing prefix aggregation. It provides features similar to Content Distribution Networks (CDN) in NDN, and improves the routing efficiency. We compare our proposal with similar routing protocols and derive analytical expressions for lower-bound efficiency and upper-bound latency. We also conduct extensive simulations to evaluate results in data delivery efficiency and delay. The results show the robust behavior of the proposed scheme achieving the best efficiency and delay performance for a wide range of scenarios. Furthermore, CRoS-NDN results in low use of processing time and memory for a growing number of prefixes. (AU)

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Support Opportunities: Research Projects - Thematic Grants
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Grantee:Otto Carlos Muniz Bandeira Duarte
Support Opportunities: Regular Research Grants