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(Reference retrieved automatically from Web of Science through information on FAPESP grant and its corresponding number as mentioned in the publication by the authors.)

Outcomes and contextual aspects of strategic environmental assessment in a non-mandatory context: the case of Brazil

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Tshibangu, Ghislain Mwamba [1] ; Montano, Marcelo [2]
Total Authors: 2
[1] Univ Sao Paulo, Environm Engn Sci, Sao Carlos, SP - Brazil
[2] Univ Sao Paulo, Sao Carlos Sch Engn, Environm Policy Instruments, Av Trabalhador Sancarlense 400, BR-13566590 Sao Carlos, SP - Brazil
Total Affiliations: 2
Document type: Journal article
Web of Science Citations: 1

Within the ample body of literature devoted to strategic environmental assessment (SEA) outcomes and the assessment of its effectiveness, it is accepted that the performance of SEA systems is influenced by contextual aspects. Procedural aspects, objectives, guidance, approach, timing, amongst others, are reported as key components of the different dimensions of SEA effectiveness but their linkage to SEA outcomes is yet to be adequately investigated. In this paper, contextual aspects and related outcomes of a non-mandatory SEA system were identified through systematic literature review and personal interviews with key actors of SEA, aiming at the identification of the influence of contextual factors on SEA effectiveness. The findings indicate three main aspects that may explain the lengthy process of introduction of SEA in plan- and policy-making in the country: (i) lack of proper SEA legislation, (ii) the influence of Environmental Impact Assessment practice and (iii) the influence of the environmental licensing culture. Nevertheless, SEA contributes to improving communication between stakeholders along the planning process and to providing a better level of information for lower tiers of decision-making. In spite of the minor influences on the nature of the strategic action, valuable lessons credited to SEA have been learnt. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 17/00095-2 - Development of guidance to the assessment of environmental impacts and climate change from plans and programmes in São Paulo State
Grantee:Marcelo Montaño
Support Opportunities: Regular Research Grants