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(Reference retrieved automatically from SciELO through information on FAPESP grant and its corresponding number as mentioned in the publication by the authors.)

Public-private partnership for social housing: institutional principles for the expansion of the housing market in São Paulo

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Alvaro Luis dos Santos Pereira [1] ; Gabriel Maldonado Palladini
Total Authors: 2
[1] Universidade Federal de São Paulo. Escola Paulista de Política, Economia e Negócios - Brasil
Total Affiliations: 2
Document type: Journal article
Source: Cadernos Metrópole; v. 20, n. 43, p. 879-903, 2018-12-00.

Abstract The article deals with the dynamics of the articulations between State and market in the housing sector, in view of the rise of neoliberalism and the diffusion of a public policy agenda grounded on the hegemony of the "new institutional economy". Based on a case study about a public-private partnership project for the provision of social housing promoted by Agência Casa Paulista, we present a reflection on the changes and continuities that the current housing policy model of the State of São Paulo represents in relation to the previous model, carried out by Companhia Paulista de Desenvolvimento Habitacional e Urbano (CDHU). The collected data revealed that the primacy in the housing policy formulation and financing activities tends to have been shifted to the private sector. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 16/18454-6 - The participation of the private sector on social housing policies in the State of São Paulo: the CASA paulista program
Grantee:Gabriel Maldonado Palladini
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Master
FAPESP's process: 15/50131-0 - Public accountability to residents in contractual urban redevelopment (PARCOUR)
Grantee:Maria Lucia Refinetti Rodrigues Martins
Support Opportunities: Research Projects - Thematic Grants
FAPESP's process: 16/01487-9 - Public accountability to residents in contractual urban redevelopment
Grantee:Alvaro Luis dos Santos Pereira
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Post-Doctoral