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(Reference retrieved automatically from Web of Science through information on FAPESP grant and its corresponding number as mentioned in the publication by the authors.)

Corrosion and wear properties of FeCrMnCoSi HVOF coatings

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Koga, G. Y. [1] ; Wolf, W. [2, 1] ; Schulz, R. [3] ; Savoie, S. [3] ; Bolfarini, C. [1] ; Kiminami, C. S. [1] ; Botta, W. J. [4, 1]
Total Authors: 7
[1] Univ Fed Sao Carlos, Dept Mat Sci & Engn, Rod Washington Luis, Km 235, BR-13565905 Sao Carlos, SP - Brazil
[2] Univ Fed Minas Gerais, Dept Met & Mat Engn, BR-31270901 Belo Horizonte, MG - Brazil
[3] Hydro Quebec Res Inst, 1800 Boul Lionel Boulet, Varennes, PQ J3X 1S1 - Canada
[4] Grenoble Alpes Univ, CNRS, LEPMI, F-38000 Grenoble - France
Total Affiliations: 4
Document type: Journal article
Source: SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY; v. 357, p. 993-1003, JAN 15 2019.
Web of Science Citations: 7

FeCrMnCoSi coating (so-called CaviTec alloy) is recognized as an efficient protective measure to extend the service-life of steel components subjected to severe cavitation erosion. Besides this requirement, many applications also demand coatings with proper corrosion and wear resistances. The aim of this study is to evaluate the pitting corrosion and the sliding wear resistances of CaviTec coatings produced by high-velocity oxygen fuel (HVOF) and deposited onto a 304 stainless steel (SS). The corrosion performances in simulated seawater indicated that these coatings exhibit satisfactory corrosion resistance with regions around the inter-splats representing the preferential weak links sites for pitting corrosion initiation. CaviTec coating wear is characterized by mild delamination followed by severe abrasive wear once the hard-martensitic debris are added in the tri-bosystem due to the transformation induced plasticity (TRIP) effect. Corrosion and wear results point out that the CaviTec coatings, originally developed to possess high cavitation erosion resistance, also present satisfactory corrosion resistance in seawater-like medium and interesting dry sliding wear performance, which can extend their application domain. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 17/09237-4 - Design and production of spray-formed boron-modified stainless steels with high corrosion and wear resistance
Grantee:Guilherme Yuuki Koga
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Post-Doctoral
FAPESP's process: 13/05987-8 - Processing and characterization of amorphous, metastable and nano-structured metallic alloys
Grantee:Claudio Shyinti Kiminami
Support Opportunities: Research Projects - Thematic Grants