Multi-view autostereoscopic system for 3D visualiz... - BV FAPESP
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Multi-view autostereoscopic system for 3D visualization in anatomy

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Daniel Souza Ferreira Magalhães ; Saad Mansoor [2] ; Ying Weng ; Enrico Ghizoni ; Thiago Barbosa [5] ; Fernanda de Almeida Silveira [6] ; Rolando Serra Toledo [7] ; Li Min Li [8]
Total Authors: 8
Document type: Journal article
Source: Res. Biomed. Eng.; v. 34, n. 3, p. 279-283, 2018-09-00.

Abstract Introduction The use of 3D imaging in the medical field has proven to be a benefit to doctors when diagnosing patients. As for different medical applications, 3D visualization systems have advantages in terms of a better spatial understanding of anatomical structures, better performance of tasks that require high level of dexterity, increased learning performance, and improved communications with patients or between doctors. Methods In this technical report, we show how to employ a multi-view autostereoscopic system to provide 3D images without any special glasses or equipment, describing a new way to obtain 3D visualization using sets of 2D images instead of real volumetric data such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computed tomography (CT). We also propose an application of the images in neuroanatomy. Results We obtained three-dimensional images of anatomical parts for visualization without glasses with resolution of 336 × 210 pixels’. Conclusion The proposed method was able to generate three-dimensional high-resolution images and has great potential to be used in various areas such as anatomy and physiological studies. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 13/13272-9 - Systems development for direct visualization of three-dimensional radiological images, diagnostic applications and their use in the teaching of neuroanatomy
Grantee:Daniel Souza Ferreira Magalhães
Support Opportunities: Research Grants - Young Investigators Grants
FAPESP's process: 15/50304-1 - Multiview autostereoscopic three-dimensional display for medical imaging visualization
Grantee:Daniel Souza Ferreira Magalhães
Support Opportunities: Regular Research Grants
FAPESP's process: 14/07501-8 - Development systems for direct visualization of three-dimensional radiological images, their diagnostic applications and use in the teaching of neuroanatomy
Grantee:Daniel Souza Ferreira Magalhães
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Young Researchers