Allogenic and autogenic effects on mangrove dynami... - BV FAPESP
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Allogenic and autogenic effects on mangrove dynamics from the Ceara Mirim River, north-eastern Brazil, during the middle and late Holocene

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Ribeiro, Samuel Rodrigues [1] ; Louzada Batista, Edson Jose [1] ; Cohen, Marcelo C. L. [1] ; Franca, Marlon Carlos [2] ; Pessenda, Luiz C. R. [3] ; Fontes, Neuza A. [1] ; Alves, Igor C. C. [1] ; Bendassolli, Jose A. [4]
Total Authors: 8
[1] Fed Univ Para, Grad Program Geol & Geochem, Lab Coastal Dynam, Rua Augusto Correa, 01 Guama, BR-66075110 Belem, PA - Brazil
[2] Fed Inst Para, Belem, PA - Brazil
[3] Univ Sao Paulo, CENA Lab 14C, Sao Paulo - Brazil
[4] Univ Sao Paulo, CENA Stable Isotopes Lab, Sao Paulo - Brazil
Total Affiliations: 4
Document type: Journal article
Source: EARTH SURFACE PROCESSES AND LANDFORMS; v. 43, n. 8, p. 1622-1635, JUN 30 2018.
Web of Science Citations: 0

It is possible that climate changes and sea level fluctuations (allogenic processes) are and will cause major changes in mangrove dynamics. However, other driving forces may be significantly affecting this system. Distinguishing allogenic and autogenic influence on mangroves is a challenging question, because mechanisms related to the natural dynamics of depositional environments (autogenic processes) have strong influences on the establishment and degradation of mangroves. Thus, impacts on mangroves caused by autogenic processes may be erroneously attributed to allogenic mechanisms. Therefore, it is imperative to identify the fingerprint' of global changes in modern mangrove dynamics. In order to characterize the influence of these forces on mangroves, this work has used geomorphology and vegetation maps integrated with sedimentological and palynological data, radiocarbon dating, as well as C-13, N-15 and C/N from sedimentary organic matter. The inter-proxy analyses reveal an estuarine influence with mangrove development along the Ceara Mirim River, north-eastern Brazil, since similar to 6920cal yr bp, after the post-glacial sea level rise. Relative sea level (RSL) has been stable during the middle and late Holocene. Mangrove establishment along this fluvial valley begins at about 6920cal yr bp, caused by the sea-level stabilization, an allogenic influence. However, after its establishment, wetland dynamics were mainly controlled by autogenic factors, related to channel migrations, instead of allogenic process. Some influence of sea-level and climate changes on mangrove dynamics in this estuarine channel have been weakened by more intense tidal channels activities. Therefore, the expansion and contraction of mangrove areas along the estuary of the Ceara Mirim River since 6920cal yr bp has been mainly influenced by channel dynamics that regulate the accretion and erosion of mangrove substrates. Copyright (c) 2018 John Wiley \& Sons, Ltd. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 11/00995-7 - Interdisciplinary paleoenvironmental studies in the Espirito Santo State coast
Grantee:Luiz Carlos Ruiz Pessenda
Support Opportunities: Research Program on Global Climate Change - Thematic Grants
FAPESP's process: 17/03304-1 - Impacts of climate changes and sea-level fluctuations in the Brazilian mangroves in secular and millennial scales
Grantee:Luiz Carlos Ruiz Pessenda
Support Opportunities: Research Program on Global Climate Change - Regular Grants