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Impact Modelling and A Posteriori Non-destructive Evaluation of Homogeneous Particleboards of Sugarcane Bagasse

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Zhang, Hai [1] ; Sfarra, Stefano [2, 3] ; Sarasini, Fabrizio [4, 5] ; Fiorelli, Juliano [6] ; Peeters, Jeroen [7] ; Avdelidis, Nicolas P. [1, 8] ; Sartori, Diogo de Lucca [9] ; Ibarra-Castanedo, Clemente [1] ; Perilli, Stefano [2] ; Mokhtari, Yacine [1] ; Tirillo, Jacopo [4, 5] ; Maldague, Xavier P. V. [1]
Total Authors: 12
[1] Laval Univ, Dept Elect & Comp Engn, Comp Vis & Syst Lab, Quebec City, PQ G1V 0A6 - Canada
[2] Univ LAquila, Dept Ind & Informat Engn & Econ DIIIE, Piazzale E Pontieri 1, I-67100 Laquila - Italy
[3] Tomsk Polytech Univ, Lenin Av 30, Tomsk 634050 - Russia
[4] Sapienza Univ Rome, Dept Chem Engn Mat Environm, Via Eudossiana 18, I-00184 Rome - Italy
[5] Sapienza Univ Rome, UDR INSTM, Via Eudossiana 18, I-00184 Rome - Italy
[6] Univ Sao Paulo, Fac Anim Sci & Food Engn, Ave Duque Caxias Norte 225, BR-13635900 Pirassununga, SP - Brazil
[7] Univ Antwerp, Fac Appl Engn, Dept Electromech, Res Grp Op3Mech, CGB Z324, Groenenborgerlaan 171, B-2020 Antwerp - Belgium
[8] Aerosp Integrat Res Ctr, Coll Rd, Cranfield MK43 0AL, Beds - England
[9] Sao Paulo State Univ UNESP, Sch Sci & Engn, Tupa, SP - Brazil
Total Affiliations: 9
Document type: Journal article
Web of Science Citations: 14

With a view to gaining an in-depth assessment of the response of particleboards (PBs) to different in-service loading conditions, samples of high-density homogeneous PBs of sugarcane bagasse and castor oil polyurethane resin were manufactured and subjected to low velocity impacts using an instrumented drop weight impact tower and four different energy levels, namely 5, 10, 20 and 30 J. The prediction of the damage modes was assessed using Comsol Multiphysics (R). In particular, the random distribution of the fibres and their lengths were reproduced through a robust model. The experimentally obtained dent depths due to the impactor were compared with the ones numerically simulated showing good agreement. The post-impact damage was evaluated by a simultaneous system of image acquisitions coming from two different sensors. In particular, thermograms were recorded during the heating up and cooling down phases, while the specklegrams were gathered one at room temperature (as reference) and the remaining during the cooling down phase. On one hand, the specklegrams were processed via a new software package named Ncorr v.1.2, which is an open-source subset-based 2D digital image correlation (DIC) package that combines modern DIC algorithms proposed in the literature with additional enhancements. On the other hand, the thermographic results linked to a square pulse were compared with those coming from the laser line thermography technique that heats a line-region on the surface of the sample instead of a spot. Surprisingly, both the vibrothermography and the line scanning thermography methods coupled with a robotized system show substantial advantages in the defect detection around the impacted zone. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 12/13881-2 - Multilayer particleboard with lignocelluloses wastes and vegetable fibers reinforcement
Grantee:Juliano Fiorelli
Support Opportunities: Regular Research Grants