The two-component system VicRK regulates functions... - BV FAPESP
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The two-component system VicRK regulates functions associated with Streptococcus mutans resistance to complement immunity

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Alves, Livia A. ; Harth-Chu, Erika N. ; Palma, Thais H. ; Stipp, Rafael N. ; Mariano, Flavia S. ; Hoefling, Jose F. ; Abranches, Jacqueline ; Mattos-Graner, Renata O.
Total Authors: 8
Document type: Journal article
Source: Molecular Oral Microbiology; v. 32, n. 5, p. 419-431, OCT 2017.
Web of Science Citations: 12

Streptococcus mutans, a dental caries pathogen, can promote systemic infections upon reaching the bloodstream. The two-component system (TCS) VicRK(Sm) of S.mutans regulates the synthesis of and interaction with sucrose-derived exopolysaccharides (EPS), processes associated with oral and systemic virulence. In this study, we investigated the mechanisms by which VicRK(Sm) affects S.mutans susceptibility to blood-mediated immunity. Compared with parent strain UA159, the vicK(Sm) isogenic mutant (UAvic) showed reduced susceptibility to deposition of C3b of complement, low binding to serum immunoglobulin G (IgG), and low frequency of C3b/IgG-mediated opsonophagocytosis by polymorphonuclear cells in a sucrose-independent way (P<.05). Reverse transcriptase quantitative polymerase chain reaction analysis comparing gene expression in UA159 and UAvic revealed that genes encoding putative peptidases of the complement (pepO and smu.399) were upregulated in UAvic in the presence of serum, although genes encoding murein hydrolases (SmaA and Smu.2146c) or metabolic/surface proteins involved in bacterial interactions with host components (enolase, GAPDH) were mostly affected in a serum-independent way. Among vicK(Sm)-downstream genes (smaA, smu.2146c, lysM, atlA, pepO, smu.399), only pepO and smu.399 were associated with UAvic phenotypes; deletion of both genes in UA159 significantly enhanced levels of C3b deposition and opsonophagocytosis (P<.05). Moreover, consistent with the fibronectin-binding function of PepO orthologues, UAvic showed increased binding to fibronectin. Reduced susceptibility to opsonophagocytosis was insufficient to enhance ex vivo persistence of UAvic in blood, which was associated with growth defects of this mutant under limited nutrient conditions. Our findings revealed that S.mutans employs mechanisms of complement evasion through peptidases, which are controlled by VicRK(Sm.</IN) (AU)

FAPESP's process: 15/12940-3 - Identification of surface proteins of Streptococcus mutans involved in evasion of opsonization by the complement system
Grantee:Renata de Oliveira Mattos Graner
Support Opportunities: Regular Research Grants
FAPESP's process: 12/04222-5 - Analysis of the roles of the transcriptional regulators VicRK and CovR in the susceptibility of Streptococcus mutans to opsonization by the complement system.
Grantee:Lívia Araújo Alves
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Master
FAPESP's process: 09/50547-0 - Characterization of GbpB/PcsB homologues in commensal species of oral streptococci
Grantee:Erika Nikitza Shiauha Harth Chu
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Post-Doctoral
FAPESP's process: 12/50966-6 - Analysis of the roles of the transchptional regulators VicRK and CovR in the susceptibility of Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sanguinis to opsonization by the complement system
Grantee:Renata de Oliveira Mattos Graner
Support Opportunities: Regular Research Grants
FAPESP's process: 15/07237-1 - Identification of surface proteins of Streptococcus mutans involved in the scape to opsonization by the complement system
Grantee:Lívia Araújo Alves
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Doctorate