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Evaluation simultaneousnitrification and denitrification in sewage treatment plant full scale.

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Rodrigo de Freitas Bueno
Total Authors: 1
Document type: Doctoral Thesis
Press: São Paulo.
Institution: Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Escola Politécnica (EP/BC)
Defense date:
Examining board members:
Roque Passos Piveli; Pedro Alem Sobrinho; Maria de Lourdes Florencio dos Santos; Theo Syrto Octavio de Souza
Advisor: Roque Passos Piveli

This research aimed at the production of elements for assessing the feasibility of adding new technologies to a sewage treatment plant for sludge process with extended aeration activated in real scale. The study was developed in ETE Limoeiro SABESP, located in the Municipality of President Prudente / SP. Biological nitrogen removal by biological nitrification and simultaneous denitrification was studied (NDS), controlling the sludge age and the system supply air through oxygen concentration sensors dissolved luminescence (LDO), ammonia and nitrates, and the redox potential installed in the aeration tanks. In process control, the emission of nitrous oxide was evaluated and determined the kinetic parameters of nitrification and denitrification, by molecular biology techniques FISH was the identification nitritantes bacteria and denitrifying nitratantes involved in the process of NDS. In terms of removal of organic matter, the effluent quality is compatible to traditional activated sludge processes, with efficiencies from 85 to 95% of COD and BOD. The results showed that the sewer nitrification took place efficiently, resulting in ammonia concentrations in the final effluent smaller than 3.8 NH3 mgN / L. The nitrate concentration results in the final effluent from the activated sludge process demonstrate the significant efficiency of denitrification process, resulting in nitrate concentration in the final effluent smaller than 2.5 mgNNO3 / l. Optimization of the aeration system resulted in an average savings of 34% with the electricity spent aeration system. We conclude that the activated sludge process with nitrification and denitrification simultaneous streaming is a promising alternative treatment to be considered thane in design studies for implementation of new stations as the adaptation of sludge processes already activated. (AU)

FAPESP's process: 12/04235-0 - Optimization of the design and operation of sewage treatment systems by means of activated sludge with extended aeration
Grantee:Rodrigo de Freitas Bueno
Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Doctorate