Postcranial anatomy of Pissarrachampsa sera (Croco... - BV FAPESP
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Postcranial anatomy of Pissarrachampsa sera (Crocodyliformes, Baurusuchidae) from the Late Cretaceous of Brazil: insights on lifestyle and phylogenetic significance

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Godoy, Pedro L. [1] ; Bronzati, Mario [2, 3] ; Eltink, Estevan [4] ; Marsola, Julio C. de A. [4] ; Cidade, Giovanne M. [4] ; Langer, Max C. [4] ; Montefeltro, Felipe C. [5]
Total Authors: 7
[1] Univ Birmingham, Sch Geog Earth & Environm Sci, Birmingham, W Midlands - England
[2] Staatlichen Nat Wissensch Sammlungen Bayerns, Bayer Staatssammlung Palaontol & Geol, Munich - Germany
[3] Univ Munich, Dept Earth & Environm Sci Palaeontol & Geobiol, Munich - Germany
[4] Univ Sao Paulo, FFCLRP, Lab Paleontol Ribeirao Preto, BR-14049 Ribeirao Preto - Brazil
[5] Univ Estadual Paulista UNESP, Dept Biol & Zootecnia, Ilha Solteira - Brazil
Total Affiliations: 5
Document type: Journal article
Source: PeerJ; v. 4, MAY 26 2016.
Web of Science Citations: 16

The postcranial anatomy of Crocodyliforrnes has historically been neglected, as most descriptions are based solely on skulls. Yet, the significance of the postcraniurn in crocodyliforms evolution is reflected in the great lifestyle diversity exhibited by the group, with members ranging from terrestrial animals to semi-aquatic and fully marine forms. Recently, studies have emphasized the importance of the postcranium. Following this trend, here we present a detailed description of the postcranial elements of Pissarrachampsa sera (Mesoeucrocodylia, Baurusuchidae), from the Adamantina Formation (Bauru Group, Late Cretaceous of Brazil). The preserved elements include dorsal vertebrae, partial forehmb, pelvic girdle, and hindlimbs. Comparisons with the postcranial anatomy of baurusuchids and other crocodyliforms, together with body-size and mass estimates, lead to a better understanding of the paleobiology of Pissarracharnpsa sera, including its terrestrial lifestyle and its role as a top predator. Furthermore, the complete absence of osteoderms in P. sera, a condition previously known only in marine crocodyliforms, suggests osteoderrns very likely played a minor role in locomotion of baurusuchids, unlike other groups of terrestrial crocodyliforrns. Finally, a phylogenetic analysis including the newly recognized postcranial features was carried out, and exploratory analyses were performed to investigate the influence of both cranial and postcranial characters in the phylogeny of Crocodyliforrnes. Our results suggest that crocodyliform relationships are mainly determined by cranial characters. However, this seems to be a consequence of the great number of missing entries in the data set with only postcranial characters and not of the lack of potential (or synapomorphies) for this kind of data to reflect the evolutionary history of Crocodyliformes. (AU)

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Support Opportunities: Scholarships in Brazil - Doctorate
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