André Alves Ferreira - Research Supported by FAPESP
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André Alves Ferreira


Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Escola Politécnica (EP)  (Institutional affiliation from the last research proposal)
Birthplace: Brazil

Graduate at Physics from Institute of Physics and Chemistry of São Carlos (USP-1996), master at Physics from the Institute of Physics (USP-1999) and a PhD in Electrical Engineering from the Polytechnic School (USP-2004). He completed two post-doctorates, the first at Centre for Nuclear Fusion of the Instituto Superior Técnico de Lisboa (IST-2006) and the second at Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo (USP-2009), both in Electrical Engineering. He was the development and maintenance coordinator at AeroGeoPhysica-Latinoamérica Ltda and Partner-Director of Geocientífica Projetos e Tecnologia Ltda. He is currently an Assistant Professor at UNESP at the Faculty of Engineering of São João da Boa Vista. He has extensive experience in Electrical and Physical Engineering, with emphasis on Electronic Instrumentation and Digital Signal Processing, mainly in the areas of Electrical, Magnetic and Electronic Measurements; Microwave; Instrumentation; Spectral Analysis; Filters; Synchronous meshes and geophysical equipment. (Source: Lattes Curriculum)

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2 / 1   Completed scholarships in Brazil

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